Now the WWE is Ripping Off TNA; Snooki to Appear on RAW

Hm, long time lurker first time poster, but I don't see how WWE is copying TNA.

I mean look at Zack Ryder, forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't he basically a Jersey Shore rip-off? So couldn't you say that Robbie E is basically a Ryder rip-off and that WWE started this crap first?

Either way I hate the Jersey Shore and anything related to it, when watching TNA I turn that crap off when Robbie E appears.

I really don't think Ryder is a Jersey Shore rip-off. He's not billed from Jersey, he dresses way worse than them, he's not fist pumping or doing anything they do, all he does is "woo woo woo" which is just ... so WWE.

Robbie E. is the real Jersey Shore rip-off. He's Jersey Shore without the accent.
I really don't think Ryder is a Jersey Shore rip-off. He's not billed from Jersey, he dresses way worse than them, he's not fist pumping or doing anything they do, all he does is "woo woo woo" which is just ... so WWE.

Robbie E. is the real Jersey Shore rip-off. He's Jersey Shore without the accent.

None of the Jersey Shore kids are from New Jersey. They are from New York mostly. JWowww is from Long Island about 10 minutes from me. The Jersey Shore is where they gave these idiots a house to live in and fornicate.

Zack Ryder's character is directly based off of the personalities that these people posess and trust me, he does it well! The Woo Woo Woo thing aside, you can tell Ryder has done his homework by simply being from here and going out on a Friday Night.

Robbie E and Cookie is a gimmick being way more blatant about copying Jersey Shore. The hair and name link Robbie E to Pauly D while Cookie is obviously a parody of Snooki. Also, the fist pumping, GTW, and other mannerisms make Robbie E a blatant copy of THE SHOW while Ryder is a take on the personality of the type of people who would be on the show, not taking from one person in particular.

Both companies have tried to capitalize in some sense on this Jersey Shore phenomenon and these characters were the first attempt. With character in tow (and basically both irrelevant despite both men having potential), the next step was bringing in ACTUAL Jersey Shore participants and now both companies have done that. They are both trying to capitalize on this stupid show and as I said in an earlier post, that's a good business move.

PS: The Jersey Shore information provided in this post has been brought to you by friends of JJYanks121. He himself has no firsthand knowledge of this atrocious disgrace to television but did research for the benefit of those on
None of the Jersey Shore kids are from New Jersey. They are from New York mostly. JWowww is from Long Island about 10 minutes from me. The Jersey Shore is where they gave these idiots a house to live in and fornicate.

Zack Ryder's character is directly based off of the personalities that these people posess and trust me, he does it well! The Woo Woo Woo thing aside, you can tell Ryder has done his homework by simply being from here and going out on a Friday Night.

Robbie E and Cookie is a gimmick being way more blatant about copying Jersey Shore. The hair and name link Robbie E to Pauly D while Cookie is obviously a parody of Snooki. Also, the fist pumping, GTW, and other mannerisms make Robbie E a blatant copy of THE SHOW while Ryder is a take on the personality of the type of people who would be on the show, not taking from one person in particular.

Both companies have tried to capitalize in some sense on this Jersey Shore phenomenon and these characters were the first attempt. With character in tow (and basically both irrelevant despite both men having potential), the next step was bringing in ACTUAL Jersey Shore participants and now both companies have done that. They are both trying to capitalize on this stupid show and as I said in an earlier post, that's a good business move.

PS: The Jersey Shore information provided in this post has been brought to you by friends of JJYanks121. He himself has no firsthand knowledge of this atrocious disgrace to television but did research for the benefit of those on

I see. Well, I'll quote a hilarious character from "Tropic Thunder" to explain this situation. Basically, Robbie E. went full ******, and you never go full ****** :laugh:
I just hate the name of this post, theres a difference in bringing a major pop culture celebrity like snooki, if shes available you have to do it. It will bring more attention to the product and probably give them a higher rating that night with her.

As opposed to the 3-3-11 promo, it did not have to be done, it did nothing for the product and basically ripped off a storyline.

The companies will rip each other off all the time, it will just happen but if the WWE is ripping them off by bringing in Snooki, well who cares ? All they care is about a rating and making money and frankly thats all they should care about. And if Sting 3-3-11 thing was done well, then great, but lets face it, it was very poor and it didnt help them. But if it did, then id be all for it ...
who gives a shit about jersey shore. both companies should be focusing on their own talent instead of wasting money on bringing in reality tv trash.

A-friggin-men. For the first time in a few months I will be skipping Raw. Jersey Shore and shit like it brings in the lowest common denominator to wrestling. A fucking Snooki....
I just hate the name of this post, theres a difference in bringing a major pop culture celebrity like snooki, if shes available you have to do it. It will bring more attention to the product and probably give them a higher rating that night with her.

As opposed to the 3-3-11 promo, it did not have to be done, it did nothing for the product and basically ripped off a storyline.

The companies will rip each other off all the time, it will just happen but if the WWE is ripping them off by bringing in Snooki, well who cares ? All they care is about a rating and making money and frankly thats all they should care about. And if Sting 3-3-11 thing was done well, then great, but lets face it, it was very poor and it didnt help them. But if it did, then id be all for it ...
I am not sticking up for the WWE because they do stupid shit all the time but I don't think this was copying TNA. Snooki has been corresponding with WWE wrestlers for a while now. Stuff like this is normally planned a ways in advance anyway. But it doesn't matter because it's still stupid as hell.
I do think it's pretty funny that a lot of people that gave TNA flack about it are now back peddling.

I think either company is silly to use people from the show unless they were commited to becoming a wrestler. At least TNA got pretty girls from Jersey Shore not the grossness that is Snooky.
Ok let's be honest here. Wrestling companies have been ripping each other for years and years. One company goes you know I like that idea and I'm going to use it. The main difference between the Jersey Shore/TNA and Jersey Shore/WWE is that the WWE actually did it better. I mean I never seen one episode of Jersey Shore, but I know who snooki is, never heard of angelina or jwoww. Hell I thought jwoww was that cloth thing they sell on late night infomericals.
Personally I think both TNA and WWE are fucking stupid for bringing in Jersey Shore. We don't watch to view gay ass "celebrities" no one even likes anyway. This is just a big time waster and prevents us from actually seeing some good matches. How about instead of this they actually book a match, like they both have divisions that are being overlooked for this shit? We need some more legit tag matches on WWE that have a purpose in the long run. While TNA can focus a match in the X Division, Kaz hasn't been in a match on a normal show in forever for fuck sakes.

But personally I can see that this is clearly WWE ripping of TNA. TNA started the whole Jersey Shore thing with Robbie E and Cookie a while ago, then they brought Angelina on a while back, now they did it again. All of a sudden WWE is doing it to? We don't no if Snookie is wrestling like Angelina but still, fuck off with it completely and focus on matches please.
WWE has issued a press release touting the appearance of Snooki at WrestleMania. The following is an excerpt:

"STAMFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The bombastic Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi will wrestle live on pay-per-view at WrestleMania® XXVII, Sunday, April 3rd at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.

“I’ll be snooking for some action at WrestleMania,” said Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi."

Ok we all saw it. Snooki is getting involved just like Angela and Jwwow. So here i here is WWE's copycat moment and she is wrestling at WM too. The segment sucked she sucks (literally) why are they adding her to WM. Trish is all we need.

Didn't the majority of everyone who posted in this thread say she would not be getting involved she was just hosting and then she would be gone, but i guess we are going to hear how its ok since WWE did it.
"Rip off" implies something cheap and tawdry. I said from the get-go that TNA must have gone with J-Woww (and then Angelina) because they couldn't afford Snooki's appearance fee. The WWE could and has.

For people whining about these obnoxious orange celebrity transients gracing the sets of Raw and Impact, please, Get The Fuck Over It. Celebrities get brought in for Wrestlemania every year to drive the product amongst the casual audience; the die-hards are going to buy the PPV anyways.

For the people insistent that the WWE brought aboard Snooki just because TNA brought in two other Jersey Shore people, Think About It. The WWE is a massive, publicly owned corporation, responsible to its shareholders via its Board of Directors. Massive corporations do not make decisions just to show other people up, but they do it because they sense immediate financial advantage or an opportunity for long term growth. Sure, the WWE sticking their tongue out at TNA and saying "neener neener neener" provides the better narrative, but it ignores the inescapable truth that the WWE is a public corporation subject to more than the personal whims of Vince McMahon.

But then again, all wrestling fans really want is a good story, even if they have to concoct it for themselves.
the only thing I dont get is SNOOKI got a face reaction, whats wrong with WWE and their UNIVERSE. seriously I was with my friends discussing that she would be booed like hell but she got a face reaction. and back to the point: WWE is copying TNA but its just that there are too many WWE marks so its hard accepting WWE copying TNA.

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