Sheamus squashing Bryan

It was a good way to get Bryan on TV without having him cut a promo and a good way to show us how pissed off Sheamus was/is. I think a lotta cats out there are readin too much into it(as usual) and gettin worked up over nothing. Bryan will survive,his rep won't be tarnished because at the end of the day,he's still a champion.
I completely disagree with you and D-Man for that matter. It IS a big deal. This move made Bryan Danielson look terrible and really hurt his credability. They could have easily put someone else in Danielson's spot and it wouldn't have been as big a blow. There was no reason to make Danielson look like such a bitch, just to put Sheamus over. I also agree with the OP that it makes Miz look bad as well. Poor job on this one overall. Sure he can come back from it, but why make him have to?

I have a problem with the fact that you're saying Bryan Danielson lost credibility against Sheamus. Considering the fact that he hardly had any credibility in terms of being anywhere near believable to kick Sheamus' ass.

Besides, who else was there to make Sheamus look good? Sheamus needed someone of "importance" and at a higher level than the average mid-carder, without making it be a main event wrestler who Sheamus is supposed to be on the same level of. Bryan Danielson was a good choice to make Sheamus look good.

And I'll say it once again - It's no big deal. Sheamus looked good and strong, which is what matters, while Bryan Danielson didn't loose much from this at all. He still remains champion, and he still manages to hold his own in HIS division, not against the superior division.
I posted about this as soon as it happened in the Raw "summary and ratings' thread because I could not wrap my head around how this booking makes any kind of sense. Ive read through all the posts here and Im of those who think this was bad wwe booking at its finest and I was going to post more about my thoughts on it. But then it hit me when people said things like "its ruins his credibility". It does nothing to ruin his credibility. Daniel Bryan has NO credibility to many wwe fans, they dont even know who he is. To people like us who know Bryan Danielson, it doesnt ruin his credibility to us because we know its simply bad booking. It doesnt ruin the credibility of the US title because all the credibility that title had was lost a long time ago. Thats probably the main reason they got it off Miz and put it on Danielson in the first place.

Daniels Bryan isnt going anywhere in wwe. Barrett already has a title shot, Shaemus is a two time champion....Danielson doesnt even get proper theme music. This booking shows you exactly what Daniels status in wwe really is and what it'll always be. He'll beat the present day Miz, he'll beat the present day Morrison but thats about it.
So really its not bad booking afterall because in Vince's eyes, Bryan IS nothing and never WILL be anything much more than he already is in WWE so why not have your big main event star annihilate him?

FYI I am an Indie fan and have watched Danielson since ROH debuted.
I have a problem with the fact that you're saying Bryan Danielson lost credibility against Sheamus. Considering the fact that he hardly had any credibility in terms of being anywhere near believable to kick Sheamus' ass.

Besides, who else was there to make Sheamus look good? Sheamus needed someone of "importance" and at a higher level than the average mid-carder, without making it be a main event wrestler who Sheamus is supposed to be on the same level of. Bryan Danielson was a good choice to make Sheamus look good.

And I'll say it once again - It's no big deal. Sheamus looked good and strong, which is what matters, while Bryan Danielson didn't loose much from this at all. He still remains champion, and he still manages to hold his own in HIS division, not against the superior division.

I don't dispute the fact that it made Sheamus look good, it most certainly did. I do have a problem with the choice being Danielson. I think it hurts not only him, but Miz as well and with Miz so obviously bound for big things in the near future, why risk making them BOTH look like bad. If you were going to choose someone, why not Bourne or Morrison for that matter? Both are midcarders, but well respected ones. Neither currently hold a title, so it doesn't hurt them, or the belt as much as it did Danielson and the US title. I'm not even going to go as far as saying, it will take a while for Bryan to recover from this, because honestly, we wrestling fans have a short memory. I just don't think Bryan was the man for the "job" in this case.
I don't dispute the fact that it made Sheamus look good, it most certainly did. I do have a problem with the choice being Danielson. I think it hurts not only him, but Miz as well and with Miz so obviously bound for big things in the near future, why risk making them BOTH look like bad. If you were going to choose someone, why not Bourne or Morrison for that matter? Both are midcarders, but well respected ones. Neither currently hold a title, so it doesn't hurt them, or the belt as much as it did Danielson and the US title. I'm not even going to go as far as saying, it will take a while for Bryan to recover from this, because honestly, we wrestling fans have a short memory. I just don't think Bryan was the man for the "job" in this case.

It doesn't make Miz look bad. Because Miz has credibility besides Bryan Danielson. He put Edge down this week, as well as he has put Sheamus down, and pinned John Cena. He has fine credibility, as well as if Miz has come off looking bad, it was done before Sheamus squashed Bryan, by Bryan defeating Miz twice.

Evan Bourne is below the level of where Sheamus would matter in squashing Evan. He is pretty much nothing on RAW, and haven't been for a while. Besides, he's tagging with Mark Henry, and wrestled Michael Tarver (I won't say he wrestled John Cena).

John Morrison? The very guy that brought Sheamus to his limit in a Fall Counts Anywhere match a few weeks before? You want that guy to be squashed by Sheamus? Rethink that one mate.

Sheamus would've benefited more from Bryan Danielson than either one of the two. Because Sheamus kicked the ass of a champion. He kicked the ass of the guy that had momentum going for him. Momentum which weren't hurt in any way because nobody in their right mind would be believing that Bryan Danielson could challenge Sheamus in any manner. Certainly not at his current point in WWE at least.
Ok Look, I think my point is this: It's not going to kill Bryan that he was squashed by Sheamus, but I think there were better men for the job. Your point of JoMo taking Sheamus to the limit could have actually worked quite the opposite of the way you are looking at it. For example, Sheamus comes out and kills JoMo. Cole and Lawler then bring up the falls count anywhere match and play to it. Making comments along the lines of "Wow, look at Sheamus' new found intensity, annihilating a man that took him to the limit just weeks before." or "Sheamus has really stepped things up a notch since losing at HIAC, bludgeoning a JoMo, before the match even started".

I just didn't like Danielson getting squashed like that. I think one of my reasons is because I have always been a big fan of mid-card belts and their importance. I would like the see the current WWE make those belts more prestigious, and that is certainly not going to happen when you have your title holder getting his ass kicked. I think that's what bothers me most about the segment. It's certainly not the worst decision ever, I even understand why they did it, I just wasn't a fan.
Really not a big deal as someone have mentioned before. If Sheamus can squash the big, strong Great Khali the previous week, then he can certainly squash Bryan; so they can feed into his Main evetner status. Eventhough Bryan is great, he's still U.S champ, not a main eventer yet.
I don't think it will hurt Bryan at all, he's still US champion, Sheamus isn't a champion right now. The fact that Sheamus was able to 'squash' Bryan with a surprise beatdown (it wasn't an actual squash match with his finisher and a 3-count) just reminded us how brutal Sheamus can be, since he was so angry over his loss to Orton at Hell in a Cell. Sheamus is a huge guy, and when legitimately angry, would be able to beat up someone like Bryan with no problem, in real life, not following wrestling match rules.

The problem is we've seen nonsense like Rey Mysterio beating Big Show for so long, that some fans have forgotten that realistically, if someone like Sheamus is really angry and just plain fighting, even a skilled but small wrestler like Bryan doesn't have a chance. Once again, a good example of why they should bring back the cruiserweight title and weight classes.
Ok Look, I think my point is this: It's not going to kill Bryan that he was squashed by Sheamus, but I think there were better men for the job. Your point of JoMo taking Sheamus to the limit could have actually worked quite the opposite of the way you are looking at it. For example, Sheamus comes out and kills JoMo. Cole and Lawler then bring up the falls count anywhere match and play to it. Making comments along the lines of "Wow, look at Sheamus' new found intensity, annihilating a man that took him to the limit just weeks before." or "Sheamus has really stepped things up a notch since losing at HIAC, bludgeoning a JoMo, before the match even started".

Yet it wouldn't be as believable. Considering the fact that while Sheamus could've very well squashed John Morrison, it wouldn't make sense that John could've held his own in a hardcore match against the very same guy while he was carrying a larger amount of momentum. John Morrison's momentum had been going upwards ever since his encounter with Sheamus, while Sheamus' momentum went downwards. Hardly something I would find believable if I were to look at it from a kayfabe perspective.

I just didn't like Danielson getting squashed like that. I think one of my reasons is because I have always been a big fan of mid-card belts and their importance. I would like the see the current WWE make those belts more prestigious, and that is certainly not going to happen when you have your title holder getting his ass kicked. I think that's what bothers me most about the segment. It's certainly not the worst decision ever, I even understand why they did it, I just wasn't a fan.

That's all about your opinion mate. Nothing wrong with that. But really I don't see how it couldn't have been more than acceptable. Considering the fact that Sheamus' momentum needed to be build much more than Bryan Danielson's momentum needed to continue rolling. Especially considering Sheamus needed to come out and dominate the living shit out of Bryan Danielson either way.

Sheamus is just at a superior level. It would've been like saying Miz shouldn't have jobbed to John Cena in a matter of less than 6 minutes at the Bash. But the problem is, he should. Because John Cena is at a superior level than The Miz. And so is Sheamus at a bigger level than Bryan Danielson.
I thought this match was shit. I get what everyone is saying that Shemus "should" squash and that "Shemus needs to look strong" , but In my eyes, any person holding an undercard title should be able to hold their own and often win against main eventers.

You're a champion, you can't get squashed. It looks bad no matter how well they sold it and it makes the division look like garbage and not worth watching.

Unless this is the start of a mini feud where DB gets some revenge, I thought this was a poor use of writing and talent. Shemus cannot win legit. They wrote him like that for the past year. It doesn't make him look strong to jump people, wail on them and leave only to consistanly lose the matches that mean anything.

Poor use of your talent, WWE. Fix that.
I thought this match was shit. I get what everyone is saying that Shemus "should" squash and that "Shemus needs to look strong" , but In my eyes, any person holding an undercard title should be able to hold their own and often win against main eventers.

You're a champion, you can't get squashed. It looks bad no matter how well they sold it and it makes the division look like garbage and not worth watching.

Unless this is the start of a mini feud where DB gets some revenge, I thought this was a poor use of writing and talent. Shemus cannot win legit. They wrote him like that for the past year. It doesn't make him look strong to jump people, wail on them and leave only to consistanly lose the matches that mean anything.

Poor use of your talent, WWE. Fix that.


Firstly, I don't think it's a rule that a champion cannot be squashed. Let's get that out of the way.

Secondly, it does not make the division look weak. It would look weak if a midcarder squashed Bryan but a main eventer did. There's a difference. It shows that Bryan is not ready to compete with the top guys yet so that is why he is in the midcard. Bryan giving a competitive match to Sheamus would make Sheamus more weak because he came off a loss to Randy Orton and how would it look if he couldn't put away a midcarder like Bryan? I have no problem with this it all whether or not something comes out of it.
Bryan isn't dead. Sheamus isn't the new god of wrestling. Nobody is hurt and life will go on. I sincerely doubt that Bryan is hurt at all by this in the fans eyes or anyone elses. Sheamus is a beast and made a name for himself by being brutal. Not to mention it was all done illegally. Seriously, if he can sneak attack bigger names then Bryan and nobody says anything I don't see why people get butt hurt about it happening to someone lower on the food chain. It was just a beat down, nothing more.

If anything this will set up a match or two between them and give Bryan the chance to look good against Sheamus. If that ends up being a total squash than maybe people can bitch. Until that happens, there is nothing to see here.

Firstly, I don't think it's a rule that a champion cannot be squashed. Let's get that out of the way.

Secondly, it does not make the division look weak. It would look weak if a midcarder squashed Bryan but a main eventer did. There's a difference. It shows that Bryan is not ready to compete with the top guys yet so that is why he is in the midcard. Bryan giving a competitive match to Sheamus would make Sheamus more weak because he came off a loss to Randy Orton and how would it look if he couldn't put away a midcarder like Bryan? I have no problem with this it all whether or not something comes out of it.

Sorry to say my friend, that I am nearly in total disagreement with you. As the mid-card champion you are the best of the best of that division. You should be able to hold your own against anyone. Even the current world champ. Kofi took care of Orton, and neither was worse off because of it.

By your logic, the IC champ Ultimate Warrior vs Hogan should have had Hogan squash the Warrior in the same way that Sheamus did to DB.

I'm not sure of your age, but I've been a fan since Hogan was known as Sterling Golden. Back then up until maybe a decade ago, the mid-card title holder vs anyone expecially the world champ would fill a stadium up to capacity.

That is why I, myself, believe that this way a bad thing. But hopefully they can turn it into a storyline.
Why was Sheamus put up against Daniel Bryan ffs!!!! Daniel was thrown to the Wolves and for what reason exactly? It just proved that however booked the match messed up big time. Daniel had no chance and could not even defend himself. Sheamus should be severely punished because he went completely crazy and tried to finish Daniels career
Sorry to say my friend, that I am nearly in total disagreement with you. As the mid-card champion you are the best of the best of that division. You should be able to hold your own against anyone. Even the current world champ. Kofi took care of Orton, and neither was worse off because of it.

By your logic, the IC champ Ultimate Warrior vs Hogan should have had Hogan squash the Warrior in the same way that Sheamus did to DB.

You're really taking the "best of the best" phrase a tad too literally. Santino was a mid-card champion. Was he the best of that division? How does being a midcard champion mean that you should be able to hold your own against the top guys in the company? If Bryan was the world champion, then we have a whole different story but he's not.

I'm not sure of your age, but I've been a fan since Hogan was known as Sterling Golden. Back then up until maybe a decade ago, the mid-card title holder vs anyone expecially the world champ would fill a stadium up to capacity.

That is why I, myself, believe that this way a bad thing. But hopefully they can turn it into a storyline.

Ah, the old "I'm older than you therefore I'm a bigger fan of wrestling" defense. Never gets old.
I was taken aback by how dominate Sheamus was in the match, I must admit, and it did turn me off from the show for a bit, but I guess we have to wait and see what happens this upcoming week on Raw to really find out if whether or not this indeed was a burial. If Bryan and Sheamus go on and no interaction with each other... then year, it might as well have been the Jamie Noble segment all over again when Sheamus first made his debut on Raw. But I just can't believe WWE would let their Untied States Champion be treated like that. I will be pissed though if that is the case, if not... then I look forward to a Sheamus/Bryan feud. I just wish Danielson was still rocking the pasty look himself. That would have made for some interesting television, lol.
They gotta keep Sheamus looking strong, so they had him squash DB who happens to be the U.S. Champion and is on a roll right now.. This doesn't affect DB credibility..
So, after last night's episode of Raw, it looks like I was right. After all of the crying, whining, and complaining, Bryan got his return match and looked strong as hell against Sheamus. Sure, he came up on the losing end, but I wouldn't expect anything less considering the fact that he's in the world title picture and Daniel Bryan is only the US champ.

Daniel Bryan is still very over with the audience and hold his title. I think he came out just fine from last week's incident and will continue to do so. Take a lesson, IWC... stop jumping to stupid conclusions.
Nobody is denying that Sheamus is in the World title picture and that he's a main eventer. Sheamus has pinfall victories over John Cena, Randy Orton and Triple H. The guy is also one of my favourites. It's funny how people on this forum seem to have harboured some kind of denial about the guy back when he was WWE Champion for the first time. They started saying how the push was too soon, and how Sheamus wasn't capable of performing on the level of the other top stars, etc. Now it's in reverse after we've seen what he can do. But, that's a different story. Daniel Bryan is being built right now, yes, it's clear. He's a mid-carder, yes that's clear. Remember that he took Chris Jericho and Batista to their limits in respective matches. Just because he's a mid-carder doesn't mean he's weak or unable to inflict any kind of impact against main eventers. Now, the showing of this week's RAW had Daniel Bryan going up against Sheamus and looking strong. Sheamus winning is to be expected. I have no problem with this. I also have no problem with how this match went, because Daniel Bryan got offence. That's what I wanted to see. Now we can all be happy campers and move on.
So, after last night's episode of Raw, it looks like I was right. After all of the crying, whining, and complaining, Bryan got his return match and looked strong as hell against Sheamus. Sure, he came up on the losing end, but I wouldn't expect anything less considering the fact that he's in the world title picture and Daniel Bryan is only the US champ.

Daniel Bryan is still very over with the audience and hold his title. I think he came out just fine from last week's incident and will continue to do so. Take a lesson, IWC... stop jumping to stupid conclusions.

As the guy who started this whole thing, I figured I should respond at some point.

Yeah, he came out looking fine from last week, but I still don't like the fact that he got his ass handed to him last week to put over Sheamus. I have no problem with all this now that they gave him a chance to wrestle Sheamus properly this week. Whatever they feel they need to do to get over Sheamus they should do, just don't give up one guy for another is all I'm saying.
Really, you're still complaining about the squash match? Bryan didn't even lose. It was just a classic beat down with a DQ. Batista did the same thing to John Cena. Several weeks in a row. He did it to Rey Mysterio AND the Undertaker as well a few weeks/months prior to the Cena beatdowns.

Daniel Bryan did NOT come off as looking weak. He came off as looking like he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Given different circumstances he wouldn't have gotten squashed. And guess what happened during their next match? Different circumstances, he didn't get squashed. There's nothing to complain about, the majority of people understand that a heel beating someone down relentlessly doesn't make the person look weak, and the match they had on the last Raw proved it.
I'm surprised nobody has made anything about this

Not to echo Charlie Haas, but Daniel Bryan has been working his ass of for the past couple of weeks to get some momentum going and than last night he was fed to Sheamus like a jobber.

My question is: What the fuck?

This most likely is someones bright idea of getting Sheamus some credibility since his has lost at two consecutive pay-per-views, but how stupid can someone really be. Unless this is meant to set up Bryan seeking revenge and this leading to a program between them, it kills everything that bryan has amassed over the past month. If one wants to look a little further, it also makes the Miz look stupid because he has lost to bryan (tapped, actually) twice in a row. Than Sheamus proceeds to beat this guy quickly and decisivly. What does that say about the Miz (granted, that might be over looking things).

What do you think , is there any logic in sacrificing Daniel Bryan to give Sheamus a little more credibility?


Just found on WWE's website that they have this as part of the "RAW results" :

U.S. Champion Daniel Bryan def. Sheamus by Disqualification

Momentum can only take you so far. Despite prevailing over both The Miz and John Morrison at Hell in a Cell, United States Champion Daniel Bryan would soon discover his limitations in the form of The Celtic Warrior. Having lost in a grueling Hell in a Cell Match against WWE Champion Randy Orton, Sheamus was not in a trifling mood. The Irishman punished Daniel Bryan in a most brutal fashion, getting disqualified, but also reestablishing himself as one of WWE’s most feared Superstars.

Which proves my theory correct. Those idiot writers.

Never been more happy about something in recent WWE memory...

Daniel Bryan or Bryan Daniel or whatever he a mid-card/jobber. He should already be in the ring once they come back from commercial, do his couple of self arm slaps the jobbers used to do...raise his hand when they announce his boring name and then put on a decent match only to lose against somebody far more charismatic and believable.

This isn't the 2nd grade. You shouldn't just get rewarded for "trying hard". He tries hard and he has decent maneuvers...but the guy is a snooze factory. He looks like one of the characters from Revenge of the Nerds. Him beating up giant massive men just isn't believable. You don't want to lie to the kids. If a nerdy dweeb tried to pick a fight with a much stronger kid in school...9.9 times out of 10 he will get his ass kicked. That's why Rey Mysterio winning the World "Heavyweight" Title was such a crock. Just wasn't believable by any means.

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