Wrestlemania 28: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan (c) - World Heavyweight Championship

I like the Miz but he has no reason to be in the World Heavyweight Title match so no.
If anything have him and a bunch of others in the 5 on 5 match, throw Orton & Kane in to give it some big name feel make it an elimination match so everyone get a bit of ring action rather than last years WM 4 on 4 match.
am i the only one really looking forward to this match? okay the build hasn't been ace, but it's a smaller guy who's technical skills are amazing, vs a big guy who can really move. That aside i'm looking forward to it anyway cause i'd love to see sheamus walk away with the title (giant sheamus mark here).

No, you're not the only one looking forward to it. I am as well. Last year I remember reading a few people saying that this match-up might be a show-stealer; this year, I'm thinking the same thing, given enough time. I love that somehow this feud cycled back to itself a year later. Man, wouldn't it be cool if they fought next year, too? Both face, or something?

But, yeah, to the original question, I'm with everyone else that it really makes zero sense to have the Miz join into this match. My guess is that Miz will show up somewhere on the card--in the GM battle, interfering in Cena's match, something. And even if he doesn't, it's kind of a storyline right now that he's frustrated for being left off the card. It'd benefit him in the long-run not to be in this match, because it'd result in either involvement in a storyline or a chance for some much-needed character development.
I like the idea, just because i like the Miz, he's a top heel and deserves to be on the biggest card of the year. But there seems to be a storyline going with him being left out of Mania so let's watch that continue to build. If him being plugged in a main event was going to happen, it would've by now, it's way too close to do something like that now.

But does anyone remember Judgment Day 2003? The battle royal to resurrect the Intercontinental title. The only participants were past IC Champions. Why not do something like that with the U.S. Title so that guys like Miz, Ziggler, Swagger, Kofi, R-Truth, etc. have a chance to be on the card.

But, I also read something a while back of the possibility of bringing back the MITB ladder match at WrestleMania, so let's hope for that.
i can see that this storyline i am about to pan out involves either drew mcintyre or teddy long, but i will do it in terms of the miz for this thread.

i can see team laurinitis being Otunga, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz and Christian v team long santino, justin gabriel, ted dibiase and rey mysterio. it being elimination style, the last two are alberto del rio and rey mysterio. suddenly, the miz runs back out, turns on del rio and gives team long the win. later in the night, sheamus and bryan are in the ring ready to start, when miz comes out, and long declares that he is part of the match. we find out that teddy long "bribed" miz to turn on laurinitis with a title match.

Although i think this would work better with mcintyre, its the only way i see the miz near the WHC at mania. although interference in rock v cena = complete possibility :D
I think that if they decide to add a third person, Miz would be a nice addition. I don't see how he fits into the match, but he has as much of a feud with Sheamus as DBD does, at this point.

Still, I'd rather see Miz in a jumbled, rushed together grudge match than a title match for the show he's technically not even on. I've been hoping that he would come forward as Laurinaitis' champion in the GM feud. Almost like the Rock to Laurinaitis' McMahon, except...y'know...not as good. All kidding aside, I think putting Miz with Laurinaitis sets him up to feud with Punk, after Mania.

If Miz makes JL the solitary GM of both shows, we're set up with 1997 all over again, with Punk fully realizing himself as the new age SCSA. Trust me, I think Punk needs to get away from the SCSA comparisons, but this would be a feud to make stars for everyone involved.

I'd rather see this at Mania. I doubt it will happen, if Miz is really in the doghouse, but I think it would make for great TV. I'm sure HHH would ruin it, or they'd have to shoehorn John Cena into the feud, though.
It's amusing seeing the IWC's brains working overtime, especially around Wrestlemania. None of this will happen and I'd bank on Miz at most getting thrown into a cluster match with a bunch of other left-outs from WM, worst case Miz doesn't even get a match and has a 2 minute segment about how he's the man from a year ago, blah blah blah.

WWE has dropped the ball on EVERY story over the last year. The only mildly entertaining time was MITB and Punk more or less wrote that himself. There's just zero chance that WWE does anything to "give anyone their due". Ziggler is getting screwed into the same boat. This is really shaping up to be the Wrestlemania of name hyping and one-off comebacks (we'll see how long Jericho stays).

For the record, I'd have loved for Miz's character to have evolved 6 months ago to the point where I'd care if he were in a match or a good storyline now a few weeks out from WM, but the truth is he's stale and pretty boring at this point, and I don't care.

Really. Really.
The build to the Sheamus/ Bryan saga has been very lackluster, I'll give you that much. This feud has not progressed much beyond the initial name calling and showboating by both the guys. I think that the WWE thinks that the in ring action will be the highlight of feud anyway, and so they have decided not to focus on the story too much. I mean, at the end of the day, this is pro wrestling, not Shakespeare and you do not need a complicated story to sell a feud every time. Bryan is a coward and Sheamus likes to beat people up and both want to be World Champion. Nothing wrong with that.

The addition of Miz won't really spice things up. The Miz isn't really on the pedestal that he was in 2011 so it's not as if he would add any name value. Miz has had some history with Bryan but then again the WWE basically destroyed that by having Miz buddy up with Bryan just a few weeks ago on Smackdown. The way I see it, for Miz to have gotten involved in this feud, he would have had to turn face by calling out Bryan on his shit and claiming that he had recognized Bryan as shit much before any of this people. Whether Miz would have actually turned face after this is debateable because Bryan does not seem to be too over as a heel, certainly not over enough to facilitate the face turn of a much hated heel.

So, I guess I am happy with the direction WWE has taken with Bryan. This feud is more about building Bryan up for the future than having the best match for the WHC title, in my opinion, and I can live with that.
Why would a jobber get a shot at the WHC? Miz doesn't even deserve a shot at the Intercontinental title. Hopefully Miz won't even be on the card. If Miz is on the Wrestlemania card in any prominent role then I won't order it.
Let me get that straight.The Miz the same guy that 90% of you was saying that it was a joke to main event Wrestlemania last year,the same guy that you are bitching and moaning about him that his is stale,he have to change persona,he should enter the WHC Main Event this year.

Are you f#$@ing kidding me?????

You people are not happy with nothing.Absolutely nothing.

The build to the Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan saga has been lackluster, I'll give you that.But you,the same people everytime, are bitching for years and years that WWE has become only entertainment promotion and it lacks from pure wrestling matches.

Then a miracle happens and guys who can actually can wrestle are given a chance to do what the know to do best,WRESTLE.And suddenly you,the same people,you say that you don't care about the match because it has not a good built and it is a disgrace for them to Main Event....

And after all that you want from others to take your ideas and complains about the program under consideration??Seriously?
I happen to like Miz.. Not a whole lot.. but more so than Danielson and Sheamus.. No offense to the guys.. but they are just boring to me.

Plus, i dont want to watch all singles matches and Mania.. Especially the 2 title matches being both singles..

and ofcourse Miz can't just "Jump" in the match.. a legit storyline would have to be thought up to get him in there..
I think the "shitty boyfriend who kinda bullies his gf" vs "guy who used to be bullied but is now big as fuck and will beat up bullies" this is simple and effective. Just need to run with it a little more.

From a very smarktastic "technical" (as if I know how to do all the moves) standpoint, this will be a good match. Sheamus is very over, Daniel Bryan is getting more and more over, and the feud should be good enough.

Donno what there is to complain about. the card is super stacked and this match and feud should deliver and at least exceed the apparent (on here) low expectations.
A couple weeks ago I was more optimistic about the Bryan-Sheamus build, believing the emphasis on Bryan-AJ was just to set up a cutting promo by Sheamus in the last two weeks of SmackDown. However, last Friday we had a promo where AJ stated irrelevant information about Bryan that Sheamus barely fed off of for his own promo. I didn't mind building up their relationship, but I thought it was so it could become a source of conflict between Sheamus and Bryan, but so far Sheamus has only given generic, "I'm going to beat you at WrestleMania" and "You're a bully!" promos.

However, I don't think the poor storyline is any reflection on the two wrestlers involved. WWE has produced awful storylines with their best characters, so it's silly to infer that Sheamus and Bryan shouldn't be main eventers because their storyline together is bad. Both of them are great workers, in Bryan's case the BEST technical wrestler in the company, and both get strong reactions. Even Bryan, who drew weak reactions after his poor booking post-Money in the Bank and the first month of his heel turn, has become an effective heel with signature characteristics, such as being a douchebag boyfriend and having overzealous celebrations. ("YES! YES! YES!")

I'm actually quite disappointed in SmackDown's creative team for this storyline. They managed to put on so many great angles throughout the year, including Mark Henry's dominance; Christian's world title victory and subsequent heel turn; Daniel Bryan's underdog performance with Mark Henry; and a ton of shit Cody Rhodes did throughout 2011. However, they couldn't put together a good storyline heading into WrestleMania.

I think part of the problem is that they spent so much time developing Bryan's character (that's really the purpose of AJ, giving more depth to Daniel Bryan) since he's a freshly turned heel who wasn't very over as a face thanks to his poor booking over the fall, and though they did a good job of it, it didn't leave much more time to build up a confrontation between Sheamus and Bryan. Honestly, however, I think they missed the critical point last week. Two weeks is still enough time to cut good promos and really drive an angle home, yet they failed to make any great advancement last week and I doubt they will in this last week before WrestleMania. In conclusion, shame on you SmackDown creative. Tsk, tsk.
Their has been more focus on AJ and Daniel Bryan relationship than on Sheamus/Daniel Bryan and the world title. I was hoping this would pick up some steam but they didn't. It's been one of the worst title builds in a long time, especially when you consider its freakin Wrestlemania.

I am 99% sure Sheamus wins and AJ probably dumps Daniel Bryan.
I think I'm looking forward to this match a lot more than other people are... I am very intrigued by it, Daniel Bryan has built himself up to be a credible World Champion, but more than that he's built himself to be one of the most credible heels in the company, and he's going to be going up against one of the biggest faces in the company Sheamus.

Now, with that being said, I don't think that Daniel Bryan has a chance to win the match, ever since Sheamus won the rumble, I knew that no matter who the champion was, I predicted that Sheamus will be leaving with gold... Just put it this way, the last Rumble winner to win the big one at WrestleMania was Undertaker and that was back in 2007, and that's just one of the many reasons why I think Sheamus is going to win.

Other reason are the fact that Sheamus is riding a wave of momentum, and it would only make sense to win the belt at WrestleMania. And it also seems as Bryan is getting the upper-hand over Sheamus which would most likely means Sheamus wins.

And as for AJ getting involved during the match, or her dumping Bryan, I just don't see it...
I think I'm looking forward to this match a lot more than other people are... I am very intrigued by it, Daniel Bryan has built himself up to be a credible World Champion, but more than that he's built himself to be one of the most credible heels in the company, and he's going to be going up against one of the biggest faces in the company Sheamus.

Now, with that being said, I don't think that Daniel Bryan has a chance to win the match, ever since Sheamus won the rumble, I knew that no matter who the champion was, I predicted that Sheamus will be leaving with gold... Just put it this way, the last Rumble winner to win the big one at WrestleMania was Undertaker and that was back in 2007, and that's just one of the many reasons why I think Sheamus is going to win.

Other reason are the fact that Sheamus is riding a wave of momentum, and it would only make sense to win the belt at WrestleMania. And it also seems as Bryan is getting the upper-hand over Sheamus which would most likely means Sheamus wins.

And as for AJ getting involved during the match, or her dumping Bryan, I just don't see it...

I don't know about this. Last night was the first time AJ willingly jumped into harm's way to save Daniel Bryan.

This leads me to believe that, although I don't see Bryan winning, I see AJ getting involved and this time inadvertently gets hit and allows Sheamus to win.

At least, that's the way I see things.
Daniel Bryan and AJ are the best thing going on right now in WWE. This isn't an exaggeration, I love their segments, their gimmick and their chemistry. Sheamus isn't really that important in this feud if you ask me. It's all about Bryan and AJ, even if Sheamus won the Rumble. However, I do see Sheamus winning at WrestleMania and being built up from there. This makes me have high expectations for this match.

Sadly, I can't help but predict that this will be the opening match and it will get about 6-8 minutes without getting enough time to steal the show. WWE keeps undervaluing the World Heavyweight Championship as of late after using it as its primary title a couple of years ago.

And it's sad too because we all know that Bryan and Sheamus have the potential to have a fantastic match if they were allowed to hit the 20-minute mark. But with Huntertaker having the Cell match and Rock and Cena main eventing, I can't see any other long matches on the card. I'm even afraid for Punk and Jericho.

I have my fingers crossed, but I just don't see Sheamus and Bryan getting the attention they need.
With as many as 4 other matches receiving more hype than this match, I can see it going on earlier in the evening. Heck, even the Intercontinental Championship match and the GM match have been built up better. What really bothers me though is that people seem to think it will open the show again like last year. This is for the WORLD Championship! Sheamus won the Royal Rumble to earn a Wrestlemania MAIN EVENT title match! That doesn't mean he has to go on last, but it means he sure doesn't deserve to get stuck going first. Last year was different. They probably changed it at the last minute to make things easier for Edge who was in a lot of pain. That was a circumstance that will likely never happen again.

I'm fine with it being in the first half of the show. As long as it's not first. Bryan and Sheamus both deserve better after they got bumped off last year. The prestige of the World Heavyweight Championship and the Royal Rumble deserve better as well. The build has been rather lackluster, but it has kept me interested. Sheamus is going to win here. Why? He HAS to. The Royal Rumble winners have all lost at Wrestlemania ever since 2007 with Undertaker being the last to win at the biggest show of the year. Who better to turn that statistic around than everyone's favorite Celtic Warrior? Sheamus' face turn has been incredible and he is ready for a run as a top face. Bryan's relationship with AJ might come into play somehow too. She could cost him the match and split up with him for the way he has been acting. Regardless of who wins, I'm looking forward to a great match from these two guys. They missed out last year and now we get to see the match we were robbed of a year ago in world title form.

Sheamus will win the World Heavyweight Championship.
Boy oh Boy, what a dreadful, dreadful build for this match. This was the obvious match as soon as we cleared the EC, and I was hoping the WWE would do something to get me interested in this match. It just feels rushed.

Jericho should have won the Royal Rumble, I have no doubt about that. Instead, the WWE tries to pull one on the internet :banghead:, and we're stuck with Sheamus as Rumble winner. That's it, that's the story. Rumble winner, title shot, boom. Very little tension, very little animosity between the two wrestlers. Hell, there's more of a storyline for DBD and his girlfriend.

I'm a fan of Sheamus, so hopefully this doesn't come off as a giant put down post. He's a deserving Rumble winner, just wasn't deserving to win this years Mania. The logical match choices would have been DBD vs. Orton or Sheamus vs. Henry.

I'll guess that Sheamus comes out ahead, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if DBD retains, and we get a fatal 4 way at Extreme Rules with Orton and someone else.
db is doing a great job with his World Heavyweight run and I seriously do not know how anyone can really bash him. Sheamus is a great wrestler, but for some reason he just doesn't make me mark. WWE could have definitley made a better heavyweight title match than this, but overall i think db is doing a good job. can see him holding the belt at least past Wrestlemania (otherwise the whole fued would be pointless)
For the little build that this match has gotten, Sheamus seems to have been all but destroying DB, with DB looking very, very scared. I know a lot of builds look like this, but this seems a bit more so than usual. It genuinely seems like that when Sheamus finally gets his hands on DB during their Mania match, he will be able to squash him with a quick win. I hope that doesn't happen though. I don't have very high expectations for this match, which means it has the chance to impress because not much is expected from it. I really believe that Sheamus will win though- I think DB's reign has to come to an end, and I think Sheamus has been built-up in a big way, and it's time for the WWE to cash in at Wrestlemania in an attempt to solidify Sheamus as a major player from now on. I think he gets the win.
This is the match that I think the company believes has a built in story due to Sheamus winning the Rumble. However, since then he and Bryan have only had a limited amount of contact. Sheamus has been running over the majority of the upper midcard while Bryan has barely done anything but talk. The problem here is that there isn’t much of a reason for these two to fight other than Sheamus qualified to get this match. The story would seem to suggest Sheamus kicks Bryan’s head off to win the title, but I’m not 100% sure on it. The problem is that if Sheamus loses, there’s nothing else for him to do while Bryan has a few other options. I’ll take the pale one to win the title though.
Sheamus is my boy. At times, he is my favorite wrestler on the WWE roster. His momentum has yet to stop. I’ve said numerous of times before - ALL SIGNS POINT TO SHEAMUS WINNING THE WORLD TITLE. He just came off a huge Rumble win which very few actually expected him to win. Not only that, but he remains over even though he's facing lower card opponents; there aren't many Superstars there who can do that. He’s managed to keep his head above the water while facing the likes of Jinder Mahal and other completely replaceable jobbers. Finally, Sheamus has been put into the World Title picture after months of being on of the most over Superstars on the Smackdown roster

I hate putting down anything Sheamus puts his hands on but this feud has been shit. Calling this a feud is an overstatement. It's just a scheduled match with absolutely zero build between the two. While this feud has been absolute shit, there is a lot of back story here and I’m surprised the WWE didn’t go this route with their storyline for these two. These two got booted off the Wrestlemania card last year. A year later, they’re on top of their roster fighting for the top Championship – that’s a true success story for both of these men. I get the feeling Bryan has a strong chance of retaining here. Like I said earlier, this feud has been beyond lackluster. If the WWE wants Bryan to remain relevant, they’d build a compelling storyline for him to lose his World Championship. If Sheamus wins here, Bryan’s World Title reign won’t mean nearly as much as many has hoped. Not only that, but Sheamus’ win will mean a lot more if more effort would have been put into this feud.

Whatever happens, Sheamus wins here. Forget the horrible build, this match will undoubtedly be one of the best matches on the card and many people are forgetting that. Sure it’s hugely over shadowed by the other 3 main events, but five years from now, we’ll look back on this match and call it a classic.

Hamler’s Prediction – Sheamus will win the World Heavyweight Championship.
Prediction: Sheamus

When was the last time the Royal Rumble winner actually won the Royal Rumble? Last year it was Alberto Del Rio. Year before that? Edge. Year before that? Orton. Year before that? Cena. Year before that was the last Royal Rumble winner; Undertaker. It's been FIVE years since the last Royal Rumble winner has won the match. I have a feeling that Sheamus will break the curse and win defeat Bryan. Bryan as done well as World Heavyweight Champion, but a win for Sheamus at Wrestlemania 28 would boost him to exactly where he needs to be and he can run Smackdown as Champion.
Sheamus will win at Wrestle Mania. Bryan has played the cowardly heel to perfection, and the best way to continue this feud post Mania is to have The Great White win the WHC. Sheamus has been white hot for months now and now is the time to capitalize!

As for the match, it could be one of the top 3 for the night if done well. AJ will get involved at some point I'm sure, and I'm sure Byran will try to cheat a few times, but I just see Sheamus overcoming all and any odds and leaving as champion of the Blue Brand.
The MV for this match on last night's SmackDown was good. Though it reminded me of what the story should have been about all along: the fact Daniel Bryan cashed in Money in the Bank earlier than he promised. Show didn't really call him on it that much, he was more just pissed at him for being a douche. Sheamus and Bryan had two face-to-face promos of decent length where they could have touched on that point more directly, yet we're left with general comments like, "You're a prick who hides behind a 99-pound little girl." It feels like they had all the pieces lying around and were too lazy to put them together. Daniel Bryan's a douchebag to his girlfriend, he cashed in earlier than he promised and he runs away like a pussy. The MV put what they DID get across in promos together and made it feel like a genuine rivalry, I just wish those ideas had been pushed harder in the actual build.

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