Flashback: Batista rants on Daniel Bryan & his fans

Who deserves to win the Royal Rumble match more?

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Batista

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This will be your last post about this because you know you're wrong and fighting on the losing side. If tonight wasn't further evidence for you that the WWE has absolutely no clue, then I don't know what more you need to see. The Royal Rumble was nothing short of an embarrassment for this company. How many more of these guys with "the look" need to get embarrassed by the crowd insulting them before the WWE finally caves and listens to its damn audience? So what if Daniel Bryan is a vanilla midget with no personality? The crowd is telling you they want him. It is your job to satisfy them. When you don't satisfy them, they eventually turn off the channel - which, in case you hadn't noticed, they've been doing in droves over the past 7 years as guys like Cena, Orton and Batista have been shoved down our throats.

The fact that you continue to harp on this mainstream appeal is completely absurd since - short of Cena's pre-paid morning show appearances - none of your guys with "the look" actually bring any mainstream attention to the table. So how in the hell does it make sense to hold back Daniel Bryan for a lack of mainstream appeal when Batista and Orton have ABSOLUTELY NONE themselves? What you're suggesting is that the WWE continue to shit on their current fans in favor of guys who don't bring mainstream attention out of fear that giving their current audience what it actually wants might provide the exact same result of the mainstream not caring. How the hell does that make any sense?

You bring up guys like The Rock and Steve Austin. And those are nice names, but they have nothing in the world to do with this argument. They aren't preventing Bryan from reaching the top. They aren't even actively working for the company. Sure, if Austin and The Rock decide to come back tomorrow, then they can have the top spot for their mainstream appeal. Until that happens, the WWE should try to concentrate on satisfying its own fans. The longer they ignore them, the more risk there is that the WWE will lose them.

Do you ever feel like you're being trolled by the WWE? I got that feeling tonight when Damien Sandow gave a pre-Rumble interview. Granted, he butchered the quote, but what he meant to say was "Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result." My God if that doesn't describe what's happening.

Did the WWE expect the crowd to react favorably during the Cena/Orton match? In case you missed it, and I'm guessing you might have since you're still in the boat of thinking they know what they're doing, the live crowd shit all over that match. They chanted almost the entire time. There were multiple chants for Daniel Bryan - between fans chanting his name and chanting Yes. There was even a chant for The Undertaker. What there wasn't was a chant for Orton or Cena. In fact, the only chant that was even directed toward them was a "This is awful" chant. The crowd was so opposed to that match that they didn't even deem it worthy of a "Boring" chant, instead rating it lower with a "This is awful...This is awful." You know why? Because it was awful. Listen to the crowd. They DO NOT want to see that match.

They furthered the insanity possibility when they let Batista win the Royal Rumble, and refused to give the fans what they wanted by keeping Daniel Bryan out of it altogether. The embarrassing part of it was how predictable the reaction would be when the crowed realized they weren't going to get Bryan.

Again, they wanted Bryan. They made their voice heard. And the WWE ignored them. Did they think the crowd would just let that slide? Just out of curiosity, but was the 15 minutes of the crowd alternating between moments of being dead and booing enough to make you realize that VKM and HHH either have no idea what the crowd wants or that they just don't care?

So now what? We're on course for a WrestleMania 30 main event of Batista vs Randy Orton for the WWE Title - two guys who bring ZERO mainstream appeal to the table. Why? Well, it's certainly not what the fans want to see, but hey - 10 years ago, Triple H predicted these two guys would be the future of the WWE and look at them now! They're main eventing WrestleMania 30 together! That's what this match is about. It's about validating an opinion Triple H had in 2003. The only reason I'll watch this match is because the crowd is sure to entertain. Look what happened in the Cena/Orton match, how the crowd responded to Bryan NOT being in the Rumble, how they responded to Batista's entrance and victory ... then figure the crowd will be 5 times larger and filled with the snarkiest wrestling fans in the world. The "This is awful" chants will be tame by comparison, and the WWE will flat be embarrassed during the main event of its biggest show. And you know what? They deserve it ... because they're absolutely insane.

They keep shoving these big guys down our throat, and no matter how much people tell them to stop, no matter how many people turn off the TV or shit all over their matches, they keep doing it and expecting a different result. The smart thing to do would be to try something different ... give the crowd what it wants and see where it goes. You don't think Daniel Bryan can bring mainstream appeal? Well, there's only one way to find out. And while you say it's obvious that he can't, I'd like to remind you that the only obvious thing in this situation is that Randy Orton and Batista clearly don't.

dude lets be real here. The WWE is much like the NFL, it has a core fan base that isnt going anywhere no matter how bad the product is. The WWE imo has been shit for over a decade so DB not being pushed isnt going to change anything. I'm not fighting a battle nor am I on anyside, I don't give a damn who the champ is as long as I get good matches. I don't like the big guys either, I'm simply stating that I understand how the WWE thinks.

What I learned tonite is that the WWE audience will chant boring for ten seconds than pop 10 seconds later. Orton vs Cena was an example of the crowd completely contradicting itself and is probably the reason the WWE just ignores it. Boring chants followed by huge pops for false finishes and stolen finishers doesn't help your argument. Tonite showed just how indecisive the WWE audience is and probably didn't help DB out at all but all of you guys missed that because you were to busy being in love with DB. Go back and watch the match again, and you will see that there was more pops during that much than yes or boring chants. I really like DB but that crowd only proved that the audience is either confused or will pop for anything.
DB is popular but the WWE understands that DB can only retain current fans because he has no traits, or any qualities that suggest that he will bring in a new audience. Orton had a look that ladies like, HBK had a look that attracted ladies as well. Cena has the personality that made WWE see his potential but DB has nothing.

You don't have to bring in mainstream media, you just have to have something that leads to the potential of it.

You're ignoring the fact that Batista and Orton DO NOT BRING IN MAINSTREAM MEDIA. You suggest their look gives them the opportunity to do so, but 10 years of failure should tell you that it's not going to happen.

The reason the AE was great wasn't because it had crossover appeal. The success was built on Vince McMahon listening to his audience and giving them what they wanted. Do you really think he signed Steve Austin from ECW in 1995 because he thought the guy had crossover appeal? The guy was a mid-card bit player in WCW, and he was brought to the WWE on the recommendation of Bret Hart. So what happened? The guy caught fire with an unscripted promo and the WWE ran with it. It's that simple. When you catch fire, you run with it. If it fails, then it fails - but to continually push aside things you fear might fail in favor of things that have repeatedly failed is just asinine.

And you know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe Daniel Bryan can't do anything more than retain the current fans, but the WWE is dangerously close to losing a lot of those current fans if they don't give them what they want - or did you not notice the "we want refunds" chant? What happened tonight was nothing short of an embarrassment. This company has absolutely no clue what they're doing or what the fans want. When a guy contracted to the company is so disgusted with what happened, it should tell you that something is seriously wrong.
*Due to the important nature of this post Freeze has decided to temporarily refrain from his usual posting style just so he can brag*

You know sometimes it just feels good to say "I told you so." You guys whined and cried and made a whole lot of posts and noise about how silly I am and how stupid my comments were and yet in the end you were wrong and I was right. The WWE pushed the big marketable star quality Muscle guy and your short, internet inspired, hairy faced midget did not even get called to the ring.`I want you guys to just dwell on that a second. I want that to really sink in. Daniel Bryan did not even get placed in the RR. Not at all. Was not even in it. A lot of you were screaming for him to win it and the WWE saw so much potential in him that they did not even have him involved in it in any capacity. Not at all. 30 guys wrestled and there was not one peep of Daniel Bryan. Now because of the sheer outrage I am sure that the WWE has not only refunded all of the money that they made tonight off of all the disgruntled consumers who were in attendance and were chanting "Daniel Bryan" but they also saw such a plummet in the price of the stock of their company that they have decided that the only appropriate action to take is to strip Orton of his title and just give it to Daniel immediately. Well that or they can continue on the path that they have already determined is BEST FOR BUSINESS and let the charismatic part time actor who is about to be plastered on every hot ticket talk show and magazine bring even more attention to their biggest cash cow of the year WRESTLEMANIA. Let Me know how you people believe this on is going to turn out. As for myself I am simply going to laugh at the fact that I told you " intellectual net nerds" exactly how this scenario would play out and even gave you reasons why yet you still had faith and for that I commend you. Hey everyone loves the Lovable Losers ask Cubs fans and your underwhelmed girls after sex, except well most of you have never had actual sex yet. Anyway on that note I bid my dear fan base a farewell this evening. I do believe that there is not anything more that I need to address as far as this topic is concerned....

Or in layman's terms....



Sorry I had to Swag on y'all a little before I left. I just couldnt help it.....
You're ignoring the fact that Batista and Orton DO NOT BRING IN MAINSTREAM MEDIA. You suggest their look gives them the opportunity to do so, but 10 years of failure should tell you that it's not going to happen.

The reason the AE was great wasn't because it had crossover appeal. The success was built on Vince McMahon listening to his audience and giving them what they wanted. Do you really think he signed Steve Austin from ECW in 1995 because he thought the guy had crossover appeal? The guy was a mid-card bit player in WCW, and he was brought to the WWE on the recommendation of Bret Hart. So what happened? The guy caught fire with an unscripted promo and the WWE ran with it. It's that simple. When you catch fire, you run with it. If it fails, then it fails - but to continually push aside things you fear might fail in favor of things that have repeatedly failed is just asinine.

And you know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe Daniel Bryan can't do anything more than retain the current fans, but the WWE is dangerously close to losing a lot of those current fans if they don't give them what they want - or did you not notice the "we want refunds" chant? What happened tonight was nothing short of an embarrassment. This company has absolutely no clue what they're doing or what the fans want. When a guy contracted to the company is so disgusted with what happened, it should tell you that something is seriously wrong.

dude I don't understand why you're attacking me like I support what the WWE is doing or like I have any influence over their decisions. I'm simply saying I understand why they do what they do. AE was completely successful because it broke into mainstream media and that isnt even an argument. Austin is a terrible example btw, considering Austin has just about every trait that DB lacks. Austin became a household name because of those exact traits that i stated DB doesn't have. If you want change than stop watching and maybe others will follow and the WWE will make a change. But arguing with me isnt going to do anything. I like to look at both sides of the situation and give a fair and honest opinion and that is what I have done here. DB is imo the best wrestler in the WWE but also imo being the best wrestler doesnt mean you should be the focal point of the company.
dude I don't understand why you're attacking me like I support what the WWE is doing or like I have any influence over their decisions. I'm simply saying I understand why they do what they do. AE was completely successful because it broke into mainstream media and that isnt even an argument. Austin is a terrible example btw, considering Austin has just about every trait that DB lacks. Austin became a household name because of those exact traits that i stated DB doesn't have. If you want change than stop watching and maybe others will follow and the WWE will make a change. But arguing with me isnt going to do anything. I like to look at both sides of the situation and give a fair and honest opinion and that is what I have done here. DB is imo the best wrestler in the WWE but also imo being the best wrestler doesnt mean you should be the focal point of the company.

The only thing that would bring change is if TNA started attracting an audience - and since they've somehow managed to be even more unwatchable than the WWE, that won't happen. So you can say I should stop watching, but what would that change? The WWE has lost more than half its audience since the AE. Factor in that WCW was reaching similar numbers in 2000, and you'll see that pro wrestling has lost more than 75% of its audience in a 15 year period. The majority of that period has been led by Cena, Orton and Batista. The WWE force fed us those guys, people turned off their TVs, and the WWE still kept doing it. So to say me not watching would bring about change is silly - millions of people tuning out hasn't change anything.

The only thing that ever brought to change to the WWE was WCW nearly taking them out of business. If that never happened, you don't get Austin as Stone Cold. You get The Ringmaster. You don't get The Rock. You get Rocky Maivia. Vince McMahon was notorious for pushing beefed-up, campy characters down our throats in the 90s until WCW changed the model and Vince was forced to either adapt or become extinct. It's great that Austin and The Rock became mainstream figures, but they never become mainstream figures if Vince doesn't adapt and listen to what the audience wants.

And to call Daniel Bryan boring and bland, to say he lacks the charisma is still ignoring two huge points in what's actually occurring right now - 1) Orton and Batista are equally bland and literally suck the charisma out of the building and 2) The fans desperately want Bryan.

The worst thing that could happen if Bryan fails to maintain his momentum once given the chance on top is that you try something different. The worst thing that could happen if Bryan is never given the opportunity on top is that the WWE loses more of its supposed core base. Trust me, the moment these hardcore fans are given a legitimate second option for wrestling entertainment, they'll take it. This is not about brand loyalty to them. It's about not having legitimate options outside the WWE.
FreezeIZGawd: for someone who supposedly accomplishes things you sure spend a lot of time bragging on the internet like an insecure little kid. As for your assumptions about me, whether i have "game" (honestly, who the fuck talks like that? Are you actually mentally ******ed?) , you dont know a thing about me. Im happily married, but even saying that means nothing because MAKING ANY CLAIMS on the internet means nothing, as they cannot be verified. So again, people judge you by what you post. That you are too stupid to realuze that, and continue to believe that talking about your supposed accomplishments gives more weight to your opinion, says all i need to know about your supposed educational background. As for your arguments, they arent worth my time acknowledging. You will just respond with the same "internet tough" gibberish youve been posting all along, so why bother? Your an immature, obnoxious, arrogant prick not worth debating. When you manage to write something that my 8th grade english teacher wouldnt wipe his ass with, i might actually bother acknowledging your points.

But I will say claiming some sort of victory because Batista won the rumble to the obvious disgust of the entire audience just shows how stupid you actually are. Nobody was claiming that Bryan would win, so good job winning an argument noone else was involved with. They claimed that he SHOULD win, and the paying customers (and a lot of legends) just said the same thing. Go ahead and post more if you want, throw some LOL's in there to make yourself look confident. Im done wasting time on your idiocy, and im sure im not the only one.
*FREEZE greets Captain Zaltan*

Dear Sir,

It has been brought to my awareness that because of previous statements and posts that I have eloquently placed upon this forum that you are now feeling like a newborn male who is having a traumatic experience involving extreme paralysis on one's lateral region, major contusions and hemorrhaging in various points of your internal organs!

Urban Translation.....

Baby Boy U aint even feeling right (all on your insides).

Just hurting.....



Urban Translation.....

Baby Boy U aint even feeling right (all on your insides).

Just hurting.....




I haven't posted for years but this is the most stupidity I've ever seen in a forum post. I actually agree with you to an extent that Bryan will never be face of the company because of his size, as long as Vince is still alive anyway, however the people clearly want him and the wwe would be making a big mistake if they didn't at least give him one title run that goes on for a couple months, so they can make money out the lads popularity. I don't foresee him ever being face of the company i'm afraid, people that don't know about wrestling will get a bad first impression of him because of his look and its not what the wwe want as face of the company they want a handsome muscular guy such as cena.

As for your posts go weather your right or not stops mattering once you come out with some of the shit you have done, no doubt you will post again to try and put me and others down in some way but no one wants to hear it mate, your boring.
Au contraire my Dear Man I would NEVER insult someone who has not taking pot shots at Me. If you notice my I only RESPONDED to attacks. I have NEVER initiated them. I actually am just content sitting back right now and BASKING IN MY GREATNESS....

I was right and it was proven....


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