Batista VS John Cena - WWE Championship

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What's a total crapfest is this post.

The MITB has been average the past four years and I'm certain Cena/Batista will be better than the MITB match. Cena and Batista put on a great match at Summerslam 2008 and I think this match could be even better. Batista has been great as a heel and Cena is the best he has been in a while. This will be one of the best matches and most likely will be the main event which it should be.

Ok seriously? Last year's MITB was going great until they just ended it abruptly.
The MITB has usually been highly entertaining, you can't POSSIBLY be serious when you say it's an average match, it's always been one of the more fun to watch matches.

While their match at SS 08 was definitely better than what I was expecting, it still doesn't take away from the fact that these 2 are not great wrestlers and there's a good chance this match will be mediocre.

Then again though my opinion is probably biased though because I can't stand Cena OR Botchtista, I think Botchtista has about 5 moves and Cena would blow you for a reaction.

I just think that compared to the other matches on the card, this match will be a washroom break for me.
Ok seriously? Last year's MITB was going great until they just ended it abruptly.
The MITB has usually been highly entertaining, you can't POSSIBLY be serious when you say it's an average match, it's always been one of the more fun to watch matches.

While their match at SS 08 was definitely better than what I was expecting, it still doesn't take away from the fact that these 2 are not great wrestlers and there's a good chance this match will be mediocre.

Then again though my opinion is probably biased though because I can't stand Cena OR Botchtista, I think Botchtista has about 5 moves and Cena would blow you for a reaction.

I just think that compared to the other matches on the card, this match will be a washroom break for me.

The first MITB was great and the rest haven't lived up to what that one was. The next two were awful and the last two are barely memorable except for Punk winning twice.

Cena and Batista had the best match at Summerslam 2008 even better than Hell in the Cell. This match can surpass that because of the emotion and the angle surrounding it. Batista is at his best as a heel and Cena is slowly regaining to the form he was three years ago. They are great wrestlers because they are over with the crowd and do the job that they are supposed to do very well. Cena/Batista in my opinion will be better than the Edge/Jericho match and on par with the Undertaker/Michaels match even though I didn't think too highly of their first encounter.

I guess you're another one of those who thinks you have to do 10000 moves to be a great wrestler as you referenced about Batista.

Just sad.
The first MITB was great and the rest haven't lived up to what that one was. The next two were awful and the last two are barely memorable except for Punk winning twice.

Cena and Batista had the best match at Summerslam 2008 even better than Hell in the Cell. This match can surpass that because of the emotion and the angle surrounding it. Batista is at his best as a heel and Cena is slowly regaining to the form he was three years ago. They are great wrestlers because they are over with the crowd and do the job that they are supposed to do very well. Cena/Batista in my opinion will be better than the Edge/Jericho match and on par with the Undertaker/Michaels match even though I didn't think too highly of their first encounter.

I guess you're another one of those who thinks you have to do 10000 moves to be a great wrestler as you referenced about Batista.

Just sad.

I'll definitely agree with Batista being his best as a heel....but even then he's not that great, he USED to be fairly entertaining but now it's just embarrassing almost, he's so pumped of 'roids it's ridiculous.

Cena on the other hand HAS been make some steady improvement, but his "superman" moments really just ruined it for me, like Botchtista he USED to be good to watch, now the WWE Title's seem to have gotten to his head.

And actually in my opinion while I don't think you need to have 10000 moves to be good, I sure think you need to be able to pull off more than 5 properly.

Edge vs Jericho should be better, those 2 can actually put on a good contest
Epic as a motherfucker, what this shall be. This could quite possibly close the show, the way it looks. Mcmahon involved, with the two biggest stars in wrestling currently(Although thats arguable) and some great promo work to start things off.

This is the biggest match they could build up, although it makes me wish Batista could have pulled the trigger a little earlier on the heel turn. Regardless, this is gonna be huge, and is deserving of a WM main event. The last match they put on was superb, and I imagine this one will be too.
Let me just ask a simple question. In SS 2008 when they last fought, what were Cena and Batista fighting over? They were fighting over who the better man is. That's not called a build, it's called lame and their last match suffered a lot from it. There was no real storytelling at all there. Nothing to accomplish, no title, no heated feud, Mike Adamle just says, "okay you two are fighting." Come on. Really? It works in boxing, not wrestling.

Fast forward to WM. These guys now have a big reason for hating each other and the build has been very good to this point. I don't even think they need Brett and Vince for this match either. So long as the storytelling is done right, which it has been so far, I have no problem with this match at all. In fact, I think that this match should be good. It won't be Edge vs Jericho, or HBK vs Taker, but it will be a very solid match on what is shaping up to be a good card.
Well midnight, you might not think they need Bret and Vince for this match, but the reason this match is happening right now, as opposed to eventually anyways, is because of Bret and Vince. Bret can't wrestle so Vince had to think of two wrestlers who could represent them. That's why I relate this feud (not strongly) to the McMahon/Trump feud a couple years back. Do you really think Trump is gonna wrestle? Hell no! So they each got wrestlers to represent them. That's also why I think there should be some sort of "if I win, if you win" stipulation on this match. They could use Bret's "broken leg" aspect to goat Vince into it.

But that being said, I'm sure this would've happened at some point anyways since Batista went heel. The part that bothers me about the Bret/Vince angle thrown onto it is that I feel it makes the outcome too predictable.
NO! I am pretty mad about this! Batista and Cena, was already seen in Summerslam, and that was what that particular Summerslam was known for. They are ruining this by having both of them wrestle again. I mean, I understand, that they are low on main eventers, but come on!!! At least make it a tag team match or some thing new we haven't seen before! Vince you suck!!
NO! I am pretty mad about this! Batista and Cena, was already seen in Summerslam, and that was what that particular Summerslam was known for. They are ruining this by having both of them wrestle again. I mean, I understand, that they are low on main eventers, but come on!!! At least make it a tag team match or some thing new we haven't seen before! Vince you suck!!

Are you fricking kidding me?!?!?! Another one who is bitching about Batista vs. Cena being one rematch, over a year and a half later? How the fuck are they ruining this? When they wrestled at Summerslam, it was face vs. face, and for pride. PRIDE!!!!!!!! This is for one of, if not the biggest title in the company. And, repeat it with me, Batista is a fucking heel!!! I don't understand what the fuck is wrong with this matchup. When they last faced, they had a very good match, it was for pride, and it was at the 2nd biggest pay per view of the year. This is for the WWE Championship, and is the biggest pay per view of the year. Where is the bad in this situation? Someone has to explain what makes this so bad. Face vs. heel, and it is getting very good build already.

I also see you are suggesting making this a tag team match. Okay, answer me this. What do we gain by it being a tag match? This is the grandest stage of them all. You do not, I repeat, YOU DO NOT turn what is a guaranteed money making WWE Championship singles match, into a tag team match. They should not fuck with this by switching it to a Triple Threat, Fatal Fourway, or anything else. Straight up, one on one at Wrestlemania is what it is about. This can top their Summerslam match.
I think you misunderstand me Vstrugs. I was commenting on the idea that they need Vince and Brett at ringside for this match. I will admit that this stuff started with Vince vs Brett, but now Brett really doesn't fit in the equation anymore. WWE could go ahead with the two of them at ringside for this match, but in my opinion, Brett has already accomplished his role in this feud. It would just seem awkward for Brett to appear ringside for Cena at Wrestlemania.
Let me just ask a simple question. In SS 2008 when they last fought, what were Cena and Batista fighting over? They were fighting over who the better man is. That's not called a build, it's called lame and their last match suffered a lot from it. There was no real storytelling at all there. Nothing to accomplish, no title, no heated feud, Mike Adamle just says, "okay you two are fighting." Come on. Really? It works in boxing, not wrestling.

Well midnight there were fighting to be the #1 contender for the title. At that time the champ was CM Punk. But the only thing i can agree on that nothing really wasn't accomplish. Batista wins the match. Next PPV Batista & Cena (b4 he got injured) was in the championship scramble.

His acting as a heel is great but not his wrestling. Batista vs Cena will be the same as it was at SS nothing special. Look at Orton. Sadistic at its best at WM25 against HHH. Their match 5 years prior at Unforgiven was the same match. My point proven it doesnt matter in fact the sadistic bastard got buried at WM remember that?

You know why Orton & HHH have the same match? Because they already had almost 100 matches b4 their match at WM 25. So it was the samething. How many time have Cena actually face Batista besides Summerslam? and you think a heel batista is gonna wrestle the same as face batista. You got to be joking right? Cena isn't going to be the same either. At Summerslam it was a friendly match. Now at WM it is personal between the 2 cause now Cena is pissed off and ready to hurt batista and that is the Cena we need to come at WM.

I'm excited for this match. As long as Cena have that mean streak edge and batista don't really care attitude. Than I think it could be one of the best matches at WM.
CH david has it all right. There is no way this is ruining their summerslam match. How many time have HHH and Cena fought? or HHH an Orton. Are you telling me that the Rock and Austin should never have fought again after Backlash? Uhhh don't think so.

A tag match would be a huge let down. Both of these storylines are better served in singles scenerios. The fans need the blowoff to the Bret Vince angle and Cena vs. Batista is easily the biggest singles match WWE has to offer in 2010. I swear to god If HHH weasles his way in to this match I will consider not viewing Mania. Put Sheamus over and give him a rub. You don't need to be in the championship match. If Cena and Batista is turned in to a three or four way, HUGE opportunity lost. PEASH!
I am really looking forward to this match...

Batista has proven to be a GREAT heel and for the first time, I actually like the guy. Both of these guys will pull off a great match, full of drama. I just hope that the match is kept as a singles match and isn't turned into some sort of triple threat, or even tag team match because of the situation with Bret Hart.

This has the makings of a great match, very different from the last time these two guys met, as it was face vs. face.
as long as vince or bret doesnt interfere and this is a good back and fourth match i see cena walking out with the gold along with edge as well and taker will most likely defeat shawn yet again and i see christain winning money in the bank and i hope bret kicks vinces ass in a street fight but overal cena and batista will be the most entertaining match on the card
This is gonna be one of the reason I may buy Wrestlemania this year. These two put on a good match (Don't care if you disagree) with anyone, and together in the ring they have been great performers. It has now jumped to a new level with the WWE title on the line and it's wrestlemania. I can still see Batista winning though :O
This can be a great storytelling match if Vince doesn't book it.Last year,Vince didn't book the HBK vs. Undertaker fued.HBK and Taker did.How did it turn out?Gold.If Batista helps out with this it will be good.They should make this a match of storytelling because we all know that John Cena and Batista aren't the greatest wrestlers ever.If they give them proper match time then it will turn out well and they can't just make it a boring lock up type match.If Batsita can remeber how he performed in 2005 and John Cena can just try his best I think this may be a minor classic.It will not work if they rush it and don't hype the actual match.They need to out good storytelling behind them so you don't forget the situation by the time the match happens(*cough John Cena *cough Triple Threat *cough Wrestlemania *cough *cough 25 *cough).This has great potentail but It needs to be better than Summerslam '08.I think it has a better build and hopefully they can perform better.This has great potential but the booking team and the wrestlers need to deliver.
Ugh... since i'm not a big fan of both of these guys, I'm not that excited about it.

I mean sure, it will be a decent match, but there's no way it'll top Edge and Jericho, at least in my eyes. I predict a Cena win here, but it would be much better to have Batista win it here, that way the WWE title can look better, and have Cena win at SummerSlam.

However, last time these 2 fought, they were both faces, and since Batista is now a heel, and probably the top heel at the moment, it'll be a bit more interesting. But, I hope there's exciting spots or a twist in this match, just because it would make it more entertaining for me.
This Match is getting some awesome Hype in my Circle of friends. The Faceoff on Raw this past Monday was Golden, Batista Does an Awesome Job as a Heel, especially not being your typical Fan Basher. Cena the all around good guy, vs "I walk Alone" Batista is a rivalry I could watch for awhile as long as Cena isnt coming out on top all the time. these guys interact Better than alot of other rivalries.

I have to say Im not a big fan of Cena, Great Mic Worker but Awful to watch in the ring, I mean how many times can u see Shoulder Block....Shoulder Block, Sit out Powerbomb, Five Knuckle Shuffle, Attitude Adjustment or STF and its over. It just gets old, Gimmie an old school suplex, how bout a back body drop, u get my point. I say Batista should win but i dont see it happening, The golden Boy will win and little kids and Fat Girls will cheer, and the real fans of wrestling that appreciate the little things like talent will boo. But youve got a good set of PPV's Coming for Cena to use Weapons and such so u can keep these guys going at it for awhile if u ask me.
Legacy I wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions on Cena winning. It hasn't been that long since he lost it last time even if he shouldn't have lost it then. As everyone points out, Sheamus was an undeserving champ. Plus they might want this rivalry to go for a while, and if that's the case they're not gonna play hot potato with the belt. The only way I see Cena having an easy chance at winning is if Bret and Vince come out during the match. I don't see them bringing Bret back as a wonderful story only to have his last moments be of humiliation (also why he's gonna win his own match). If they bring Bret out then they're setting up for a final scene - for that match only - of Bret raising Cena's hand in triumph. As you probably know, when people come in as faces for temporary periods they usually leave on top (part of the contract? I dunno). But, as I said, that's really only if Bret comes out, which he probably won't so I see Cena losing.
This could very well be a slow but physical match and although a lot of people and fans don't want to see this match happen, there's a lot that do. they have put on some pretty good matches one on one in the past. There aren't many but Summer Slam 2008 was fantastic and I think this match can very well beat that. In the end though, I see Cena winning it sadly and I say that because I want Batista to a have a pretty long title run as this could be it. Batista has said he plans to retire in near future and I think Batista need this Wrestle Mania win to cement his career.
I have no idea why this match is getting such a bad name on the forums at the moment. In my eyes, this is one of the most interesting matches on the card and that is not just me loving whatever Vince is throwing at me. Some of us may remember the rumours that Vince wanted this match ever since last year and now we are finally seeing the match come to fruition. I love the angle that the WWE have taken with this match, in regards to Batista's jealousy of Cena's career thus far and I am intrigued by the match itself and all of the results that may come from it. For me, it is one of few matches on the card that cannot be predetermined, although everyone will likely jump on the "Cena winz at th3 Wrestlemania for teh Kidiez" bandwagon. I don't see this match being like that.

I think that the WWE have invested a lot of stock into this match and I think that the match is very much still up for grabs. Depending on the order of the matches, this might not be the Wrestlemania moment that everyone seems to think it will be. I mean, Edge or Shawn Michaels or the Undertaker could easily fill that void and thus, this match is up for grabs. I think that Batista has really been good over the last few weeks and I am buying this build a lot. Hell, I am even liking it. Batista looks to have lost a bit of weight and now looks like he is a monster capable of beating Cena, even at Wrestlemania. Personally, I don't mind how this match goes as long as it can live up to the expectation I have from two good superstars.
I think this match has the capability to top last years WWE championship match. Simply because you have two of The biggest stars in the WWE today. Then you also Have Bret Hart And Vince McMahon taking sides. I Truly believe that Batista's Heel turn has been one pf his best career choices to this day.
I'm pumped for this match. I hope batista snaps cena in half. I want Batista to tear cena apart. Batista should win this mastch and look like the animal he is. Batista needs to keep his title because batista is a dominate force. I've never really liked batista but soon as he beat cena for the title after Cena won it I've been a batista fan. Cena needs to stay out of the title picture for a whole year he doesn't need another title reign right now.
I think Cena is going to win and it will and should be the main event of WM. Rarely do you see a heel in the main event of a WM walk in and walk out the champion. If this match is on last, then it's almost 100% certain that Cena will win. Cena has never beaten Batista so that gives him more incentive to win and will win and what I think will be the best match of the night.
I hope Batista wins. John Cena is well overrated and I get tired of seeing him in the title picture and win with his 3 move set. Its boring and repeatitive. WWE needs to refocus on John Cena and get him some new moves. Make him do a heel turn kuz he was more exciting when he was the Dr. of Thugonomics.
I hope Batista wins. John Cena is well overrated and I get tired of seeing him in the title picture and win with his 3 move set. Its boring and repeatitive. WWE needs to refocus on John Cena and get him some new moves. Make him do a heel turn kuz he was more exciting when he was the Dr. of Thugonomics.

John Cena does not need a heel turn right now and for the 1000th time he does not need new moves. How many times do I have to say this?

It is a hard choice to figure out who needs the win more but I'll believe it is Cena. The simple reason is that Batista has beaten Cena plenty of times so he knows he can do it. Batista eliminated Cena from the Royal Rumble in 2005 and beat him at Summerslam in 2008. Cena hasn't proven he can beat Batista so what no better time to do it than at the biggest show of the year. Usually the face either retains or walks out with a title and I don't believe Edge/Jericho will be the main event but I believe this match will and should be so I expect Cena to win.
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