Miz-Bryan Fued:Review So-Far


Dark Match Jobber
At Night of Champions, The Miz will put his US Championship on the line against Daniel Bryan (know by most as Bryan Danielson, but will be referred to as Daniel Bryan in this article). The Miz/Bryan rivalry has been a well documented one that’s for sure and it’s one the WWE must have had building up for quite some time. That or it was just pure brilliance on the spot.

Let’s take a look back on what has happened between these two in the past and what might happen when the two collide at Night of Champions.

This all started back when the Season 1 Pros and Rookies were announced. The biggest “rookie” of them all was none other than, Daniel Bryan. Many, if not all knew Daniel Bryan as the incredible indy star known as Bryan Danielson. When he was paired with the Miz it certainly caused a lot of controversy in the IWC.

Miz and Bryan continued to experience difficulties on the show, which evidently had Bryan eliminated. Bryan did not take just pack up his bags and go, he had some business left to be done as he kept appearing on NXT after his elimination.

Most of us had expected him to move to Raw to start a feud with the Miz after that, instead he joined the rest of the rookies for Season 1 in a NXT Invasion. This would put most obviously, put the feud on hold. However, Bryan would not stick around for long as he got “released” because of choking Justin Roberts with his own tie.

Bryan would return at the biggest event of the summer, SummerSlam to join Team WWE in the 7 on 7 match. Cena had asked Miz to join earlier and had not heard a response until it was too late so he went with Bryan. When Miz came out he found out his services were no longer needed as Bryan walked out to join Team WWE. As most could guess, he did not take too kindly too this as he attacked Bryan during the match.

The next night Bryan made his first appearance on Raw since the NXT Invasion. He was in a match with Michael Tarver. He would end up losing the contest after the distraction by the Miz. The two, well three with Alex Riley by Miz’s side would fight after the match, ending with a Skull Crashing Finale onto the MITB Briefcase.

The following week Cena and Miz went toe to toe with a special visit from Daniel Bryan during the matchup. Miz would get the win via DQ, but he did not look like a winner at all after the match as Bryan locked in a devastating submission hold on Miz. It would take 5 referees to separate Bryan from the Miz.

The 900th episode of Raw had Miz & Riley tagging against the teams of Kaval & Bryan and Kofi & Double M. The match would end with Miz taking the victory after a Skull Crushing Finale. After the match Daniel Bryan would deliver a boot to Riley which would be the distraction Miz needed to attack Bryan from behind with the MITB briefcase.

This week, it finally happened. Miz cut a promo about how he was on the cover of this month’s WWE Magazine which would be interrupted by none other than, Daniel Bryan. Bryan issued a challenge to the Miz for the US Championship. One that would be accepted by The Awesome One.

After the two shook on it Miz attacked Bryan, but it would not go as Miz planned as he ended up in Bryan’s LeBell Lock. Alex Riley would come out of the crowd to try to make the save. Miz would get out of there, but Riley would not be so lucky as he was now the one that suffered Bryan’s submission maneuver. Afterwards, Bryan would kick over the stand with the WWE Magazine cover photo featuring the Miz.

So now that you are caught up to speed it’s time for you to make your predictions as to who will get the win at Night of Champions. To me, the call is easy to make.

With the WWE being so high on the Miz the victory will undoubtedly go to Daniel Bryan. You’re probably thinking something like, “Didn’t you just say the WWE is high on The Miz? Wouldn’t that mean he gets the victory?” My answer is no, not at all.

Here’s the deal. Miz can’t become the WWE Champion with the US Strap still around his waist (or on his shoulder, whatever). They need to get that belt off of him and who better to give it to than Daniel Bryan?

It gives the WWE an opportunity to fully push Miz into the main event scene and keep people wondering as to when Miz will become the WWE Champion, which in my mind shouldn’t take too long.

It also puts Bryan in the right direction. Despite his size, Bryan will be a big star in the WWE. Starting him off with the US Championship is a great way to set him in the right direction. However, Bryan will need to actually defend the title unlike Miz who just walked around with it never putting it on the line.

So that’s my call on the situation. Bryan will get the victory at NOC, becoming the new United States Champion as Miz puts all his focus on when he will cash in that briefcase and win the WWE Championship.

Ultimately, this is a win-win for the WWE. Hopefully their common sense will let them realize that so come Night of Champions, Daniel Bryan will hold the title up high as the newly crowned, US Champion.

My Question to you is, do you see this as a prolonged rivalry? Or will Bryan/Miz just win a couple PPV matches and move on?
I don't think this feud will last very long. I think the WWE will want this program to end fairly quickly in order to move The Miz closer to the main event picture.

As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be too surprised if The Miz loses the US Title to Daniel Bryan, cashes in the Money in the Bank briefcase and wins the Title after the Six Pack Challenge on the same night.
I agree with TCBT with whats going to happen at NOC but i also think that barrett is going to win the match and lose to the Miz (Barrett is going to steal the pin from orton or cena)
The way I look at it, Miz does need to lose the belt to enter the Main Event picture more. The only problem with that is how do you logically put a guy who just lost in a midcard feud into the ME. If he can't beat the midcarders what makes us think he can hold his own with the MainEventers? Or how does it look when the man who lost the US title to Bryan beats your WWE Title holder.

If they do this once Bryan wins the belt (which I'm 99% sure he will at NOC) they need to hold off Miz on cashing in his title for awhile and build him back up to be fully in the MainEvent. You also can't have Miz lose the belt and then just end the feud. Miz would need to keep feuding with Bryan for a few weeks to actually end it with Miz losing his title rematch and then moving on to the Main Event.

You could have him come out later saying it doesn't matter that hes no longer US champ because hes "to awesome" for the US belt and deserves the WWE title because of his "awesomeness" .

Having Byran holding the belt will be alot better because he will actually defend it and make it atleast a little more relevant then it is now. Also Bryan has a pretty big following and having him being US Champ will be a rlly good thing for the WWE. He can then feud with the smaller guys in the WWE like some of the other NXT guys or Evan Bourne over the US title.
I think next week will be the last night of the feud too. Mainly because the Miz has ragged on Bryan for the past 6-7 months and if Bryan beats the Miz and in their first official match and takes his title.. How the heck does the Miz have the nerve to say "This isn't over!" ?

I think the feud has worked because it is exposing Bryan to a lot more people. However, I could easily see this being another "Mickie James case" in which Bryan's best and really only noteworthy feud is his first. I can't really imagine any compelling story-lines for the guy after it. =/

And I don't think the Miz is going to cash his title shot. That would be overbooking more than adding a new leader to Nexus. Too much man. Besides, I think Bryan and the Miz are going to have one hard hitting match. People can go on about how much the Miz isn't the best in the ring, but the guy always brings the intensity.
I foresee the Miz losing the US title. He lost is to Bret, then lost a rematch to R-Truth. However, Miz won it back, and they don't know who else to put it on. Danielson is the perfect candidate. And like others, I could very well see Miz cashing in his title shot after the six-pack challenge, thereby not only making a "shocking" storyline, but also putting a fresh player in the main event level, and at the same token raise Danielson's stock immediately as the guy who beat Miz right before Miz won the title.
If anything Miz will lose the belt to him at NOC but beat him decisively the next night on RAW in a non-title match then move on to the main eventers
I'm not sure why everyone is so set on Daniel Bryan winning at NOC. I think Miz will win either because Alex Riley will interfere or Miz will beat him straight up. Keep in mind DB is still a "rookie", and hasn't won a single's match yet. To have him beat The Miz right now isn't feasible. Also, The Miz has said that he wants to hold both the US and WWE title, and I think that the WWE will let him do that. And either way, Miz won't cash in his money in the bank briefcase...it is going to be when we least expect it. It would be too obvious right now.
Kane was unexpected but of course Miz is going to be predictable when he does it. It would be stupid of him not to take the best opportunity to do it.
I agree I do not think this feud will last too long either. I think Bryan will win the US title at NOC and Miz will totally regain his momentum by cashing in MITB after the 6-pack challenge to become the new WWE Champion. I think Bryan will feud with a guy like Riley for the remainder of the year.
Well yes, but it doesn't have to be right now. The MitB briefcase adds to his character and he should hold onto it well for the rest of his year and maybe cash it in around the royal rumble area
In the past, WWE wouldn't let wrestlers hold the WWE & US title and I'm not sure why they would start now. A lot of people think that DB will beat The Miz since he's definitely a better wrestler then Miz would go on to cash in MITB. I highly doubt that Miz will cash in, WWE wants the Miz to make a major impact while winning the WWE Championship and doing it at NoC is wayyy too obvious.

I do think DB deserves to win more than Miz but it's very unlikely at NoC with Miz's push. As for the feud, I think it's going great. Definitely one of the better ones most recently and I'm hoping it will continue more. Tomorrow's RAW before NoC will be quite an interesting one for the feud.
I think DB will win via riley turning on miz and doing a promo saying Miz isnt awesome because he didnt lead Riley to victory on NXT so Miz will then use rematch clause next night on raw and Riley interrupts again making Miz lose, pissing off DB because he hasnt got his revenge victory clean thus starting a feud between DB and Riley and leaving Miz to make the jump to ME
I think this feud has been great so far. Miz has pretty much made a star out of Bryan without ever losing to him. I don't think he's even faced him yet I may be wrong. I just wander how it would have played out if Bryan wasn't released for two months. Bryan as a member of Nexus would have been a heel too.

I also think Miz will lose US title at NOC then win the WWE title on the same show. I see how people think losing to a mid carder then winning the WWE title the same night seems weak. I don't agree mainly because at Wrestlemania 10 Bret Hart lost cleanly to Owen Hart in the first match then won the WWE title in the Main Event. Not many people remember the lose. The title win over shadows the loss.
Kane was unexpected but of course Miz is going to be predictable when he does it. It would be stupid of him not to take the best opportunity to do it.

Not trying to be disrespectful but I thought that Kane's same night cash in was very predictable. With Kane starting to gain steam with the Undertaker's attacker angle and after the debacle with Jack Swagger's cash in on Smackdown it made a lot of sense. Also, I don't think anybody else in that match was/is ready for the main event. Big Show isn't a draw and as much as we'd all like to see it I don't think Matt Hardy or Christian will ever wear the big strap.

But unlike Kane, I feel Miz will cash in on Raw. This way the whole WWE Universe will get to see him win the title, then we will get a huge celebration the next week.

To the topic at hand, the match at NoC should end the feud between Bryan and the Miz. I'd really like to see Bryan win the US title and feud with Nexus. He and Darren Young could join together start attacking Nexus for being ousted from the group. You could even put Skip Sheffield into the mix if Nexus is still around when he returns.
The only problem with that is how do you logically put a guy who just lost in a midcard feud into the ME. If he can't beat the midcarders what makes us think he can hold his own with the MainEventers? Or how does it look when the man who lost the US title to Bryan beats your WWE Title holder.

Bret Hart lost a fair match against his brother Owen at Wrestlemania 10 and then went on to win the WWE title in the same night. This elevated Owen and didn't hurt Bret at all.
Great set of opinions from everyone.

I still think there's nothing wrong with The Miz losing to Bryan earlier in the night, and then stealing the WWE Title by cashing in the MitB Contract after the 6 Pack Challenge. I understand what those that disagree are saying (it doesn't make sense for him to lose to a rookie to only win the Title, etc.) but crazier things have happened. Jack Swagger was jobbing to Santino Marella weeks before cashing in his Contract.

That's not to say that should be a trend, but Miz is so hot right now, that he can lose the US Title, maybe he doesn't lose clean, and then he wins the WWE Title. I don't think it's predictable at all, and what better way to cash in the Contract than to cash it in after 6 main eventers beat the holy hell out of each other??
Why are some of you saying that Miz losing to Bryan would hurt his momentum? Or why are you saying that he's never won a singles match for that matter? Does anyone remember this match the week before Nexus was formed? Miz already lost to Bryan clean and it didn't hurt him one bit, and this was before Bryan had any kayfabe credibility...


Now, I think that Bryan will win at NOC and Miz will go on to cash his MITB briefcase. Miz won't lose any credibility because Bryan has been pushed enough to seem like a legitimate threat to anyone on the roster. If I remember correctly, didn't he tie Cena for the most eliminations at Summerslam? And this is when he was on a team with five former world champions, (if you count Morrison's ECW run.) Hell, he didn't even get hurt until Miz attacked him from behind.

So yes, Bryan will win, Miz will win later and both men will be better off because of it.

EDIT: The Miz vs Bryan link above wasn't showing up when I used the /YOUTUBE coding so I just pasted the link above...

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