Batista VS John Cena - WWE Championship

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This match will be freaking awesome. The build up has been fantastic and each person has played their part very well. Batista has shown that he isn't a muscle head that has nothing to offer. He is a monster heel and he plays it to perfection. Cena has well been Cena but I am a fan of his and won't say anything bad about him as he hasn't done anything worth gettin criticized for.

I am going to say that Cena gets this win because personally I think he needs it. Batista has been owning him for months and has always had the upper hand on him throughout all these years. Batista is one of only two people Cena hasn't been able to over come and this is time for him to do it. This match shouldn't go on last but it probably will. HBK and Taker' deserve to go on last so that the fans aren't burnt out for the match like they were for Triple H and Orton. Whatever happens i'm sure it will be a great match and will show the doubters they know more than 5 moves or isn't just another muscle head.
I'm Looking forward to this match. These guys are the two biggest faces of the WWE right now. Like Batista said a couple of weeks ago The Batista/Cena rivalary is the biggest rivalary since Ausitn/Rock. Cena and Batista are the biggest names since Austin and Rock.
This sounds crazy (or maybe not), but I am really looking forward to this match. I actually enjoyed their Summerslam match, and the buildup to this one has been very good. It really feels like a huge event. I'm not expecting a technical masterpiece, but rather a powerhouse brawl between the top face and the top heel on the two brands.

I doubt this match will disappoint. This is Wrestlemania, and wrestlers know to try and give it their all at Wrestlemania. Combined with Batista's heel turn, this makes the match feel totally different from their Summerslam match, like something we've never seen before.

I'm excited.
I'm looking forward to this, that match at EC was awesome. Who wouldn't want to see that again except for anybody under 13? I don't know, maybe we'll find out. When? Who knows. But being for seriousness, this should be decent. I'm not expecting it to be great, as I think there will be other matches that are much better on the card, but it's cool scro. I expect Cena to walk out as the champ again, and act like a cowboy because "The champ is heeya!". Yes, that was intentionally bad. Cena will win with a roll-up most likely, so neither looks stronger than the other. If they were to make Batista tap, it would be a travesty. If they were to make Batista lose my getting thrown off a man's shoulders, it would be a travesty. If they had Batista get T-bagged by Cena before throwing him into the ground, it wouldn't be bad. But Cena will win because Batista is the guy the audience doesn't want to see win, or at least that's what Vince thinks. I guess we'll find out soon.
Personally I couldn't care less about this match, the SummerSlam one they had was entertaining, despite Cena's best efforts to make it look ridiculous. But despite Batista's sterling work as of late, it's still a Batista vs. John Cena match, it's almost physically impossible to get exited about a match involving either, unless you're a child. Batista & John Cena matches are only good in hindsight.
I'm hoping this match delivers. Batista has been more interesting now then at any point in his career. Their Summerslam match was pretty damn good, so no reason to expect they won't at least deliver at that level.

However, after watching Batista's match with Kingston on Raw a few weeks ago, I'm reminded of one thing, it is still Dave Batista in the ring. As much as his character has improved, the guy is still stiff, and at times very sloppy in the ring. He looked rigid as all hell in that match with Kofi, so my reality check has tempered my expectations for this match.

Will it be a good match, it better. Will it be a great match, doubtful.
Much better buildup than their previous match, which was rushed like none other. However, that match was still pretty good, despite the lack of interest before and the fact that they were both faces. Now you have a heel/face dynamic and it's happening on the biggest stage of them all.

I think Cena is definetly going to win though. With him losing the previous matchup and the whole "doubting himself" thing, I don't see the evil guy winning here. It'll get a lot of bitching from everyone on here, but it's going to happen.
My personal prediction on this match is Cena will in it. I like Batista way more, dont care for cena all that much but that is just the way it is. Batista has dominated Cena up til now. I really cant think of a time when Cena Was standing over Batista. And Now this match was moved to the final match on the Card. So They want to give the Fans what they want. So the face of the match must go over on the heel. Both these guys are so even but til now batista hasnt had any problems. How would that look if he won at mania too. Itd pretty much put Cena in the crapper. So We will have a new WWE Champion at wrestlemania, John Cena.
The build up is better than their last match, but any build up wouldve been better than their last match. When the bell rings though, youre left with Cena and Batista in the ring. Its basically going to turn into a game to see who can repeat their limited move set the most before we see the finish. Boring.

The only thing that could save this match is Batista retaining the title. Cena winning the belt in his typical Superman fashion has been done over and over. Everyone is pretty much expecting him to win at this point. Thats why a swerve would save this match. Give it a finish we didnt see coming. Make Cena lose to Batista somehow at WM. They can continue their program together until Summerslam where Cena can beat Batista at the same event where he was put on the shelf.

These two guys havent worked with each other that much and they should get a good lengthy program while Batista still has a few "good" years left in him. This WM match seems less rushed but still rushed and with Batista going in as champ against SuperCena, its starting to look really, really boring. If Batista is left standing above a broken Cena holding the title at the end of the broadcast, then watching them wrestle wouldnt have been nearly as painful for me. But if I have to sit through a Cena/Batista match just to see SuperCena get the win, I'm going to think twice about ordering another WWE PPV while Cena is on the card.
I'm really looking forward to this match. It's one of the better buildups I've seen recently, and there's a lot of emotion in it. The top face vs. the top heel. Batista plays his heel role very well. I just don't see Batista retaining, especially if this is the final WM 26 match. They need a good way to end a fantastic night, and I think it could be done by Cena winning. The only reason I see Batista retaining is if WWE is going to try out a heel push for Cena. Perhaps his anger and frustration of losing, not fufilling his promises could turn him against the fans. Maybe if he loses, Bret could come out to relieve him and Cena turn his back and attack him. Highly doubtful though.

I see Cena winning.
I'm hoping this match delivers. Batista has been more interesting now then at any point in his career. Their Summerslam match was pretty damn good, so no reason to expect they won't at least deliver at that level.

However, after watching Batista's match with Kingston on Raw a few weeks ago, I'm reminded of one thing, it is still Dave Batista in the ring. As much as his character has improved, the guy is still stiff, and at times very sloppy in the ring. He looked rigid as all hell in that match with Kofi, so my reality check has tempered my expectations for this match.

Will it be a good match, it better. Will it be a great match, doubtful.

100% agree with Shocky here, it should be good but it won't be the best.

That said the build to this has been brilliant, glad to see Batista getting arguments from the IWC against Cena and how he was gifted his push. I can't help but wonder if Vince will be involved somehow.

Again I see Cena winning this, he's top face and Mania always has a good feel good factor about it. That being said I want Batista to win, you don't spend two months saying your miles better than someone to then lose first time, I think someone said it would be good to see a heel Batista run and that I would agree with. Can you imagine this going on until SummerSlam? Cena loses a couple of times and at Summer Slam overcomes the odds, that would be something.
I expect this match to close the show. Batista has been better than ever, and more interesting than he has been in his whole career. With that being said.... I doubt he will win. He has been dominant in this entire feud. Cena has been made to look like such an underdog that ANY result of this match will look like a squash, other than Cena getting a clean victory. Cena will win because then he proves why he's the face of WWE while Batista isn't, gets his title back, and the fans are sent home happy after a great show.

John Cena will win the WWE Championship.
I see Cena winning with Mcmahon coming out and announcing that his predicted future world champion Drew Mcintyre will be cashing in his mitb case now.

Vince will be bitter he lost to Bret earlier and more or less force Drew to do it.
Like Shocky said, this will be a Batista match. I like Cena and think he is underrated in the ring, but Batista is not good in the ring at all. So while this has had good build-up, the match might not deliver. Their first match was decent, and I think they will both want to put on a show at WrestleMania. I expect Cena to win to give us a happy ending to close the show. The story has been built that bad things happen to Cena when Batista is around. Cena will overcome that and pin Batista for the title.
This is the match that almost everyone want it its the match where u can see Top Heel VS Top Face ... its SO damn makes me excited XD ... this is the match tha made me order this PPV .. I mean look at batista his in the top of his carer since 05 .. and john have been kinda great in the last 2montsh maybe i mean better than few months earlier .. .. my thoughts for this match .. john cena wins the match after a brutal fight ... then mcmahon tries to annouce a rematch then bret comes and beat the hell out of him .. maybe kinda impossible XD but we hopes so XD
This is the match that almost everyone want it its the match where u can see Top Heel VS Top Face ... its SO damn makes me excited XD ... this is the match tha made me order this PPV ..

I think you have this match confused with an actual good Taker vs HBK.
If you ask most people why they ordered this PPV I'm pretty sure WAY more people would say to see Taker vs HBK than Cena vs Botchtista
This match might be hilarious to watch because of how terrible Botchtista is in the ring, but other than that it won't measure up to most of the other matches on the card.
This match is simply for the 8 year old kids and 30 year old moms who wanna wet themselves by seeing Cena.....I'll probably take a washroom break during this nonsense
I think you have this match confused with an actual good Taker vs HBK.
If you ask most people why they ordered this PPV I'm pretty sure WAY more people would say to see Taker vs HBK than Cena vs Botchtista
This match might be hilarious to watch because of how terrible Botchtista is in the ring, but other than that it won't measure up to most of the other matches on the card.
This match is simply for the 8 year old kids and 30 year old moms who wanna wet themselves by seeing Cena.....I'll probably take a washroom break during this nonsense

I rather see Cena/Batista than Taker/HBK because I know they have the potential to do better and the Taker/HBK match wasn't as great as everybody thinks it was. This match will be the best of second best match of the night, no doubt about it.

The reason I prefer this match over Taker/HBK is the proof factor. What do Undertaker and HBK have to prove? They've beaten each other. If HBK couldn't do the job last year, what makes me think he is going to do it this year? With Batista/Cena you have Batista always prevailing over Cena. He beat him at the Royal Rumble and Summerslam and put Cena on the shelf with an injury. He's been getting the upper hand over Cena the past few months and now it is Cena's time to prove to himself and his fans that he can beat Batista.
I think you have this match confused with an actual good Taker vs HBK.
If you ask most people why they ordered this PPV I'm pretty sure WAY more people would say to see Taker vs HBK than Cena vs Botchtista
This match might be hilarious to watch because of how terrible Botchtista is in the ring, but other than that it won't measure up to most of the other matches on the card.
This match is simply for the 8 year old kids and 30 year old moms who wanna wet themselves by seeing Cena.....I'll probably take a washroom break during this nonsense

Who's a bigger idiot? The guy who bought the PPV for this match alone? Or the guy who payed money for the PPV and complained about it's main event? You're literally throwing away your money by your own logic.
This match happened before, but it lasted 7 minutes and they were both faces. I expect it to be much longer this time around, and probably better, especially as Batista has been rejuvenated as a heel. Cena will win for the Mania feelgood moment, but I expect this to be every bit as much of a draw as it should be, and I think it will be a pretty good closing match to the night too.
I hope this turns out to be an epic because the way this card has gone so far, we desperately need this and Taker-HBK to help
Good call to Tasty for Cena winning for the feel good moment. Of course I figured Batista would win, as now it kind of makes him look like a joke, but then again Mania it's feel good moment and of course that met Cena winning the title. However this feud if far from over, I expect we will see more of it tomorrow with Batista jumping Cena.
Really good match here which was just about on par with if not slightly better than their last match-up at Summerslam 2008. Some nice chain wrestling used by Cena, probably just to piss off the smarks, and Batista pulled off a few sick spots including one of the most painful looking DDTs I've ever seen in my entire life on Cena about halfway through the match. Not surprised at all that Cena won, and I'm not sure what this means for Batista. Hopefully this feud continues and we get a rematch at Extreme Rules next month. One of the better matches of the night.
Another good match from these two. Better than their Summerslam match? For now, I'm not sure, but it's definitely on par with that one. However, it seemed a little botchy at times, especially that legdrop into what I think was supposed to be a Batista Bomb, but came off as a unrecognizable mess (spinebuster?). I loved how at the end, Cena celebrated with the huge group anti-Cena fans; way to stick it to 'em, John.

As much as a I wanted Batista to win this, a Cena win was obvious because:

1. Batista has been owning Cena.
2. Raw is without a champion.

Also, what was with Cena's entrance this year? When the Air Force guys came out (think that's what they were. At least, that's what my friend said) I thought maybe Cena would parachute down from a jet that wrote "U CAN'T C ME" in the sky in bright orange smoke shooting orange t-shirts from a t-shirt gun into the crowd. Oh well, a man can dream.
This match surprised me too. I thought I knew Cena was going to win at first, but after watching the match I wasn't too confident. Batista and Cena put on a pretty good match and left the fans on edge. There was a lot of Cena hate in the stands, which surprises me still to this day. I understand a few boos every now and then but wow.. to hear 70% of the fans boo him against the huge heel Batista was mind boggling.

Speaking as a fan and a vet, I am getting tired of the military entrances though. I can't wait for the war to end so wrestling companies in both organizations will stop getting cheap pops from military service men. It also wouldn't kill me to see Cena in a lesser role at Mania next year. He could face who ever, I just hope it isn't for the title. I think no matter if the crowd is from Arizona or Atlanta, you are probably likely to hear that same reaction to Cena at Mania if he is still in the main event title match for the 7th year in a row.
I think I'll start off by saying that it was pretty obvious that Cena would walk away with the win here. First of all, it's John Cena. He rarely ever loses. Secondly, with Jericho going over Edge, we couldn't have both major titles on Smackdown.

The match itself wasn't bad, and in fact it was much better than I'd expected. I wanted to see Batista come out on top, though. I think his character needed it to help establish him as this new-found, arrogant, monster heel that they've recently been trying to establish him as. However, Cena got the nod (which is no surprise), and that sort of knocks down Batista's credibility.

As for the crowd response Cena was getting, is it really any surprise? I mean the guy has been force fed to us month-after-month in the title / main event scene...and usually comes out on top of things. It's old, and very repetitive...but we're forced to deal with it bc all the little kiddies out there cheer him, buy his merchandise, and therefore subject those of us who know better to even more of the same old garbage. I admit, I used to be a Cena fan in his early days with the thug / rapper gimmick. Now, after all this time, I loathe the guy to the point that the day he can no longer compete will be the greatest day I've seen in wrestling in a while. Whether it'd be chosen retirement or a career-ending injury...that day won't get here fast enough.

I agree with the comment about his special entrances, too. They seem to get a little more ******ed with each year that passes as well. You'd think that, if they were going to give one person a special entrance each year, it'd be someone that's been there a bit longer.
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