Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

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The match was really one sided and no one expected Vince to win or for Bret to have an arsenal of wrestling moves or offense against Vince but it was just a let down in my opinion. It was cool to see The Hart family there but I was disappointed when they came out because I knew that Bret and Vince wouldn't have a brawl but just a beat down Vince and that's it. That is exactly what it was.

I wasn't expecting a five star match like I said, but you would think Vince could get some offense to make this match at least somewhat exciting. Vince could have done some dirty tactics to beat down Bret and then Bret could of got in some offense putting on the sharpshooter and then bringing down the Hart Family to join in afterward.
Pretty underwhelming and disappointing match here to an underwhelming feud. It was pretty odd having Vince "hire" the entire Hart family to be lumberjacks, and frankly made zero sense. Are we really supposed to believe that Vince was THAT stupid to just think that Bret Hart's entire family would have no problem turning on him? Isn't this dude supposed to be a billionaire? Match served it's purpose though of course, and gave Vince the payback that he deserved for Montreal finally with just an extended beatdown all match long. It dragged a bit in the middle when he just kept working on Vince with the tire iron, but overall the match wasn't too bad and was basically what I had was expecting. It was just really underwhelming though because of how dead the crowd was for the whole match.
It was pretty odd having Vince "hire" the entire Hart family to be lumberjacks, and frankly made zero sense. Are we really supposed to believe that Vince was THAT stupid to just think that Bret Hart's entire family would have no problem turning on him? Isn't this dude supposed to be a billionaire?

Well yes, but The Hart family was never particularly strong. After reading Hart's book, as egotistical as he can be, I'm saddened by how unconnected his family is. Hell, he and Diana had some huge shouting matches; he blames Bruce for ruining Stampede, and God knows he crucifies Ellie throughout the book. I actually saw this as the Harts coming to get their revenge on their famous brother, who has numerously ripped the family in the media. As a matter of fact, aside from Helen, Stu, Owen, and Dean, I really wonder if he actually loves any other member of his family.

Having said that, I agree with you X. It was good for what it was, but I wished for me. I know it's sad to say, but seeing Bret like that was really just pathetic. I'd rather just remember him for his work, and while it capped off an important feud, it really just felt so anticlimactic. I wished for more, and I don't mind saying so.
This match had a great beginning, a great ending, and a boring middle.

The bit with the Hart Family made it more interesting, and them turning on Vince was a good little twist and feel-good moment. And of course making Vince tap out with the Sharpshooter was something we really wanted to see.

However, I feel this match could have been a lot more physical. When the Dynasty was beating up McMahon, Bret should have been nearer there instead of in the ring. They should have been throwing all sorts of weapons at Bret to use on Vince.

The biggest problem here was the stupid crowd, who sucked a lot of the atmosphere out of the match as they did with almost every match.

Ignoring the flaws, the match did exactly what it was supposed to do, and give us one last feel-good moment to make up for Montreal. And it certainly was.
Knew this wasn't going to be much of a match and knew it was going to drag out, but it did it's purpose and that's what we wanted to see. Still just a little too long for what it was but I was hoping for a long drawn out sharpshooter and then Natalya or someone spits in Vince's face. Oh well, it was a great to something that started 13 years ago and now the book is closed on this feud once and for all.
Like I said earlier in the thread I was hoping to see a little more of the old Bret Hart, I would have prefered him to wear his old tights, even if he isn't in the shape he was 12 years ago, no one would expect him to be.

I don't think he even gave his glasses away did he?

In the match I would have liked to have seen the bulldog, second rope elbow drop then the sharpshooter, but I guess Bret couldn't take that sort of impact in his condition.

I still enjoyed it, it served its purpose of having Bret beat the crap out of Vince and twist him in the Sharpshooter.

I like the fact that the Hart Dynasty finally got involved and loved Strikers 'future endeavors' line to Natalya.

I think its good for everyone involved that its put to bed now and Bret got the retirement match he deserved, carrying that baggage wasn't good for anyone.
I felt particularly cheated on the match, and I'll tell you why.

When the whole Bret return started, people were saying Bret's fragile, Bret can barely walk, blah blah blah. Bret comes back, they have clumsy awkward segments on RAW where Bret looks like he really is having a hard time moving around, etc. So they do the "car accident" angle, teasing the idea of Bret being either in a Tag Match, or picking a representative to fight for him, since it's obvious now that Bret isn't in the shape to have an actual match.

Then it's revealed to be a ruse. Bret claims to be 100%, and calls for a "no holds barred" match. Outside of Wrestling, Bret talks on his reality show about how he knows he isn't a cheetah out there, but that he feels confident that he and Vince can give the people "something special" at Wrestlemania.

Rumors are already going by now about Bret staying on after Mania, and there is even a belief that he may work a few gimmick matches if his match with Vince turns out OK. Bret and company really had me buying that he was at least OK enough for a street fight.

Bret is my hero, but the match was beyond HORRIBLE, except for the finish. The crowd was absolutley dead during it, and the whole angle with the Hart family was stupid. The match was anticlimactic only because it was so one sided and Vince didn't get in any offense whatsover. I know now that Bret coming into the match KNEW that he couldnt do anything, but I feel like he cheated the people a little by making them think it was going to be exciting.

Hopefully this is Vince's last match too, because there is no way he can be viewed as a threat after last night...they both looked pathetic.

I dont know why Bret would honestly agree to that....that "match" was horrible.
Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon

Difficult to assess this fight. The initial idea was very interesting and successful in my view, after that the download was all the rage built up in Bret Hart in WWE boss as well as the entire Hart family. I liked was a different time that marked the Wrestlemania. Bret Hart won as everyone knew. Bret Screwed Vince.
Duration of combat: 11 min
Rating: 8 / 10
Well, now I wasn't expecting anything big out of the Hitman, considering his health issues. I thought that the lumberjack idea was a good idea, they could've used it to take some more attention away from Bret actually.

Now the main problem Bret obviously had, was that he was a) in no cardio conditioning whatsoever - after delivering a few shots, you could see he was having a hard time staying on his feet - and b) that he can only move very slowly due to his health. Now the good things I'd say were that his punches looked quite good, and also the "vintage Hitman" Elbowdrops looked crips as ever - seemed like riding a bike there for the Hitman; for as slow as he had to move for the rest of the match, the shots he delivered were well-timed enough.

Now personally, I feel that the crowbar segment lasted too long; he maybe could've used different weapons instead of only the chair and the bar... the crowd was dead because nothing much was gonna happen... I mean, it was a historic moment to have Bret Hart's music kick in at WM, and to have him finally slap on the Sharpshooter on Vince... so I guess, for this years "Legends" participation in WM, it served its purpose, and was ok. It would've been nice if Bret had been able to do a little more, maybe deliver the classic Side Backbreaker or something... but I can live with this match. It was just good to have The Hitman back.
I agree with you on Bret's cardio part.

I KNEW that Bret had limitations coming into the match, but what happened at Mania disagreed with everything that I thought I knew and had heard about Bret.

I thought the main concern was Bret taking blows to the head and neck, but as you pointed out, Bret had no cardio/stamina whatsoever, and it appeared that he had balance/coordination problems, which were undoubtedly from the stroke.

I myself wonder if Bret was doing any kind of training/preperation for this "match" at all..Eric Bischoff also pointed out the issue of Bret's Lloyd of London's policy, which The WWE didn't find out about until AFTER the match was booked. That policy is what probably severely affected the quality of the match, and that wasn't really Bret's fault. He probably had to tell them "i won't be getting hit", for them to agree to let him do the match.

Makes me wonder what the match could have been like If Bret would have tried to be just a little more physical, and let Vince work him a little. All of that could have been done without Bret getting hit in the back of the head...

I feel deep in my heart that Bret wanted to do more, but his insurance probably wouldnt let him, which is why we got what we got. No way Bret worked people up like that when he knew full well the match was going to be horrible.

I always wondered since 2002 what would it be like if Bret tried to wrestle again, and i guess now we know.
I'm kinda torn on what to write about this match.

I was a massive Hitman fan growing up. Seeing him return to the WWE is something I never thought I would happen. When I heard he was returning I was excited. I wanted to see him come back and address the issues that had been left for 13 years. I did not however want to see him wrestle.

It pains me to say this but the match was, to quote another poster HORRIBLE. Now don't get me wrong my expectation levels were extremely low, especially seeing Bret's movements on his RAW appearances prior to the match. But the actual match itself was even worse than I had feared. It was slow, it was boring and I found it just as uncomfortable to watch as I had felt watching the build up.

I'm still a Hitman fan and I'm not knocking him, we all know what health issues he has had and I don't doubt that he gave it his best. I just don't think it should have been done atall.

The fans needed to see Bret put Vince in the Sharposhooter. It's what was needed to draw an end to this feud after so many years. But that could have been done anytime, it could have even still have been done at Mania; I just don't think they needed to struggle their way through a frankly embarrassing match to get there.

The Sharpshooter on Vince and the Hart family in the ring celebrating at the end was nice to see but the match itself should never have been done.
I think there is just more to the story.

I dont feel that Bret would have agreed to do that knowing full well that the match would be that bad. Bret took too much pride in himself and his past work to try and pass this off to people as being PPV worthy.

Maybe i'm just in denial, but don't discount the fact that Eric Bischoff could have been on to something. They probably found out last minute and then put the restrictions on Bret. I feel like Bret had more in mind, but after last night, it wouldnt have mattered.

Bret just looked like a shell of himself...i guess i just didn't want to beleive it.
I knew that Bret wouldnt take u bump because of his health but this was just silly.And the whole family to be there just so he could "screwe" Vince and get back to him

I got news for you Bret-"Vince screwed you again with this kind of sh.. match and you dissapointed me and probably most of IWC and you will always be remembered as the guy who needed his whole family to beat 63 year old man who technicly isnt even a wrestler!!!"
The whole angle was dumbness....They ruined Bret's return to me. I was worried about it the whole time, but i never wanted to believe it would be this bad.

Vince, who had almost beaten Hulk Hogan a few years ago, and who had a match of the year with Shawn Michaels, looked pathetic against Bret's weak offense.

Bret could barely lift a chair, which was understandable due to his health, but it made them both look horrible and more could have been done to carry Bret and not put all the pressure on him. Like i said i think The Lloyd of London insurance policy on Bret is what messed up the match. The match would have been 10 times better if Vince would have just worked Bret a little, and had Bret make his comeback, and then lock in the sharpshooter. This made both men look pitiful.

Lloyd's probably wouldn't let Bret take any chances, and it showed. But i guess we'll never know.
I knew that Bret wouldnt take u bump because of his health but this was just silly.And the whole family to be there just so he could "screwe" Vince and get back to him

I got news for you Bret-"Vince screwed you again with this kind of sh.. match and you dissapointed me and probably most of IWC and you will always be remembered as the guy who needed his whole family to beat 63 year old man who technicly isnt even a wrestler!!!"

If you choose to remember Bret Hart as "the guy who needed his whole family to beat 63 year old man who technicly isnt even a wrestler!!!," than you are not only a complete moron, but you know nothing about wrestling or Bret Hart. To tell you the truth, I would rather you did remember Bret for this match. No one likes a poser, and if you acted halfway intelligent, you would be lying.

And to say Bret "wouldnt" take a bump is also one of the dumbest things I have ever read on this forum. He COULDN'T take a bump, you idiot. I know a complete moron like yourself might not care if someone DIES in the ring, but I do (and I'm in the majority on this opinion). I could go on all day ripping your absolute trash heap of a post, but I won't.

This match was EXACTLY what you should have expected it to be. Bret beat the living hell out of Vince for just over 11 minutes. He bashed his body time after time with a steal chair, AND we got to see a pretty decent looking Sharpshooter!

I did not care ONE BIT that Bret couldn't do anything physical in this match. I just wanted to see closure when it came to Hart/McMahon. Oh, let's cry like little bitches because it took up eleven precious minutes that could have been spent on some garbage promo, or some overrated spot-fest.

Bret Hart had more talent in his pinky toe than half of the professional wrestlers on this planet today. Just to see him in the ring one more time was enough for me, regardless of how terrible he looked.

I would guess that the majority of you who are complaining about this match are younger fans. You are entitled to your opinions..and I am entitled to bash you for them. If any of you choose to remember Bret Hart based upon a match he had at 52 years old, after having a stroke, I don't know what to do for you. He DESERVED this opportunity. He busted his ass for that company for years and years. He deserved a pay-day, and he got one. This wasn't a REAL match, and to treat it like one, is just plain idiotic. God, I hate stupid people, I really do.
If you choose to remember Bret Hart as "the guy who needed his whole family to beat 63 year old man who technicly isnt even a wrestler!!!," than you are not only a complete moron, but you know nothing about wrestling or Bret Hart. To tell you the truth, I would rather you did remember Bret for this match. No one likes a poser, and if you acted halfway intelligent, you would be lying.

And to say Bret "wouldnt" take a bump is also one of the dumbest things I have ever read on this forum. He COULDN'T take a bump, you idiot. I know a complete moron like yourself might not care if someone DIES in the ring, but I do (and I'm in the majority on this opinion). I could go on all day ripping your absolute trash heap of a post, but I won't.

This match was EXACTLY what you should have expected it to be. Bret beat the living hell out of Vince for just over 11 minutes. He bashed his body time after time with a steal chair, AND we got to see a pretty decent looking Sharpshooter!

I did not care ONE BIT that Bret couldn't do anything physical in this match. I just wanted to see closure when it came to Hart/McMahon. Oh, let's cry like little bitches because it took up eleven precious minutes that could have been spent on some garbage promo, or some overrated spot-fest.

Bret Hart had more talent in his pinky toe than half of the professional wrestlers on this planet today. Just to see him in the ring one more time was enough for me, regardless of how terrible he looked.

I would guess that the majority of you who are complaining about this match are younger fans. You are entitled to your opinions..and I am entitled to bash you for them. If any of you choose to remember Bret Hart based upon a match he had at 52 years old, after having a stroke, I don't know what to do for you. He DESERVED this opportunity. He busted his ass for that company for years and years. He deserved a pay-day, and he got one. This wasn't a REAL match, and to treat it like one, is just plain idiotic. God, I hate stupid people, I really do.

I love Bret Hart.I watched him and his matches and he was great,arguably the best there was.To me he was better than Hulk,not greater but better.I knew that he couldnt take a bump I just stated that he didnt needed all that in order to get his payback to Mcmahon.I was expecthing that kind of match but HE DIDNT NEEDED ALL HIS FAMILY MEMBERS AROUND HIM TO DO IT.If I am stupid because of that than OK
This match served it's one purpose......Bret Hart FINALLY got his revenge on Vince McMahon. After nearly 13 years, he got payback for Montreal, and he had his family behind him to help. While I do think this match did go a little over board with beating up on Vince, this match was still fun to watch. Bret teased the sharpshooter over and over again, and when he finally locked it in on Vince, the crowd went nuts.

This can be considered a dream match because of the very real heat between Bret and WWF/WWE over the years would leave you to believe we would never see anything like this. I was happy to see the Hitman get in the ring again, and have a match because it's something I thought I would never see again.
I enjoyed most of Wrestlemania 26, but this match tainted Wrestlemania 26's legacy. It was an unbelievably horrible match that was excessively hyped. There was no back and forth action whatsoever. It was a complete beat down of Vince by Bret. I understand that Bret's condition prevents him from wrestling, but a one-way revenge attack is ridiculous. We expect wrestling not 20 weak chair shots delivered by Bret in an unexciting manner.

If Bret felt he was unable to wrestle, this match should have been done through representatives. For example, the Hart Dynasty could have represented Bret Hart and Sho-Miz could be put into a higher profile match and represent Mr. McMahon. But because Bret wanted to wrestle--probably for the fun of striking Mr. McMahon--we instead got a match where a guy, who was never hit, got tired in the middle of a "match" and had to loudly declare time out and take a seat on a chair.

Had the representative system been used, we would have seen a superior and actual match, where Bret could get involved by hitting Vince a few times--like Donald Trump did in the Battle of the Billionaires. Also, the Hart family cross angle could have been used too, except better. The Hart family, besides the Hart Dynasty, could initially pretend to be on Vince's side and then near the end of the match suddenly screw Miz or Show while they are locked in a submission hold--possibly the sharpshooter. Then the Vince's could receive a five minute smackdown.
Well first off people bashing bret should really take a look at them selves , i mean the guy has had a stoke and serious concusion and id like to know how many people would deal with that in there lifes like bret has too but im not gonna lie the match itself was pretty bland and the sharpshooter at the end was a good spot and did find closure but im sick of reading what i have so far bashing bret and why isnt he like he was in 1997?? i mean people saying this are either stupid wwe universe kids or complete idiots , i mean i read the baltimore suns review on mania and it was pretty acurate but it also came with a pathetic and useless comment saying hbk had one over on him having the better match ?? i mean come on need i say anymore.
I enjoyed most of Wrestlemania 26, but this match tainted Wrestlemania 26's legacy. It was an unbelievably horrible match that was excessively hyped. There was no back and forth action whatsoever. It was a complete beat down of Vince by Bret. I understand that Bret's condition prevents him from wrestling, but a one-way revenge attack is ridiculous. We expect wrestling not 20 weak chair shots delivered by Bret in an unexciting manner.

If Bret felt he was unable to wrestle, this match should have been done through representatives. For example, the Hart Dynasty could have represented Bret Hart and Sho-Miz could be put into a higher profile match and represent Mr. McMahon. But because Bret wanted to wrestle--probably for the fun of striking Mr. McMahon--we instead got a match where a guy, who was never hit, got tired in the middle of a "match" and had to loudly declare time out and take a seat on a chair.

Had the representative system been used, we would have seen a superior and actual match, where Bret could get involved by hitting Vince a few times--like Donald Trump did in the Battle of the Billionaires. Also, the Hart family cross angle could have been used too, except better. The Hart family, besides the Hart Dynasty, could initially pretend to be on Vince's side and then near the end of the match suddenly screw Miz or Show while they are locked in a submission hold--possibly the sharpshooter. Then the Vince's could receive a five minute smackdown.

Wow, another idiotic post, from start to finish. Tainted the legacy of Mania 26? That has to be the dumbest thing I have read...well, since earlier today. Anything having to do with Bret Hart cannot possibly hurt the legacy of an already lackluster show (this wasn't the worst Mania, not even close, but it wasn't some classic either). Of course it was a terrible match, you dope, it had two guys over the age of 50, and one of them is in terrible health. The point of this match wasn't for it be some kind of classic. It was exactly what it was supposed to be; a beatdown.

There was no back-and-forth because Bret can't take a shot. HE COULD DIE! And what do you mean "we" expect wrestling. WE knew what was going to happen, for the most part. And then there were some idiots, like yourself, who were disappointed because this took up 11 minutes of the show. 11 F*****G MINUTES! Like they could have added a match that was as big as this? Who? Mark Henry vs. Great Khali? Or maybe we could see another idiotic stunt-show, spot-fest, right? Get over it, you weak ass cry-babies. Show Bret Hart a little respect, he has more talent in his testicles than you do in your entire body.

Through representatives? Hart kids vs. MizShow? Yes, because any one of those guys are on par in terms of popularity with Bret Hart and Vince McMahon, right? This was done very well, since January 4th, because it was PERSONAL! This situation was too big to be done with "representatives." This wasn't Umaga vs. Lashley. This was McMahon/Hart. One of the biggest real-life rivalries in the history of professional wrestling. Hart vs. McMahon is 5,000x bigger than Hart/Trump, you moron. It needed closure, and having the Big Show and a couple of young guys in a worthless tag match would have done nothing to resolve any of it. Having those four men fight for Bret and Vince could possibly have been the worst idea I have ever heard in my entire life.

And as far as him needing a, you are really an inconsiderate jackass. He risked his life to put on the best show he could, and that's what you have to say (and yes, he did RISK his life)? He deserved this match/pay-day, despite idiot comments indicating otherwise. It's funny I don't see any of you fans (probably TNA fans) commending him for having the courage to actually get into the ring, despite his health concerns.

I get really heated in regards to this subject because I can't stand people who have no respect for wrestlers who made this business what it is today. I understand some of you are younger, or you just didn't watch wrestling before, and I have no problem with that. But just keep your mouths shut when it comes to Bret Hart. The match lasted 11 F*****G MINUTES! You can spare 11 minutes without having to cry about it. There were ten matches on this card, and just because one of them didn't have the best athletes possible, doesn't mean that the majority of us were not entertained. We were. Jesus Christ, people crying about an 11 minute match...un-f*****g-believable.
Well, it was what it was.

Brett was clearly in no shape to take any kind of abuse, insurance policy or no. But what this was really about was closure, so it accomplished that.

What I found interesting was the whole family thing. Not because it made good TV (it surely didn't), but because it seems to me, and of course I could be wrong, that VKM was making a real effort to make amends of sorts to the entire Hart family.

Stu in the HoF, Brett gets his payback, and the entire rest of that generation of the family got a payday. Appearing at Wrestlemania comes with a decent cheque, I'm sure, and VKM arranged for them all to walk away with a little (or big, who knows?) something.
What I found interesting was the whole family thing. Not because it made good TV (it surely didn't), but because it seems to me, and of course I could be wrong, that VKM was making a real effort to make amends of sorts to the entire Hart family.

It was a hell of a gesture by Vince. Allowing himself to get beat up by the whole clan really sealed the "closure" deal with Bret and must have given the Hitman some good feelings toward VKM as he leaves..... with an eye toward possible appearances in the future. It's all good, it really is.

One note: Given the presence of Bret's whole family, I was surprised that Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart wasn't there. It would have been totally appropriate, given that his old tag team partner and his daughter were in on the group beating.
I shake my head at the stupidity scattered across the internet post Wrestlemania 26. Vince McMahon vs. Bret Hart was the worst match on the card. Umm, what? How in the holy hell was this match the worst match on the card. What in the hell were people expecting from a decade plus retired 50 year old Stroke victim against the 63 year old owner of the company? Please, for the love of god, someone tell me how that match goes any other way then Bret Hart beating the living hell out of Vince McMahon?

Shawn Michaels did the same exact thing to McMahon at Mania 22, and the fan boys absolutely gushed all over it. I guess if Bret brought out a ladder it would have been about a 10 star match or something. If you expected anything other then what this match delivered, you simply don't have a clue and haven't been paying attention for a while.
I'm a longtime Bret Hart fan and this match was everything I expected it to be. Actually, it wasn't everything I expected it to be 'cause I didn't think Bret Hart would throw in as many offences as he did. Come on, those elbow drops and mid-section stomps were nostalgic. It was supposed to put smiles on faces of people that were waiting for Vince McMahon to get a beat down from Bret Hart since '97. It was a highlight moment. In fact, this and Shawn Michaels' match were both highlights of WrestleMania 26. They both had closure. People shouldn't complain when they already know what kind of mental/physical condition Bret Hart was in. Pathetic? What the fuck do you expect? A stellar 5-star classic between two men that can't even perform an irish whip at this point? Quit dreaming and move on.
All i have to say about this match is "YIKES!" Was almost unwatchable to me, dont know who booked it to be like that... Guessing it had something to do w/ Hart health..
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