WWE Summerslam: Team Cena vs. Team Nexus

Who will be the traitor?

  • Khali

  • Morrison

  • Truth

  • Y2J

  • Edge

  • Bret Hart

  • Cena

  • None

  • Someone from outside the match

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I'm pretty sure this means Jericho is a face now *YIPPEE*. I think HHH will return during the match and everyone stops, they all think HHH is going to attack the Nexus but he attacks Cena's group. That would be good
Bret has every right to be involved in the match somehow...it is because of Nexus he is no longer GM and also they attacked him as well..Have you all forgot..

Yes it would have been better if say it was HHH, but unfortunately he is still out..and your going to have to deal with the fact that its Bret Hart...

As for the match...I think Cena's team will win....BUT...I think Nexus need the win, this is like their first reall match and its ppv...they need to win to continue the storyline!! just like the Alliance Invasion...WCW/ECW won at InVasion didn't they to continue the story...and this should be the same, I mean if Alliance had lost the match, then there would be no point to continue because they had suffered defeat!!
I have to admit when the superstars were announced I was a little "So? This is it? We've seen this before. Why should I be surprised by the team put together?"

It's a shame really. I think it could function very well. But there's guys that seems more like in place for a face turn than anything because of this. Namely Edge and Jericho. And we certainly do not need that. Jericho and Edge are two of the top heels on RAW. They need to stay that way.

The match could be good. I think it's a little bit too big. But WWE could make it work. They could build The Nexus this way. Making them look strong through dominating the other team. WWE definitely needs to do this if they wanna keep The Nexus riding their wave of dominating momentum.
Why are more people complaining about bret, than are about khalii, khali is a horrible shell of a wrestler, and should not ever be in another ppv again, he should not be doing anything more than what they have santino and kaslov doing. little stupid joke matches for the kids to laugh at with hornswaggle in the background is all the khali is good for. At least brett was attacked by nexus and has a real good reason for wanting payback. but like some people i smell traitor as well, but im not sure if it will be cena, i think they are doing a descent job at changing cena's character while keeping him a face. to me its 5 on 7. but brett deserves to be there for what happened to him. along side that nexus has to win and there has to be a traitor, maybe jericho or edge. i can see one of them secretly joining the group temporarily or something just to spite cena.
This should be AWESOME. As much as I would have peferred Punk or Danielson on the team or even Kane, I understand why management chose the people they did. They seem to be wanting Nexus to be a RAW storyline and Danielson isn't with the company. Kane will probably have a title match to work.

Most of the choices make sense. All of them have had incidents with Nexus in the past except Khali and R-Truth was Otunga's former pro. There is a lot of potential and story in this match. I am looking foward to a Gabriel/Morrison faceoff, Otunga/Truth 2, and of course the long awaited Cena/Barrett.. Maybe we will even see Tarver knock some people out and massively build his credibility!

I am totally fine with Hart being on the team. It was a mark out moment and it makes sense. He won't wrestle much and he adds a cool presence to the team seeing as he is a legendary hall of famer. He may not even work the match, instead electing to act as a manager and give a rub to a young star or NXT rookie by having them take his spot in the match. Or he could wrestle some small spots. We'll see as the month goes on.

Very exciting Summerslam main event. I can't wait!
The main problem I have with this team is Khali. Khali was never attacked and is a horrid wrestler. What's Khali going to do? Botch the Nexus outta Summerslam?

Not to mention you've got Yoshi Tatsu, Mark Henry, and Evan Bourne much better mid carders that really deserve this push to the Main Event. Not to mention they all have a much better connection to Cena.

However, I'm looking forward to face (or at Least Tweener) Jericho and Edge because that means that means we get to see Jericho probably go back to his older gimmick which I loved.
The match itself should be a total clusterfuck, but it doesn't matter much. It's a big angle, it's been built well. That's enough. I was quite disappointed when Hart came out. Not looking forward to the next few weeks of them hyping up how big of an addition Hart's gonna be despite the fact he's a guy who can hardly move anymore. Are they really supposed to be scared of him?

Cena's Army will likely win in what I think would be the main event. That shouldn't destroy Nexus though, they can take one loss. I do hope the it doesn't end with someone tapping to the Sharpshooter as someone suggested. That'd just be shit.
I think there is going to be a heel turn at Summer Slam for sure. But I don't think it has to for sure be the person "behind" Nexus that does it. I think that John Morrison should turn on team Cena. Make him turn on Team Cena and afterwards have him say that he feels like he is getting passed over time and time again and he did it to make his impact. That he now sees the "bigger picture". And everyone wins from this. The Nexus gains an established single's and tag team wrestler who works decently as a heel but doesn't have an overpowering personality. But he instantly gets huge heat for being the first WWE "defector" He is already in a "feud" with Dibiase and that can be continued. Heck he could win the US title from Miz and feud with Ted Jr. over that. At some point the Nexus is going to have to start branching out for belts and what a better way to get that under way. This also leaves the oppurtunity later for someone else(Triple H?) to still be behind the Nexus angle. Then as the angle progresses have Morrison become disgusted with ther chaos Nexus causes. He could face turn(maybe during a Wade Barrett Title match) and the he goes to instant big face turn and he can immediately be imbedded in the Main Event scene. Everyone wins....just an idea
The return of Bret Hart was a fun little surprise, and logical since Nexus crashed him into a bunch of cars a few weeks ago. But he can take zero bumps because of his stroke. Bret will either pick a replacement and act as a manager, or he will be in the match for just a tiny bit of offense. We saw how it went at Mania with McMahon, Bret took no offense at all. But three main eventers in Cena, Jericho and Edge should be more than enough to defeat Nexus, combined with the midcarders and the giant.
I think the only reason that Evan Bourne wasn't included in this match is that he must have another match booked at summerslam. Probably a US Title shot against the miz, which will be a nice match.
Instead we have to watch the huge clustrafuck Khali, harpoon himself around the ring looking like the out of place giant he is.
And even though i was also hoping for Hunters music to hit instead of Brett Harts, it is common knowledge that if he wasn't injured, he was meant to face Sheamus in a sort of grudge match/ end of fued match.
I like most of you didn't expect Bret Hart to come out, it was a nice surpise and makes sense cause he was one of the first ones to get taken out by Nexus. The Great Kahli doesn't make sense either, he was doing comedy skits with Carol Brady and Santino and he gets thrown into the Co-main event like that? He's been irrevlant for like the last year and a half or so.To me he just seems out of place. R-truth I thought was feuding with The Miz over the U.S. Title and he cost him his spot in M.I.T.B. I would have love to see a pay off match for the U.S. title in some kind of gimmick match or a Triple Threat with Ted Jr. since they had a brief feud with the whole next Virgil thing.

Obviously, Cena, Edge, Jericho, Morrison makes sense since they've been attacked. But, Yoshi Tatsu, Even Bourne should take the spot of Kahli and R-Truth, since those 2 got attacked along with Cena, Edge, Jericho, and Morrison. You could leave Bret Hart in there since he was attacked and he doesn't have to wrestle a lot in this kind of match for obvious reasons that we all know about.

Or replace Bret with Mark Henry to give them the strength, or heck even Kozlov is better than Khali and thats not really saying much. Just thinking about it maybe Cena threw Bret in the "match" so he could get his revenge, but at the PPV you could have Bret get "attacked" by Nexus backstage because they knew he was the weak link of the team and this leaves a "mystery" spot open for a *drum roll please* Triple H if he's healthy enough by then, or Bret could say that he found someone better than him for the team and brings out Triple H. The crowd would go BALLISTIC for this. Have Triple H come down towards the end of the match and as everyone is fighting Triple H all of sudden blindsides Cena and nails him with the Pedigree and Barrett gets the 1-2-3. Triple H goes from return from injury face, and huge savior face to MEGA HEEL Game circa a few years ago when he had the massive Power Trip Ego. :wtf:
I was simply wondering why the Nexus vs. Cena Squad match is happening at summerslam as opposed to Survivor Series (which I believe is still around despite rumors of it's cancellation).

This battle really does lend itself to this battlefield and would have allowed Nexus to establish two more enemies with real beef (as opposed to Truth and Khali who seem to be their just because no one else was)

I feel they could have spent two more months really building this to the point where the whole roster was absolutely desperate to get rid of the Nexus and had this be the ultimate battle.

It just seemed better to me. Maybe even had Barrett going for the WWE title against Sheamus, one of Nexus going for the US strap and the other 5 battling the rest of Nexus...

I like this situation for SummerSlam, also John Cena is likely turn heel soon as its been reported that HHH is out for another 2-4 months with his injuries and recent surgery, so it would then be ideal for John Cena to be the mastermind behind The Nexus.

As i see it John Cena would turn on his team at some stage during the match and side with Nexus, SummerSlam is one of the major PPV's known as the "Big 4", so why not have John Cena turn heel. But also i see a logical choice in the team all of them have been at the forefront from attacks and defended Cena, also Bret settling his score will be good. This would make it good for Cena to do something to Bret during the match to solidify his heel turn.
Would rather have Bret Hart then the Great Khali, doesn't matter what you do with him he is useless.

Don't think much of R-Truth being included either. But the premis is not that Cena was getting these guys together at random, obviously they were all attacked by the Nexus at some stage. and Edge and Christian joined that night

Anyway the match will suck as a straight tag match.
Possible Jericho or Edge or both will turn on team Cena leaving them two men short, don't see Cena turning heel yet, if at all. they have too many M/E heels atm as it is
IF he did, who would he fued with? noone.... noone is a "mega gay" face like him.
I think WWE put The Great Khali in the match for one reason, to not make it to Summerslam. Think outside the box here, Kahli isn't a good choice, BUT...

NNNNNNN can make an example out of Cena's team by taking out it's biggest and strongest member. Even Kahli can't stand against 7 men by himself. They attack him backstage and 'injure' him, than they have a slot opened, which NNNNNNN knows will go to Bourne or someone significant.
This works well for a couple of reasons. First off, you have guys like R-Truth & John Morrison getting on PPV again, so that helps them out and of course, this is the Nexus' PPV debut (match wise). Secondly, the team may not be all amazing but when you have Cena, Jericho, Edge & Bret Hart in a team, there is certainly some credibility behind it. I hope that the Nexus wins. I really do but there is a lingering thought in my head that Bret will get his revenge on Nexus and win the match for Cena's boys. That being said, there is always the possibility that Cena could be revealed as the mastermind at SummerSlam (I really doubt that, but you never know) so there is still an element of unpredictability to this match.
I see this PPV or even Raw's 900th episode which is in Cena's home state of Boston as the 2 choices ofr Cena's heel turn which makes perfect sense but Team Cena and its members are all logical because the have all been involved somehow.
I think R-Truth should pull out of this match for Evan Bourne. Truth has a feud with The Miz to work on right now. And Evan was attacked by Nexus backstage last week.
I think R-Truth should pull out of this match for Evan Bourne. Truth has a feud with The Miz to work on right now. And Evan was attacked by Nexus backstage last week.

Agreed. I was thinking Rtruth and Miz we're gonna compete 1on1 at Summerslam. I can't wait to tune into Summerslam to FINALLY see the heel turn we've all been craving for. If it's the mainevent which i'm sure it will be I'd bet anything that Cena will pull an Austin/Hogan and turn on his team at Summerslam to join Nexus. I can't wait to see the little kid's tears :rolleyes:
Nexus have to win at Summerslam and personally I think they will. Now about Cena's team, well I can see why all of you are complaining about. I bet Nexus will take out The Great Khali weeks before Summerslam and could see Evan Bourne filling in that spot. The rest of the team is fine in my eyes but yes, it would have been better with R-Truth facing The Miz for the U.S. Title. Bret Hart definitely deserves to be on the team, why? because the Nexus beat him down. Now imagine this, Wade Barrett and another member of the Nexus are left against John Cena and Bret Hart. Cena pins the other member and then Barrett steps in. Cena gives Barret the attitude adjustment and tags Bret Hart in to give the sharpshooter to Wade Barret. Then Cena beats the living hell out of Bret Hart letting Barrett doing his finisher on Hart giving the win to the Nexus. Cena then reveals himself as the man who was driving the limo when Bret Hart was injured. All we can do is wait and WWE will finally get another PPV right. We just need to role what is happening now, but I can hear Word Life and the Dr. of Thuganomics come back very soon!
I personally believe they may have brought back Bret to be able to generate some real heat if Cena pulls a heal turn, since mostly everyone in that match on cenas team is a heel, there would be noone he could really turn on without a sure fire way of turning him heel; other then the hitman, if he gave the AA to edge or y2j, it wouldnt be a big deal, mostly for their troubles, but turning on brett would really seal the deal
One of my theories is that Bret Hart is the leader of the Nexus and will turn heel. They will make the match an elimination match and Bret will leave John Cena for Nexus. Just think, Nexus attacked Vince and Hart has a long stemming rivalry the the McMahons and the wwe. He could be using nexus to avenge the montreal screwjob and take revenge on the entire WWE. And that could be a great way for HHH to make a return as a face and destroy Nexus and Bret Hart at Survivor Series since he is McMahon's son in law and has a history with Bret. Vince will come out at the end of survivor series laughing and Bret will be gone for good, and Vince will finish what he started with the montreal screwjob.

It would make for an interesting rivalry because if anybody knows a thing or two about the WWE and backstage issues, then you would know that Bret and Hunter don't like each other. HHH called him stupid and Bret Hart said Triple H only got where he is because he is an @ss kisser. I think that would heat up real quick.
I think this will be a great way to turn the tables on whoever the leader of Nexus will be. Whoever suggested it could be Bret, I'm impressed with the thoughtfulness of it. Everyone is expecting Cena, but now we can always expect something else with WWE. I was a bit surprised to see Hart instead of HHH, but then when I read that HHH would be out til at least December, I figured I'm sure WWE would do some tweaking and still try to make it work to their advantage. No matter who the leader of Nexus is, I can almost assure you that it will be just as big a shock as probably whoever the MYSTERY gm is supposed to be. But I know we can speculate all we want, until it happens, I will more than likely put my money in the "Anything Goes" category if this was a betting place.

No matter what, I can bet this will be a terrific 7 on 7 match and am glad I'm going to make the trip to see the PPV and will still probably be just as amazed and entertained no matter what the outcome of the match is.
first of all they are not going to tarnish brett after 13 years, hes a legend now and they are not going to send him out on his ass with everyone looking at him like hes an asshole. hes going to go out on a highnote, probably at survivor series hand picking his wwe team to take on the nexus team lead by cena, in which cena will turn on the nexus kinda like angle did when he cost austin the match at survior series during the invasion
So last week, Cena announced a Super team that will take down the Nexus. I was thinking about the line up. A person i wanted to elminate was Great Khali. i'm still not really happy about the line up and the huge pop that i was expecting, such as Hunter coming back as the last person. But I was thinking, besides khali coming out with Hart coming in, who could'v been the last person? And this got me thinking. The guest host concept since last year has been appearing for Celebrities to promote something for themselves, whether TV show or movie. Now I was thinking, SummerSlam, one of the biggest PPVs after WM, was coming close, and another movie during that month was coming at that time as well. Now I dont know if you guys are reading my mind but why not have the Rock come back for SS and promote the Other Guys? As it has been said and talked in interviews and news feeds in Wrestlezone, Rock wanted to come to WWE for temporary as Guest Host during the summer months. Although there has been no talks of him coming back anymore, they shouldv brought him for guest host as well as the last member of Cena's team, if Hunter wasn coming. Do you know how much hype that would be for SS? In the past few years, SS has had potential great main events but didnt pull out so great. So With such a great match this SS and possibly I believe that WWE wants to revamp the hyp for SS, they shouldv brought the Brahma Bull back. Cena couldv said it like this "and the last member is a person that all of you are familiar with.(and then talk about his greatness and stuff like that). And then "If YA SMELLL....." comes on and then we have possibly a great return of the PPL's champ and a great main event at SS. So what do you guys think?

And sorry for this long thread. Please give feedback, whether good or bad. I really want to hear your ideas guys. Thanks

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