Wrestlemania 28: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (c) - World Heavyweight Championship

This match is flying a bit under the radar but I think it will be good, I'd love for both guys to bring up the fact that their match was bumped from the card last year and this year they have elevated themselves to being the SD main event.

If this goes on first I think Sheamus will win to get the crowd into a good mood from the off, and in truth I think he will win in order to keep his Rumble win important, however I think Bryan has a sneaky chance of winning, surely one of the heels will win in one of the 4 big matches.
yes Sheamus as an chance to became World heavy weight champion but the problem is an statistic very heavy, no winner of an Royal rumble captured the tittle at Wrestlemania since the Undertaker at WM 23.
i've read an good article in Planéte catch and Sheamus must do restart an other chapter on his career.
I want them to talk more. What is Sheamus' goal going into the match? Why did he choose D-Bry and not Punk? His story so far has been he's never been the WHC... great story but why D-Bry? What can Sheamus do to tell us that he despises what the gold has done to Bryan?

How does Bryan fire back? Why should we care they're feuding over the gold? I feel like it needs to have another Raw and 2 more Smackdowns to make total sense (any longer its going to be bad...)

Just my thoughts... in a nutshell.
To be honest, I don't want to see Daniel Bryan in a main event match. However, I get that WWE is giving the young superstars big opportunities. My prediction is Sheamus and in the meantime, I hope WWE adds a little more to this match.
This match is flying a bit under the radar but I think it will be good, I'd love for both guys to bring up the fact that their match was bumped from the card last year and this year they have elevated themselves to being the SD main event.

Would have been an awesome story if their US Title Match last year pushed through though. While I am looking forward to this match, it does feel kind of random, despite being booked based on logic (Bryan in WHC and Sheamus won the Rumble). Perhaps if they wrestled at WM27, it would have added a lot more history and, hence, interest in the match.
I was wrong I thought they would of made this into a triple threat.

So far this has been one of the worst title builds in a long time. I just feel like something is missing. Long vs Laurnities is more interesting. :lmao:

Their lucky that their is an IC title match or else this match would probably be opening up the ppv. Edge opened up last year and he was a much bigger star than these two.
I was wrong I thought they would of made this into a triple threat.

So far this has been one of the worst title builds in a long time. I just feel like something is missing. Long vs Laurnities is more interesting. :lmao:
I hate putting down anything Sheamus puts his hands on but this is absolutely right. Calling this a feud is an overstatement. It's just a scheduled match with absolutely zero build between the two. It would be nice if the WWE somehow hinted on how these two were bumped off the card and base the feud around that but they haven't done anything really. If the WWE wants Bryan more over as a heel, and Sheamus to be Smackdown's #2 face, they need to step their game up. On Friday Night Smackdown, I don't even remember Bryan and Sheamus crossing paths. Sure there’s still a couple of Smackdown’s left to build a solid feud but this isn’t a regular PPV, it’s Wrestlefuckingmania. What kind of Wrestlemania build is this? Especially for a World Title match.
I'm thinking that Laurinaitis and Long should have been attached to this feud. They've done nothing to build this as a rivalry and it's probably going to even be the curtain jerker.

I don't get why they picked Sheamus v DBD to have this match. I'm a fan of both guys, and yet I just don't think it ever made for a compelling rivalry. Bryan going in as the heel champion feels anti-climactic, too. I would have much rather seen him go in as the MitB winning, small-fry underdog and win his first title at the big dance and then go heel, if they wanted him too.

This match will probably make up for the lack of a build with in-ring action, but I maintain that the build-up is everything, for main event matches. Just look at any Hogan headlined Mania. The main event stories were always so much better than the actual matches were, and yet the Hogan headlined Manias are consistently among the best. Sure, they weren't all zingers, but the majority of them were.

This match just feels out of place, on this card. I would have rather had Randy Orton v Kane be for the title than this particular match. I also don't get why we couldn't have had a face Randy Orton v a face Sheamus. Face v Face matches work for a one off match, IMO, and they're the two biggest names on Smackdown.

I suppose that's what it all comes down to, for me. WrestleMania is a show based around name value. That's why Rock is back for a match, that's why Jericho is back, and that's why HBK is reffing. Daniel Bryan, more than Sheamus, lacks name brand, right now. I'm not saying that he never will, but at the top of a WrestleMania card, despite popular claims, is not the place to develop name brand; it's the place where you cash in on it. DBD will look worse for this, because I'm certain that he'll lose to Sheamus, and I still don't think Sheamus will pass Randy Orton for top face of Smackdown.
Its seems like every match at Mania so far is going to be 1 on 1..

Danial Bryan Vs Sheamus is looking to be the most boring for a major title match... Maybe even on the whole card.

If there is anything i can think of to spice up the match and possibly the entire card.. its adding another superstar to this match.. I myself would prefer The Miz.

Miz has been pretty outta of it lately when it comes to the main event scene.. Why not give him another title match at mania.. I dont care much for Bryan or Sheamus.. Even Miz im not too big on.. but id prefer another Miz title run to Bryan retaining, Orton being put in the match and winning, and ill probably rather see Miz get another run to Sheamus getting another run..

Atleast put Miz in the match and have him chase the title for awhile...

Thoughts? Do you prefer someone else to be in this match? Im not much for righting books.. but i think i said enough :p

I Just realized i should have posted in the PPV sub section.. Move Please?
Where does the Miz fit into the World Heavyweight title match? Granted, Bryan and Miz share history but with the way Bryan's character has grown, they're both beyond that feud. Not only that, The Miz is not on the Smackdown roster. So who would book Miz into the World title match last minute to help spice it up?No, Miz has no reason to be in the World title picture.
I personally would be all for it, given I am a bit biased being a Miz fan but the WHC match is doing nothing for me right now, the build has basically consisted of Sheamus running out and throwing Bryan back into the ring every other week. The Miz needs something to do, could at least bring some interesting promo work to the event and could potentially have some interesting back and forths with Bryan based on their time on NXT. With it being 3 weeks to mania however, it won't happen.
Why would adding a boring guy who isn't very good at wrestling be a good thing for the WHC match? If anything, Randy Orton or Mark Henry would have been the guy to add to the match, given the years they each had. Miz is a hump who should have never escaped the midcard. He's also on Raw...so why would he be in on the WHC match?
Miz isn't a Smackdown star. There's no storyline reason to put him into this match. There's no build for him to be a legit threat for the belt. They've already announced the match as one-on-one and have had it as that for several weeks; if they were to change this, they'd have done it by now.

Simply put, there is no sense behind doing this so late in the day with a guy who isn't even on the same brand as the title in question. No reasoning, no build-up, no payoff in the long-run. Bad idea.
I find it incredible that one year ago, this match was so intriguing that it was taken off the pay per view. What has changed over the year? Nothing except Bryan is incredibly annoying now. I don't know who thought this would be a good idea but they should be fired. As far as the miz goes, adding boring to boring won't help anything.

I made a comment similar awhile ago and someone called me out on it saying that both men were talented in ring performers. I agree with that. But I don't think anyone would disagree with the idea that in ring work has little to do with who gets over anymore.
Honestly, how many of you would like to punch Bryan in the face everytime he comes out? There's absolutely nothing interesting about the guy at all. This whole thing is a lost cause.
As much as i'd like to see The Miz inserted into this match to make it a triple threat i don't think it would really make sense. For a start he's been on this "Losing streak" as of late so suddenly being in a WHC mania match would be a big change in fortune. Secondly, he has had some beef with D Bryan but there both heels at the moment and as for him and Sheamus there is little or no history between them. It would seem as though they were chucking him in for no reason.

I'd be very happy if they added Randy Orton and Kane (should of been Wade Barrett if he hadn't got injured) to the WHC match to make it a fatal four way. It would be the collusion of 2 big storylines and would provide some variety to the WM28 card which is currently all singles matches.
I agree that the Bryan/Sheamus match is lacking something but adding Miz would only hurt it. Miz is on a losing streak and is in the doghouse and the last place he belongs at this time is in the World Title match. The World title match is supposed to be one of the most important matches, obviously the title doesn't mean what it used to but Miz, from a WWE standpoint, does not even deserve a Divas Title Match. He probably will be left off the card which is unfortunate but as far as he goes Im guessing he cuts an in ring promo and someone returns and hits their finisher on him. My pick would be a returning Rey or maybe a one time appearance by Edge or Foley.

If anyone is gonna be added to the world title match, Kane and Orton are the only ones that would make sense. They are feuding over something and would actually add to that match.
The Miz doesnt have to be a smackdown star to get into the title match and besides jus last month after the EC ppv, their was a battle royal to determine who would face CM Punk for the wwe title at WM28 which had 5 smackdown stars involved. So I dont think their is any problem with The Miz entering the WHC match at WM.
The Miz doesnt have to be a smackdown star to get into the title match and besides jus last month after the EC ppv, their was a battle royal to determine who would face CM Punk for the wwe title at WM28 which had 5 smackdown stars involved. So I dont think their is any problem with The Miz entering the WHC match at WM.
No. Hell no. Sheamus VS Bryan one on one needs to happen if for no other reason that these guys were bumped from 'Mania last year. On top of that, I don't want to see Miz anywhere near the main event picture right now. He has been jobbing left and right to everybody in the company and quite frankly he's not a credible threat to any world title at the moment. He should consider himself lucky to even make the card at all.
am i the only one really looking forward to this match? okay the build hasn't been ace, but it's a smaller guy who's technical skills are amazing, vs a big guy who can really move. That aside i'm looking forward to it anyway cause i'd love to see sheamus walk away with the title (giant sheamus mark here).


It's an awful idea. While some may not be big on either Sheamus or Daniel Bryan, the thing is they're two guys who can go and are going to put on one hell of a match. The last thing they need is an untalented sandbag like The Miz slowing their match down and taking away from the story they'd tell.

People claim the WHC is meaningless now, the last thing it needs is someone currently irrelevant like The Miz fighting for it at the biggest PPV of the year.
It's not a terrible idea, but personally I still really think there should be a money in the bank match that him and all the other dangerously unbooked mania superstars could participate in--granted they are moving away from spot-fest style matches, but I really did like the one yearly money in the bank match instead of the separate ppv--though there is one exception in the 2011 ppv which was hosted right here in Chicago and featured the match of the year!!!!

Anyways, how is it that we're three weeks away and Ziggler, Miz, Orton, Kane, Wade Barrett etc. aren't booked?!?

Yes, I just realized I think Barrett may be injured...didn't have time to fact check so

I also think Cody vs. Show is a bit of a reach, though I will probably enjoy it WAY more than Daniel Bryan vs. Big Show part 17 and I really do like the run Cody has been on for the last couple years

Miz's 15 minutes may just about be up, but I can never really bad rap him since he's literally living the dream in a certain sense, but I think we need to see some new material with him
I find it incredible that one year ago, this match was so intriguing that it was taken off the pay per view. What has changed over the year? Nothing except Bryan is incredibly annoying now. I don't know who thought this would be a good idea but they should be fired. As far as the miz goes, adding boring to boring won't help anything.

I made a comment similar awhile ago and someone called me out on it saying that both men were talented in ring performers. I agree with that. But I don't think anyone would disagree with the idea that in ring work has little to do with who gets over anymore.
Honestly, how many of you would like to punch Bryan in the face everytime he comes out? There's absolutely nothing interesting about the guy at all. This whole thing is a lost cause.

Your argument is a lost cause. Daniel Bryan is an established heel. FACT!. He brings heat every effin' time when he talks or does that YES! YES! chant. FACT! Everything has changed from the past year because the two guys who were left from the card are now in the main event. Sheamus is an established face as well and he nor Bryan is boring. It's your IWC mentality.

Now onto the OP, Miz doesn't DESERVE to be anywhere near that big gold belt. What has he done to deserve a shot? NOTHING! Miz has fallen into obscurity and he needs a change. The only way he can stay relevant is become a face and be on Smackdown then only I may think of him winning the WHC but not now because this match is already set and they're building it right.
No way in hell! Why should he even be close to it? First off, apart from the elimination chamber match he has done a sweet FA for awhile now. His feud with R-Truth didn't even accumulate to anything big which was disappointing and he has just been hovering around on the card not doing anything relevant. He wouldn't even make the match that exciting. I think Miz is really overrated. He is good on the mic but he isn't exactly what I would call a good in ring wrestler. Just keep the match as it it. It has some build already, has been proven to work in the pass and is actually kind of exciting some people who like DB.
The last thing there needs to be is any last-minute inclusion or exclusion of a match that should have happened last year. For god's sake, can we just have a Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus title match at WrestleMania? The Miz doesn't fit in the picture. There's no build. He's not from Smackdown. He's been losing match after match and hasn't shown that he deserves a shot at the WHC. Sheamus and Daniel Bryan have faced each other countless times on and off, and it's beyond the feud between Daniel Bryan and The Miz. They're both on the same page now, so that alone makes no sense. Sheamus and Daniel Bryan on the other hand have always been on opposite ends and how ironic/bizarre would it be for Daniel Bryan to lose at WrestleMania against Sheamus, the very same man he lost his United States title to. And, why in the world would this match be boring anyway? These two have put on some great matches in the past and know how to get it done. The best thing about this is that Daniel Bryan is currently on even levels as Sheamus as a legit opponent, so no more easy losses for him.

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