Kevin Nash Talks TNA Return? TNA Loses National DVD Distribution Deal


Getting Noticed By Management
Kevin Nash recently spoke to The Sun about a possible return to TNA and more. Here are the highlights…

On a TNA return: “I have a fifteen year old son, and at this point my son needs a Dad more than the world needs a wrestler. The thing that makes TNA work for me is that first of all I have way more friends there than in WWE. I made some friends once I came there – Punk and I got along well, me and Ziggler got along well and I got a chance to hang out with John Cena – but my crew of guys that are still in the business are more the TNA guys.

“It’s fifty miles from my house. I can drive over there; I don’t have to get on a plane. I can put my gear in the trunk, drop the top on my convertible and be over there and do it. It was always a really easy travel day for me. I enjoyed being down there. I also part of a lot of the young guys – AJ, Eric Young, Bobby Roode – in their early stages of development. Now these guys are becoming stars. I’m not saying I wouldn’t go back. If they had something for me and they needed me, I would go back and do it. Right now I’m starting to get bored!”

On what it would take to get TNA up a level: “I think it would take a couple of major players. It would take a CM Punk. He would be a changer for them. He’s an edgy guy, and if he made that jump that would be a huge piece of the pie.

“Or it would need a Dwayne or a Cena. And those guys aren’t going anywhere. I would hate to say ‘never say never’ because if you had told me during our run with WCW that at one point we’d be out there in WWE, I’d have been like ‘What?’ Never say never – crazier things have happened.

“TNA have gone from TNA to Impact Wrestling, which is a brand change. I think they are going in the right direction, as long as TNA continues to make it different. I watch both shows. I like the breakaway feel TNA has, where it feels grittier.”

On The Rock and John Cena: “People love John Cena. There’s a reason John Cena sells the most merchandise. I love the fact that he has not once wavered his character, he’s kept his character completely. That’s so hard to do nowadays. To be that beacon of honesty, respect loyalty – to do that in our society is so hard to do and to have any sort of cool factor. He’s been able to pull it off and I think that’s because he hasn’t wavered. It’s a testament to him.

“The WWE needs The Rock a lot more than The Rock needs WWE. Dwayne opens up number one almost every time he opens up at the box office. He’s in such high demand in Hollywood. He is the guy right now. He’s done over a billion dollars in motion picture revenue.

“I saw him come out at Survivor Series and I hadn’t seen Dwayne in quite some time. I was at the monitor and I said to one of the guys, ‘He looks better than his character in the video game!’”

Does anyone want to see Kevin Nash back in a TNA ring?

I love Kevin Nash but I don't want him showing up again, and when did WWE let him out of his contract?

TNA’s DVD partner Navarre Corporation has gotten out of the DVD distribution business. This is due to many major retailers not willing to stock DVDs unless they are guaranteed moving a certain number of titles per week. Due to Navarre getting out of the business, TNA has now lost their outlet to bring their DVDs to major retailers.

The company is currently looking for a new partner, and will continue to release DVDs through the website.

TNA has the worst luck with media companies, Midway going out of business, Southpeak is stalemate, and now Navarre.. ouch.
Eh, I don't know if I would want Nash back in TNA. I'm a fan as well, but TNA has done a good job of moving forward lately. I think having Nash show up again would be taking a step back. Maybe down the road, if the right storyline comes up. But it would have to be a pretty good storyline. Otherwise, just keep bringing up the younger stars.

That does suck about Navarre. You're right, sometimes TNA can't catch a break. Hopefully they can get around this without much damage.
I don't really have anything against Kevin Nash but I would be perfectly content to not see him get back in a ring, whether it is TNA or WWE, in a wrestling capacity. If he was to come back in some type of role such as a manager I might be okay with that.

It was quite some time ago but I like the role he had with I believe it was with Alex Shelley prior to the formation of MCMG.
On a TNA return: “I have a fifteen year old son, and at this point my son needs a Dad more than the world needs a wrestler."

I read that and was impressed. Then I read the was blah blah blah. He came off about as deep as a puddle after a 4 min rain storm.
I didn't know the "Legends Deal" was over already, but either way, WWE wasted Nash's recent return...could have been done way better, but there's no sign of any future action for him there. I think Nash is great and still has something to offer. He's in shape and can still work a decent match for a big man if they needed him to, but more importantly than that, for my money he's still way more entertaining than 80% of the full time guys in either company right now. WWE ought to be paying him somehow, even if just to work behind the scenes or as an announcer. If TNA could bring him back they should give it a shot though.
Nash needs to avoid TNA and if/when WWE come calling for a mini feud here and there jump at the chance, to be fair to Nash though if he retired at TLC 2011 he went out the right way and in a top(ish) feud, most don't get that opportunity.

Personally I wouldn't be surprised if Nash pops up in a few month-mid summer for a mini run with someone to put them over.
I would prefer he just stay away. He is like 50ish years old and he has knee issues. He went out with a decent feud and match. If he needs work I hear Michael Bay is doing a TMNT remake :lmao:
That would be awesome to see him come in during Lockdown. I would pop like crazy. Actually I think the whole place would errupt.

That could be the settlement for Flair going to the WWE HOF, Flair go there, Nash come here with no no-compete clauses, he would come freely with no attachements.

p.s. I knew Nash would get bored in the WWE!
I think Nash should be on Team Laurantitis... it would answer the question of the texting and the conspiracy stuff... that the WWE had going on with Punk in the Summer... Nash is Johnny Ace's man and have him help win the match at WM, so Ace has all the power over Raw and Smackdown this year...
cm punk lowered whatever worth kevin nash had left...his last run in wwe actually hurt his career more than anything else.
cm punk lowered whatever worth kevin nash had left...his last run in wwe actually hurt his career more than anything else.

At this point what career? He is horrible in the ring because of all those injuries and Punk owned him on the mic.

Nash has nothing left to offer TNA unless it's in the front office. Even then I would be leery of him.
Yup his last WWE run actually hurt his career Punk bashed him, WWE didn't let him wrestle, he went out against losing to Triple-H. Kevin Nash's last run was pretty lackluster in WWE. It would be great if he joined TNA. He can win some titles and put over guys like Samoa Joe etc.
I think Dixie Carter should tell Nash to fuck off.

When Nash was signed to WWE he was nothing short of telling the world that TNA was fucking garbage. To me that was super disrespectful to TNA because they kept him employed when WWE wanted nothing to do with his ass. Now he wants to resign with TNA as soon as his 3 months were up after being shitcanned again from WWE he talks about TNA being his next logical choice.

I say let TNA screw him over and make a statement that just because your a legend in the business if you "belittle our company" don't bother reapplying to work here again.

Mick Foley did the same thing, and Rick Flair has done it while still working in TNA. It's just disrespectful.
TNA losing their DVD is a blow but this might be a good thing to join up with somebody else to get those PPVs out faster as Navarre always seemed to be abit slow, for whatever reason.
It doesn't surprise me at all that Nash is considering a return to TNA. I don't know if anyone else remembers, but soon after Nash reappeared at the WWE Royal Rumble in 2011 he had tweeted something about a possible TNA return. I don't know if that was before he had actually inked his "Legends" deal with WWE or not, but I remember seeing the tweet here on WZ. It said something to the effect of:

"...should I stay here in WWE, or go back to TNA and watch the back of my buddy Sting?"

Sorry that's not an exact quote (I'm going off of memory, from something that was said over a year ago), but Nash had said something extremely similar. This must have been right around the time that Sting returned to TNA, in early 2011.

I agree with everyone else that WWE really dropped the ball with Nash. Maybe this was their idea of "payback", since he had been with TNA for so long. The whole "text message" thing that happened with Punk/Cena last year could have been soooo great...but the storyline ended up tanking. It was like the writers just didn't care about the angle at all. I wonder if that's because they wanted to bury Nash, or if it was just crappy booking.

Nash must have been reading between the lines over a year ago, and he must have had a feeling that he wouldn't be used much on WWE TV. In my opinion, he should have never signed the legends contract with WWE. He should have got his Royal Rumble payday, then immediately gone back to TNA (or gone back whenever he would have been allowed).

Nash is still one of my favorites, and he could be used similarly to how Sting has been used over the past year or so. I know Sting held the TNA title in 2011, but I don't think we'll see him with it again. I like how Sting hasn't been wrestling much lately, and just used on TV as "star power" to help with ratings (and help the younger guys get over). If Nash was willing to work in a similar fashion, I think it would be great. Others have already suggested Nash working as a manager for a younger wrestler, that would be great. I could also see Nash being a TNA "corporate" guy...working with Dixie, or something like that. If he returned as a member of "Immortal", that would be ridiculous. If that's what they would have him do, I'd say just let him stay at home and "be a Dad" (or however that last article started).
I've got no real issue in older stars being signed or used so long as they're used in ways that actually benefit the company & product as a whole rather than their own egos. If TNA brought Nash back, I'd very much hope that they didn't revert to their practice of putting over the old veterans at the expense of the younger talent. TNA has moved away from that booking philosophy and it's been one of the factors that's resulted in a much better product.

Kevin Nash is someone whose best years are behind him, but I've no problem generally with how WWE used him in his last run. Nash was initially scheduled to face CM Punk and put Punk over but some sort of medical issue was discovered so they put that idea on hold. They moved Punk onto other things and put Triple H in Punk's place when feuding with Nash once he was able to compete. During his last WWE run, Nash didn't take up a lot of time, his promos & segments weren't made the center of the show and had he been physically able to go against Punk, he'd have been booked the right way by putting over a hot young main eventer. Nash still has his name if nothing else, so it was the perfect way to use him. If he made a TNA return, I hope they'd be smart enough to use him similarly.

As for will he come back, it's possible but I doubt it. As someone already pointed out, I think Nash would want to keep his schedule open in case WWE came calling to use him for something else. Also, if I'm not mistaken, isn't Nash now currently signed to a 5 year WWE Legends deal? I could've sworn I'd read that he was sometime last year. If that's so, then wouldn't that in and of itself prevent a return to TNA?

As for the DVD distribution deal, lousy luck for TNA. I'm not really all that surprised, however, because I don't think TNA DVDs are very big sellers. Whenever I've gone to Wal-Mart, for instance, I almost never see a TNA DVD on the shelf anywhere, and I don't think it's because they sell out of them.
I have no idea why Nash left. Did his contract expire ? Was it conflict with Hogan and Bischoff ? Whatever the reason, he has a right to leave TNA and go after better opportunities if they are available. I think his run in WWE was less than stellar. I mean a match against Triple H, who couldn't see it as a means to put over H ? If they really wanted to do something useful with him, they could have had him join forces with Laurinitas (if I spelt it wrong, forgive me) and start a stable to destroy the talent on Raw and feud with H. They went for a easy less than interesting storyline instead.
I don't think Nash can work behind the scenes with Bischoff and Hogan. I mean if he needs the work, but I just think the egos involved will clash too much to get anything done.

AS far as losing the distribution deal, I've never bought TNA dvds, so it doesn't hurt me, but I do feel bad that TNA has lost this and hope they can find some one else to help them in that area soon.
I've got no real issue in older stars being signed or used so long as they're used in ways that actually benefit the company & product as a whole rather than their own egos. If TNA brought Nash back, I'd very much hope that they didn't revert to their practice of putting over the old veterans at the expense of the younger talent. TNA has moved away from that booking philosophy and it's been one of the factors that's resulted in a much better product.

Kevin Nash is someone whose best years are behind him, but I've no problem generally with how WWE used him in his last run. Nash was initially scheduled to face CM Punk and put Punk over but some sort of medical issue was discovered so they put that idea on hold. They moved Punk onto other things and put Triple H in Punk's place when feuding with Nash once he was able to compete. During his last WWE run, Nash didn't take up a lot of time, his promos & segments weren't made the center of the show and had he been physically able to go against Punk, he'd have been booked the right way by putting over a hot young main eventer. Nash still has his name if nothing else, so it was the perfect way to use him. If he made a TNA return, I hope they'd be smart enough to use him similarly.

As for will he come back, it's possible but I doubt it. As someone already pointed out, I think Nash would want to keep his schedule open in case WWE came calling to use him for something else. Also, if I'm not mistaken, isn't Nash now currently signed to a 5 year WWE Legends deal? I could've sworn I'd read that he was sometime last year. If that's so, then wouldn't that in and of itself prevent a return to TNA?

As for the DVD distribution deal, lousy luck for TNA. I'm not really all that surprised, however, because I don't think TNA DVDs are very big sellers. Whenever I've gone to Wal-Mart, for instance, I almost never see a TNA DVD on the shelf anywhere, and I don't think it's because they sell out of them.

I enjoyed in late 2009 when Nash was Legends champ and I think guys like that could be useful if they were paired up in TNA. It takes them away from the main event scene yet use them as mini attractions for nostalgia sakes. Sting would be great for that too.
The problem with Kevin Nash is, he still thinks he can go. He still thinks his place is in the ring. No matter which company he is in, his place is anywhere -but the ring. He cant even walk in a spirited fashion down the ramp.

I love him and will always pop when i see him on TV, but he just cannot wrestle anymore. If he goes anywhere, TNA or stays with WWE, he needs to be either used in a on screen managerial role or in a backstage creative role.

Nash will go where the money is though, thats why he left TNA, he saw a massive payday and bailed. Honestly, if i were Dixie id give him two middle fingers.
The problem with Kevin Nash is, he still thinks he can go. He still thinks his place is in the ring. No matter which company he is in, his place is anywhere -but the ring. He cant even walk in a spirited fashion down the ramp.

I love him and will always pop when i see him on TV, but he just cannot wrestle anymore. If he goes anywhere, TNA or stays with WWE, he needs to be either used in a on screen managerial role or in a backstage creative role.

Nash will go where the money is though, thats why he left TNA, he saw a massive payday and bailed. Honestly, if i were Dixie id give him two middle fingers.

That's true. Nash whas always been about his next big payday. I honestly think he would have walked out of WCW and back to the WWF during the nWo storyline at its hottest if Vince had offered him a big enough contract.

I have always been a Nash fan. He is, always has been. However, his in-ring work is VERY VERY limited now, you can see injuries have caught up with the guy just by looking at him walk. He can barely move, and probably shouldn't be in the ring.

I think Nash is a funny guy, he would be great as a colour commentator, manager of a wrestler who has yet to develop good mic skills or even as an on-screen authority figure like a Commissioner.

He is still big enough, strong enough so that he could deliver a powerbomb to anyone challenging his authority, and could always wrestle in a tag-team match if neccesary, where he wouldn't have to do much or even take proper bumps.

I don't expect to see Nash in TNA anytime soon though, as he is supposed to be signed to a "Legends" deal in WWE, and will probably get used in promotional events, things like Axxess at Wrestlemania's, and as an on-screen character every now again, which I have no problem with. Nash is always entertaining.
I'm all for a Nash return (what a shocker!) provided it's within reason. Obviously he's not coming back to win a World Title or interject himself into the main event, but that doesn't mean he can't possibly disrupt a lot of the young chemistry they've got going on right now behind guys like Aries, Morgan, Crimson, Roode, Storm, Joe, Magnus, etc. Keep him relegated to a positive role that doesn't interfere with all the things going right in the company right now and I'm A-OK with it.

Nash has always been a favorite of mine for as long as I can remember, and TNA has always found a way to make him relevant, which is more than can be said of his utterly forgettable runs in WWE since he ever returned once WCW collapsed.

Total talent, top to bottom that knows how to work with youth? Sign me up.
The problem with Kevin Nash is, he still thinks he can go. He still thinks his place is in the ring. No matter which company he is in, his place is anywhere -but the ring. He cant even walk in a spirited fashion down the ramp.

I love him and will always pop when i see him on TV, but he just cannot wrestle anymore. If he goes anywhere, TNA or stays with WWE, he needs to be either used in a on screen managerial role or in a backstage creative role.

Nash will go where the money is though, thats why he left TNA, he saw a massive payday and bailed. Honestly, if i were Dixie id give him two middle fingers.

And again I raise you Nash's run in 09 as Legend champ. I actually love that he had reinvented himself back then. He wasn't just Mr. Badass Kevin Nash but he was the cold seasoned vet that was all about the money coming out to the ring in a suit.
Hell no, the last thing TNA needs to do is bring that broken down old has-been back. And for what? So he can come down with yet another convenient ailment whenever it's time to job for anyone who isn't one of his Kliq buttbuddies? That parasite can get lost and stay lost.
Might we see the return of the Main Event Maffia?

We have Sting vanishing for a while, Steiner works for TNA India. Have Hogan helping Hardy beat Angle at Lockdown, one a former Immortal member the other a former MEM member. It would be seen as "oh Hardy was in trouble, he would have been killed by villain Angle". A powerplay occurs at the next Impact where Hogan declares Hardy the number one contender and will face James Storm at the next event. Next thing you know, you start seeing promos of the Maffia all over. At the title match, Sting appears, helping Storm win. Hogan comes in dumbfound at what just occured. The Impact following the event, Hogan as the GM orders Sting to show up but he doesn't. Hogan says there's gonna be a rematch tonight between Storm and Hardy for the title. This time former champ Bobby Roode tries to intervene making Sting appears again to help Storm and beat on Roode. The match ends in a no contest but Hogan shows up and start beating the crap out of Sting into a bloody pulp. Roode and Storm and Hardy act shocked by what just happened.

You continue on that for a while until other guys joins the war. You can have Steiner coming in siding with the Maffia. Same with Nash. Since Roode is at the opposite side of Sting, he would join Immortal. I could see the former Abyss joining the Maffia, hey he already has the suit for it. You could say it's Sting who brainwashed him to prove a point toward Hogan since Abyss was Hogan's boy. Of course Hardy would be with Immortal. Guys like AJ and Storm would be neutral because they would be the only real babyfaces left. Then you could say that the whole thing with Kaz-Daniels-AJ was about the upcoming war between Immortal and the MEM.

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