Wrestlemania 28: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (c) - World Heavyweight Championship

You're telling me bryan was clearly over and they did that vince is fucked up I'm through out mania daniel bryan chants were made I wouldn't be suprised if bryan left over that and disrespectful to the fans that paid good money to see it
I thought it was a brilliant move! It certainly shocked me as did it to everyone watching. I'm glad they didn't put Punk/Jericho first or else it probably would have been a 18 second code breaker or a GTS lol. It really didn't bother me I just sat and thought hmm alright then. Plus I wasn't really looking forward to that match anyways. If it was a triple threat then maybe but D-Bryan and Sheamus doesnt scream Wrestlemania to me, just like Kane vs Chavo haha.
The WHC is meaningless when it came to the WM 28 card. Sheamus/Bryan drew nothing on that card. The other matches had so much more interest. Don't let your loyalty to a guy like Bryan or Sheamus cloud your realization that it was an amazing show. This could actually lead to better things for Bryan. I never expected his run to last long on SD but this loss gives him something to build on.

When it comes to the rest of the card the WWE nailed it. Taker/HHH was an emotional masterpiece. It's really hard to keep the emotion and tempo at the right pace over a 4 hour show. Having HHH/UT go early was a chance to let those guys do what they do without destroying the mood for Jericho/Punk and Rock/Cena.
I think some times the fans think they put a show together with having the least interesting/least talented matches go first & then you just keep building up to better & better matches. It doesn't work that way. You need a break in between emotional or action packed matches. Daniel Bryan won the title by pinning Big Show when he was down & has gotten by in his title matches, why not have him lose quick? It got everyone talking, didn't it?
I think it would have been cool if Bryan had invoked his rematch clause for later in the night, where they had their proper match. Only then would it have been a cool twist.

I totally agree, I felt robbed. I was really looking forward to that match as those two guys really go and aren't afraid to hit the other or get hit themselves. For all the awesome stuff that Vince has done he still pulls off some purely idiot bullshit, such as include that maria chick on the show wtf. Now were even more lost, Rhodes needs to move up to the main event park, but Bryan's still in the picture till atleast after Extreme Rules now and nobody wants to see Rhodes go try get revenge, nobody in the crowd cared about that match.

So apparently they did it to break a record for quickest title change at wrestlemania, which they failed to do by 10 seconds anyway. Why the hell would they want to do that anyway? What does it do for anyone? Because fuck logic WWE
Nobody needs to know about that.

Frankly speaking,it was an OMG moment and it served its purpose. Let's face it,most people don't care about the World Heavyweight Championship because 1) They don't watch SmackDown and 2) When Daniel Bryan and Sheamus appear on Raw,it's usually in the middle of the show for some throwaway match and they don't get as much time to build the feud in front of a larger audience as Jericho and Punk have. So people don't care about Sheamus or Bryan,not when the other world title match is so personal and has a great story to it. So they decided that if a decent length match wouldn't make an impact,they would do something that would create a major talking point,which they have. Whether you love it or hate it,they've got you talking about it. A real nightmare would have been if they did that and most people went "Oh,great,now I can watch the next match."

Besides,it's not like every Sheamus-Bryan match would be a squash match. They will have their 15-20 minute long title match,most likely on SmackDown or at Extreme Rules. As the Internet says "Calm yo tits",it's not the end of the world as we know it.
At first i was shocked then i started laughing my ass off. Seriously im all for good technical wrestling matches but u good wrestling does not equal good event. Had it been a 15 min match who wudv remembered it... 18 seconds... The roof blew up and it kept ppl interested. The fact tht ppl are complaining is testament to tht... U need stuff like tht from time to time. Shock value and honestly i love seeing an annoying heel get beat up. So this was awesome for me... This and john cena trying to do a peoples elbow which backfired... When things like tht blow up in ur face i love it.. :)

Take it easy ppl. Enjoy a good laugh sometimes... Btw this was planned not a last minute thng im sure...
Wow this was fucking bullshit. I understand where they were going, it forces DB's character to evolve, but goddamnit. You give 85 pound E! lady (no one know or gives a fuck about her, Rock's stroodle is more of a star than she is) time to get blown up after 3 minutes and you don't give Sheamus and DB shit. Pisses me.
The match had a crap build up, neither of them are really over enough to justify a legitimate World Title match at Wrestlemania, and I don't think either of them can handle carrying the main event of the show. People wanted to see HHH/Taker, and Cena/Rock. Sure, it's a crap way to start the show, but if you're telling me people were crying about a wasted $60 because of goddamn Daniel Bryan and Sheamus, then I'm calling bullshit.
As someone who has an autographed "Bryan Danielson" photo from his last ROH show in Chicago, I was pretty pissed. I get what they were trying to do, they are forcing his character to evolve, a little shock factor to (in theory) get the fans into it. Instead it pissed them off. You heard "daniel bryan" chants up through the first 2 hours after.

I don't think it's a spit in anyone's face, this is a business and they made a business decision. It was the wrong one. I don't think Daniel Bryan is enough of a mark for himself to quit over this. That's why he's where he is and we are where we are (and other reasons).

mI mean, Dragon was built up for 4 1/2 months and now he has to lose. Cena was built up for 10 years, broke his neck (literally) for the company and has to job to a guy who was only back for 2 matches and a handful of shows.

I'd say they both have a beef. However, this is a business, tomorrow is a new day. Time for both their characters to evolve.

Delete the previous post, screwed up edit and it keeps signing me out.
the only reason it lasted 18 seconds was to try and break the record for the quickest title match at mania but the failed as its still held by Kane and Chavo from mania 24 in there ECW title match.
I'm a DB fan, but I loved how the match went. It was probably more exciting than any match they would have had and it created a memorable moment. DB was booked as a cowardly champion so this goes hand in hand with his character. I don't know what people are complaining about.
I don't care what any of you think. The match being 18 seconds was a joke and a spit in the face to fans. Daniel Bryan is one of the best wrestlers in the world and we didn't get to see him. It was a mistake to make this match 18 seconds, i don't care what anyone says.
You are saying that it is bad for them to have a good match.At least this match would be 3 stars....I don't think that one more good match in the card would hurt anyone.Is like you are saying that Shawn Michaels and Jericho in Wm 19 shouldn't be a show stealer because matches like Angle vs Lesnar or Stone Cold vs Rock was in the card.
Daniel Bryan and Sheamus aren't HBK and Chris Jericho. Let's have that conversation in five years, and I'm being generous.

I'm not saying it would hurt anyone. But them having a long match doesn't do anything for either of them. There is no possible way that they would have had a match which would have overshadowed the top three matches on the card. It just simply wouldn't be allowed. They aren't getting a half-hour of time to sell ring psychology. What would you have rather had, another Big Show/Cody Rhodes match? They got to go eleven minutes, and no one's saying word one about that match.

Remember that this is a scripted television show. The idea is to build emotion within your audience. To me, it seems like the WWE nailed it here.
Maybe storywise it will be the best choise for their careers but in reality many people was waiting for that match,which it was proven by the people in the arena who was chanting for Danielson the most of the night,and this end was like the WWE was spitting in their face.
Melodramatic much? Well, like a dog, you're going to keep letting the WWE 'spit in your face', because you're going to keep coming back and begging for more entertainment. Please, this is a storyline event that you don't approve of immediately. You're acting like you'll never watch professional wrestling again because the bad guy beat the good guy, and since you know it's scripted, you feel good guys should always be allowed to put on a show.

Please don't make this any harder than it already is and confuse the term "face" with "good guy".

Also the deserve crap which you are saying.Let's forget that this two people was travelling around the world for 300 days just to go to Wrestlemania and show their star.The World Heavyweight Title,which is the historical title in professional wrestling,alone deserves respect and this 18 sec match is a disgrace.
Two things here.

First, everyone else in that company *also* traveled around the world for 300 days, although not just to go to WrestleMania. (Again, melodrama. That's the big event on their calendar, not their sole reason for being a professional wrestler.) There are tons of guys who busted their ass all year long and didn't even get a dark match battle royal to show up for. Should we just never, ever, ever book a short match because someone might feel that they deserve more because they've worked hard? Understanding you get the exact same paycheck either way?

Second, The World Championship Is A Prop. I'm shocked there are still some people that haven't noticed it, but the heavyweight championships are no longer these glorious prizes held only by the top people in the industry. Now, they are used as levers to try and build midcarders into main eventers- and, as I've already covered and you've already stated, an eighteen-second match that people talk about does far more to build their careers in the WWE than a fifteen-minute match no one remembers. If you think that the title "deserves respect", write a letter to the WWE, they might feel frisky and read it in a writers' meeting for a few laughs, right before they tug on your heartstrings again.
My problem wih this "let's break the record" bs is that they did it with the wrong match. Storyline wise it just seems like this would of been better suited for Rhodes/Show match. Rhodes has been busting Shows balls bout choking at WM, bell rings, BOOM, WMD, match over, Rhodes is now the joke.

I just dont know where they are going with this story. Is this suppose to be the beginning of the end of Bryan/AJ? Do him and Sheamus have a Christian/Orton feud where they play hot-potato with the WHC over the next couple of months? Just weird.

Plus who gets blamed for not setting the record. Was that kiss suppose to happen or was that Bryan's way of delaying it? Did the ref just signal for the bell too early cuz in theory the kiss should have came first? Why bother booking this match for the second yr in a row?
that, i think is what so many people have a problem with. the world heavyweight title is just that, a WORLD title, so while some may interpret it as a secondary title, there are just as many people that only see smackdown and thus view this title as a, if not the, top title in wrestling. to throw away any championship match in 18 seconds is ridiculous, much less any match on the card that is supposed to be considered the card of the year. why not cut the broadus clay bit and give sheamus and bryan a chance to work together? better yet why not have THREE musical performances cut to make room for more matches? did anyone actually buy this pay per view (doesnt matter that its wrestle mania its still for all purposes a pay tv event) for hip hop artist intros? you're lying if you say you bought it for flo rida or the tron light cycle or whoever that guy before cena was. wwe needs to stop putting so much emphasis on mainstream stars because to a point it alienates their fans and wastes time.
Bryan's match was shorter than:

1) Undertaker's entrance
2) Heath Slater/Flo Rida Segment
3) Diva's match
4) Santino/Foley segment
5) Rappers before Rock/Cena
6) Brodus Clay
As much of a fan I am of his, to be fair, Bryan over the past few months has been less over than:

1) Taker's entrance
2) santino segments
3) rappers
4) brodus clay

So really, most of those are excusable. The only one that's not is the Divas. I understand celebrity matches, but Maria Manuenos or whatever isn't a celebrity. NOBODY knows or cares who she is.
I was so happy when the match ended that quick because I knew I'd be able to come here and read you Nancys cry about it. Come on dude, if that match didnt last 18 seconds would we have had time to see the brillance that was Mama Clay, or see J-Roc from Trailer Park Boys rap for a few minutes before Cena came out, or see some jacked up shirtless black dude spit some rhymes before Rock? It was no spit in my face, I thoroughly enjoyed it and the entire spectacle last night. Best WM in years.
I'm going to make a "Rise Above HHH"S crotch" shirt for Sheamus! That was a complete and utter BS match last night. I have NO PROBLEM with DB losing the belt even though I am a huge fan of his. BUT they jobbed him and all the heat and character build up he had was over in the 18 secs. It just shows how clueless VMK is now a days and what a tool his son in law is. WWE is headed for dark days. It's becoming Hulk Hogan's WCW let's hook me and my friend's up for HHH.

I think it spoke volumes last night when they were chanting DB all night. Screw the WWE now. They're somewhere between WCW and TNA at this point. If I was DB I'd tell the WWE to go F*CK themselves and go back to Japan. They wanted him to lose faster than Chavo did to Kane. Eartht to WWE morons, Chavo has always a lower mid-carder, borderline jobber. DB held the belt for MONTHS and beat many bigger named wrestlers.
As much of a fan I am of his, to be fair, Bryan over the past few months has been less over than:

1) Taker's entrance
2) santino segments
3) rappers
4) brodus clay

So really, most of those are excusable. The only one that's not is the Divas. I understand celebrity matches, but Maria Manuenos or whatever isn't a celebrity. NOBODY knows or cares who she is.

WHAT???? Well actually he's been more over than Ziggler so yeah and pretty much all of Team Johnny.
WHAT???? Well actually he's been more over than Ziggler so yeah and pretty much all of Team Johnny.
Wow dude, "1) Taker's entrance
2) santino segments
3) rappers
4) brodus clay"

At no point does that say shit about Ziggler or Team Johnny. Learn how to read.

Sheamus winning in 8 seconds hurt him just as much. this isn't a HHH political thing. Fuck sake, stop with the conspiracy bullshit, you sound like a mark. The only HHH bullshit was the whole Taker feud. When the feud became as much about "will HBk screw HHH" it became a Kliq feud.

Sheamus was over, very over, and they made a (misguided) business decision. The decision hurt DB and Sheamus.
The WHC match was my only real complaint about the show. I agree that both Bryan & Sheamus deserved better than this and could have delivered a great match. I just hope that WWE makes it up to us at a later date. I find myself hoping that when it's all said and done in the long run, this will be a bump in the road with Bryan ultimately coming out a bigger star than going into it kind of like what they did with Christian's feud with Randy Orton last year.

However, I couldn't call it a "spit in the face to fans" when you consider how overall great the entire show was. The other 3 big matches on the show completely nailed it and even most of the undercard delivered some good, solid action.
I'm going to make a "Rise Above HHH"S crotch" shirt for Sheamus! That was a complete and utter BS match last night. I have NO PROBLEM with DB losing the belt even though I am a huge fan of his. BUT they jobbed him and all the heat and character build up he had was over in the 18 secs. It just shows how clueless VMK is now a days and what a tool his son in law is. WWE is headed for dark days. It's becoming Hulk Hogan's WCW let's hook me and my friend's up for HHH.

I think it spoke volumes last night when they were chanting DB all night. Screw the WWE now. They're somewhere between WCW and TNA at this point. If I was DB I'd tell the WWE to go F*CK themselves and go back to Japan. They wanted him to lose faster than Chavo did to Kane. Eartht to WWE morons, Chavo has always a lower mid-carder, borderline jobber. DB held the belt for MONTHS and beat many bigger named wrestlers.
So one bad decision on a card that was pretty damn good. WWE isn't headed for dark days. They have too many smart people who understand business.

The match wasn't a big deal. I hated it, I have driven more miles to see DB than any other wrestler. However, the feud wasn't that prominent or that over and it got a buzz going. It was misguided but somewhat understandable. Would have made more sense with Show vs Rhodes I think but whatever.

If this is all it takes to kill DB, then he doesn't deserve his spot (most didn't think he did to begin with). If you were DB and you'd tell WWE to go fuck themselves because you're so much of a mark for yourself that you think you deserve preferential treatment then you can go to Japan like Low Ki and end up a guy notorious for being a selfish dick. They gave him 4 1/2 months as champion, who cares if they job him out in 8 seconds. I mean, I do, but in the grand scheme it doesn't matter. It's a shame that those people chanting for him and holding the "YES!" signs haven't been coming to the other shows.
The WHC is meaningless when it came to the WM 28 card. Sheamus/Bryan drew nothing on that card. The other matches had so much more interest. Don't let your loyalty to a guy like Bryan or Sheamus cloud your realization that it was an amazing show. This could actually lead to better things for Bryan. I never expected his run to last long on SD but this loss gives him something to build on.

When it comes to the rest of the card the WWE nailed it. Taker/HHH was an emotional masterpiece. It's really hard to keep the emotion and tempo at the right pace over a 4 hour show. Having HHH/UT go early was a chance to let those guys do what they do without destroying the mood for Jericho/Punk and Rock/Cena.

An amazing show?
You're kidding me, right? Let me list how many ways WWE screwed up last night.
1) Rock won the match at wrestlemania. I'm sure glad WWE is pushing their top talent!
2) Daniel Bryan match: This was the worst out of all of them and the biggest failure in the modern WWE. It wasn't only disrespectful to Daniel Bryan, it was also a failure due to the fact that they were trying to set a record for quickest match, but failed at that too!
3) The Diva's Match: VINTAGE WWE! Putting someone who isn't trained as a professional wrestler in the professional wrestling ring. Then again this is the Divas match. Kelly-Kelly's trained as a stripper, not a wrestler.
4) Team Teddy/Team Johnny Match: No one cared about the outcome of this match. No one liked the match at the arena. The crowd was dead until Santino and Zack Ryder came in, indicative of how stupid this whole idea was. Why were they all wearing red and blue shirts, blending each other together with the action inside the ring? Why did it have to be a TEN-MAN tag-team match? Those are NEVER memorable.
5) Adding a stipulation to the Punk/Jericho match at the last minute: Why the hell did they do that? This was a simple feud with a simple build. Yes they screwed up with Jericho at the RR, but that's forgivable. But they decided a solid straight match at wrestlemania wasn't good enough, and added that dumb "If you get DQ'd you lose your championship" stipulation that got Christian his championship. This wasn't needed, and all it added was a very jarring first half of the match where the action stopped so that Punk could look like he might drop a supposedly prestigious title he's held for so long because someone was insulting his family.

There were two more I'd list but Cody Rhodes losing the Intercontinential title may just set him up for a proper WHC, and Macho Man Randy Savage HOF status has been reiterated so many times before.
An amazing show?
You're kidding me, right? Let me list how many ways WWE screwed up last night.
1) Rock won the match at wrestlemania. I'm sure glad WWE is pushing their top talent!
2) Daniel Bryan match: This was the worst out of all of them and the biggest failure in the modern WWE. It wasn't only disrespectful to Daniel Bryan, it was also a failure due to the fact that they were trying to set a record for quickest match, but failed at that too!
3) The Diva's Match: VINTAGE WWE! Putting someone who isn't trained as a professional wrestler in the professional wrestling ring. Then again this is the Divas match. Kelly-Kelly's trained as a stripper, not a wrestler.
4) Team Teddy/Team Johnny Match: No one cared about the outcome of this match. No one liked the match at the arena. The crowd was dead until Santino and Zack Ryder came in, indicative of how stupid this whole idea was. Why were they all wearing red and blue shirts, blending each other together with the action inside the ring? Why did it have to be a TEN-MAN tag-team match? Those are NEVER memorable.
5) Adding a stipulation to the Punk/Jericho match at the last minute: Why the hell did they do that? This was a simple feud with a simple build. Yes they screwed up with Jericho at the RR, but that's forgivable. But they decided a solid straight match at wrestlemania wasn't good enough, and added that dumb "If you get DQ'd you lose your championship" stipulation that got Christian his championship. This wasn't needed, and all it added was a very jarring first half of the match where the action stopped so that Punk could look like he might drop a supposedly prestigious title he's held for so long because someone was insulting his family.

There were two more I'd list but Cody Rhodes losing the Intercontinential title may just set him up for a proper WHC, and Macho Man Randy Savage HOF status has been reiterated so many times before.
1) Rocky winning isn't my choice but it's not bad, Cena is where he'd be regardless win/lose. Plus you don't know what'll happen tomorrow.
2) Not that big of a deal, the match wasn't that prominent and DB wasn't that over (except last night coincidentally). easy fix, not a big deal, and this is coming from a HUUUUGE DB fan.
3) Yea, it sucked, I hate KK and whoever the Z lister was. However, it was better than a lot of matches on Wrestlemania 2000 and many of them had trained male wrestlers.
4) The crowd cared it's just harder to hear in an open air. They had colored shirts on because it represented the other guys. How is that a flaw? The match was fun, that's all it was ever supposed to be.
5) the last minute stipulation added an unexpected dimension and stacked the odds even more against Punk. That's pro wrestling 101 dude. This is a pretty damn stupid complaint. the entire first part of the match showed this and in fact, it sort of fixed a plothole that would occur. Punk logically should have snapped, however, the stipulation meant he didn't. Being last minute stacked the odds against him because at the last minute, he had that on his mind. the first half of the match wasn't jarring, it was telling an in ring story of how Y2J is in Punks head. How is that jarring?

Rhodes dropping the IC made sense. Also, how is not inducting Randy savage a bad thing? You DO realize that they don't just wave a magic wand right? They have to talk to people and set this shit up

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