Which Was The Best Iron Man Match?

Best Iron Man Match

  • Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels

  • The Rock vs. Triple H

  • Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar

  • Chris Benoit vs. Triple H

  • Randy Orton vs. John Cena

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I picked HBK vs Bret Hart.

The match was such a landmark it was simply awesome and when you think about an iron man match it is the gold standard of all and is by far better then any other iron man match in WWE history with all the elements how could it not be? it had 2 great in ring wrestlers who put on one of (if not the) best shows of there life you have to love every minute of it.
Errrr i think some people have forgot HBK vs Angle Iron man match. On RAW. 2005. Homecoming. Remember anyone? Anyone?

It was a damn good iron man match but with a bullshit ending but it left the fans wanting more from them it should have been on a ppv and with a hour time limit i would rank it 2nd.

1st being Rock vs HHH no one really expected it too be good as it was the Undertaker return just added to the greatness of this underrated match.

Probably people forgets because it was a 30 minutes Ironman match, but it was very solid, this on ended in a draw (2-2)so I would really not rank it with the other 5.

Now I thing for me the best one was the first one: HArt VS HBK First of all, no outside interfierence like in all the others to keep things going, the 0-0 is an statement on itself since that is part of the magic of the match. Yes the overtime was due since people needed a winner, I wanted to en like a draw because I was Hart fan, but the looking into it, it really needed a winner. Shawn if I reacla correctly didn't lasted a minute but 30 seconds and he was looking at the clock (his face was looking at the clock at ther entrance), that is why he didn't submit storyline wise.

The Rock vs HHH - was cool because the used more than their respective finishers to get the falls, and it was entertaining as Hell.

Benoit VS HHH - was cool and Benoit was over at the time (While he was the champion and on the main event Raw got high ratings, it was later when he started his feud with Orton and after he lost that he started to fade from been the biggest face and Orton took that spot.), the way they got the falls, again with different ways to finish each fall, made this very interesting.

Lesnar VS Angle - was very cool, Lesnar Dq himself and then winning was great, also holding for the belt during the last ankle lock was great.
Cena VS Orton was very cool but not the whole time. Still complainning about Orton tapping if he would allowed himself to pass out there was a very good chance he would after the buzzer, therefore ending in a draw and remainning champion, but that was impossible since Cena was never leaving Raw, not by a mile.
The reason the Orton-Cena match will never be considered "great" is because creative told us who was going to win with the if Cena loses he leaves Raw stipulation.

Nobody besides the 10 year old kiddies believed he ever would leave oh wait never mind those kiddies are the only demographic that matters to the WWE.
If I had to pick the best one, it would be Rock/HHH by far. I don't see the hype concerning the HBK/Hart match. The match itself was boring and it only involved 15-20 minutes of actual excitement. One of the most important things when you do an hour-long match is that you have to keep the crowd entertained for at least 90% of the match and I believe HBK/Hart failed to do that.

The Rock/HHH Iron Man Match was great the whole way through. The high number of pinfalls didn't make either one look weak and HBK called it right down the middle unlike anybody thought he would. You had various pinfalls and the Undertaker returning was great.

The main concern about the Cena/Orton match was that their styles were so boring how can they keep the crowd entertained for an hour but they did. I will put that match 2nd behind Rock/HHH.
Errrr i think some people have forgot HBK vs Angle Iron man match. On RAW. 2005. Homecoming. Remember anyone? Anyone?

It was a damn good iron man match but with a bullshit ending but it left the fans wanting more from them it should have been on a ppv and with a hour time limit i would rank it 2nd.

1st being Rock vs HHH no one really expected it too be good as it was the Undertaker return just added to the greatness of this underrated match.

I remember that match, but it does not fit into this topic. In my very first paragraph I mentioned 60minute matches. I suppose you could give it an honorable mention, but I left it out on purpose.

I see some people think Bret and HBK didn't entertain the fans for the full hour and didn't hold their attention. Fair point, but I personally disagree. I was entertained for the full hour, but I suppose I could see why some weren't. I prefer that style than to most others. Rock and Triple H was a good match, but 11 falls? That's a bit much. Why can't an iron man match ever have a 2-1 or 1-0 finish? 11 falls in 60 minutes is a bit excessive.
It's without a doubt Hbk vs Bret Hart Wm XII. Some people think that the match sucked so bad because there were bunch of holds and no falls for an hour.

I think that was the thing that made the match exciting. Hbk the underdog in the match tried to beat Hart in his own game on mat and they tried every possible hold to wear each other down but in the end no one could beat each other and both looked really strong. Yes there were no pinfalls in the match but it made the whole match much more exciting both of the competitors looked really strong after the match. It just make people weak to be pinned 4 or 5 times in the same night.

I think that was the whole story of the match. All of the other Iron Man matches were also pretty good but nowhere near to Bret Hart vs Michaels match.
To me the best absolutely has to be Bret v. Shawn, for a couple reasons.
First, this is one of two Iron man matches without a complete bullshit ending. And no i don't mean Cena winning was a bullshit ending, i mean constant interference and Cena being able to walk after being electrocuted didn't quite work for me.
Second, Regardless of personal issues between Bret and Shawn, none of the participants mentioned have the chemistry of these two, and this was their finest outing. Every other iron man match there is arguably a more signature match between the two. Angle-Lesnar at WM19, HHH-Benoit @ WM20 (so what HBK was involved too.) Rock-HHH Ladder Match @ Summer Slam. Orton-Cena I quit match @ Breaking Point (i said arguably).
Seriously go back and watch WM12 but focus on the audience and see how as the minutes tick on in that match how the people go from rested seated postions-sitting up-leaning forward-edge of seat-on their feet for a wrestling match. You don't see that to often.
I think people tend to vote for the HBK/Hart match because it has been overhyped by the WWE machine for years. IMO, it was a boring, overrated match. I think some of you need to watch Rock/HHH from Judgment day. 1 hour of action and they never stalled for a second. The best Iron match ever for me.
Sorry but you're wrong dude.his actual finishing remark on the match was "there MUST be a winner"!!!!!!!!there was to be NO DRAWS.thats why it went longer.please make sure you check into things.but you are right in saying bret/shawn was the greatest.no match meant more for the business.that elevated hbk for one.not only that it ushered in the "entertainment"/attitude era forr ww(f/e).it was the changing of the guard so to speak.

i don't know, i could be wrong and Ill admit it if I am but I don't know why but i distinctively remmeber that line and I remember be infuriated with Monsoon when he came to tell Brett to get back in the ring. I went on some video websites and there looks like there's been some editing, obviously to edit the F out of WWF but i remember that being said either the day the match was announced or shortly after but after Roddy started feuding with Goldust, Monsoon was in charge and he was able to change it. Now we all know that in the end that was the ending they wanted cuz they were bulding HBK but o feel strongly about that statement being made at some time but if I'm wrong I'll own up to it; i mean it was more than 10 years ago and I was a Brett mark so maybe i made it up in my head, lol.
I think people tend to vote for the HBK/Hart match because it has been overhyped by the WWE machine for years. IMO, it was a boring, overrated match. I think some of you need to watch Rock/HHH from Judgment day. 1 hour of action and they never stalled for a second. The best Iron match ever for me.

He probalby wont see this but i have both of the matches and PPVs at my house on video tape and watched them a few weeks back and Im sorry but BRET Hart vs Shawn Michaels was probably the greatest one on one match ever in the history of the WWE and i will say why since IM a GENIUS.... First reason Other than the Royal Rumble match itself it is the longest match in WWE/F history... Second both men were in the prome of there career and did not have a pinfall,submission,countout,ordq the whole hr....Third the greatest Sweet Chin Music ever was in this match and it wasnt to Bret Hart but to TOny Chimel(Dats right the guy that was in da seat when Bret moved out the way of da Super Kick on the outside was Tony Chimel)....And last when have u ever see a wrestling match go to overtime need i say more.... AND YES I KNOW I AM A GENIUS....

i don't know, i could be wrong and Ill admit it if I am but I don't know why but i distinctively remmeber that line and I remember be infuriated with Monsoon when he came to tell Brett to get back in the ring. I went on some video websites and there looks like there's been some editing, obviously to edit the F out of WWF but i remember that being said either the day the match was announced or shortly after but after Roddy started feuding with Goldust, Monsoon was in charge and he was able to change it. Now we all know that in the end that was the ending they wanted cuz they were bulding HBK but o feel strongly about that statement being made at some time but if I'm wrong I'll own up to it; i mean it was more than 10 years ago and I was a Brett mark so maybe i made it up in my head, lol.

No man you are correct Rowdy Piper did say the night after Bret beat Diseal in the cage on RAW that there would be no overtime... Gorilla Monsoon was out due to illness and Piper was the Vice Presedient or sumthing along those lines and made those stipulations and rules... I wanna say but ill have to watch it again but EArl Hebner when he was stating the rules of the match that there would be no overtime period and stressed dat they would be wrestling for 60 minutes.... Monsoon made his return at dat /mania as full time presedient after the match and made dat statement ol boy corrected you about "THERE MUST BE A WINNER".... I Remember vivdly dat i didnt even know Monsoon was still around until that moment and then after the Shawn vs Bulldog match at IN YOUR HOUSE BEWARE DOG 2 he disappeared... So dont sweat it yo u were correct.... AND YES I KNOW I AM A GENIUS....
Wow, for the life of me, i don't even remember that HHH/Benoit match happening. It must have been when i was a student and didn't have TV. Better check it out in a bit.

I went for HHH v Rock in 2000. I felt it was just as good as the Bret/HBK match but it had a different type of drama. See for me, i didn't see the Bret/HBK match until years after it happened, whereas i was an avid WWE fan by the time HHH/Rock happened and i watched it live. There was no emotional resonance for me regarding Bret/HBK because i knew who'd win and how, and even if i didn't know, i wouldn't have rooted for one over the other anyway, whereas in 2000 i was sick to death of HHH and wanted Rock to smash his nose in. The fact that Rock got the first fall, and then HHH evened it up and then took the lead for the majority of the remaining 45 minutes mae it more suspenseful for me personally. Plus Taker came back after a 6 month hiatus which made it even better for me, in terms of marking out (shit reason i know, but there you have it).

I see some people think Bret and HBK didn't entertain the fans for the full hour and didn't hold their attention. Fair point, but I personally disagree. I was entertained for the full hour, but I suppose I could see why some weren't. I prefer that style than to most others. Rock and Triple H was a good match, but 11 falls? That's a bit much. Why can't an iron man match ever have a 2-1 or 1-0 finish? 11 falls in 60 minutes is a bit excessive.

I felt that it was good that Rock/HHH had that many falls. The fact that HHH cheated to gain 2 of his falls, plus the fact that Rock earned all but one of his, made it so that Rock looked like the stronger competitor but he STILL didn't win the match only fuelled the rivalry further. After the whole Big Show fued following the Rumble, Rock finally gets a title shot at WM, gets screwed by Vince, gets a Backlash rematch that he wins thanks to Austin, and then loses at Judgment Day, despite being the better athlete, purely because Taker was bashing the entire McMahon-Helmsley Faction and HBK only saw HHH getting Tombstoned? THAT made me ensure i witnessed KOTR the following month.

Sunday's Iron Man shouldn't have had 11 falls either. In the past, when two guys are on the outside or they have an arm over one another, the ref doesn't count because he knows the score won't be affected. Chioda for some reason went against this and counted the double pin. He should, because either one of them could have kicked out, but i feel the score didn't need to change when it's tied and they pin each other at the same time, but that's just me.
Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 12 was good if you like lots of rest holds and little effort into actual in ring psychology between the two of them.

Look the match had the best finish ever the whole boyhood dream coming true and all but look past the over-time finish the match itself was vastly over-rated sorry.

The Rock vs. Triple H is better for so many reasons and I'll take Angle vs. Lesnar over it as well.

The only Iron man match that HBK-Hart was definitively better then is the Benoit Triple H match on Raw in 2004 HHH was slowing down but it still was a good match.
No man you are correct Rowdy Piper did say the night after Bret beat Diseal in the cage on RAW that there would be no overtime... Gorilla Monsoon was out due to illness and Piper was the Vice Presedient or sumthing along those lines and made those stipulations and rules... I wanna say but ill have to watch it again but EArl Hebner when he was stating the rules of the match that there would be no overtime period and stressed dat they would be wrestling for 60 minutes.... Monsoon made his return at dat /mania as full time presedient after the match and made dat statement ol boy corrected you about "THERE MUST BE A WINNER".... I Remember vivdly dat i didnt even know Monsoon was still around until that moment and then after the Shawn vs Bulldog match at IN YOUR HOUSE BEWARE DOG 2 he disappeared... So dont sweat it yo u were correct.... AND YES I KNOW I AM A GENIUS....

Oh snap, i should get som rep points for that, lol. I know I wasn't crazy, I remember him saying that and then being pissed that Gorrila changed it. Piper was very clear with the 1 hour and so was Hebner. Bret should have won the match since their were no falls, and in the case of a draw the champion retains the title. But thanks for remembering for me; I went on to find the video and it has been edited so I was thinking MAYBE i was wrong, but I had an inkling that he said that.
I am a big fan of the idea of Iron Man matches, and have really enjoyed all of them in the past, but I feel like there is going to be an Iron Man match at some stage over the next few years that will leave all of these behind in terms of quality. That is far from definite of course, but I think that there could be a much better Iron Man match than any of those in the past with the right storyline and opponents. The obvious problem is that of some of the wrestlers who could no doubt deliver a classic getting on in years. Maybe Michaels, jericho and Angle still have enough left to deliver a flawless hour long match, but I can't think of many others. Maybe HHH, Edge and Styles... (Not with each other of course.) It requires a versatility that alot of current wrestlers seem to lack. I could be surprised by some wrestlers, there are just not many that come to mind as obvious candidates.
Most the Iron Man matches in the past have had some obvious problems - Angle vs Michaels had an ending I didn't care for with Angle refusing to go into overtime. Angle vs Lesnar was on free television if I remember correctly, and was interrupted by numerous breaks, as well as Lesnar coming off a bit like he ran out of steam and ideas, to me at least. The Rock vs HHH had a time limit error at the end as I remember it, and really had the spotlight taken from it with the return of the Undertaker. I enjoyed Cena and Orton and wouldn't have many complaints other than that they could perhaps have found some more creative ways to get pinfalls. It always annoyed me in Iron Man matches that some of the time pins come from roll ups and mid match moves that would normally not secure a pinfall, though i suppose you have to account for fatigue etc.
I voted for Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels' Iron Man match because of it's obvious impact and influence on future Iron Man and general matches. While this match has lost a few steps over time I still think in the context of when it was it delivered to the full expectations surrounding it.
People are complaining about Bret vs Shawn because of the rest holds. In Bret's book he said he pieced together the first half hour which was when all side headlocks, arm bars, and other holds took place. Also up to that point HBK was a jokester, cocky, brash, and played to the crowd in the ring, but he was all serious in this match which took away from his usual ring psychology. It was still a classic and is my favorite. They didn't need all the extra stuff to distract from the wrestling match.
The first ever's are always the best....so fo me it would have to be iron man match from wrestlemania....the fact that it was 0-0 all throughout for me made this match, i was surprised overtime only lasted a few minutes though...if they wanted it to be a surprise, they could have given hbk a 1-0 lead in the 59th minute..

my 2nd best needs to be mentioned, hhh vs the rock, it showed these 2 could last the whole hour, plus hbk in the match aswell added to it...to top it off, taker returning to a new persona....what a shock!!
Was this a serious poll question, or were we trying to see how much % of the vote the Hart/Michaels match would get?

What made that match so great was what makes any matchup great- the buildup and the delivery. I still remember Roddy Piper yelling "FOR ONE HOUR!" on Monday Night Raw. I remember the 'training videos' of Hart and Michaels. I remember watching that match on a half-scrambled cable feed, and being surprised that after an hour of wrestling, each man had been unable to pin the other. And the finish? Gorilla Monsoon declaring overtime? Beautiful. If it wasn't for that match, I'd tell people that two wrestlers who despise each other can't put on a good performance.
Original matches always seem to be the best in my view, altho ask me to go watch any one of the iron man matches again in full now and i would have to pick The Rock vs HHH. A few people have dissed the amount of falls in this match-up, I think the wwe at the time thought they were necessary as there hadn't been an iron match for 4 years prior and the tmes had changed as far as in ring pace goes, meaning to keep us fans occupied the logic of having more 'action' with more falls made sense. Think thats why HBK was drafted in as special ref also, to add as a distraction from the two opponents, again to keep fan interest buzzing throughout.
Could we consider the 30 minute iron man matches in this poll also? Rick Rude v Steamboat and HBK vs Angle.

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