Sheamus squashing Bryan

Bryan started off with, what, 8 losses in a row, and he's the current US champ, so I wouldn't really put too much into this squash non-match. I guess more so it might beg the question that if Miz can't beat Bryan, how could he compete for the World Title with the likes of Sheamus after that? I'm a fan of Danielson, but I'm not too worried about this one.
Really, it shouldn't be considered a big deal. While Bryan Danielson is the United states Champion, he isn't on the level of Sheamus, who is a two time world champion, and a main event wrestler. Bryan Danielson getting squashed to Sheamus is much like the time where Goldust was squashed to Sheamus as well. It makes Sheamus seem dominant, which is what is needed for Sheamus to still remain in a high gear and a tough as nails competitor even if he lost to Randy Orton.

Bryan Danielson really wasn't too warranted to hold a chance to Sheamus right now. He might have some momentum going. But it's hardly anything that could match the momentum of Sheamus, even after his loss.

So, really it's not a big deal.

I completely disagree with you and D-Man for that matter. It IS a big deal. This move made Bryan Danielson look terrible and really hurt his credability. They could have easily put someone else in Danielson's spot and it wouldn't have been as big a blow. There was no reason to make Danielson look like such a bitch, just to put Sheamus over. I also agree with the OP that it makes Miz look bad as well. Poor job on this one overall. Sure he can come back from it, but why make him have to?
I don't understand how some people are saying that Daniel Bryan isn't on Sheamus' level, therefore he should have just been pummeled to hell. Does anyone remember Daniel Bryan's match against Chris Jericho? Chris Jericho was a WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION during that time and look how well that match went. Both guys looked strong. Oh yeah, remember Daniel Bryan's match against Batista? Look how great DB looked in that too. Batista is a former multi-time World Champion, yet DB STILL inflicted some great offence. This match against Sheamus was utter bullshit plain and simple. It made a Champion look weak, despite who the WWE is high on between the two. He looked like nothing more than a jobber with a belt in that ring. They could have easily replaced DB with two local jobbers and had Sheamus beat the living crap out of them instead. This makes the Miz look weak too, because he's a future World Champion and after seeing this, how can it be believable that he can contend with the main eventers? Makes no sense. This just seems lazy to me. Instead of booking Sheamus as a credible Champion when he had the WWE title, they resort to this just to show his 'frustration.'
I'm surprised that this has happened to Bryan, But this MIGHT start off a feud between the two. It may be interesting to see it happen.
You guys have to realize that even though Miz deserves a whole lot and needs to be taken seriously; he's small, and his character, the very essence of "The Miz"s being, is being a pussy ass piece of shit heel. We're not supposed to want the chicken shit to win the belt, or beat the hell out of people, or be considered a threat. He. Runs. Away. From. Faces.

Why should Miz even look better than Santino? He's a heel who is a total fuckin' chicken shit. THAT is what the bookers or the creative team is going to write for. Miz shouldn't even be putting on good matches. Why are we cheering for the heel? Same reason why we are boo'ing for the biggest face of all time John Cena. That in itself is shitty booking. They finally do something right and make Miz look weak, make the main event powerhouse look strong, and suspend our disbelief as they had Sheamus take out someone who in real life, he'd definitely take out, who is Daniel Bryan. And what do you guys do? Say that it's stupid.

RAW and Hell In A Cell were definitely two perfect shows, or as close to perfect as they could possibly be in this day and age. Only thing bad about any of this is the Undertaker vs. Kane match, but we don't even have to get into that.

This was finally some damn good booking, the entire two hours. Even the divas matches. I can't say enough good things about last night's RAW; so shut your pube pockets.
This was really confusing for me. I had a bad feeling about the match, or lack there of, when DB didnt get an entrance.

I understand why they would book this when you focus on Sheamus. I actually like it from this stand point. It makes Sheamus look very strong and ruthless. It also set up the battle royal later in the night because it made you believe that Sheamus was just going to rip through everyone. But thats where the pros of this move stop.

Why would they have him squash Danielson? He has looked great since he came back. Not only is he the US champ, but they have to be happy with the matches he has put on at the last two PPVs. It doesnt make sense. They could have easily put Primo in that match and not only keep DB from looking bad, but put him in the battle royal. They definitely had other options and chose the wrong one in my opinion.

The only way I could justify it is that maybe they wanted DB's selling skills to help Sheamus look better, but that seems like a stretch. Maybe its some backstage politics. I dont know, but I didnt like it.
hmmm you said something i noticed recently. DB sells moves almost as good as HHH or even evan bourne the guy sells so well i think they did it because if you put sheamus with primo we all know hes gonna win hands down job or no job lol but with DB it added more to the squash as DB is on the rise and current US champ so have sheamus squash the U champ it shows hes above that title and it also shows they aren't going to push DB so fast which is good i think a slow sweet push would do him great.
Watching DB get squashed depressed me. From Sheamus's standpoint, it makes him look powerful and still credible despite the loss to Orton. It gives the impression that he would tear through everyone in the battle royal. I get that. I just think someone else would've made a better choice. Should've fed Primo to him IMO. That's just me.
I guess some people can't see what has been clearly laid out for them.

Miz attacked Edge which means more than likely they will feud and Sheamus has nothing to do since Orton will face Barrett for the title and I don't see HHH returning any time soon.

Enter Bryan vs. Sheamus

Bryan can come out next week and get under Sheamus's skin and say that he had to get disqualified and that he couldn't pin him and he will make Sheamus tap. There's the beginning of a feud right there that will keep both occupied for a few months.
I don't see what the deal is. I'm a fan of the Indies. I appreceated Brian Danielson. Hell I remember in early 09 I went to San Antonio to watch the Roh Champion come fight the Holder of the Texas Title JT Lamotta, and It was Excellent! The Cattle Mutilation is somethings awesome to see from front row seats.

I digress. See here's the thing, 2 months ago Sheamus was the Champ and Danielson was working exclusively in the Indies. Sheamus is a heel, not only a heel, but a power based heel. Sheamus got pushed because he has the WWE look. DB is a technical wizard. Sheamus used his power, but technically Danielson won. Call it a squash if you want. I call it paying your dues.

It doesn't make Miz or JoMo look weak. It makes Sheamus look like a guy who's pissed about not having gold around his waist. Can Miz beat Sheamus to win the title? Probably not, but he doesn't have to. Probably won't have to deal with it for a while. Everyone talked about how good JoMo looked in the "PPV quality" match a few weeks back, but Sheamus still won that. Did that make JoMo look weak? I think not.

DB is impressive, he debuted to the midcard, but the Raw Main Event Spot is the Holy Grail of Professional Wrestling. He may the world's best. But as I'm sure Vader, or Konan, or even the legendary Terry Funk can tell you, It's one thing to be the main event in the indys, or Mexico, or Japan. But the WWE's a whole different ballgame. He's not gonna get a main event push until he proves he can hang in the E. Give him time, He's not considered the best in the world because it was handed to him, but because he proved himself. Plus he's backed by HBK. He'll be alright, I would even be surprised if he doesn't make Sheamus tap by the end of the year.
Okay heres my take

Say we come back from commercial, and a total jobber is standing in the ring, enter in Sheamus.... What's the first thing you'll think? "Oh heres another 2 minute squashing..." and that's it..

Now, this time have Daniel Bryan standing in the ring. Enter in Sheamus again, you think "Hey, maybe Danielson has a shot." But he gets squashed. This makes Sheamus look completely dominant.

It's like having Sheamus face R-Truth, squashing him, and making him look dominant times 2. Danielson had a lot of momentum and having Sheamus crush him makes him look completely unstoppable, and Bryan will be fine.
think about it , if daniel bryan start a fued with sheamus it could easily push him to a main event level , even with the us title .. wwe creative knows what theyre doing .
Honestly i don't see sheamus "squashing" DB as a bad thing.Sheamus has now lost on back to back ppv main event matches,he is ticked off and is gonna take it out on whoever he's facing,if it would've been primo or tatsu thrown in there to the lion it would've been insignificant but since it was the current us champ Daniel Bryan,there is meaning to the ferocity of the irish man.Imo this made Sheamus look dominant and opened the door to a possible Bryan/Sheamus feud which would be great for both.
For you guys complaining about this.. Like someone on Twitter recently told Charlie Haas, pro wrestling isn't communism. The WWE has ALWAYS had an hierarchy. Sheamus is much more important than Daniel Bryan because Sheamus is a main eventer.

yes but it was really unneccessary to use DB in this match. they could have put anyother midcard guy in there but they picked DB? i get it sheamus should beat DB but DB needed to maintain his win streak. more than sheamus needed to beat the shit out of a midcarder.
So, what some are you are saying is that this makes Sheamus look dominant.

There's a flaw with that. Sheamus has always looked dominant since he debuted in the WWE. It's blatantly obvious at this point. The problem is that he squashed the US Champion Daniel Bryan, only to prove what's already been proven before. How does this benefit him though? It still doesn't make him strong enough to beat the WWE Champion or even defend the title cleanly. How does any of this make sense? He's above the US Championship, yet he's below the WWE Championship, and if he's above the US Championship...why would a feud with Daniel Bryan even be necessary as some noted? This just feels like a step down for him. Wanna make Sheamus look stronger than he presently is? Make him beat a main eventer cleanly.
So, what some are you are saying is that this makes Sheamus look dominant.

There's a flaw with that. Sheamus has always looked dominant since he debuted in the WWE. It's blatantly obvious at this point. The problem is that he squashed the US Champion Daniel Bryan, only to prove what's already been proven before. How does this benefit him though? It still doesn't make him strong enough to beat the WWE Champion or even defend the title cleanly. How does any of this make sense? He's above the US Championship, yet he's below the WWE Championship, and if he's above the US Championship...why would a feud with Daniel Bryan even be necessary as some noted? This just feels like a step down for him. Wanna make Sheamus look stronger than he presently is? Make him beat a main eventer cleanly.

TLC: Beat Cena in what many saw as a fluke win.

Royal Rumble: Legacy got Orton disqualified

Elimination Chamber: Pinned by HHH

Wrestlemania: Lost to HHH

Extreme Rules: Beat HHH after attacking him earlier

Fatal Four Way: Won the title due to interference from Nexus

MITB: Retained against Cena

Summerslam: Got himself disqualified against Orton

Night of Champions: Lost

Hell in a Cell: Lost

Sheamus has not looked dominant because I don't think he has gotten a clean win over Orton or Cena that didn't happen in a gimmick match.

I don't see the damn problem with Sheamus feuding with Bryan just because you may think it seems like a step down for him. Cena is preoccupied with Nexus and the world title, Edge is on Smackdown, and Jericho is out. Unless HHH returns in the next week, Sheamus will have nothing to do besides either feud with the aforementioned Bryan or Morrison. Jericho did this all the time so I don't see what the problem is this time.
I'm sure my post will probably get lost in the shuffle of those others but it's no biggie. I loved this post from Mc Neon as I felt he hit it right on the nail. Danielson got buried last night to prove a point that didn't need to be proved. Everyone knows Sheamus is tough, I actually now like the guy. But feeding Bryan to him was completely stupid. What purpose did it serve? Instead of having the Miz try to regain his focus in his feud with Bryan, they instead have Sheamus basically squash him with it ending at nothing.

I would rather have seen the current feuds play themselves out with The Miz working a little more with Bryan and Sheamus becoming more violent toward Randy Orton in his quest to win back the title. On top of that, why in the world has Wade Barrett now gotten a title shot? Like, they're taking Sheamus off Randy Orton for Wade Barrett? I mean, Sheamus is only a two time champion, but he's developing a bit of a following now, why kill his buzz for Barrett who isn't even going to beat Randy Orton anyway? If the WWE is trying to get Sheamus to face Bryan Danielson then they are really off their meds because it makes no sense. Just hope that somehow they work Sheamus into the title picture and Wade Barrett out, although I'm sure somehow they won't. WWE, wow sometimes.
I'm sure my post will probably get lost in the shuffle of those others but it's no biggie. I loved this post from Mc Neon as I felt he hit it right on the nail. Danielson got buried last night to prove a point that didn't need to be proved. Everyone knows Sheamus is tough, I actually now like the guy. But feeding Bryan to him was completely stupid. What purpose did it serve? Instead of having the Miz try to regain his focus in his feud with Bryan, they instead have Sheamus basically squash him with it ending at nothing.

I would rather have seen the current feuds play themselves out with The Miz working a little more with Bryan and Sheamus becoming more violent toward Randy Orton in his quest to win back the title. On top of that, why in the world has Wade Barrett now gotten a title shot? Like, they're taking Sheamus off Randy Orton for Wade Barrett? I mean, Sheamus is only a two time champion, but he's developing a bit of a following now, why kill his buzz for Barrett who isn't even going to beat Randy Orton anyway? If the WWE is trying to get Sheamus to face Bryan Danielson then they are really off their meds because it makes no sense. Just hope that somehow they work Sheamus into the title picture and Wade Barrett out, although I'm sure somehow they won't. WWE, wow sometimes.

Sheamus and Orton simply do not work well together. Their three matches at PPV's have proven that. Also, what else can the Miz and Daniel Bryan do? Bryan has already made Miz tap out twice. It's time for Miz to move on and feud with a main eventer like Edge.

Why can't people be patient these days?
I think some of these replies are WAYYYYYYYYY off base, and it comes down to one thing i keep reading over and over. Stop using the term jobber for Bryan in this case. Last i checked, a jobber is someone who is used to make someone else look really good..................BY LOSING CLEANLY via pinfall or submission

Now, while Bryan WAS used to make Sheamus look even more monstrous, some of you are acting as if Bryan lost a "match". I will say, it appears the announce team seemed to not have a clue whether the bell rang to "start" a match, or because of a DQ. But now thats in the notes as a "DQ", then it served its purpose. Sheamus looks more strong that he "destroyed" a credible player, and not some real "jobber", like a Jamie Noble. Plus like someone mentioned, it also adds an element where the 2 could easily feud in the future. IMO it didnt hurt Daniel Bryan's momentum at all, i mean, he IS the US CHamp, its not like hes still chasing it, then maybe id agree more about some of the opinions.
Geeez, u DB marks sure are biased and its easy to tell who u are. This one is simple.....Sheamus = main event, Daniel Bryan = what if he gets squashed? Sheamus needed the momentum after HIC and Bryan didn't......they can use this squash when (if ever) DB gets to the main event.

So relaaaaaaaaaaaaaax!
I Think the Sheamus/Bryan match was designed to make Sheamus still look like a powerful main eventer, but I honestly don't think it made Daniel Bryan look weak. In a regular match you have until 5 on a rope break and if you don't break then you're disqualified. If Sheamus would have stopped before the refs count Bryan might have had a chance, but Sheamus is a aggressive heel who doesn't care not to play by the rules and is relentless in a attack to prove a point,.. that's the way they probably want you to think about it. But i'm hoping for a Sheamus/Bryan feud because they are both fresh out of programs and even if Bryan came out on the losing end when it's over with, Just being around after battling with Sheamus would elevate him somewhat, cause look at HHH who Sheamus gets the long running storyline of taking out
I think their mindset was Sheamus needs to beat on someone in order to look strong and to build some momentum for the guy, because he also lost the battle royal only an hour later and it was a good way to still keep him relevant.

I wouldn't of picked Daniel Bryan myself, he's been doing very well over the past few months and has a lot of momentum so to have Daniel Bryan get his ass handed to him when he's been on a roll and possibly kill some of that momentum is stupid, but I'm not crucifying it yet because it might lead to something in the future (maybe Bryan will have a string of matches with Sheamus and be given a chance to shine with a main eventer, who knows?).

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter, because unless it leads to a program nobody will remember in 3 weeks anyways.
TLC: Beat Cena in what many saw as a fluke win.

Royal Rumble: Legacy got Orton disqualified

Elimination Chamber: Pinned by HHH

Wrestlemania: Lost to HHH

Extreme Rules: Beat HHH after attacking him earlier

Fatal Four Way: Won the title due to interference from Nexus

MITB: Retained against Cena

Summerslam: Got himself disqualified against Orton

Night of Champions: Lost

Hell in a Cell: Lost

Sheamus has not looked dominant because I don't think he has gotten a clean win over Orton or Cena that didn't happen in a gimmick match.

I don't see the damn problem with Sheamus feuding with Bryan just because you may think it seems like a step down for him. Cena is preoccupied with Nexus and the world title, Edge is on Smackdown, and Jericho is out. Unless HHH returns in the next week, Sheamus will have nothing to do besides either feud with the aforementioned Bryan or Morrison. Jericho did this all the time so I don't see what the problem is this time.

Yes, Sheamus didn't have clean wins as WWE Champion and he didn't look credible as the WWE Champion. But, in those matches, he looked like he belonged with the main eventers, despite the endings. And, he was still chasing the WWE title as it was shown when he was entered in the battle royal on RAW. How are we sure that he's gonna feud with Bryan just because of a random unloading? Who else has nothing to do on RAW? The Miz, since Edge has been traded to Smackdown, and what about Alex Riley? Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the Miz will probably stick around to continue a pretty complete feud with Bryan. But, there's also John Morrison to wonder about. That's fit for the mid-carders and the US title. Who's to say that Sheamus is done chasing the WWE title for now? John Cena has Wade Barrett to worry about, so there's still plenty of room for Sheamus to distract Orton. This whole DB thing was abrupt, poorly done and felt out of place. And, Sheamus isn't Jericho. Anyway, if they do come up with something rational next week on RAW to clear all of this up, then that's fine. :)
I get that it was done to keep Sheamus looking like a badass. I wish they would have used someone else in Bryans place though. Like someone else pointed out I think some people are making a bigger deal out of it than it is. It's not like he lost a squash match. Sheamus jumped him then beat him mercilessly before the match even really started getting him self DQed. Who knows it may start a feud between the two though I doubt it will even be mentioned again.
Well its not the same to squash a jobber than to squash the US champion. IT was merly to sustain momentum and show he is above all the midcarders. It did wonders for sheamus and surly helped him to be in the last 3 in the battle royal but for the US champion it was a kill of. being squashed like that and being champion? having so much momentum and winning a triple threat submission match and then losing it all like that? only way this match would make sense in a point of view is that theres a sheamus/ daniel fued comming or something around the lines.
Well, Bryan won the match because Sheamus was dirty... That counts for something too. They just wanted to make Sheamus look even better, plus this doesn't bury Bryan at all. As a matter of fact, it's not that big of a deal. This happens, heel comes out squashes face, gets DQed, face still gets great crowd reaction. It's not the end of the world, like some posters are making it seem. Bryan is the US Champ, he already looks great, this isn't gonna put a chink in his armor. Sure, maybe the WWE should have used a different guy to get squashed, but still... Not that big of a deal. People like to blow things out of proportion, this is one of those things.

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