WWE Extreme Rules - John Cena (c) vs. Batista - Last Man Standing Match

I say John Cena retains, as I think he will be holding the title for a long time. And it's rumored that Batista will be taking time off soon, so that don't help his chances. I think Cena will take the beating most of the night, and we'll see a quick turn around, I see a AA through the announce table, and a STF with a chain or something like that. Batista will pass out and we will probably won't see him for a few weeks after that.
I think Batista will win this. If not it will only make Kane look weak. Batista has won a last man standing match in just over ten seconds against kane. I feel that the person that deserves this win Is batista, and if Randy wins then we will need a heel champion. If batista wins here it will only make him look stronger as a heel.
I dunno why but I'm kinda pumped for this. Both these guys have been turning up their work rate as of late. I think they can put on some good solid work, and Cena losing the title isn't really an option right now. I think Cena should have another of his long title reigns, hopefully defending against a mix of established and establishing stars. I hope John drops the title to someone like Miz, that's the kinda thing Miz can hang his hat on for the length of his career. I've been itching to see MVP turn heel and work with Cena. I think MVP should have had Sheamus's spot with that little title run. A smart, subtle turn would have definitely made more of an impact then the outta nowhere title run.
After hearing about Batista taking a break, my thoughts that Cena is going to win this by beating Batista to a pulp have been all but confirmed. I don't want to see a soft win, or another STF fest.
I'm really pulling for Batista to get the win in this one, he has become a great heel since turning on Rey and I for one don't want to see it end. I can only imagine the promos Batista will be cutting if he beats Cena in a last man standing match. The only reason I wouldn't want Batista to pick up the win here is because it will inflate both mens stats, because you know that Cena will end up getting the belt back if he loses.
I think John Cena is gonna win this, pretty much because of the fact that John Cena is the whole "never give up never quit" person, and I don't see him staying down in this last man standing, I think it's gonna be a grueling cool match, and I think Batista is ultimately gonna be lying on the mat for the 10 count, which would probably be the only logic point too seeing as it'd be ridiculous to switch back and forth between two wrestlers already again, I wouldn't want to see that.
I think its pretty safe to say Cena wins this one. We know Batista wants time off, we also know hes causing headaches for the WWE because of his constant talking about wanting to retire and also I cant imagine him throwing a fit about HHH getting a film role he wanted would go over well with the boss.
I expect Cena to retain here because he JUST got the title at Wrestlemania and we all know how pointless it is to trade the belt back and forth between shows. There's no reason to give Batista the title back. They need to have longer title reigns and Cena's the better guy for that, not Batista. The match will probably last much longer than their previous match at Wrestlemania now that there is a Last Man Standing stipulation added to this rematch. I think they will both hit their finishers a few times before Cena hits another Attitude Adjustment, probably through one of the announcer tables, that Batista won't answer the ten count from. Cena's going to win.

John Cena will retain the WWE Championship.
For purely selfish reasons, I am sorta disappointed with this. I will be at Extreme Rules in the crowd, and although I have never seen a LMS match live, I cant imagine it is easy to see anything.
Well, I wouldn't expect every Last Man Standing match to play like Cena vs. Edge did last year. I won't say you shouldn't be concerned, but I don't think it's a lock that you won't be able to see anything.

As for the match, breaking news seems to make Cena your favorite. The logic that Cena just got the belt and shouldn't lost it should also work in his favor, but his last few title reigns don't make me feel that logic is as solid as it would ideally be. However, with Big Dave's future in question, I've got this down as a Cena victory.

As for match quality, I think this should be tip-top. Cena's last two LMS matches have been two of the best matches of the last decade in the WWE. There's no reason, especially after seeing Cena and Batista's last two matches, that this can't be a great, memorable encounter.

I'm looking forward to it.
This match will be awesome! Cena and Batista have both been great as of late and this fued has been top notch. Both have played a big role and made me very interested in the fued. I'm not sure if it will be better than their Summerslam and Wrestlemania match but the Last Man Standing gimmick will help out a lot.

My pick to win is Cena. I don't think they are going to swap the titles between each other again. They have done that a bit too much recently so I think this the time to slow it down. Batista is most probably taking time off after so there would no point of putting a title on him. Cena win this contest after either tying up or choking Batista so he stays down for the 10 count.
this was a bullshit match! actually the whole pay per view as it was not really extreme but go figure with wwe going pg no wonder tna is kicking their ass. but as expected cena wins because batista is leaving which sucks, and ill have to continue hating that fuckin white boy rapper cena who's nothing but a lowlife thug. even if batista weren't leaving, wwe would have cena win since they open their legs like a cheap ****e to that son of a bitch cena.
maybe its just me but i was expecting alot more from this match(from the whole PPV actually)...not saying it was a horrible match...but yeah Cena wins...

did any1 hear when some kid said "I hate you batista" and batista replies "I hate you to"...no the best part on behalf of batista
this was a bullshit match! actually the whole pay per view as it was not really extreme but go figure with wwe going pg no wonder tna is kicking their ass. but as expected cena wins because batista is leaving which sucks, and ill have to continue hating that fuckin white boy rapper cena who's nothing but a lowlife thug. even if batista weren't leaving, wwe would have cena win since they open their legs like a cheap ****e to that son of a bitch cena.

TNA is kicking the WWE's ass. Must have missed that memo.

Why would they have Cena win at Wrestlemania just to have him lose tonight? Riddle me that one. The way Cena won was somewhat innovative and I never thought anything like that would happen but it was fun to see. I don't know what's going to happen in the next few months with Cena and the championship but it should be interesting.
this was a bullshit match!
False. IT was a very good match. In fact I believe it was the first match Batista's had in over a year where he didn't visibly botch a spot.
actually the whole pay per view as it was not really extreme but go figure with wwe going pg
For a PG rated PPV, I was pleasantly surprised with what they were able to do. I've never been one to believe that blood is required to make a match look extreme, although I'm not opposed to it.
no wonder tna is kicking their ass.
Ummm... how? Last time I checked, Impact pulls in maybe a third of RAW's ratings, and maybe a quarter of their PPV buys.
but as expected cena wins because batista is leaving which sucks,
There's no solid proof of that. In fact, the way the match ended makes me beleive that there's going to be at least one more match between the two

and ill have to continue hating that fuckin white boy rapper cena who's nothing but a lowlife thug.
He's essentially left that gimmick in the dust, way back since like early 06. And lowlife thug? When he's not wrestling, his No. 1 hobby is visiting sick kids through the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Yeah, what a bastard.
even if batista weren't leaving, wwe would have cena win since they open their legs like a cheap ****e to that son of a bitch cena.
Cena's the face of the company and makes the most money and has done trillions of hours of volunteer and charity work. Batista is in his 40's, couldn't give a shit about anyone but himself and dresses like he hangs out with Kanye West. I think WWE's going with the right guy.
People are going to hate on me for this, but I LOVED the ending. WWE has built these men up as huge megastars, impossible to fully put down. Cena had to be creative, and that ending was. It was something we've never seen before yet it worked so well. It made sense, it was logical, and it was unique.

The rest of the match was a ton of fun, too. Lots of "HOLY SHIT" spots. If this was Batista's last match then he certainly went out on a high note. Great and exciting match.
did any1 hear when some kid said "I hate you batista" and batista replies "I hate you to"...no the best part on behalf of batista
Yeah I heard that, I thought it was pretty funny.

Onto the match, the match was great in my opinion, i thought it would be good, but nowhere near as good as it was. The Attitude Adjustment through the announce table, the spinebuster through the table, 2 Batista Bombs and Cena still got up, It was just superb. I saw Cena winning, maybe through an STF (he almost did), or an Attitude Adjustment through a table (once again almost did). But using the Duct Tape to tie Batista's feet together was GENIUS!. I thought Cena might've gone for a modified STF while Batista was taped up but he didn't. Still great way to end the match and humiliate Batista.
this was a bullshit match! actually the whole pay per view as it was not really extreme but go figure with wwe going pg no wonder tna is kicking their ass. but as expected cena wins because batista is leaving which sucks, and ill have to continue hating that fuckin white boy rapper cena who's nothing but a lowlife thug. even if batista weren't leaving, wwe would have cena win since they open their legs like a cheap ****e to that son of a bitch cena.

Very insightful. Sigged.

I enjoyed the match as well, I thought it was fun to watch and I was entertained by it which is pretty much why I bother watching this stuff to begin with. Loved how the match didn't end after the big Attitude Adjustment onto the announce table spot because it just helped to build momentum and swing the match along. And Batista brought some quality lols e.g. yelling at the child, throwing the monitor at Cole, etc. It was a good way to end off the show.
That was the worst match i ever saw....cena is not entertaining at all...

cena is not creative...he can't work the mic well, he can't take a hit well....and why the heck does he bounce back up after taking a lot of shit....he was way better as a heel back when he first came and did his stupid ghetto getup...all his moves are lame too...
did any1 hear when some kid said "I hate you batista" and batista replies "I hate you to"...no the best part on behalf of batista

Yeah that was funny.

But I like how the match ended it was very creative. I knew Cena was probably was going to win but wrapping batista's legs with duct tape made me mad as hell.
i thought this was a great match. i was interested the whole way through and loved all the table spots. im with you Doc, i loved the ending. it really made both wrestlers seem strong. it made Cena seem like he can really outsmart Batista and made Batista seem like the only way to beat him is to tape him down.

I really dont understand all the Cena hate. his last two PPV matches have been great. he really builds feuds well and i have enjoyed his work recently.
I have to admit I absolutely loved this match, had some awesome spots, John Cena completely messing up that guard rail was brutal if you ask me.

The whole match had me rather excited, a lot of close calls where you could definitely say you could've been like "yep that's the end"

I have to agree with Doc, I loved the ending, it was kinda funny, although I do believe it could've been handled a little bit more cleanly, but in the end, I still loved it, but I have to admit I was ready to watch Batista tear the hell out of that duck tape, wouldn't have surprised me to say the least if he did.

Good match actually, not the best of the night, but definitely good.
For me the match was good but I hated the ending, it was a big dissapointment for me personally.

Now I see where people say they loved it and yes, you are right, it was a smart way to win, I will give you that but for me it was a cheap way to win, smart, but cheap.

I guess than more than hating the finish, it was not what I expected, I expected something brutal, something that never really happened all night and to finish this with duct tape, that was just... lame for me.

Unless they extend this to another match in which you actually see someone really prevail, this was a bad way to finish up this rivalry.
I thought this was a solid match. It definitely had me at the edge of my seat towards the end. Both men took a beating and put on an entertaining match. There was some nice spots such as the barricade breaking, the spine buster through a table and the awesome FU through the announce table which had some major air. I loved that spot. Very good.

I for one actually liked the ending. I thought it was a very creative way and it was funny watching Batista trying to squirm out of it. If this is Batista's last match for a while then I wish they could off done a more dramatic ending but I still liked it.

A solid match with some great spots. I give this match 7.5/10
Here i see the difference between biased cena haters and cena haters who support an honest opinion .... tbh it seeems to me even a great match involving cena is too bad for the biased people because they believe that any match cena wins is lame. Back to the point I loved the match as it had all the OMG spots a last man standing match needs and had exactly what the extreme rules ppv needed. The ending was somthing we DID NOT SEE coming and it was something different which everyone seems to be moaning about these days and wwe cena and batista delivered with that pretty humorous but smart ending. Fact of the matter is the match lived up or surpassed all peoples expectations and i clearly believe this was the highlight of the night :)

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