WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

Who will be the traitor?

  • Khali

  • Morrison

  • Truth

  • Y2J

  • Edge

  • Bret Hart

  • Cena

  • None

  • Someone from outside the match

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Yeah this is just for Cena heel turn. There is no point and it will just be the same as what happen with Austin in the other Invasion storyline. Cena will be instantly hated and I hope they throw trash into the ring to give it that realism. They have to show off the stun looks of all the audience. Cena would also need to give the AA to someone like Jericho or another Face hopefully JoMo. I expect Bret to take a AA but then again thats not likely to happen. If John gives the AA to jomo that saves Jomo as he can come out to confront Cena thus creating a brand new star while the Universe is behind him. Instant crowd reaction but thats not likely. Honestly I dont know how things will go in this Clusterfuck of a mainevent. If Cena does turn heel, who picks up the slack and becomes face? It aggravating thinking about the outcome becomes we all know Nexus cant lose and the only thing that can help it is if Nexus loses they continue to beat up the Raw superstars afterward and HHH comes out to join in attacking Raw but then there is no logic. This match is doomed, WWE surprise me.
with this match im sure the match will be decent but im not sure about the outcome........ they have edge jericho and cena...... r truth and morrison who are solid midcarders ....Khali (he at least LOOKS credible although the man cant wrestle to save his life.....) and another guy who cant wrestle : BRET.............AGAINST Nexus......apart from Barret we havent seen any of the other guys wrestle in one o one matches....which brings the unpredictability factor as we dont know what to expect against guys that we know what can we expect from....but as far as the winner...i would like to see Nexus pick up the win but i think they will give the victory to cena s team......but nexus will give a beatdown to someone ....making them look like the renegades who dont care about the rules and just sending a message..
First of all, I'm extremely dissapointed that Evan Bourne was left off the team. It doesn't make any sense to me that a guy that John Cena has aligned himself with on many occasions lately, isn't on the team.

Also, I didn't really want to see Bret Hart revealed as the last guy on Team Cena. I genuinely that it would be Triple H and that "The Game" would basically be the "Manager" of Team Cena and then turn on them. But, I'm still happy that this will bring more exposure to John Morrison and I'm very intrigued to see how the Nexus will fare against Team Cena.
I, for one, was expecting Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) to walk out as the 7th guy on Team Cena. Then again, I was also expecting Cena to join Nexus tonight, but that may have been more of my heart talking than my brain. I do, however, fully expect Bryan to replace Hart somehow before the PPV. We have, what, a whole month before it goes down? Plan on it.
Great. Another thread for a bunch of new-school fans to hate on Bret Hart...just great.

This match should be the height of the NEXUS storyline. I can see them staying together afterward, but not controlling the show. This match will basically be a 6-on-7 match. Bret will not really wrestle, might slap on the Sharpshooter, but won't take up much ring time.

I do agree that Bourne should have been apart of this team instead of The Great Khali. But who knows, maybe they have bigger plans for Bourne.

I like it. Bret has a score to settle, so it's really not a big deal. Some people are bitching because "dey don't like dem old dudes." Plain and simple.

I feel that Bret would have been better served as the manager for Team Cena instead of one of its members. I have all the respect in the world for the Hart family but I feel that Bret should stay out of the ring due to the various injuries he's sustained over the years and I would definitely not like to see him get hurt again. Who knows, maybe in the coming weeks Nexus will take out a member or 2 of Team Cena and they'll replace them with worthwhile wrestlers
If I could reach through my computer and slap some of you people, I would in a heartbeat.

1. What is with all the bitching about Khali, R-Truth, and Bret being in this match? Let's go through some history here shall we. R-Truth was Otunga's pro so there is a reason for him to be in this match. Bret Hart was attacked by Nexus a couple of months ago and we all remember Singh's promo talking about how Khali would be scared. Obviously he is not. Bourne will probably feud with the Miz over the U.S. Title. Khali and Henry are interchangeable so it wouldn't have made a huge difference.

2. Why would HHH come back to fight the Nexus when he virtually has no connection to the group at all? Even if HHH were to be back by Summerslam, he probably wouldn't be in this match. The clamoring of HHH in this match is just you wanting him to turn heel which there can be better ways of doing.
I feel that Bret would have been better served as the manager for Team Cena instead of one of its members. I have all the respect in the world for the Hart family but I feel that Bret should stay out of the ring due to the various injuries he's sustained over the years and I would definitely not like to see him get hurt again. Who knows, maybe in the coming weeks Nexus will take out a member or 2 of Team Cena and they'll replace them with worthwhile wrestlers

This has nothing to do with Bret Hart wanting to be in the ring. WWE gave him this storyline, and he had to leave before it was resolved. This is the only way for him to "settle the score."

After this match at Summerslam, I hope Bret is done in the ring. They want to have him as GM, good. They want him to manage the Hart kids, great. But, I think this should be it for him. Unfortunately, he's in bad health and isn't what he was. There is a storyline to be wrapped up here, but after Summerslam, I too no longer want to see Bret compete.
If I could reach through my computer and slap some of you people, I would in a heartbeat.

1. What is with all the bitching about Khali, R-Truth, and Bret being in this match? Let's go through some history here shall we. R-Truth was Otunga's pro so there is a reason for him to be in this match. Bret Hart was attacked by Nexus a couple of months ago and we all remember Singh's promo talking about how Khali would be scared. Obviously he is not. Bourne will probably feud with the Miz over the U.S. Title. Khali and Henry are interchangeable so it wouldn't have made a huge difference.

Having Truth face Miz for the U.S. Title would make much more sense than having him in Team Cena, the run in that he had with The Miz earlier in the night will now probably lead to absolutely nothing instead of finishing off the feud at Summerslam like they should have. Sure Khali did a promo about Nexus a while ago but I'm fairly sure that the average fan would not have remembered about that, hell I barely remember it, and he could have been replaced by someone with a better ability to wrestle and sell moves. The only problem I have with Hart in the match is that I feel that he would be better suited as a nonwrestling manager that would help the rest of the team beat the shit out of Nexus. As for Bourne he has been attacked by Nexus in the past and would have made sense as a member of the team.
It would have been a great and surprising time to redebut Bryan Danielson as part of the team. Seriously this team is so ass backwards, a retired wrestler that is 10-15 years past his prime, 2 midcarders, one of which has Shelton Syndrome and a shitty finisher, and a BFG that was supposed to be taking time off to go back to India earlier in the year. The only members that are any good are Edge, Jericho, and Cena. If the creative team has any idea what they're doing they'll let Nexus pick up the win and destroy Cena in the process. Hopefully they don't fuck everything up as they've been known to do in the past with Cena related feuds. :banghead:

ok i'm sorry, but don't diss on john morrison, hes the most athletic man in the wwe and he has tons more of charisma, and honestly, if your going to diss on shitty finishers do it on cena, starship pain takes a hell of a lot more athletic ability to do than a standing firemans carry, okay but on to your post, whew, ok yes to all of this except you dissing on midcarders and saying cena is good, i agree that khali should not be in there, mark henry should be, and they can't have nexus destroy everything, in my opinion, they've been building nexus wayyy to much, they need to turn them back into destruction, not legitimately winning matches
I really have no problem with Bret Hart being in this match. No, I do not like it when he wrestles at his age but he WAS a victim of the Nexus. Maybe Hart could have been a manager of Cena's team, but whatever. I DO have a problem with Khali! Why Khali? Why not Evan Bourne or Yoshi Tatsu, who were both attacked by the Nexus?! Man, come on WWE! Khali cannot wrestle! And he is not entertaining!
Like others have said I smell a John Cena heel turn at Summerslam with Cena joining Nexus by betraying his team at the end of the match.

And i have no problems with Team WWE except Khali who should be no were near WWE's main angle.
I know he wants to kill off his character but when the wrestlers parted for someone huge to walk down, I expected Vinnie Mac to strut down. I know he is older than Bret but he would have given the team tons of more credibility than Bret Hart. Plus, you know all the starts eventually get a rub from Vince so this could have been Barrett's and subsequently, the Nexus' push.

R-Truth doesn't fit to me. Morrison got jumped so he makes sense. Evan Bourne or Mark Henry would have made more sense than the Truth. I believe that Raw could have skipped out on it's title match just for the PPV and put together a superteam for one night (Cena, Orton, Edge, Jericho, Sheamus, Bourne, Morrison) to battle the Nexus in the main event as it is the biggest storyline of this half of the year and thus perfect for the SummerSlam main event. IMO, the title doesn't have to be showcased at every show if the match has no significant story around it. Putting all of these overarching rivalries on one team for the sake of Raw would have been far more interesting the Cena's current team and a rematch from the Royal Rumble (not that I don't root for Orton and Sheamus).
ya know, not for nothing, but its entirely possible Nexus will take out Khali before the match at SS, ala the two man power trip taking out Kane back in the day.

Same could be said for Bret. Of course, if Bret is the actual leader of the Nexus, than it makes sense for him to be on the team.

There's a lot of ways this can go, with almost a month before SS airs. Let's give this time before we trash it, hmmm??
I personally don’t like the makeup of the team because it stripped SummerSlam of some good potential one on one matches.

1. R-Truth vs. The Miz for the money in the bank brief case. Think about it R-truth was taken out by The Miz so he couldn’t compete in the Money in the Bank Ladder match it only makes since. Although R-truth would not have won it still would have added to the “prestige” of SumerSlam and Miz could have snapped on R-Truth to keep pushing his ruthless image.

2. John Morrison vs. Ted Debiase. This would have been another interesting match, throw in the stipulation that if Morrison wins he gets the services of Maryse for a few weeks or something. Hecks even make it for the million dollar belt.

3. This one may be a stretch but Edge vs. Jericho rematch of Wrestlemania. That match almost explained itself.

I know Cena needed a team but the whole thing just ruined 3 potential SummerSlam "filler" matches. If they needed people to throw in there they could have included Evan Bourne, Mark Henry Khali, Hart Dynasty (even though I really want to see them take on the Usos again)
ok i'm sorry, but don't diss on john morrison, hes the most athletic man in the wwe and he has tons more of charisma, and honestly, if your going to diss on shitty finishers do it on cena, starship pain takes a hell of a lot more athletic ability to do than a standing firemans carry, okay but on to your post, whew, ok yes to all of this except you dissing on midcarders and saying cena is good, i agree that khali should not be in there, mark henry should be, and they can't have nexus destroy everything, in my opinion, they've been building nexus wayyy to much, they need to turn them back into destruction, not legitimately winning matches

I'm not dissing all midcarders, just the 2 that are on the team. The starship pain might be a very athletic move but it looks like a move that a high flyer would do in the middle of a match, not to finish it. A finisher should compel the audience but every time I see it I just feel very underwhelmed. Sure I'm impressed with his ability to do it but nothing about it screams finisher to me. As others have said in the Morrison threads on here a move that utilizes the amazing kicks that he does would suit him a lot better, I remember seeing his matches against Punk where all he had to do was kick Punk in the head after Punks springboard off the ropes to end the match. I agree with you on the aa but that argument has been beaten to death over the past 4-7 years. Hopefully they end this match with a dirty finish on the side of the Nexus that could lead to Nexus destroying some or all of Team Cena.
im surprised so many of you expect a cena heel turn. i could be wrong, but i really just dont see it. like, ever. at least not for some time. they would crush the hearts of the PG rated crowd theyve desparately tried to gain over the last several months.

i dont have a problem with bret on the team, would rather him not, maybe just there as a mentor of sorts and hang out outside the ring during the match, but not a big issue.

to me the big issue is great khali. its no secret he is beyond horrendous in the ring, the guy can barely fucking walk let alone wrestle. how you can build him up like they did when he first got there, to then a comedy tool, now back to serious mode and put him on team cena? i have no idea, it baffles me.

danielson and triple h were the ones that i thought would be team member 7. the crowd would have went absolutely nuts for triple h there. which would then set up the heel turn at summerslam.

im hoping maybe next week the camera is in the back and we see a layed out great khali and cena is forced to pick another team member or something. so make nexus look even stronger and write off great khali for hopefully the rest of time. one can only hope.
My thoughts on this, first Cena's team.

Cena- Of course he has to be there it's his team he has had the most problems with the Nexus.

Edge- Got beatdown tonight and at the Fatal 4Way, another man with a beef. I like how he joined Cena even though he hates him. Not really a heel thing to do but I like it.

JoMo- Has a had a few minor problems with Nexus, nothing too big, I think he got jumped once backstage. I was hoping he would be in a match with Ted Jr. but this works still.

R Truth- I may be wrong but I don't remember him having anything to do with Nexus, if he doesn't then why the hell is he in this match? Again I don't remember if he has been involved with Nexus, if he hasn't then why isn't he in something for the US Title?

The Great Khali- Hasn't he only been involved when he "ran" them off? I liked it when I watched it happen live but I don't see why Khali is in this, and where the hell is his brother? I thought something was going to happen with that? I'll be patient though.

Jericho- Everyone thought he was incahoots, well Wade and the boys proved they have no friends tonight, glad to see Jericho in the match even though I would have rather seen him in a singles match at the biggest party of the summer.

Bret Hart- Makes tons of sense, Nexus took him out, beat him to shit, threw him in a limo and got him fired as GM. Bret has a reason to be there. I don't want to watch him wrestle but at least him being in the match makes sense.

Who's not there.

Bryan Danialson- Well I was marking out like a little kid hoping Danielson was going to be the 7th man, I was to busy being excited to do the math on his 90 days. Gotta admit it would have been awesome though.

Triple H- He has no reason to be anywhere near this match at all. None.

Evan Bourne- He has problems with the Nexus and has had Cena's back for awhile now, I thought he was in it for sure but hopefully this means he has bigger things going on for SummerSlam.

CM Punk- I would have marked out like a little kid if Killswitch hit but he's still injuried I think so that's a scratch.

Undertaker- This would have only worked if Nexus was behind his being a veggie but I think Kane will be behind that whole thing. Imagine if the bell would have sounded and the arena went dark, chilling.

Vince McMahon- He ran through my head after Jericho stepped out, it would have made perfect sense with him trying to take control of his company and would have been great to see Vince get back on TV again.

My thoughts on the match itself.

Nexus has to win here, they have to. I know Cena's team is strong and should be able to take out a bunch of rookies, but Nexus needs this win to look strong as a group and as individuals. I'm really hoping for no swerves in this match and it's just a clean win for the Nexus to keep this going. Only thing I can think that could happen out of the ordinary is Vince coming out to help Cena's group and as he gets his ass handed to him Trips makes the save for his dear ol' dad-in-law, and giving him a huge return.
I'm not going to lie, I shit my pants when it happened. Also, I'm kinda disappointed Bret is on the team. He can't wrestle anymore and he should have stopped after WM26. I was honestly expecting Batista or JBL to return just for this small feud. Hell, the shit would have hit the fan if HBK came back.

I was getting excited until they brought Khali in. Ya, he's a big fucking dude, but he doesn't have the same star power as everyone else in the ring. Evan Bourne would've been a good choice IMO.

My favorite part of the whole scene was when they showed the audience. 30 year old men bouncing up and down and screaming like 12 year old girls at a miley cyrus concert. Also the sight of Cena and Edge standing side by side was pretty cool. And the hopeful return of Y2J!?

I was hoping Jericho was going to come out with his long tights, that would have blew the roof off.

One of the best moments on WWE TV in a long time, no doubt. Let's go Team Cena!
Not sure why so many of you here are whining about Bret being in this match. Sure he can't wrestle anymore but neither can half the participants in this match (Otunga, Khali, Cena etc.) At least Bret has a reason to be on Team Cena since he was vehicularly decimated by Nexus. But why in the bluest of fucks is Khali in this match!? He has had no interaction with Nexus and even in his promo he said "What's a Nexus? I've never heard of it before." Yea that's right, I speak Indianese. Bourne would've been much more logical and welcomed.
All I see is bitching and complaining about Bret Hart being part of Cena's team. There's still three Raws left before SummerSlam and a lot can happen between now and then. There's no guarentee Bret will even be in the match come SummerSlam. Two possible scenarios are A) Bret stays out of the match and then turns on Cena and the team, revealing himself to be the leader of Nexus; B) He gets taken out prior to SummerSlam, allowing Triple H (if healthy enough) to be his replacement; C) He surprises everyone and actually wrestles.

Anyhoo, about the actual angle... I have a feeling that the leader of Nexus will be revealed at SummerSlam (as well as the GM, hopefully). While everyone seems to think it'll be Triple H, I am BEGGING the WWE make Cena the Nexus leader because I think a Cena heel-turn is desperately needed (not to mention the joy of watching the hearts break of every Cena mark in attendance.)

But, regardless of who the Nexus leader is, I don't see any other outcome other than Nexus winning. They've been pushed as a huge threat to the WWE with a greater purpose that has yet to be revealed. For them to lose at SummerSlam would make the past few months a waste of time and destroy any credibility they've built for themselves, not to mention, when it comes time to reveal their greater purpose, nobody will care.
What I see happening would be a good way for WWE to turn Cena Heel...

Keep bret in the match because it makes perfect sense for this to happen. Have bret not do anything the whole match, have it a good back and forth match with Cenas team getting the upper hand near the end.

Have Cenas team take out the Nexus in the match leaving one of them left, get someone to beat down the only rookie left and then tag in Bret. Bret puts the Sharpshotter on them and as they are about to tap out and lose the match, Cena runs in hits Bret and gives him the AA (if Bret can take the fall) then have Nexus pin bret hart with the help of Cena and win. After Nexus wins Cena pulls the "N" armband he took on Sunday out of his pocket and puts it on.

Like everyone loves bret, even the little kids do. Having Cena turn on him and help Nexus win will make everyone hate Cena because he took out Bret and helped Nexus.

Cena could gain even more heat by coming on RAW the next day and going on about how everything was staged from the first attack. Have him say Brian Danielson thought he was better then Cena and thats why Cena had him fired.
i don't know about this. I hope the nexus angle doesn't end at summerslam, there are only three raw's left till summerslam and wade barrett has yet to reveal what the nexus' agenda truly is. i really hope the nexus wins at summerslam, so the angle continues for another month after that or so.
Hang On .. EveryOnes Open To There Opoions . But To Dis Bret Is Unreal . He Would Kick The Nexus Ass . Everywhere . Okay I Would Like To See Hbk Or Rock To Return In That Match . But Bret Come On Man .

Gunna Be One Hell Of A Match ..

This should be one hell of a match the only thing I dont like about it is Kahli there are so many better options, I can understand it not being bourne they obviously have bigger pllans for him at Summerslam but couldnt it have been Henry or Primo or Ryder or even Yoshi freaking Tatsu any of these would have been better options as all of them (ok not henry) and actually wrestle Yoshi would have made sense as the Nexus jumped him in the back last week. Any the match should be good Brets inclusion atleast makes sense, I doubt he will do much in the match maybe 2-3 minutes total in rung time, I read that Ricky Steamboat was meant to be in breat place but he is in hospital that would have been much better as Ricky can still actually wrestle. Anyway I hope that Nexus wins this match it wouldnt really make sense for Raw to win but when has WWE ever worried about sense.
When the announcement was made last night on Raw, I didn't think I'd be too excited about this match. That is, until they announced all of the participants from John Cena's team. Superstar after superstar walked out from the back and each offered something different to John Cena's team. And with the shocking return of Bret "The Hitman" Hart, it makes us wonder how much in-ring time he's going to get during this matchup.

With so many participants in this match, the amount of matchups is very exciting. Want to see Wade Barrett take on Bret Hart? Want to see Justin Gabriel face off with John Morrison? Want to see Skip Sheffield take on the Great Khali? How about the long-awaited John Cena vs. Wade Barrett? You'll get it all in this match.

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