[OFFICIAL] TNA Potential Sale Discussion

How about Mark Cuban?

"The interested party is said to be someone fans would know, yet might surprise us, and someone with money behind them." Would fit Cuban to a T, no?

He is a bit wealthy and was previously in talks with WWE about doing some sort of an MMA promotion to compete with UFC plus he's a big wrestling fan.
How much does a wrestling company cost?

Maybe Billy Corgan. He loves wrestling, had his own promotion and has been seen at TNA in the past? His wealth isn't close to Cuban's but it does dwarf Ross'.
I don't believe this story at all. This TNA 4 sale story getting ridiculous and strange each day.

Donald Trump. At this point in his life why would he waste his energy and money on a wrestling promotion?

Billy Corgan. Corgan is a wrestling fan but I cannot see him throw away his hard earned money on a wrestling promotion.

Mark Cuban. The best of the bunch. But for him, if he is not getting an instant return on his investment, he will cut the cord immediately.

I don't buy this new story. Next we going to hear that Pee Wee Herman placed a bid to purchase TNA.:p
I don't think Ross will be a promotion with his own wealth, more likely I think he will be either a minority shareholder or is promised a big role within the company when the sale is complete. That's of course, assuming that Ross is not genuine when he is saying that he is done with wrestling for good.
I still maintain that this could be someone like Chris Jericho and Tim Tebow teaming up, they already are partners in a sports centre so have a base to build talent from. Jericho really has done all he can in WWE and is someone who would fit the "face of a federation" role. Tebow is cash rich and would bring media exposure and has other potential investors through contacts.

Add to that you could have someone like JR in the mix and you could have a "dream team" so to speak.

Just don't let it be David Beckham lol
Lil' Wayne...

If not him, then Birdman. I know for a fact that they're big wrestling fans and it's not unlikely for them to go out and spend lots of money on stuff they don't really need. Plus, it would help TNA out by a LOT.
I think it's Jenna Von Oy aka Six from TV's Blossom.

In other words, I don't believe TNA is for sale, if it were I don't think anyone is isn't interested in buying it, if someone were I don't believe it would be a celebrity, and if a celebrity were interested in buying it, there is no way any reasonable human being would consider the celebrity "major". So yes, Jenna Von Oy is buying TNA and she's going to make all the talent wear kooky hats.

Otherwise all I have to say is that if I were the Carter's and I was working with JR or a JR group on a deal I'd tell him to "eat shit" if I saw him talking about the company while negotiations were in progress. That kind of stuff could devalue a business and doesn't fly with me. I'm no lawyer but I expect there may be something illegal about it as well. Ideally the Carters are smart enough to have whoever they go in to negotiations with sign an agreement that will no allow the "purchaser" to do anything to hurt the company while negotiations are continuing.
Billy Corgan. Corgan is a wrestling fan but I cannot see him throw away his hard earned money on a wrestling promotion.

He runs a company called Resistance Pro Wrestling. I know TNA would probably be a lot more money than whatever it cost to start up Resistance Pro but he would also have a better chance to make more money off it.

That being said I don't think it's him.

I think the whole thing is speculation. Could people be inquiring about the possibility of buying TNA? Sure. It's like when a sports team inquires about the possibility of making a trade for a player on another team. Team A may have never publicly said they are looking to trade the player. They probably have no intent to trade the player but they'll still listen to team B's offer. The sports writers get wind of it somehow and suddenly report that team A is looking to trade the player and is in negotiations to do so. When it doesn't happen what do the sports writers do? Instead of admitting their "sources" were wrong they say the two teams couldn't reach a deal.

So what I'm saying is if TNA doesn't get sold guys like Meltzer will have an out and say TNA and the "potential buyer" couldn't come to an agreement.

If TNA does by chance get sold then you can direct me back to this post and I'll admit I was wrong.
Trump wouldn't buy it unless he and vince had a major falling out which i wouldnt mind as he would have the money and drive (vengeance) to make it a viable competitor in due time.

Cuban would be another good hope as he has money and wants to win and winning in this case would be beating WWE in ratings.

Tho if its some celeb who just wants to spend money and own a wrestling company but has no real background in running a company then i think it will just be swapping hands from one bad owner to a new one.
Ok, I posted this in the actually news comments, but Janice Carter stated today that any rumors of TNA being up for sale are completely false. End of story!

Now, just for s n g's I'll play the game. I'd say this about names mentioned:

Cuban: No. I watch Shark Tank and he refuses to invest in companies that won't make him money. I can't see there being a Dallas based venue that would house TNA as a permanent venue. Although, I'd pop HUGE if Dixie walked out on Shark Tank to see TNA.

Trump: first, if he buys, it'd be simply as a proxy for the WWE to keep it off books from the publicly traded entity. The Donald is buddies with Vince. He's not getting not the wrestling business.

JR: I just don't see, at this point in his life, that he'd want to own a business that would take him away from home.

Jericho: see JR. Jericho has the World on a string, really. He gets to go cash a check with the E when he wants, and still do the Fozzy thing. Why would he tie himself down as an owner, which would then mean, who runs it? So, no!

Now, let me throw this out there: DDP. From what I have heard Dallas has been good with his cash, he's kept his finger on the pulse and he's a good business man. Now, I could see him hiring JR as a consultant, and lets Jarrett run the day to day operations.
Ok, I posted this in the actually news comments, but Janice Carter stated today that any rumors of TNA being up for sale are completely false. End of story!

Now, just for s n g's I'll play the game. I'd say this about names mentioned:

Cuban: No. I watch Shark Tank and he refuses to invest in companies that won't make him money. I can't see there being a Dallas based venue that would house TNA as a permanent venue. Although, I'd pop HUGE if Dixie walked out on Shark Tank to see TNA.

Trump: first, if he buys, it'd be simply as a proxy for the WWE to keep it off books from the publicly traded entity. The Donald is buddies with Vince. He's not getting not the wrestling business.

JR: I just don't see, at this point in his life, that he'd want to own a business that would take him away from home.

Jericho: see JR. Jericho has the World on a string, really. He gets to go cash a check with the E when he wants, and still do the Fozzy thing. Why would he tie himself down as an owner, which would then mean, who runs it? So, no!

Now, let me throw this out there: DDP. From what I have heard Dallas has been good with his cash, he's kept his finger on the pulse and he's a good business man. Now, I could see him hiring JR as a consultant, and lets Jarrett run the day to day operations.

Time will tell. We can't know if she's lying or not.

On the flip side, we'll never know if the rumors were just made up bullshit to sell ads on the internet either.

You do have to take things at face value to an extent but it's also good to be suspicious.

The only thing that's for sure is that we will know for sure eventually. I mean, two years from now if the Carters still own the company, we'll know. If at anypoint before that someone buys it, we'll know.

I agree that Cuban wants something that will make him money, all good business men do ...

But TNA CAN be profitable and IT SHOULD BE.

There's nothing wrong with TNA other than the way it's being run. It should be making money.
What if Dixie Carter herself buys it? Yes, it would be pretty much the same, but it's the company that owns it right now, isn't it? I dunno.

Worst case scenario: it's all a storyline, and AJ styles buys it with some sort of inheritance from a long lost relative, or he secretly made bets on all of these matches he's doing elsewhere, giving him alot of money to play with. Like say he puts a 100k bet on him winning against Mesias, and the odds are like 10 to 1 or something, there's a million right there. It's highly illogical, but when you look at some of the other things that TNA, and WWE, for that matter have done storyline wise, it's not impossible.

Either that, or Katie Vick buys it with the help of Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero, who aren't really dead, it's just a storyline...now that would be Wrestlecrap...
They just reported Billy Corgan was the person closest to purchasing TNA. I personally think this would be a good move for them, bringing in an actual die-hard wrestling fan in to run the ole mill. By this I mean that he would be able to give input from the perspective of a fan as a well be the one who would understand the importance of getting actual input from the fans on the product. That type of interaction would definitely help TNA differentiate in contrast to WWE, while also helping them rebuild their brand and rapport with it's fans, and if nothing else, they get some free entrance music:worship:
I've got one for you, which, if I am right, would be a real shock!

How about:- SHANE MCMAHON!

Shane has made a lot of his own money in business, outside of wrestling. In fact, he has done better making money outside wrestling than his father ever did.

Also, it is apparent that Shane is estranged from WWE. He knows that he will never run it, and the reigns have been handed to Steph and Triple H. Shane may have his nose put out of joint for missing out to his brother-in-law, and may want to start his own wrestling company.

Imagine, Shane McMahon, who in storylines, bought WCW out from under Vince, if he were to actually buy TNA for real!
They just reported Billy Corgan was the person closest to purchasing TNA. I personally think this would be a good move for them, bringing in an actual die-hard wrestling fan in to run the ole mill. By this I mean that he would be able to give input from the perspective of a fan as a well be the one who would understand the importance of getting actual input from the fans on the product. That type of interaction would definitely help TNA differentiate in contrast to WWE, while also helping them rebuild their brand and rapport with it's fans, and if nothing else, they get some free entrance music:worship:

That would be cool.

He didn't give any of the Resistance Pro guys his entrance music but ...

Check out the last episode of Resistance Pro. Was pretty good. Didn't like the X-Pac match but other than that ...

Exclusive to their Youtube channel.
I didn't know he had his own promotion or anything. The most memorable moment with him in wrestling, at least to me, was his time in ECW against "The Network".
The thought of Billy Corgan buying TNA definitely interest me. I can only imagine that he'd do a better job at keeping a pulse on what fans want to see than the Carters, Bischoff, or even Jarrett did. So I'd love to see what he can do with TNA.

As for the Janice Carter story, PWInsider said she sent a internal memo to TNA saying that she's not selling the ownership stake in the company....Which can means 1 of these things:

1. Shares are still being bought into TNA

2. This story can be just as much "Dirtsheet BS" as the others to bring traffic to the site since she didn't publically say and we don't know if that memo even exists.

3. She's trying to cover her ass.

So people shouldn't jump to believe any "denial report" either.
In other words, if the memo is correct, they just want to stop spending all THEIR money, but still want to get the most return. Very sneaky Bob and Janice, very sneaky!

Either that or:

Bob:"Sorry, honey, but we're going to sell TNA."
Dixie:"But, daddy!?"
Janice:"Oh, honey!"
Bob:"Okay, we'll only sell 49 percent..."
Dixie & Janice:"YAY!"

I recommend using a Jim Duggan figure as Dixie, a Mankind figure as Bob, and a Junkyard Dog (along with some Barbie clothes) as Janice...ya know, just for added effect. lol
I didn't know he had his own promotion or anything. The most memorable moment with him in wrestling, at least to me, was his time in ECW against "The Network".

Totally, it's one of my faves, Resistance Pro.

Check it out, these are the episodes that I recommend.



I'm a big Sug D fan. Just a sucker in the love game like myself.

But then who isn't?

Should be mentioned that these shows are from Resistance Pro's official channel. 100% legal and free. God bless the times we live in.
Based on the Rave Reviews I've seen from Bleacher Report and Forbes etc, It seems like Corgan knows how to deliver an entertaining wrestling product so I'd definitely give Corgan the benefit of the doubt if he actually ended up buying it.

I also like that he doesn't treat his wrestling promotion as a Vanity project so that would be another plus for him running TNA since he wouldn't be trying to make himself the center of attention.

So basically I welcome the idea of a Corgan ran TNA more than anything the Carters have tried.
I remember, way back in early August, when I said "hrm, doing the math, it appears that TNA is positioning themselves to be sold." At the time everyone was still hung up on the idea that the only possibilities for TNA would be either Raging Success or Total Bankruptcy, and the idea of a sale seems to have caught fire with people.

If, in any way, shape, or form, I'm responsible for that, I'm sorry. Because now, every last fucking person with either a shred of name recognition or a shred of financial self-sufficiency is being looked at as a "potential buyer", in the hopes of driving clicks and advertising revenue.

TNA is certainly on the auction block. The 'buyer' (if one can be found) will be a frontman for a much larger production company. You won't hear about a sale anytime soon, and certainly not before the "TNA Sale" storyline works its way off the dirt sheets. Until then, we can all stop dropping names. There's informed speculation, and then there's just plain guessing.
Interesting info from Court Bauer regarding potential buyers:

Jeff Jarrett: "Jeff has gotten together a few individuals who could possibly fund the buying of TNA. He's been good with getting investors in the past, see Ring Ka King and he's one of the few guys who can find the finance for projects. We don't know what the company is earning right now, so Jeff is trying to assess the weaknesses, how to run the business and has been on the sidelines looking in. Back when Jeff ran the company before, we hardly heard of any issues with money or payouts. Jeff is the better solution right now."

Dixie Carter: "Dixie has no real involvement in this sale. She might at this point only be a on-air talent right now, as i've not heard of anything involving her backstage."

Eric Bischoff: "Eric Bischoff is another interested party. Eric and 'his people' would probably be in the mix to finance a move"

Mystery Celebrity: ""The third, is someone I can't mention by name, but this is the kind of person who does have money. It could be a step down for them, and its probably not a great company for them to marry up to. Their "Wrestling IQ" is that of someone who knows enough to be 'dangerous'. I use the word 'celebrity' lightly here."

Spike TV: "Would Spike be interested in this? That would be my choice. But you have to look at Bellator and that wasn't a great investment. I don't know what TNA would be worth, but lets look at what WCW went for. Speaking of which, what about Vince & WWE? It would be counter productive. What does it do for the industry? Vince isn't in the same place, where he was with WCW. He has to be careful with what he does in Wrestling. Would he be tempted? Doubtful. None of these suitors really have the funds to go after WWE. What would they do TNA anyway? Its probably better for them to push NXT instead. Would they put it on the WWE Network Exclusively? Maybe TNA want more then WWE rate the company is worth. WWE Could be a suitor, buts its unlikely."

Panda Energy: "They might just keep hold of the company too for now too. They might just keep trucking along for another few years. This might happen tomorrow, or next year or never. Its all to be determined."
I think it's Miley Cyrus. She's been gearing up for it.


There may be no "major celebrity" involved, but in an attempt to stimulate interest by name-dropping (even while dropping no actual names) the sellers are trying to goose the market by pretending there is.

As I remember, WCW announced it had a bunch of irons in the fire; people and organizations ready, willing & able to buy them. In the end, Vince McMahon picked 'em up for a song, right? (maybe just a short medley)

To put it another way, if you've ever bought a home, have you ever had the realtor say: "You'd better move on this because I have three other parties ready to make a take it away from you?"

Or, maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps TNA has bidders coming out of their slammiversaries.
Billy corgan is rumored to be it, i think he would be great every wrestling fan has a dream of running a succesful wrestling business he knows what he likes he knows what sells and he should do great!
This just in, Jake "The Snake" Roberts has expressed interest in purchasing TNA! Like every other name mentioned, he is independently wealthy without having blown all of his wrestling and investment money on cocaine and booze, and would be taken seriously as a front man for an organization who would be looking to invest in TNA for profit.

I'd link to the main page article, but I'm not sending them any more clicks. This story is getting downright ridiculous.

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