Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

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I'm a newbie to the forums, and I can't help but think that Bret Vs Vince and HBK Vs Taker have SCREWJOB written all over them. With that said, here's what I think will happen with those two matches:

1. Bret Vs Vince. It'll be pretty one-sided, with Bret beating the snot out of Vince for most of the match. Then Shawn Michaels shows up, presumably for moral support. Bret tries to twist Vince into the Sharpshooter, but Vince kicks him away, and Bret gets caught in the ropes. Bret untangles himself, but Shawn trips him up. As Bret stares in disbelief at HBK, Vince clobbers him in the back (no headshots now) with a chair. Bret falls and Vince covers him for the pin.

After the match, Vince mocks Bret's walk to each corner, complete with the bullhorn signs. The crowd looks on in stunned silence as Vince and Shawn shake hands and walk back to the dressing room together, leaving Bret to get up and stagger back to the dressing room in shock. Later on, there's backstage scenes of various family members trying to console Bret, who seems inconsolable, until someone chases the camera crew away.

Meanwhile, Vince and Shawn are celebrating. Vince tells Shawn that since he help screw Bret (once again), he'll make sure to screw Taker and guarantee Shawn a win.

2. Taker Vs HBK. Keep in mind that this would have to be the main event for it to work. This one will be back and forth, until Vince comes to ringside. How this would play out, I really don't know, but just as Vince is about to call for the bell, Bret appears at ringside (probably hiding under the ring) and manages to subdue Vince (knocks him out or whatever). HBK looks bewildered - he was counting on the bell and in a rare moment, doesn't know what to do. Taker puts HBK in Hell's Gate, and this time, it's BRET who calls for the bell before Shawn taps out! Bret helps Taker to his feet and tells him that he couldn't let Vince do that to anyone else, especially someone he considers a friend.

After the match, Bret corners Shawn and beats up on him, and then beats up on Vince and forces the truth out of both of them. Shawn leaves the ring in disgrace, and Bret tells Vince he didn't have to win the match in order to beat him! Finally, Vince gets twisted up into the Sharpshooter in front of 70,000+ screaming fans! Vince screams in pain and screams for mercy until he passes out!

The show ends with Bret's family members crowding into the ring and hoisting him on their shoulders as fireworks explode around him.

IMO, this would accomplish several things:
1. A dusty finish between Taker and Shawn, in case Shawn ever wants to step out of retirement (I doubt he's retiring for good) for a rematch.
2. High drama, with a good storyline rooted in reality.
3. A memorable Wrestlemania moment.
4. Closure for the Montreal Screwjob, with possible talk about an "Arizona Screwjob"
5. A great sendoff for Bret. I personally think a sendoff at the end of the show would be much better than one in the middle.

Feel free to flame this idea if you wish, but I just can't imagine this year's Wrestlemania without something like this NOT happening.
That's a terrible idea. In many ways. ONE. Bret has to win or everyone invovled is cheated. The fans will be pissed if Hart doesn't win. Two, HBK and Taker do no need another damn storyline to make their match work or be more memorable.. They just need to have a damn match. No dusty finish. Straight up. No interference.. There will be plenty of run ins and drama in the No holds barred match to appease your needs Debwood. If they fuck up HBK Taker with a ridiculous Russo style booking, especially if it main events - and it probably will - then thta is bad news.

In closing. Let Bret and Vince have their closure. And let HBK and Taker wrestle and put on a damn good match.
OK, fair enough. I knew I'd get some negative feedback if I floated that scenario out here. In all honesty I DON'T want to see it happen! I'd like to see a clean finish, with Vince beaten to a pulp and screaming for mercy, and so would everyone else, though I wouldn't put it past the "Chairman Of The Board" to try and pull a stunt like the one I described.
I've got mixed feelings about this match.

Bret Hart is my favourite wrestler of all time so while it's great to see him back with WWE and putting the past behind him, there's a part of me that doesn't want to see him get back in the ring in case he hurts himself or tarnishes his legacy.

I really have no idea how it will go from a match-quality perspective, hopefully they'll use enough shortcuts to at least make it seem like they had a decent fight.

There's only one way it can end though, Bret locking Vince in the Sharpshooter and the Chairman of the Board screaming "Uncle!", and I've got a feeling that Vince might get busted open in this match so that we get a re-enactment of the Sharpshooter from the Bret v Stone Cold match at Wrestlemania 13.
The biggest and most intresting match on the card will probably be the shortest. A punch a Sharpshooter and that'll be it. While the match will be short, it'll be bookened by lots of posturing and lots of overacting, all from Vince McMahon himself. He'll be made to look like a total fool and as a result he'll steal the show, much like he did three years ago when he had his head shaved. He'll also get his own back on Bret Hart in his own special way, by making himself the focal point.
Pretty intriguing here, but it all comes down to what Bret can do here. Obviously he's not going to immeadiately go into a coma upon being hit, but I don't think he'll be taking any huge bumps either. This is just going to be an all out brawl, given that they won't be able to do anything else.

Personally, I'm not as crazy for this as others since I didn't grow up with Bret, but there are certainly some, especially those Canadians, are going to go batshit crazy over this one. In the end, the match itself will just be average and end with Bret winning. It'd probably do much better with some blood though.
I think that after Mr. McMahon's brief comments on RAW (Telling Hart that he would be screwed) we may be in for a huge twist in this match. Maybe someone could help Vince "screw" Bret Hart again? But, Who would it be? Could it be Triple H? Or someone who returns to wrestling like Booker T?

I doubt it would happen but I'm just throwing it out there.
If Hart wins, this has every bit of potential to be the last match of the night.

If McMahon wins, then Cena/Batista go on last and Cena wins.

Either way, this is going to be nothing but Hart killing McMahon for a while. There can't be any legit bumps taken by Hart because his last stroke was from falling into some soft grass. They will not be taking any sort of chances on this one. McMahon takes the bumps, and he sells them like the excellent salesman he is.

The only opportunity for run in will be Batista running in to fuck with Hart. But that will be quickly neutralized by Cena running in to run him off. But that would only make sense if Batista and Cena have already had their match, so this will only happen if Hart/McMahon is the final battle of the night.

In the perfect world this will be nothing more than 10-15 minutes of Hart fucking up McMahon and winning with the Sharpshooter on a bleeding, fainted McMahon.

In the fucked up world that will have this feud continuing, McMahon beats Hart by screwing him yet again. Everyone will be pissed off, and it's the perfect way to give McMahon and Batista infinite amounts of heat.

Hart to win, unless McMahon and Batista want to be mega hot heels for the rest of their lives.
I'm really looking forward to this one. I was always a massive Bret Hart fan and of course have always been sad the way his wwe and then overall career ended.

I don't even really care what type of match we see to be frank, its a 53 year old stroke victim vs a 64 year old who's had about 15 matches in his life.

Its going to be a total nostalgia trip for me, I just want it to end with the backbreaker, 2nd rope elbow drop and then the sharpshooter.

Bret wins, gives the bullhorn to the crowd, and he finally gets the send off he deserves.
Nothing could ever get me excited for a Vince McMahon match.... but luckily Bret Hart is his opponent, thus the good cancels out the bad. It's a no holds barred match, so just about anything could happen. One of my friends had said that "every match on the card should last for about 30 seconds, that way we can have Bret put Vince in the Sharpshooter for 3 hours" lol obviously that won't happen but it would be funny. I wouldn't be surprised if Vince got some random monster heels like Kozlov to show up and interfere for him, and Bret might get some help from none other than his own family, the Hart Dynasty! Bret Hart should get the win here because a big part of this whole entire angle has been the Montreal Screwjob, so if Bret doesn't win then in real life that would just be a terrible thing to do since he deserves it after all the years.

Bret Hart will defeat Vince McMahon.
I do think a Hart Dynasty run-in is inevitable, to counter whatever thugs VKM has planned of course.

This one is going to be predictable, but that's more or less what the people want, I think. Beat on Vince, be threatened with outside trouble, family comes in to keep them off (and so that some people in the match can do some spots, since Brett and VKM pretty obviously can't) and roll 'em up, win, music, etc.
Well, as someone who grew up watching WWE when Bret was in his prime & the champion, and when he also was very popular over here in Europe, I agree that this is surreal. This is the one thing that seemed even more unlikely than Stone Cold or The Rock stepping back into the ring for "one more match", even though both men are ruling the possibility out. For after all, they COULD still go. Bret Hart was never supposed to get back into the ring with his health issues, and more importantly in a WWE ring, with his personal issues.

But still, here we are. The year is 2010, it's Wrestlemania 26, and Bret Hart will return to a WWE ring.

Truth be told, along with another HBK vs Taker match, a superb rest of a card with a potential classic in Edge vs Jericho, a hopefully solid Cena/Batista and other matches, Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon is really the icing on the cake for this year's incarnation of WM.

Now I know that Bret will be very limited as to what he'll be able to do, and I too hope that no grave botches happen or that he doesn't injury himself; but all in all, this match will be about two single standout moments for me: Number 1 will be Bret "The Hitman" Hart's music kicking in at WRESTLE F'N MANIA for ONE LAST TIME and him coming down to the ring to give the WWE fans the farewell he deserved - on a high note, on the grandest stage, without bad blood - and then that moment when he'll finally slap the Sharpshooter on Vinnie Mac, and I imagine Vince will do Bret the honors and scream "in pain" as if his life depended on it, haha. This is history right here, ladies and gentlemen. And even if you don't know Bret Hart too well because he was on top before your time, watch this match. I repeat: This. Is. History.

And I really hope it will be a worthy final tribute to the "Excellence of Execution" and "The Best there is, the Best there was, and the Best there ever will be". For no matter how he handles himself in this match tonight - I'll definitely be giving Bret standing ovations just for finally getting over all his issues both physically, mentally and emotionally with his past and putting some of the worst parts of his life behind him.
I'm really worried about this match. I know Bret won't die or anything from a tiny bump, but he clearly isn't what he used to be. While Vince has been in good fights before, he still isn't a wrestler. I definitely see the possibility of this being little more than 2 old guys beating each other up for 20 minutes, which will get boring quick. Bret will win, but I have low expectations for this one.
I don't think any of us are expecting a five star match, that just ain't gonna happen, but I believe it will still be entertaining as hell. I mean I've waited 12 years for this match, that alone if worth it being total shit. Just to see Bret in the ring is awesome and just to see this thing finally come to an end is amazing, the what if questions are going to be answered, this true event will be over, so it's going to be an emotional and exciting match none the less.
I'll be glad to see it end.

Maybe it makes me a bad Canadian, but I've never found BH remotely interesting. He's a black hole to me where charisma goes to die.
This match worries me. This is a match where they could very easily overbook the hell out of it and make it turn into a total mess. If it's Bret beating the hell out of Vince for the majority of the match and then in the end a short comeback from VInce leads to the Sharpshooter, this will work great. It's 12 years in the making and needs to happen in my eyes for closure if nothing else. Bret is going to be fragile but this should work I think. Obviously not a great match, but it should come off as good for what it's supposed to be, which is an historic moment.
This match is probably one of the biggest draws on the card, despite being completely predictable, and despite being certain to last hardly any time at all. Being no holds barred, we'll probably see a few token bin shots to the head and one of them will blade, blood rules or not. It'll end with McMahon in the sharpshooter, and the show will continue with everyone happy.
Awful match in terms of wrestling, but no one was expecting it to be good anyway. Bret, when he fought without weapons did well I thought and despite it not being a good match, the ending was enough because it is what everyone has been waiting for for the past 13 years.
wow i mean wow. I know Vince was nervous about pushing Bret's limits with his condition but what was that out there tonight? They were better off having Bret pull a switcheroo and having someone fight for him instead of that nonsense. Once again yeah I know Vince hitting Bret was probably out of the question but that match was not meant for Wrestlemania
I enjoyed the match, it was what I expected, Vince trying to screw Bret one last time and Bret turning it around on him. That was great. Come on people you couldn't have expected a actual wrestling match or Vince winning could you? Hell no, Vince knew he was losing and he knew he was going to get humiliated. He deserved nothing less. It appears to me that some of those chair shots were pretty hard too, I think Bret finally released his pent up anger and frustration.
I enjoyed the match, it was what I expected, Vince trying to screw Bret one last time and Bret turning it around on him. That was great. Come on people you couldn't have expected a actual wrestling match or Vince winning could you? Hell no, Vince knew he was losing and he knew he was going to get humiliated. He deserved nothing less. It appears to me that some of those chair shots were pretty hard too, I think Bret finally released his pent up anger and frustration.

I was expecting an actual fight. Unfortunately all I saw was a one sided beat down. I mean the part when Bert was hockey fighting Vince had more heat than this. I don't mind the Hart Family double cross but I thought it was three Harts too many early on.

It would have made sense to have The Hart Dynasty accompany Vince then do the double cross near the end with a post match celebration with the Hart Family.

Match wise I was hoping for a Flair/Taker WMX-8 type of match. You know punches flying but done in such a way a story was being told.
This was a good match...... Well it was for the people who were in it. I knw the Hart Dynasty was going to be involved one way or another which it is good for them to be featured in wrestlemania.
Well, I didn't expect much going into this considering what we were working with, so it was good if a little boring.

The Hart Family double-swerve was and unexpected and nice turn of events. After 12 years, it was nice to see the entire Hart family, not just Bret, get back at Vince for what happened in Montreal. My only complaint was that it took a bit too long to get there.

You know, this match reminds me of HBK/Vince from WM 22. It booked almost identically: Vince gets destroyed for almost the entire match, but that one was much more fun to watch, mainly because of the variety of different things that happened to Vince. Since Bret obviously isn't as capable as Shawn, he couldn't do as much, so seeing Bret beat Vince down with chairshots got old pretty quick. It went on so long that I started to wonder if the match was really supposed to end with the first sharpshooter attempt, but Bret was still pissed about Montreal and was just shooting on Vince the rest of the time, lol.

It's pretty easy to shit on this match, but you have to look at it as more of a moment than an actual match. After 12 years, Bret finally gets his revenge on Vince, with the entire Hart family standing tall on the biggest stage of them all. In the end, that's what it's all about.
This was a horrible and dull match. However, this is what I was expecting from the match. I thought it went on a little too long. If Bret did not have medical problems, he would have easily pulled out a decent match out of Vince. However, he does have problems, and he could not take shots whats so ever. I don't think the younger audience understands this, and why I believe the older adults apperciate Bret for trying.
Going into the PPV tonight, I have to say that I was fairly excited about this match. I'm not sure if it was the fact that it was because it stemmed from a real-life controversy or the fact that it was the first time I'd be able to see the Hitman in action in over a decade. Maybe both?

It almost saddens me to say that all the hype wasn't worth the end result at all. In fact, I'd say this was about as much of a predictable lolfest as the divas match was. Sure, we all knew that Bret would be the one with his hand raised in the end. I just think it should've been handled better.

They never should've revealed the "Hart Family Doublecross" before the match even got underway. I truthfully would've thought that it would've been a bit more interesting to let the match begin with everyone thinking Bret's own family sold him out. Then, have a spot in the match, where the Hitman gets tossed outside...only to have his family members start to hover around him like he was fresh meat in shark-infested waters. Just when you think they're about to stomp the Hitman, they turn and glare at McMahon like a pack of hungry wolves ready to tear it's prey to pieces. Bret then could've let the cat out of the bag with his little "I knew what you were up to speech."

I was also really bothered by how little of a battle it was. I understand that Bret's had some health problems and all, but did the match really have to be one-sided the whole way through? You'd think that if McMahon's character really despised the Hitman, like he's supposed to, that he'd of put up a little bit more of a fight.

To each their own, but I really think WWE dropped the ball on this one.
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