[OFFICIAL] TNA Potential Sale Discussion

Seeing the list of potential buyers, I would like to annouce that me, The Killjoy, Moderator of the TNA Wrestling & General Wrestling sections of WrestleZone Forums, am joining the bid of purchasing TNA. I expect the "news" to be formally announced in the main pages briefly. After heading to Nashville to make my deal ($750, a Nintendo 64 and beat up 1986 Corolla are what I offered) Ethan Carter II, not the ECIII we see on TV, has told me that as of this moment Scooby Doo has the highest bid thanks to the wealth of Daphne Blake. I would do such dirty things to that girl.....

This is becoming an incredibly stupid joke. With dirt sheets being the punchline rather than TNA. It seems everytime someone with a connection to wrestling makes a passing comment, they're suddenly a legitimate candidate. Because clearly a washed up wrestler with decades of alcohol problems can just whip up the cash with some charity site. And a musician that's never really been that mainstream or done much in years clearly has the money.
According to Brett Buchanan of AlternativeNation.net, he has spoken to a "second hand source" and can confirm Billy Corgan's intent to purchase TNA Wrestling, stating that the buy-out may even be a "done deal".

Someone here mentioned Corgan and it wouldn't surprise me if it was him. He's been a huge wrestling fan for years and also has the money and the backing to make a buyout possible. I love it if true (Again IF true). I know he's dabbled in ownership/running a wrestling federation before, albeit small ones. I would not mind if he bought it and see what names he could lure in.
Ok so There has to be something to this story if Lou E Dangerously seems to know a bit about it:

In an update, former ECW Original and WWE employee Lou D'Angeli, who is a longtime friend of Corgan's, wrote the following on Twitter last night:

"Is @billy set on buying @IMPACTWRESTLING??? I know he is pretty serious in at least partial, if not, majority ownership. #TNA
This from both TNAAsylum and TNAInsider, both of whom are reporting the same information based on the Twitter report from Lou D'Angeli (former WWE front office employee):

According to the Twitter of Lou D'Angeli, (who is a former WWE Front Office guy and someone close to the man) Billy Corgan (of Smashing Pumpkins fame) is in negotiations to buy IMPACT Wrestling. He was apparently the one in Nashville last week and he is interested in at least partial if not majority ownership of the company.

A few days ago, Janice Carter sent out a memo to TNA Employees stating that they were committed to TNA and wouldn't be selling "ownership stake" in the company.


There's not a ton behind this in terms of exactly what Corgan's role would be, but he's worked with TNA in the past, and owns and operates Resistance Pro Wrestling, which has utilized (and still does) TNA talents.

If Carter's memo is in fact genuine, and Panda is still seeking to keep majority ownership of the company, adding in a backer like Corgan as a minority owner could serve in a way in which a lot of folks probably aren't considering — a feeder system/developmental territory. Couple this with the reports that OVW and TNA are severing ties, it probably makes sense with IMPACT going back to taping in Orlando to have RPW as something of a developmental territory to work with.

Thoughts on this?
Corgan is at least a fan of Wrestling and has had some experience in the industry. As to if that would translate into something awesome for the company, I can't tell you, but I still think this would be better than if Viacom or Eric Bischoff get's the company. I'm just sitting back and seeing what shakes loose. I'll believe it when it's legitimately confirmed, but this still sounds a little more believable than any other "Reports" that have come in thus far.
Oh, I do so have mixed opinions about this.

I've been a huge Smashing Pumpkins fan since before my short hairs came in, and considering my long hairs keep creeping backwards on my head, that's been a while. Billy Corgan is the kind of creative person who is incredibly talented; however, that manifests itself in the fashion that he's kind of a dick who insists upon having everything his own way, which has succeeded in alienating just about everyone he's associated with over his life. Not a good thing, a bad thing, but it is; and one would have to wonder what kind of influence his money would buy in TNA.

He's never struck me as stupid, so I'd certainly hope he wasn't buying in at 5% and letting his money replace someone else's, with the same management.

The reason why I really feel mixed? Almost no one wins in professional wrestling, when it comes time to cash that check. The stories of people who have made money, let alone did well from professional wrestling (long term, don't bring up '96 WCW) are few and far between, and most of them are related.

Also, Oceania was a shit album. If Billy brings his synths to TNA and forgets his guitars, I might have to sit this one out.
I don't know who started this rumor but I believe some one may be
angry at Dixie Carter for what ever reason and is spreading this lie. I've been a wrestling fan for over 20 years and this rumor makes no sense to me. I got a good idea who may be behind this rumor. TNA is not selling their company. They are moving back to Universal Studios in Florida . Dixie's mother said TNA is not for sale but people continue repeating this lie. I'm not one of those people who want TNA to fail or hoping MacMahon will buy TNA.
I would like to see him take full ownership of the company, and get the right people in there. Billy Corgan may not have WWE money, but he can attract some good people for that company.

If he is just a partial owner, he couldn't get really get TNA moving the right course. Now there is a downside with Billy Corgan purchasing TNA. He has good money, just not the big bucks a WWE or a Television network has.

This means less guaranteed contracts for the talent. This can be a good or bad thing for some of the talent. Older talent, will get upset, because they want a decent pay day for being a decent name. Great for younger talent, cause a wrestling promotion with a decent time-slot will want to branch out to them.

If Corgan does take over, let's just hope that Billy Corgan won't pull a Vince Russo and try to "Change" pro wrestling.
Dixie's mother said TNA is not for sale but people continue repeating this lie. I'm not one of those people who want TNA to fail or hoping MacMahon will buy TNA.

No, we got an Insider report that she told TNA officials that the ownership stake isn't for sale in an internal memo. We don't know if she's lying to them to cover her hide or if the memo even exist. That "denial report" has just as much of a chance of being as the sale rumors.
Despite all my rage,
I'm gonna put this match in a caaage

Yeah, I don't really have anything of substance to add to this thread but neither has anyone else. Looking at TNA I just don't see this as a good time to sell but what do I know about TNA or Carter's finances. I do assume mommy and daddy are regreting getting in to this business.
Ever since the news broke that the Carter Family was interested in selling TNA it has caught my attention. I personally believe that this is a good move on the Carters part if their hearts aren't into this Company. I understand that TNA has been mismanaged that they have brought in guys who brought nothing to the table for what they were paid. Nonetheless I believe that TNA needs to stay in business so that there is an alternative to the WWE.

Now to the big question. Over the last several years us fans have seen wrestling companies come and go. The big companies were WCW and ECW who were bought by the WWE. If I'm correct we have never seen a company in TNA's position sold with the possibility of keeping their TV deal and staying on a national level. So this is what I wonder...

We currently have...
AJ Styles as Champion
Bromance as Tag Team Champions
Gail Kim as Knockout Champion and a TV Championship that's AWOL.
We have the different storylines with Dixie Carter as the Heel Authority, Aces and Eights still, Bully and Anderson feuding and so on.

If and when TNA is sold and they are to remain with Spike TV how will these current storylines play out?
1.I'd like to see an approach where on the first Impact after the sell the new owner or authority figure comes out strips all the Champions of their belts and starts a tournament for each title.
2.On the same Impact I'd like to see them acknowledge the fact that this is a new start and all the current storylines are now dropped and new ones are to come.

These are some things that have crossed my mind and I'd like to see what the other fans think...
...you want the new owner to literally tell the crowd, in short, that "these stories" are now defunct? I can barely put into words how poor of a decision this would be. Right on par with Bash at the Beach between Hogan and Russo. Sorry, bud, but the crowd is simply not that smart. It's why the terms "mark" and "smark" exist, and why they are mutually exclusive.
People have been talking about the WWE buying up TNA for a long while. The most realistic reason being TNA's tape library. I could see the WWE playing that on their network someday.

But you know what I'd like to see?

I'd like to see the WWE create a brand targeted at adults. Real attitude era, HBO/Showtime stuff.

I don't think they're gonna do it, but that's the one thing I could see the WWE doing in terms of keeping TNA on the air.

I'd like to see them keep the promotion running for that audience that they don't currently reach out or speak to.

If and when TNA is sold and they are to remain with Spike TV how will these current storylines play out?
1.I'd like to see an approach where on the first Impact after the sell the new owner or authority figure comes out strips all the Champions of their belts and starts a tournament for each title.
2.On the same Impact I'd like to see them acknowledge the fact that this is a new start and all the current storylines are now dropped and new ones are to come.

These are some things that have crossed my mind and I'd like to see what the other fans think...

1. I'd like to see TNA be different than any other company in the world and have NO AUTHORITY FIGURE.

If you think about it, anything a Dixie Carter or a Brad Maddox, or any authority figure does can be done by the wrestlers themselves:

"Let me tell you something, Brother! I just talked to management! You better go in the back and change because we got a match tonight!"

Whatever the situation, it all gets streamlined if you take out the authority figure. The ring announcer/host/commentator could do anything else.

2. I'd personally like to see them wrap up everything.
Great idea. It totally worked for WCW. :rolleyes:


If TNA's new ownership is going to do something resembling this, it needs to be a complete rebranding, period. Otherwise why make such an ostentatious admission of failure? There's no need for someone to stand in the middle of the ring and announce that they're rebooting the show. It's not exciting, it doesn't put over anything, and again, it's so WCW 2000.
First off, forget about WWE buying TNA. It would make zero sense. They can't air programming on Viacom, so they wouldn't be able to keep the TV deal. And they wouldn't be eliminating competition because Spike would eventually fill the void. People don't realize that Spike has had wrestling on the network since 1999. They dumped ECW for WWE and then when WWE left they immediately signed TNA up. If WWE were to acquire TNA it would be another fake invasion angle and another rise and fall DVD while some other wrestling promotion will pop up on Spike.

As far as a new owner from TNA. The names going around would be a step down, as they apparently don't have the cash at least in terms of running TNA and aren't much of a big deal otherwise. New ownership would only be a positive if it's Viacom or some Billionaire that wants to get into wrestling because they've got nothing better to do.
First off, forget about WWE buying TNA. It would make zero sense. They can't air programming on Viacom, so they wouldn't be able to keep the TV deal. And they wouldn't be eliminating competition because Spike would eventually fill the void. People don't realize that Spike has had wrestling on the network since 1999. They dumped ECW for WWE and then when WWE left they immediately signed TNA up. If WWE were to acquire TNA it would be another fake invasion angle and another rise and fall DVD while some other wrestling promotion will pop up on Spike.

As far as a new owner from TNA. The names going around would be a step down, as they apparently don't have the cash at least in terms of running TNA and aren't much of a big deal otherwise. New ownership would only be a positive if it's Viacom or some Billionaire that wants to get into wrestling because they've got nothing better to do.

Can we please move on from the thought that TNA needs a cash cow and a "big deal"? Sure, whoever it is needs some financial backing, but more importantly they need a vision and the will to execute it properly. A "big deal" would only get them attention for a week. A passionate, creative thinker will sustain them for much longer. Is he going to have money? He has to, at least temporarily. Still ...

We already saw what would happen if TNA was backed by someone with lots of money. They'd spend it. Meanwhile, the people on top had no particular vision. They had many visions due to their president being fed different versions of TNA by a billion people, turning it into a strange mix of many things. Sometimes it worked, most times it didn't.

Personally, I think TNA need a creative mind. Someone who can make good Television and not get too caught up with other ventures. Not until the show itself is as good as it can be.

Dixie, as great as she's been to TNA (the bitch ran it for 10+ years, give her some credit), never really had a "wrestling" vision, I believe. She was never a wrestling fan, I doubt she learned to love it as much as wrestling fans did either. I think she loves TNA and everyone involved, but the wrestling genre? Doubtful. Her biggest problem in my view was that she listened too damn much. She listens to her employees, she listens to her writers, she listens to guys like Hogan and Bischoff, she listens to the damn fans (smart move), she listens to SpikeTV. And on top of all, she tries to mix all of that and please everyone and by doing so she ends up pleasing no one.

McMahon is a big asshole most of the time, but he doesn't listen to anyone but himself and his own gut. He couldn't care less if we hated or loved something. He couldn't care less if most of his roster hated his guts. He has his own little vision, he believes it works and he executes it. Does it work? Not right now, but this confidence in his vision has saved his ass many times before. It's why he has all these money in 2013, allowing him to make mistake after mistake with not a lot of backlash. He earned it by executing his vision ten years ago.

Heyman, who's an overhyped "genius" for me, still had a vision for ECW and saw some success. He ain't no Einstein but he had a clear vision of what he wanted and lots of passion to go. ECW was smaller than TNA is right now, didn't last as long and is still more memorable for fans. Guess why.

So, TNA needs a passionate fan behind them, with the means to execute a vision that is similar to what the rest of the fans want. Unless Dixie spends a lot of money on research, I don't see how she can get a sense of what the majority wants. A wrestling fan would be much closer to that than Dixie. Billy Corgan or whoever it is.

In my opinion, money + vision + passion + knowledge = a shot at surviving a few more years and maybe even reaching higher grounds. Up until now TNA had only the money, and not in bulk. No vision, some passion, zero knowledge. Ya need all the gears for this clock to run.
If and when TNA is sold, they necessarily don't have to go off the air, and strip everyone of their belts. Killing everybody's credibility on live television isn't a good idea.

In addition, if Billy Corgan, a big wrestling fan like us is in charge. He isn't going to copy the big mistakes of WCW. He is going make a couple moves here in there. He just isn't going to come on air, and say, "Yep. I am in charge. Give me all those belts."

What needs to happen, is a slow process and addition and subtraction. Finding what works, and what doesn't. Making releases, and bringing in his staff.
Its been mentioned in the last few comments so I won't harp on it too much, but Billy Corgan coming in as a total fan would be great for them!

this was on the Wrestlezone main page:

If he has made a connection to someone wealthy (hopefully Mark Cuban) to back his idea's financially I can only see it being a good thing.
He has the passion, LOVES the product and would be smart enough to bring in the right people to help execute his ideas.

If it were me, I'd offer Jim Ross a shite tonne of money to sit at home as a consultant.
Don't make him travel unless he wants to, feed of his knowledge of the industry and use some of his creative idea's. He has been around the biz for long enough and was in the 2 largest companies so he has a rough idea for what will work and what won't.
Hell, if he is up for it, get him scouting talents again, he did a fairly decent job of that back in the day!!
No way do they ever say they are starting over with storylines or gimmicks, that would be a nail in the coffin. They could start fresh if they wanted, but they don't go out and say they are doing that. Its not like a whole new base of wrestling fans will tune in and watch.

And also, if someone was to take over just for $$ reason, say your a new fan of TNA and you just start watching TNA wrestling in November, and say you really like it. So what might you do as a new fan of TNA wrestling? Maybe, just maybe you buy some of the past TNA PPv dvd's of the past year, or months to see how matches played out, or you check out the TNA site to watch matches, what ever way it might be to see matches of the past few months that are related to the current storylines, like the heel turn of the boss, AJ and his BFG series to becoming champion and so on. So just going out and starting fresh does no go. Just saying, its not just kayfabe reason, but I would say money plays a part in why you would never start fresh.
Look, the first thing TNA needs to do regardless of whether or not its sold is get its head out of its ass and put AJ Styles on television. There is literally nothing they could do that's worse than keeping AJ on this "rebellion" tour. A week off is fine for selling the story. You'll notice that during the Summer of Punk 2.0 AKA the greatest angle in wrestling in the last ten years, the WWE only kept CM Punk off of TV for a week. That had something to do with him being, I don't know, the most white hot superstar in the wrestling universe at the time and the idea of keeping him off of TV was utterly ridiculous.

Doing it with Dixie still the owner and on TV is difficult because it isn't logically consistent, but that should be the least of TNA's worries. Getting AJ "Really Fucking Good At Wrestling" Styles on TV is literally priority one for TNA above all else. Selling the company would really help, as with Dixie removed from power AJ would have a very easy reason to return. Selling the company would also really help because Dixie is not very good at coming up with good wrestling ideas. One might go so far as to say she's quite bad at it. Horrible. Horrendous. Abysmal. Some might say.

TNA can figure out the rest of its shit (and hitting the reset button would just take fans right out of the product, so forget that idea) at a later date. Right now, regardless of what occurs, they need AJ Styles on TV.
They still up for sale or were these just rumors?

I think Viacom buying + them finding a Bischoff or Heyman type wrestling mind to run it day to day would be ideal.

TNA already comes on MTV Tres in Spanish, TNA moving to Saturdays on MTV2 (with a rerun or recap show like ReAction to fill the Spike spot) would be great for TNA's mainstream visibility. It would definitely increase their fanbase to be right before or after the Bellator MMA show, Guy Code and Martin episodes, not to mention having TNA Stars appear on Guy Code, Ain't That America, and the Charlemagne talk show.

A TNA/Viacom partnership would be good for TNA and a good investment for Viacom.
Yes. Yes he will. Because he's the one that ran it into such a horrible state of incompetance that they had to sell 70% of the company in the first place. Take off the rose colored glasses. Jeff Jarrett is not a saviour. He isn't a visionary. He's an egomaniac who had to have his father start his own company because he wasn't wanted or skilled enough to be a real player in the big leagues. So he had to go out, bought what was essentially a territory, and build a roster with himself at the center to feed his ego.

I know I'm pretty new here but what you said is completely wrong and way off track. Jeff didn't run TNA financially in the ground to where they had to sell to Panda Energy. The investor Jeff had originally for TNA had to pull out and stop funding the company altogether
They still up for sale or were these just rumors?

I think Viacom buying + them finding a Bischoff or Heyman type wrestling mind to run it day to day would be ideal.

TNA already comes on MTV Tres in Spanish, TNA moving to Saturdays on MTV2 (with a rerun or recap show like ReAction to fill the Spike spot) would be great for TNA's mainstream visibility. It would definitely increase their fanbase to be right before or after the Bellator MMA show, Guy Code and Martin episodes, not to mention having TNA Stars appear on Guy Code, Ain't That America, and the Charlemagne talk show.

A TNA/Viacom partnership would be good for TNA and a good investment for Viacom.

Lol yeah that would do them good, I haven't even heard of half of those shows. Terrible idea. I don't think TNA is straying away from spike nor should they.

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