Mark Madden: What Is This Guy's Problem With TNA?

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he is annoying but he has a good point about trashing TNA i mean the show is already trash but stupid people still watch it
he isnt the idiot for saying what he is saying,you guys are the idiots for watching TNA thats the truth

and as for the hogan thing,the only reason hogan wants to join TNA is because wwe dont want him,so he has become bitter and jelous and wants to try and bring vince down

*note to hogan*
remember vince made you BUT TNA will break you
Cant stand the guys articles to be honest. I think they are pointless and sound like a little kid who isnt getting his way most of the time. Not gonna state opinions on tna or the speach because its not what this article is about. Its more about mark maddens constant bitter articles. They have been on both wwe and tna and everywhere in between. To me he sounds like just another bitter guy who had a spot in the light then lost it and now is bitter towards anyone who has a spot. Im quite surprised he still has as big as a job writing articles seeing how many people just doesnt like them at all and are not entertained. Out of the 20 or so people that have posted on this board,4 or 5 have said they like or dont mind his articles. The rest have stated they cant stand them. I hope mark reads this so maybe it will open his eyes to see people are not entertained and do not enjoy his bitter rants and maybe will ether write something that actually has some real,sensable material to it or just stops writing articles all together for a while.
That doesn't make any sense. So you have to grow up in the wrestling business before you can own a wrestling company?

I think that what the Rated R Superstar would have said if it were not for the failures of our school system, parenting or genetics that got in the way is that Dixie Carter had no background in wrestling until her father bought her the company 6 years ago, and hasn't seemed to learn much in the meantime. Vince got his company from his father too, but he had grown up in the business and learned a lot. If Bischoff or Heyman or Piper or Foley or Lawler or Flair or Cornette or the Jarretts or Raven or maybe a half dozen others found $50 million to sink into a pro wrestling company, it would be a lot better run. Maybe not the Jarretts.

As for Mark MAdden, he never has anything good to say about TNA. But I think he has some idea how a well-run wrestling promotion looks and acts, better than you or I do. And he sees TNA, and that ain't it.

As for the Dixie speech, if you're a parent look at it this way: If you went to a PTA meeting and the principal addressed the teachers that way, would you be reassured or worried about the school. I'd be worried--who is undermining the principal? Why? Do they have a point? And why the hell is she talking about this in public?
Rip on Marky Mark all you want, but hey, he get's good inside info, and like stated early, he half the time is dead on in his article. Their is truth in it when he goes after both sides as well, and their is truth that he doesn't know his head from his ass. But I liked the article he had on Dixie Carter. She is very businesslike, but also very stubborn. Not also that, but Mark was with the company during that huge battle between Hogan and Russo, and knows a thing or two about what happens when a star has that control. So he expressed a very good opinion, with facts. Now when he said that WWE is a product not nearly as good as WCW, well I will say bullshit on that. :O)
he is annoying but he has a good point about trashing TNA i mean the show is already trash but stupid people still watch it
he isnt the idiot for saying what he is saying,you guys are the idiots for watching TNA thats the truth

Do you wear a helmet to make toast? TNA puts out a better product then the WWE week in week out, so go take your rabid fanboyism back to the WWE forums.

As for Mark Madden, what can you do? Sure he can be an asshole, but that's his job. He thrives of people complaining about his opinion, in a lot of ways he's like Eric Cartman it doesn't matter if he's a sexist prick who rips into everyone and everything related to the wrestling industry, so long as people talk about him he's done his job. Do I agree with his opinion? Not really, I don't think Dixie should be addressing the TNA locker room on TV the way she has but I also can't blame her for wanting to take charge, she's the boss, she writes the cheques so what she says goes and that's about it.

One thing I will say is that the number of people who keep chucking out that "Daddy bought his daughter a wrestling company" are a bunch of fucking idiots, she's 45. And she's done a lot of work with TNA, if she hadn't convinced Panda Energy to invest money into TNA they would've gone under years ago when they lost their financial backing from HealthSouth. To act as if she isn't interested in TNA beyond making money is ridiculous and personally I find a lot of the criticism being lobbed at her is usually the unfounded rantings of people with no experience in any business situation.

She has to do what's right for her company and if that means she pisses off a bunch of smarks who think they could build a wrestling company from the ground up then so be it.
Madden, more than likely, is just upset that nobody offered him a job in TNA ... or WWE for that matter. And because of that, this is simply his way of staying relevant to the wrestling business-- making controversial columns to get people simply to respond to him.

I even question whether he believes half the stuff that comes out of his mouth, as opposed to simply saying stuff to get people riled up. Out of all his columns, I've probably agreed with him 10% of the time.
You guys realize that Madden is basically a gimmick of himself, right?

I think of it this way -- if politicians were 100% honest, the editorial columns in newspapers would be blank.

If both TNA and WWE would stop underestimating and start respecting their respective fan bases, Madden wouldn't have much to criticize.

Well, okay, I'm sure Madden would still be able to find something to bitch about... but, y'know what? That's his JOB here on WZ.

I doubt he scored his "column" here because he promised that everything he'd be writing would be about puppy dogs and kittens, butterflies, how sweet candy is and just how cute fuzzy bears are.

WZ was banking on Madden's reputation of stirring the pot and, basically, pissing off people who read his columns. He doesn't expect you to agree with him, and he probably doesn't want you to. But, he wants to you see beyond most of the BS that both WWE and TNA present to you every week. A lot of what both promotions present is insulting to their audience, but, they expect you to buy into it anyway... worse yet, buy into it blindly without question. Madden, basically, IS questioning... actually openly challenging them.

Granted, Madden's execution could be tweaked. He does come off sounding like an embittered blow hard more often than not. There's no question in my mind that Madden harbors a ton of resentment from the WCW days and the business in general. But, so what? That's Madden's own personal cross to bare. But, that resentment provides fuel for his columns and whatever else he does in the media/interweb and he makes money from it. And like newspaper editorialists who often get too personally involved with the policies and politicians they write about, their newspaper columns also can subsequently become too personal at times. It's human nature.

I'm not trying to defend Madden. I don't think Madden's the kind of guy I would hang out with, to be honest. But, Madden's not trying to be my friend here. He's not trying to be anyone's friend. I imagine Madden wants to be the guy who will enjoy saying, "I TOLD YOU SO!" if/when TNA folds... or anything else he writes about ever comes to fruition.

I think Madden wants to be the first call "bullshit" whenever anyone in the business is trying to put themselves (persons or the promotion) over through questionable means.

Dixie's speal last week, was indeed "bullshit." The 3 minute speech on TNA last week wasn't to put the promotion or the talent over, she was putting herself over. "Bullshit!," said Madden. And, y'know, he's right!

Is THAT kind of crap that we should now be expecting from TNA and their so-called "new beginning?" If Madden is picking on TNA more than WWE, I can't really blame him.

Madden was around WCW when the self-destruct button was pushed and the clock started counting down. He was able to see the mistakes made that pushed WCW out of business.

People often claimed the biggest problem that caused WCW to go under was the big name wrestlers went into business for themselves and holding other talent down. Geeze... whose names were thrown around? Well, there was Nash (in TNA now... barely, but he's there) and... who else... oh yeah... HULK HOGAN! Y'know, the guy TNA is now promoting as the TNA savior. HUH.

Of course, people said that WCW's management losing focus on how to run the company as they were too busy kissing Hogan's ass was another reason that lead WCW to it's doom. Who would that be? Oh YEAH! Eric Bischoff! The other guy TNA is depending to "save" them! Of course, Bischoff's lips were attached firmly to Hogan's ass the day Hogan met Dixie for the first time.

Oh, the piss poor writing and booking of WCW programming mixed in with the endless politics surrounding the writers also lead WCW to it's folding... who were those guys? Oh yeah! The team of "Vince R. and Eddie F.!" I wonder those guys are now? I think I heard they were the head writers for TNA!

Then you wonder why Madden is so hard on TNA?

If you think about it, the very same group of idiots who all help lead WCW to its demise are now being touted as the ones who will "save" or "bring TNA to the next level" ???

And who is the one that is bringing these idiots over to TNA who are most likely to relive the doomed past of WCW? Dixie Carter!

Maybe Madden's right for ripping her a new one whenever given the chance. It's one thing to be blind and leading the blind. It's another thing to be so arrogant about being so wrong. Dixie Carter seems to be getting worse at being that... and that speech did more damage to herself than she will ever realize. And I still believe that the motivation behind putting it on TV was an act of desperation in response to the company being in deeper trouble than anyone realizes.

But, what Madden is seeing are the same faces being allowed to do the same damage to TNA as they did to WCW.

Same shit, different promotion.

I too, call, "Bullshit!"

In essence, I don't agree with everything Madden says, but, I find his columns fun to read. I "get" what he's doing. Sort of like how people enjoy watching Andy Rooney editorializing about his latest gripe "Y'know what I hate about airline peanuts?" It's what'd you'd expect from Rooney... and Madden bitching about anything in wrestling is what you'd expect from him. And, if he angers you so much... don't read his column. Simple as that. But, personally, I'd hate to miss out on the ride.
I hate to say it, but I have to agree with him on his views of Dixie Carter trying to be a hardass in front of the TNA roster, when she really is the furthest thing from it. I noticed her voice shaking a few times during that address, did anyone else?

Some of his criticisms and views are undoubtedly unfounded, but I have to agree with him on that subject at least.
I think this is known as the Sarah Palin effect (Curse you Urban Dictionary). Where someone who is close to the problem thinks that because they were close to it that they somehow know anything about it.

He is a nobody in the history of wrestling and he somehow thinks that he knows it all. I mean sometimes he hits the mark but if I spoke as much as he does I would be bound to hit the truth at some point or another.

Just My Opinion
For me Madden's columns here are a highlight and so are his appearances on the audio show. He's a critic for fecks sake, who would want to read a critic gushing about how brilliant everything is. And he doesn't hold back any punches, no matter who they're aimed at. At least he's not selectively critical like Kenny Bolan or whoever. My god, if he was on VOW, you'd really have something to call foul about.

edit: but saying that, I guess Kenny Bolan's entire spouts may well actually be one large inter-twinned work.
I'm very interested in this. For awhile, I was really enjoying Mark both on the radio and from reading his columns.

Now, however, I have to admit I'm getting a little tired of his self righteous attitude. He always puts over his IQ, mine is 145, BTW, and in so doing, seems to talk down to fans.

He's called people on the boards "A bunch of 12 year olds." Well, I'm as far from 12 as you can get.

His venom seems to be more directed towards the fans, and that has soured me on him. I've got a lot of respect for his intellect, but don't rub it in people's faces.

I think he thinks he knows best, and maybe he ridicules TNA because he misses WCW, and is pissed to see TNA sort of adopting the same model.

Here's my 2 cents. Madden probably has enough credibility to get a job with TNA, if he wanted. In fact, I think he'd make a damn good booker.

But, he has stated he'll never be in the wrestling business again. I have no problem with him voicing his opinion on TNA, because everyone has a right to do that.

But, this constant putting down the fans, and especially the IWC, has really turned him heel in my mind. If you're smarter than everyone else and confident of that, you don't need to tell everyone and insult people.

If he's tired of the fans, tired of the product and can only ridicule it, then stay in Pittsburgh and talk about football, something I think he does very well.

We are the fans. We buy tickets. Sites we visit report on wrestling. Before you insult us, realize that people just like us bought your house for you back in the day, and show us a little more respect.
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