It's time to....

This is fun lol

Difference is, they turned Sheamus losing into an angle, and when he picked up one win he ended up picking up several in succession. Also, don't dare get sarcastic with me child, I've gone against my usual means of debating which ripping up apart. I'm arguing with a mark here for Christ sake, but I'm doing it so that you can understand reality, which you obviously have no contemplation of. McIntyre is a jobber, he has been a jobber for nearly a year now, that isn't a thing of wins/losses, that is a thing of nobody cares.

My point was the same way they turned Sheamus's losing streak around it could easily happen with Mcintyre. Child? Wow name calling and I thought you were above that Dragon. your calling me a Mark? isn't that like the pot calling the kettle back?

Hitler campaigned and once he won the election, he went against his word, you may want to learn History for one and two know that you're going against someone who is studying for a B.A in Arts so chances of you going far are slim to none. Vince McMahon has the right however, seeing as he is the Owner, bit that isn't the point I made. In terms of what the general consensus is, McIntyre sucks and very few care for him, the general consensus will always ride over the minority. That is the way life works, gets used to it, or It'll smack you from behind.

lolz, while I could debate that pursuing that degree in the current economic climate is not a wise investment in both time and money I will ask how that makes you a threat in history? I've got a doctrine in thug-o-nomics so that makes me kind of the authority here. While I'll let you in on a secret that Hitler was never voted into power, his National Socialist Party was the biggest party in Germany. People knew that the party was intolerant, noisy and undisciplined. Thus when the president that germans voted in made Hitler chancellor they knew what they were getting. I'm not here to debate general consensus as it's been proved wrong before, I'm merely stating my passionate opinion that Mcintyre is worthy of another push and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I'm not going to sit here and argue with a brick wall or repeat myself, but i'll be damned if I'm going to let you think that your opinion is everyone's opinion.
The Fatal 4 way match the other night (which Ziggler won to become No.1 Contender)

Did you notice how Ziggler kicked out about 4 times just before 3 counts? This seems like something a Face would do. However it could just be WWE teasing fans that Ziggler is turning face when really he will stay heel. I mean he pinned Jack Swagger, his best mate?

I think Ziggler stays heel but he will do face like things in his matches just to piss those off who are thinking Ziggler is becoming a face.
First off, there are indeed kayface shirts, HOWEVER, none of them say HEEL on them, heres the link

and none of Zigglers Merchandise says Heel on it at all, heres that link

and finally, for the WWE, a twitter name cant be that hard to change, therfore any connection between Ziggler and the word heel is irrelevant because the WWE can get rid of all evidence and pretend that it never existed, they have done it before and can do it again.

The main problem with Zigglers heel run is how long he has been with Vickie. Even the likes of edge had to break away from her at some point, and its time for Ziggler to do so heel , face or in between. If Dolph was to stay heel, he would need to break away from Vickie and swagger and prove that he is "just that damn good" on his own. Why cant he turn face though? Some people say there is nothing for him there, i disagree. Ziggler could have very good feuds with The Miz, Cody Rhodes or Daniel Bryan to name a few. He isnt that best on the mic but he's far from bad. I think Ziggler would be successful in either role.

As Far as McIntyre goes, I don't think this is the correct place to discus his career or skill, but we already went there so I will say this. McIntyre is Good in the ring and decent on the mic. I think he deserves far more then what he's getting......hmm kinda like Dolph, lol.

Randy gets pops, he gets the biggest pops out of any WWE Superstar today and that is including CM Punk, Cena etc, etc.
:lol: Maybe about the same for Punk(if that) but nowhere near Cena
I think they should go a head and turn Ziggler face. He has been right on the edge of being a permanent main eventer as a heel, and maybe turning face would put him over the edge. I think Ziggler is good, but I still also think something is missing to. Maybe the face turn would complete his rise to the top. It would freshen his character, and also give him some different opponents to face. With Orton out on Smackdown and Big Show turning heel, now would be the perfect time.
Why is the answer for some wrestling fans always "turn him face/heel". Is this really how you guys think? Is the only way to change a character or to freshen someone up to change their alignment? How about trying something new with his current character? How about putting a mic in his hand and give him something worth fighting for. Give him something better than an after thought title match that he's most likely going to lose. So far all we really know about Dolph Ziggler is that he's a hell of an athlete with a good look. His mic work is still in question and his character development is minimal. Which it's funny to see people wanting him to turn face when he hasn't even fully developed his heel persona.

It's not all I ever push for, but Ziggler is practically as underdeveloped as ADR has been for almost 2 years now. He has literally gone nowhere practically. If you wanna keep him heel and break away from Vickie, that's worth a shot, however, it will be quite an underwhelming break up. I say that because they couldn't build it too well because keeping him heel would be very little payoff. Also, when it did happen he would have to come out and cut one of his usual boring heel promos because breaking away from Vickie Guerrero and staying heel wouldn't be easy.

P.S. - Maybe it's time for someone to open up a thread discussing Drew McIntyre... :icon_neutral:
I think something different is definetely needed to freshen things up with Ziggler. A face turn might do the trick and actually showcase depth. He's already having great matches with everyone, so, that might be it. I'd be for anything against the norm which WWE has been clinging to lately.....
I say yes. As long as WWE allows him to showcase his in-ring skills, it will work. I say just keep him the same but have him go after heels. He doesn't do anything heelish as it is. Plus, this could be what puts him permanently in the main event.
I hated this idea until last night. But now I think a face turn makes a lot of sense. He can still be the arrogant show off, but the fact is that he's so immensely talented, it's not like he's conniving to compete now. He's just out-performing every other talent on the roster. Fans obviously want to cheer him. Really, he doesn't need to change a thing, all he has to do is start winning consistently and he'll turn face naturally.

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