WWE HIAC 2010 - Daniel Bryan (c) vs. John Morrison vs. Miz - Submissions Anywhere

I think the Dragon Sleeper would be pretty cool, its a move that really only Ultimo Dragon used and it pretty cool looking.

Undertaker and Bobby Lashley use it on occasion.

I believe John Morrison will rlease a whole new side this Sunday. Hopefully we'll see him use a weird ass submission like those above and stick to those moves. John Morrison would be great to have a submission as a finisher. He could use the reverse boston crab. I forgot what the move is called but instead of leaning back like chris jericho does it, you turn around and lean forward. The opponent in the same position as they are in the regular crab but you are pulling their legs to the back of the head. This move would be awesome. I've seen it at a couple independent house shows.

EDIT: I believ Chris Cage/Caylen Croft used it back in his old OVW days.

Miz- He'll stick to the basics. Nothing special. One leg boston crab, sleeper, and maybe an arm bar or two.

Daniel Bryan- we'll probably see more of his submissions. He's only used one so far, id like to see the return of Cattle Mutilation. That'll be a huge MTFO moment for anyone. He'll use chickenwings, surfboards, and some kind of odd armbars.
I dont think we will honestly see many submissions in this match, it will probably be Morrison flying around, Miz being a heel with Danielson getting the LaBell lock for the tap out at the end on Miz.

Although, I could see Morrison doing some modified Boston Crabs and maybe the Muta Lock. But the only submission I see Miz performing is perhaps the sleeper of maybe the sharpshooter.
I think this match was made for two reasons the way it was...

1. So the Miz doesnt have to tap out to Bryan two PPV's in a row.

2. To turn Morrison heel after he DOES tap out, and beats bryan down after the match.

Anyway, this is another case of, just like with Randy Orton, it would make no sense whatsoever to put the title on Bryan, only to take it off him two weeks later. By having Morrison tap out instead of Miz, Miz avoids losing credibility, especially if hes destined for bigger and better things. By having Morrison tap, and subsequently attack Bryan after the match, it gives you a ready made program between the two. Bryan retains via the Labell lock over Morrison.
DB will obviously win. And it will be JoMo who will obviously tap out. Sadly I would like JoMo to hold the US championship. And for DB to keep fueding with the Miz up until Bragging Rights. But I don't see this happening. I see JoMo turning heel against DB. Which technically is a good move to re-invent JoMo. And then The Miz going for his teased cash-ins after Orton wins the Hell In A Cell match, and on RAW. Miz is featured on the Bragging Rights poster. So Im expecting something big to happen then.

Just on a semi-related note. I wish WWE would make these HARDCORE PPV's actually live up to their names.

Extreme Rules - This was when Cena won with Duck Tape right? >.>
Hell In a Cell - Last year was disappointing
TLC- Could be a lot more hardcore. Such as; Triangle ladder matches ect.. Maybe not that bad but you know..
Submissions count anywhere, basically a hardcore match, but can only win by Submission.. Brutal would be nice.

This is why the PG era sucks. But remember One Night Stand? 2006 I think, No kids. Just for Hardcore wrestling fans. And it was a great show! Why can't WWE make PPV's that are named like this not suitable for children. Besides lets face it. Do parents honestly care what their kids watch on TV anymore?
Just a thought on this. Miz is obviously a heel and has a long standing feud with Daniel Bryan. It seems obvious that Daniel Bryan is primed to win this match, but for a swerve, could we see Miz tap to Morrison JUST to rob Daniel Brian of his title without Daniel Bryan losing? It would be a swerve, build the feud between Brian and The Miz as well as Bryan and Morrison. Am I just crazy?
I agree with what some have alluded to before me--JOMO will tap out and bryan will retain. I think that will end miz's involvement in the US title, while it will be the start of a feud between morrison and bryan for the title. Morrison needs something to do and he's been getting a build again recently, and a feud for the midcard seems perfect for him right now.
Why are you there, Morrison? Likely so Miz doesn't have to tap out on two straight PPV's, I'd say. I've heard Morrison is heelish now, or something. Cool. A one on one program with Bryan after this may be decent. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

This guy right here should be somewhat exciting. I really don't think it'll be as disappointing as most triple threats tend to be, but I could be wrong. Anyway, Bryan to retain, for sure. He's, like, the best wrestler in the world, or something.
Interesting match, but it feels so random. Bryan is going to retain, it's such an easy pick. Morrison is in there to get some impressive spots, Miz is in just to get him onto the PPV card, and Bryan has to defend his title. So why not throw a really random match together? Morrison and Miz are both above the midcard's belt at this point. A reign for Miz would be 100% pointless now, and Morrison should be in upper midcard feuds. Daniel Bryan WILL win because Bryan needs a good match and a good retention to legitmize his title reign, which is exactly what I expect here. It will probably open the show too. Bryan will move on to other fueds for the belt, Morrison moves on to upper midcard feuds, and Miz.... either cashes in or keeps bragging about his briefcase.

Daniel Bryan will retain the United States Championship.
This match does have something of a random feel to it, but I have a feeling it'll still be extemely entertaining. The submission stipulation automatically favors Bryan and the Falls Count Anywhere aspect will be a good excuse for Morrison to put forth an effort as he did with Sheamus on Raw a few weeks back. This is Bryan's first title defense and it's all but written in stone that he'll retain tonight. John Morrison has been pretty impressive in general over the course of the past month, but the primary reason he's there is so The Miz doesn't suffer another singles loss to Daniel Bryan at this point. I think the secondary reason is that Morrison could be Daniel Bryan's next feud for the United States Championship.

Really up until the past month, Morrison hasn't really done much on Raw except get lost on the schuffle or just been jobbed out to other guys. When he first came to Raw, I would've said he was probably above the United States Championship, but his stock has definitely dropped. He and Bryan could have some very good matches against each other and, if Morrison does ultimately go heel, it'll just be an improvement because Morrison was actually pretty good as a heel. As for The Miz, he's basically heading for the main event scene. I believe that sometime in 2011, The Miz will be a World Champion.
Glad to see Bryan retain. As I said in the original post, Bryan is being built as a fighting champion and that's what this match made him out to be. I suspect he's going to feud with Morrison now, since Morrison didn't tap out and therefore could feel like he should have a fair shot to win, and WWE seems to be pushing him.

Also, before anyone says something, Miz losing does NOT make him look weak. It just makes Bryan look strong. It's pretty impressive that he could make a future WWE Champion tap. Miz has the MITB in his possession; he'll be fine.
I am very happy to see Bryan retain the belt and I'm glad that they are making him look so strong while also not having Miz look weak even though he did tap. It was a good match maybe he goes onto feud with Morrison which could be a really interesting feud.
Agreed, Doc. Too many people on here suggest that just because some guy loses a match, he looks weak, and that's simply not the case.

The Miz was not made to look weak in defeat in this match, no more than the Undertaker did, or Sheamus, or really anyone else who lost tonight. Daniel Bryan looked strong and impressive, continuing to look like a force in the WWE. He impresses me more and more every week.
This match was the show stealer all 3 guys did there bit and hats off to them.
Still don't think much of Bryan, he looks weak and clumsy and that music is awfull. but he played his part still and setup another match with all 3 for Bragging Rights maybe.
Pretty good match actually. I was surprised to watch the well-rounded submission grappling from both John Morrison as well as The Miz, considering the fact that they're nowhere near submission wrestlers.

Also, I loved the fact that everybody was like "John is only in it so that Miz doesn't have to tap twice" and then actually tapping a second time to Daniel Bryan. Daniel, who certainly needed to walk out champion in this match. Pretty much his home turf of a match, as well as the fact that he was a newly crowned champion.

Now I just can't wait to see what this develops into. Perhaps a clean feud between John Morrison and Daniel Bryan? A continuing of Daniel vs Miz? Or a Miz vs Morrison feud. God the possibilities.
Yeah, I liked this match.

John Morrison seems to be in somewhat of a mini-push and has looked pretty damn (near) impressive. Add that to the fact that he is not constantly botching his finisher now and you have a recipe for success… Kinda.

I say “kinda” because we all know that he didn’t win last night. However, when you look at what he accomplished in the match, some would dsay that he could have come out with the Championship. All three men looked pretty stellar actually and it made for a very reasonable match. More so than that, I actually thought it was PPV quality. All three of these guys seem to be in the middle of all things that are good in the WWE recently and it comes as no surprise that their match was one of the best on the entire card.

Obviously, we cannot go on without talking about the spot with Morrison on top of the stage prop. That was pretty incredible and actually made me a smile a little bit. To me, it added to the match and showed us that Morrison is really ready to take his game to the next level. Now, I may be reading too much into this but I would assume that it was a thinly-veiled idea from the WWE that they are going to give poor ol’ Jannetty Morrison a push after all.

Daniel Bryan eventually came out of the match as the winner… In a submission match… *Gasp*

Either way, that is the way it should have gone and now I fully expect to see The Miz move onto the main event scene and get out of the mid-card. Let Morrison take his place in the feud with Bryan and get the wheels in motion for some fresher material there.

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