WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

Who will be the traitor?

  • Khali

  • Morrison

  • Truth

  • Y2J

  • Edge

  • Bret Hart

  • Cena

  • None

  • Someone from outside the match

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Maybe its for the best with Edge and Jericho gonn.I like the bickering on team Raw because it makes for good tv but everyone knew that if somthing didnt change team Raw was gonna lose at SS.
I'm seeing it play out with Jericho and Edge rejoining Cena on Monday. I also think Nexus will take out Khali on monday as well leaving a "mystery partner" for Cena. That will be HHH. He will turn on Cena's team at Summer Slam. Then the explanation for not touching Sheamus will be HHH wanted the vengeance himself.
21 in a match!!! That too elimination match. God save the camera men. It will be a mess. IF this happens then the match will either go too long or they have to make a lot of people look weak by finishing them off soon. anyone remember Randy & Cena Vs Entire Raw roster? There was finishers flying everywhere in that match. They can't do that in a PPV.

Like many posters have said before me i too believe they will fight together in summerslam and someone is a traitor.
Personally i think WWE is yanking all our chains. I think the desention is all an act to get Nexus overconfident. At SS the team will come out unified and whip Nexus ass.
First off I dnt see this match happening at Ss but it my happen on a raw ep IDK. Think about it with all those big names in 1 match there would be no 1 to compete in the other matches.but I do see a Stable of Jericho,Edge,Ted and Maryse forming.but I wouldn't want to see this untill Nexus calms down are Cena turns heel.wat do u think?
I'm seeing it play out with Jericho and Edge rejoining Cena on Monday. I also think Nexus will take out Khali on monday as well leaving a "mystery partner" for Cena. That will be HHH. He will turn on Cena's team at Summer Slam. Then the explanation for not touching Sheamus will be HHH wanted the vengeance himself.

"The Wrestling Observer is reporting that WWE star Triple H actually has a torn biceps, and could miss a lot more time than expected. At this point, the word backstage is that HHH could be out until at least late October, and possibly until December."

Pretty much impossible. Next week, Cena, Hart, Jericho, and Edge will look as if they're about to fight, then go out and take out Nexus. Think about it, why else would Jericho tap without ever having the STF locked in on him if he really is trying to lead Team Raw. It is being set up as a bunch of mind games to get Nexus overconfident.
Guys, since i've read the RAW Spoilers last week i have a theory for what will happen next monday. I mean, at first, i actually found it to be obvious, but since no one else seems to have thought about it, i'm beggining to have my doubts. Anyway, Bret & Cena VS Edge and Y2J with the NEXUS as lumberjacks? That can only mean one thing in my book. Remember, Bret Hart CAN'T fight. He's going to be revealed as the leader of Nexus. As simple as that. That will be enough to unite Cena, Jericho and Edge, they will all get beaten down by Nexus as Bret watches, before Khali, Truth and Morrison rush to the ring and help fight them off.

My two cents.
That's not going to happen I don't see any logic in Bret being Nexus' master mind.Didn't they beat his ass a few weeks back?Bret being a heel after being gonn for 12 years makes no sense and his mic skills are to week for him to be the brains behind Nexus.I like him as a face fighting the good fight and helping Cena.I could be wrong but that would be a TNAish move by WWE
Probably yeah, but i just can't understand why he'd be on a 7vs7 match, filled with action, when he can't take any bumps. I'm not saying my theory should happen, I'm just saying it looks like it. I mean, can he even be eliminated during the 7 on 7? How? He can't take any bumps. Michael Tarver's Knockout punch? That'd be lame. So that would be basically giving away the result of the match, putting Hart in there. Well, maybe Hart gets knocked out in the locker room on monday, leaving Cena VS Edge & Jericho, and they eventually join forces, and then announce a surprise new member for SS. Triple H then makes his return, wrestles very little, and turns on his team. Ahah.

Listen, i really don't want Nexus to have a leader other than Wade Barret, but it certainly seems that the SS match and the recent developments in the storyline are leading up to something like that. This situation is basically taylor-made for a turn.
WWE must have a wicked curve ball in store at Summer Slam because this whole scituation is hard to figure out but there has got to be some kinda swearve in the works but by who who knows?I want Cena to turn heel but not to go with Nexus after they beat his brains in several times and WWE is not gonna make theyre number 1 money maker heel its not good buisness.the Bret Hart involvment makes you think but like I posted last it just dont add up.Who knows whats in store in this match but we all know its not going down without a wtf moment thats for sure.
WWE must have a wicked curve ball in store at Summer Slam because this whole scituation is hard to figure out but there has got to be some kinda swearve in the works but by who who knows?I want Cena to turn heel but not to go with Nexus after they beat his brains in several times and WWE is not gonna make theyre number 1 money maker heel its not good buisness.the Bret Hart involvment makes you think but like I posted last it just dont add up.Who knows whats in store in this match but we all know its not going down without a wtf moment thats for sure.

Yeah, i sure hope Cena doesn't turn (in this particular storyline), it wouldn't make any sense. I'm sticking with the Bret idea, even though it doesn't make much sense - unless they go with the story of Bret wanting to hurt Vince's company. I mean, he could actually be revealed as still being the General Manager, anonimously. Who knows. Let's wait until SS. It's sure nice that it's keeping us guessing.
With Edge and Jericho quitting, this puts Team Cena in an interesting situation. If those two don't come back, then I can see Bourne and Henry (if he's able to) being the replacements. Friction will still be there if Edge and Jericho decide to come back so it's up in the air as to who will win. I don't see anybody on Team Cena turning but I do see Nexus winning to continue the storyline.
i agree with someone who said that the team wil come back together looking strong the raw before then cena will Attitude Adjust Brett hart and put him the the STFU and break his back, then cena will stand tall with nexus.
Okay, so I've taken another look at the (lackluster) SS card and nothing really stands out except for the Nexus-WWE match. In recent weeks, we've seen Bret Hart return, Cena & Morrison hint at turning heel, and Rated Y2J leave the team. These all point to an inevitable betrayal on team WWE, my question is, Who's it gonna be? Let's take a look @ some possibilities:


Morrison, Truth & Kahli: I actually see one of them being the first to be eliminated, none of them are big enough names to actually mean something. According to reports, Morrison is scheduled to face Dibiase at NOC so it can't be him. Truth is too popular to turn heel and it wouldn't be significant, especially with all the other big name talents in this match. As for Kahli, well........you can figure that out yourself.

Possible, but unlikely:

Rated Y2J and/or Bret Hart: Both are heels, so it wouldn't really do much if one, or both, interfered and cost Team WWE the match. Both have also been attacked by The Nexus, so it wouldn't make sense to allow them to get the win. But then again, 4 months ago, these two were having one of the most intense feuds of the year and now they're teaming up on RAW :huh:, so I wouldn't put it past them. Bret Hart is another story, according to reports, it was supposed to be Steamboat on the Team but we know why he's not. Therefore, making Hart a replacement. Now, if Hart did turn heel, it lead to some questioning of why as The Nexus nearly killed him and less importantly, the fate of the Hart Dynasty.

Highest Possibility:

Cena : Talk about a way to swerve us! These two are major faces so this could either make or break SS. Let's start with Cena. Cena is arguably the WWE's biggest face, merchandise, Movies, commercials etc... He's been in nearly every championship match for the past year or so, But Wait! There's a fresh, new face on the horizon who goes by the name, Randy Orton. So Orton seems to be surpassing Cena in terms of Popularity, which leaves the door open for Cena to turn face, he's been teasing at it for weeks, the only catch is HOW he would turn heel.

So who do you think it's gonna be? Or do you think there isn't going to be one?
tonight i was watching the re-run of smackdown and as they were showing the 7-7 match and as the last person to come up for team raw was bret hart and they kinda paused on him for maybe a half second. this could be a hint for something? then going through the nexus team quick. maybe this is a signal that bret is up to something.

let me know what you guys think.

this could also mean nothing but i was quick to notice it and think that he may be up to something with nexus. alot of speculation is that hes the leader.
I don't think it really means nothin..but who knows maybe Daniel Bryan will take up another spot..dout it tho. wouldn't that just be awesome.
What are you, a conspiracy theorist??? There is NOTHING to be taken from that. Bret can't work a full match, hence the reason he's in a tag team. He can't turn heel, b/c as we know heels eventually get a beat down at the end of the storyline. It's not Bret.
Bret wont turn heel for the same reason we didnt get to see HBK work heel other than the 1 month in 05 when he turned on Hogan. Bret's too well loved & respected & the fans would hate to see it, especially in Canada.
lol that promo has been goin since they announced the team and it has always froze on Bret Hart becuz he was the big suprise no body expected lol he aint the leader of Nexus lol
I think that you are reading way too much into this, he may well be the leader of the Nexus, we will find out in due time, but there is no way you can tell he is the leader based on the fact that he gets slightly less screen time in the promo for the match.
yeah it just kinda stuck out in my eyes and was just wondering what it was for. i prly does mean nothing but why not ask wrestling fans. and i love how 2 people on here talk shit like they now wwe like the back of their hands. its all the small things that you dont notice that make the biggest impact. prly a bunch of 13 year olds who dont know wrestling and what its about. there in the john cena era where wwe is predictable. go back 12 years buddy.
So Team WWE now has John Cena, Bret Hart, John Morrison, R-Truth and Great Khali. Not alot of main eventers is there? Losing Edge and Jericho in turn diminishes the credibility of the WWE Team. Who to replace?

Triple H - I know he is injured, but we have seen Superstars return early to spark suprise. Batista and Edge are to name 2!!! He would certainly add credibility.

Daniel Bryan - that would be cool and would/could make sense. But again, its unlikeley. Never heard of anyone been fired and return like 6/7 weeks later!

Evan Bourne - probably the most likeley of the ones I ahve named so far. Cena is high on him, he's face, he's on Raw, he's had issues with Nexus. Quite suprised he was never in the match in the first place!

Mark Henry - Please god no. We already have Khali (who I suppose adds presence) so we dont need another big guy.

Hart Dynasty - Would make sense seen as though Bret is there. Not quite there yet for me though.

Smackdown - Maybe Cena will draft someone in from Smackdown to help the cause? Kofi, Matt Hardy and Christian the likely candidates.

However, has anybody considered that the Jericho/Edge leaving team WWE is just to catch Nexus off guard? I wouldnt be suprised to see it all as one big set up and Team WWE all stands tall the Raw before Summerslam.

If Jericho and Edge HAVE actually left. I see them replaced by faces. This will increase the heat on John Cena if he turns on WWE and joins Nexus. You cant sympathise with heels like Edge and Jericho. They are sure to be pissed and wanna do battle with Cena which in turn automatically makes them face.
OK guys everybody is focusing on the heel turns coming from Cena, Hart or HHH I would like to point out on other posts here alot of posters want to see Morrison turn heel what about him turning and being behind the whole NEXUS idea by talking to the Nexus members when they came to RAW with their PROS during season 1 planting the seed and finally what about Rtruth the guy has not been given a fair shot by the fans or creative since his return to the WWE he could be fed up and finally decide to turn heel and go after titles with this group behind him he could win any title he wanted or it all could be a ruse by Y2J and he really be behind the whole NEXUS group we will find out for sure come this sunday oh wait a crazy idea to throw out there since the guy is so adamant about being retired what about HBK to try to annoy Vince from the sidelines LOL
At this point, you could argue that almost anyone from Team Cena could be a traitor. With that said, I'm just ready to see this match go down! This has been a great feud and the build up has been steady, well put together and very entertaining. I see Nexus getting the win in this match obviously because I'm sure there will be a traitor amongst Team Cena. Who will it be? I'd say between Cena, Edge, Jericho and Hart.

Cena has been a face and THE face of the company for years and even with a heel turn, he'll still be the cash cow of the company and he may just be tired of Nexus pounding him to the ground. Edge and Jericho would be predictable, but since they are heels and given their history with Cena, it wouldn't surprise me. Now Hart, I could see him being behind Nexus. The youth movement and taking over to put the vets in line. For some reason, Bret Hart being behind the group just seems right to me.
I'm not sure, but it seems like Edge and Jericho is back on team WWE, Cena, RAW or whatever you want to call the team. And I admit, it's not really something I'm happy over, still not. I wasn't happy for it to start off with, but I guess it's a little better now, but still awful.

While it makes sense to gather some of the best to take down the team, it doesn't do much for any of the faces that could've been on there (Evan Bourne, Golddust, Mark Henry, or who knows). They could've benefited from it more, however I guess it makes for a better match with a mixture of people that now seems united.

I guess we'll have to see where it brings us on Sunday, I can only say I'm actually excited. And hoping that The Nexus comes out victorious, just so the storyline can continue with a purpose.

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