SummerSlam: John Cena vs. Batista

I personally think this is going to be a great match and I'm not too worried about it not being a WM25 match. Like NoFate007 said, most people would probably complain that it's a shitty main event if it were to be scheduled for a WrestleMania.
I don't know how exactly they would keep this feud going, so it probably will end after SummerSlam, but it would be cool if they kept it alive and it lasted until they could score a main event in WM25. I don't think there's enough of a spark between them though and the feud will probably get boring fast.
Bottom line: anybody who complains on a regular basis that you don't like Cena and/or Batista, no matter what the reasons, has no right in saying they'd rather see this at WrestleMania, unless they're genuinely worried about the WWE possibly missing out on an extra couple ppv buyers.

Great post all in all...I wouldn't say I'm greatly worried about the WWE's ppv buys, I'm not a shareholder or anything, what I think everyone, well mostly everyone means is that Cena vs. Batista is one of the few main events that the WWE has that could draw, so everyone's just a bit confused at why the WWE would choose to blow that off on a ppv that already has a huge sell (the HIAC match) when they could save it 'til the Grandaddy of them all. Also, since this is arguably a "big" match ( I don't hate on either guy...I happen to like Cena, bit indifferent to Batista though), it deserves a proper build, not a 3 week build into a ppv where the match'll won't end clean, and will be repeated until everyone gets tired out of it. This is one of few fresh matchups WWE has, and it'll probably just be squandered and become as stale as usual. You know like the type of build Edge- Taker had? A great reason for the feud in Edge screwing Taker, but still they didn't actually face each other in the ring one-on-one until WM

However, I agree with you that the IWC would bitch even if this was the WM main event, guess we just don't know what we want.
They rushed this match because other than Edge/Taker in the Cell and I guess HBK/Y2J, Summerslam isn't shaping up all that well (HHH vs. must be joking). I don't agree with the rest of you about these two being a great match at WM25. Neither one of them are that outstanding in the ring. Neither of them is the kind of ring general that could carry the other through a match a WM25. Every 'classic' match these two have had has been with another legend of the business that can carry their sloppy asses from beginning to end. If they were the headlining Raw match at WM25 then Smackdown would have to pull out ALL the stops to make WM25 live up to what it should be. The 25th annual WrestleMania and you people want to see two muscle heads do more forearm strikes than headlocks. I bet you'd like to see Hogan come back and pose for ten minutes too. WrestleMania is about talent not just physical appearance and talent those two have not. So says Shaw...
This event is being labeled "THE BIGGEST BLOCKBUSTER OF THE SUMMER." So why not have the biggest match in Summerslam history to headline it?

I see people's reasoning as to why this match was rushed...but those are the same people that would be complaining if this was the Main Event of Wrestlemania. I can hear them now: "These two guys suck and are just big ahhhhhhhhhhhhh and they're boring. They have only 5 moves." Well waaah. I'm marking the freak out because I get to SEE this match LIVE.

If you get no enjoyment out of seeing this match, then you might as well stick to your ROH and watch guys lay around doing armbars for 15 minutes at a time, because this is going to be money central. MONEY MONEY MONEY. It's got the classic Hogan-Savage, Hogan-Warrior, Rock-Austin ring to it. The two ABSOLUTE biggest posterboys of the company squaring off. How much better could it get?

I would suggest taking a break from the constant critiquing and allow yourselves to be entertained...
I don't know how so many people expected to see this at Mania, regardless of whether or not I thought that before (I honestly don't recall it), I lost that thought along time ago.

This is a match I actually wouldn't mind seeing. It makes me interesting, I want to watch both of them give it their all and best. I want to see all their moves, all 10 of them (I'm sorry I couldn't resist.) put to action. This should really be a blockbuster, because I am partly not sure who will win.

Cena lost the last PPV but Batista was in the title match and was looking dominant. I think Cena will come out on top here. Mainly because Batista has been through the title and they should be looking for someone to fix the title off CM Punk. Cena would do that surely.
I was going to wait until the match for the World Heavyweight Championship is announced in case John Cena and Batista were added to that match, but I just can't help myself. Batista vs John Cena is a match I wanted to see at Wrestlemania 25. Many others wanted the same. It feels as if the match is only fitting for a Wrestlemania. I mean I'm glad I'm going to see this match soon as I have always wanted to see it, but I just think now isn't the best time for the match to take place. There won't be much build up for the match due to the lack of time. But if it was to take place at Mania, the match could have up to 8 weeks of build up and hype. But nonetheless I guess I've got to deal with it.

Another reason why I don't like the match taking place at Summerslam is because the Hell in a Cell match between Edge and The Undertaker is happening at the exact same pay per view. I'm afraid that match will overshadow this one and the WWE can't afford to let that happen. I'm a fan on Cena and while I don't go mad for Batista, I do find him refreshing on Raw currently. I am very interested to see which man will be cheered or favoured by the fans on the night. The fans should go crazy over this match anyway. I am expecting this match to be better than people think it will.

It must end cleanly. I can't stress this enough. I do not want to see any outside interference or anything like that nonsense. One man must win this match cleanly. I think it will be a one off match until maybe at Survivor Series or later where they can have a rematch. This should be a good 20 minute match between these two but for some reason, I actually see Batista winning this cleanly. He has been built up on Raw as a big deal, probably even more than what Cena has lately. So Big Dave to take the win after many false finishers. I am greatly anticipating this match though.
I've read through this entire thread hoping that somebody else had mentioned this idea, but nobody had.

Summerslam is supposed to be a HUGE PPV that should have something major going on in it. So far we have Cena vs Batista and CM Punk vs ???. As we know, they have not released an opponent for Punk. How would they be able to build up a match of WHC potential in this short of time?


First we have Cena vs Batista.

The winner of the match faces Punk for the title.

I think this could be in the cards, especially if they are trying to keep with the theme that Punk cannot legitmatly win a match. Having his opponent forced to wrestle two matches would give him the discredit that 'they' are feeding CM Punk.

Just a thought.
Still have yet to understand, as everyone else, how this match is only going to get two weeks of build. Its huge. Its epic. Its this generations Warrior Vs Hogan. And it happens at summer slam, after TWO WEEKS of build?? I just dont understand. I also have trouble understand the angle leading in. "Oh you accidentally punched me once, so we is bouts ta fight!!!".....STUPID. I dont see Batista coming out the winner, becuase as Cena so cleverly put it, Batista already had two shots at the title. So having him win and become an obvious number one contender wouldnt work. So I guess we have Cena going over, in what is a pretty underbuilt, seemingly pointless match anyhow.
Everyone is sure that Batista vs. John Cena is gonna be a classic but this is starting to become just like the Cena vs HBK match at Wrestlemania 23 with three changes.

1) Cena is not the WWE champion.
2) This isn't wrestlemania.
And 3) Batista isn't a egotistical maniac.

But I sill would't be suprised if Batista hit Cena with a spinebuster or a batista bomb next week but they are tag team champions together so if they don't lose the titles next week than they would be great tag team partners until one of them wins the world hevyweight championship off of Cm punk or JBL.
Did they do this same build for Cena & HBK? I can't remember but didn't they have Cena and HBK win the tag titles and then have HBK turn on Cena?

Seems like they are desperate to build this further and almost as tho they are regretting giving it away now.

I'm interested how they are going to play this to make their Mania match mean something.
They did do the same thing with HBK and Cena, but they won the belts well before their match and they gave their match decent build up, whereas I think they haven't given this match it's deserved build up. I might not really like either of them, but they are two of the highest drawing people in the WWE and as such deserve more build up than 2 weeks.
Well we all knew this was bound to happen, two of the biggest stars the WWE has facing off. They have held this one off for many years now since 2005 and they have finally pulled the trigger on it. While i dont really have a problem with it happening at Summerslam its the build up im worried about.

The fued probably started with Cena accidently punching Batista. Then they were put as a tag team trying to be number one contender, then finally it got annouced by the new RAW GM. Then on RAW they win the tag titles from a young promising team which were looking good with their staus and really playing the heels well.

Just by reading that you can see that the WWE has really pulled the trigger early on this match. Look i have no problem with it having it at Summerslam as it is the 2nd biggest PPV of the year. But to have this feud start out of nowhere and getting little build up is wrong.

Fans have been begging for this match for 3 years, but the way its happening its not going to please many people. If the WWE would have ultilized this feud properly it could of been huge, as these two have been the Superstars WWE has counted on in the recent past.

As a result, this match has to end controverserly. Since this match has great potential, they cant just have it end cleanly, they must continue it down the road.

I would have Cena and Batista go at it, and finish the match by double knockout or something like that. Then i would have The RAW GM rule that we will not see this match again to gain heel heat and then Cena and Batista go their seperate ways.

I would have one of them win the titles and the start of next year then have the other challenge them for their big match that should of ended at Summerslam at Wrestlemania 25. It would be huge because their previous match wouldnt have ended with a winner and its for the title.

As for the match at Summerslam, i think it will be ok.these two havent worked with each other much. But Batista has improved and Cena is good since he came back so i think it will be an ok back and fourth match. Im just dissapointed that WWE didnt plan this feud properly and triggered it a big too early. And now that their tag team Champions, it seems a big corny to me. Should be interesting though....
Still have yet to understand, as everyone else, how this match is only going to get two weeks of build. Its huge. Its epic. Its this generations Warrior Vs Hogan. And it happens at summer slam, after TWO WEEKS of build?? I just dont understand. I also have trouble understand the angle leading in. "Oh you accidentally punched me once, so we is bouts ta fight!!!".....STUPID. I dont see Batista coming out the winner, becuase as Cena so cleverly put it, Batista already had two shots at the title. So having him win and become an obvious number one contender wouldnt work. So I guess we have Cena going over, in what is a pretty underbuilt, seemingly pointless match anyhow.

I wouldn't call this this generation's Hogan and Warrior. that match was as big as it could ever get in terms of what was on the line and what it meant for wrestling and all that. I don't think any match will ever sniff that level again. Hogan and Warrior were at their peaks of popularity relatively speaking and that was astronomical. I do very much agree with your other points though. They are blowing this money match at SS with no real build and no real feud. Its like they said oh crap we need another match at Cena and Big Dave aren't doing anything lets..uh..put them together..yay??? It makes me think that since the 2 title matches are gonna suck that Vince decided to put Edge/Taker and Bats/Cena on the card to offset the putrid title matches. Only explanation for this rush job on the Cena/Batista feud. I hope it is a good one though..with something interesting happening..otherwise..SummerSlam is gonna be awful minus the HitC.
Maybe next week we will see a rematch for the tag team gold and dibiase pays off batista to turn on cena. That would put the belts back where they belong and add some buildup for the match. Then it would be batista, rhodes, dibiase. then at summerslam orton returns and helps batista win. then we would have a new evolution
This match to me should have only one real conclusion to make it as great as it could be, and that ending is there is no winner. This match should only take place on one stage and that is the grandest stage of them all: The Main Event of Wrestlemania. That is the biggest match in the world and these are two of the biggest stars in the company. Hopefully this match will be a double DQ or something like that, leaving the door open for a rematch in 8 months. 3 weeks simply isn't enough to build this match up to the epic levels that it could be at and should be at. It'll be a huge match, but not what it should be.
Maybe next week we will see a rematch for the tag team gold and dibiase pays off batista to turn on cena. That would put the belts back where they belong and add some buildup for the match. Then it would be batista, rhodes, dibiase. then at summerslam orton returns and helps batista win. then we would have a new evolution

I somewhat like your idea but the flaw is this. Orton and Batista have both been WHC at this point and they've both made it glaringly obvious that they want their title back. They would never get along. They would self-implode. Evolution worked because Triple H was at the top of his game. Flair was just a manager and he knew it (he would go onto win the tag team titles with batista) and orton was the future so he was Intercontinental Champion. There was one legit main eventer in the group. Once Orton and Batista became main eventers they left Evolution. I do think however that Orton could lead his own faction with DiBiase/Rhodes as Tag Champs and himself as WHC. Maybe Cena and Batista put their differences aside after SummerSlam to take out Orton's New Evolution.
I find it hard to get excited about this. Both these guys have overly similar styles (a couple high-impact moves and that's it) to really work well together. And what's all this nonsense about Batista being "one of the biggest stars in the WWE"? He did nothing, NOTHING, between Armageddon and the GAB and nobody, NOBODY, noticed (woeful mini-feuds with Umaga and Michaels don't count).

As it is, it's bloody hard to pick a winner. Can't see Cena losing for two PPVs in a row, though, so he goes over Big Dave...who probably turns heel? I don't think the town is big enough for both of them to stay face. Particularly since they have almost identical fan bases (small kids, and maybe women too in Tista's case).
Everyone is sure that Batista vs. John Cena is gonna be a classic but this is starting to become just like the Cena vs HBK match at Wrestlemania 23 with three changes.

1) Cena is not the WWE champion.
2) This isn't wrestlemania.
And 3) Batista isn't a egotistical maniac.

But I sill would't be suprised if Batista hit Cena with a spinebuster or a batista bomb next week but they are tag team champions together so if they don't lose the titles next week than they would be great tag team partners until one of them wins the world hevyweight championship off of Cm punk or JBL.
This is true, me and my friend were talkin bout this the other day, that it seems as if they have replaced hbk with batista and are starting the rivalry all over again, also thinkin about what i posted earlier i still feel as if orton has been gone for a little too long and the age of orton is about to return either teaming with batista, or interefering in the world heivyweight championship match to actually make it good, and get the title off someone who doesnt deserve it, i personally believe, but as well think about this, was it not just a few years ago that they did hbk vs hogan, and also orton vs hogan??? both bein considered dream matches, so i believe that SS is becoming known as where all the dream matches will take place, idk, just my opionions.
I somewhat like your idea but the flaw is this. Orton and Batista have both been WHC at this point and they've both made it glaringly obvious that they want their title back. They would never get along. They would self-implode. Evolution worked because Triple H was at the top of his game. Flair was just a manager and he knew it (he would go onto win the tag team titles with batista) and orton was the future so he was Intercontinental Champion. There was one legit main eventer in the group. Once Orton and Batista became main eventers they left Evolution. I do think however that Orton could lead his own faction with DiBiase/Rhodes as Tag Champs and himself as WHC. Maybe Cena and Batista put their differences aside after SummerSlam to take out Orton's New Evolution.

I believe this to be true to a fact, although, i believe that orton could come back, they could become evelution 2.0, and then toward the end of the year to mania (which is maybe while batista vs cena is happening now) orton and batista start butting heads over who deserves the title, and the two will end up turning on each other and the title will be on the line with whoever has it, if it even does end up in the picture, cuz in my opionion, for some reason, here lately the titles have seemed on both shows that they are like midcard matches while they have the "big" matches happening, i.e., Taker vs Edge, and also Batista vs Cena, HBK vs Jericho
This is the worst Build up for a big match in WWE history. The maginute of this match is very high. But for the last 3 years Batista was the face of Smackdown and John Cena was the face of Raw.......and WWE is rushing right into this match with a completely bogus storyline. I mean Cena hits batista on purpose so now instead of both of them getting a title shot or fighting for No. 1 contenders they fight at Summerslam over a grudge?...........For these Hugh main Event Superstars WWE needs a BlockBuster build-up.

I guaran-damn-tee that there will be any submisson moves used in this match. I would love for Cena/Batista to be the next Rock/Austin for this generation however with both of Cena and Batista's nontechical performance levels it's just going to be a couple of knockdowns and fake leg/arm injury kind of match and this match will not go above and beyond viewers expectations..........Which is why I believe this match will not be in the card at Wrestlemania 25, because all the superstars that WWE build into main event status after wrestlemania 21 were non techincal wrestlers that could not last 30 minutes in the ring with out a veteran in the ring helping them out.

John Cena had Big Show, JBL, Y2J, HHH, Shawn Michaels, even RVD and maybe Edge as Veteran superstars to help him out in 30 minutes and over matches and Batista had about the same wrestlers for his 30 minutes or over matches......But what i am saying is that WWE is scared to put guys like Cena vs. Randy Orton at Wrestlemania because they can not carry a 30 minute match like Superstar in the attiude era did.
...Wow. What can I say? Two guys who can't work a good match without their opponent breaking his back carrying them? This makes me pine for a good Mark Henry squash match. I believe I'm gonna skip this match when I watch SS. And I NEVER skip matches unless they're completely crap. Which this is going to be. I guess WWE needed something to not make Triple H vs. Khali the worst match on the card...
While I understand the sentiments this is being rushed and would be a Mania draw, WWE must have something better in mind for WM25 or this is another example of their last-minute booking as of late and they’re not thinking about the future.

A year ago I’d have said I could’ve cared less about Cena or Tista or a match between the two. But surprisingly I’m enjoying both a lot more these days. Cena simply because he’s not holding the title and Tista has a fresh start on Raw. While I’m disappointed with the build so far, I’m being optimistic about the match itself. I think they might surprise us.

The best part is the winner is unpredictable. If they make this a No. 1 contender match, I say Tista takes this one as I think they’ll keep Cena out of the title picture a little longer. If it’s not for a title shot, then I see Cena winning then post-match Tista delivers a vicious beatdown, making the heel turn by destroying WWE’s posterboy and Raw’s top face.

The more I think about the outcome I’m leaning toward Rhodes and DiBiase interfering, laying out both men, then cashing in their rematch clause for the tag titles. With the DQ, Cena and Tista save face and this match will serve as a tease for later down the road.
Definitely the most interesting match on the card. Whether you like them or not, we all wanted to see these two go at it sooner or later to see who really is WWE's most dominant superstar. While Cena was taking RAW by storm the last couple of years, Batista was doing the same on SmackDown, but now they are on the same show and I think that this is the beginning of a long feud between the two. As a match, this isn't going to be a great technical showdown because we all know both men are not the best wrestlers, but they are certainly two of the best entertainers in the WWE today. This match will be a "Finisher Fest" where both men will be milking their finishers for what they are worth, keeping the fans on the edge of their seats throughout the whole match. It looks like Cena is winning this one from what I have seen so far, but a tie/double count-out is highly possible at his point.
For all of those who are already bashing this match and the build look at the big picture for one second.... Batista and Cena won the tag team gold (opens up a storyline question why in the hell would you give these 2 tag gold?) Now what if this is not really a match but an angle setting one up for a massive heel turn id go with Batista on this one cena gets much more pop as the chaser plus Big Dave has a heel look and that would leave Batista, Orton, JBL, and Jericho as the top heels and Cena, Punk, HBK, and rey rey as the top faces (Kane is currently in limbo who honestly knows what he is atm but I like where its at) That or at least setting up for the history leading into mania or even in a few years when they do do a feud between the 2 one of them has a victory over the other... or it could go to a double DQ we shall have to wait and watch to know for sure.....
hmm, not really going to watch this match because i think it will be pretty boring, but im sorta interested in whos gonna win cause as someone else said, 1 has been the main event on SM and the other on RAW

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