I'm sure my post will probably get lost in the shuffle of those others but it's no biggie. I loved this post from Mc Neon as I felt he hit it right on the nail. Danielson got buried last night to prove a point that didn't need to be proved. Everyone knows Sheamus is tough, I actually now like the guy. But feeding Bryan to him was completely stupid. What purpose did it serve? Instead of having the Miz try to regain his focus in his feud with Bryan, they instead have Sheamus basically squash him with it ending at nothing.
I would rather have seen the current feuds play themselves out with The Miz working a little more with Bryan and Sheamus becoming more violent toward Randy Orton in his quest to win back the title. On top of that, why in the world has Wade Barrett now gotten a title shot? Like, they're taking Sheamus off Randy Orton for Wade Barrett? I mean, Sheamus is only a two time champion, but he's developing a bit of a following now, why kill his buzz for Barrett who isn't even going to beat Randy Orton anyway? If the WWE is trying to get Sheamus to face Bryan Danielson then they are really off their meds because it makes no sense. Just hope that somehow they work Sheamus into the title picture and Wade Barrett out, although I'm sure somehow they won't. WWE, wow sometimes.