11/30/09- Raw is "Sesame Street" LD- with "Guest Host" Verne Troyer

Not bad so far. If nothing else, they're switching up some usual formulas.

The guest host didn't automatically hate Big Show and Jericho. Jericho took it personally, but the guest host didn't pile on.

Miz came out to interact with Troyer, rolled out the Austin Powers material, setting up a match later vs. Mark Henry.

I liked the Santino vs Seamus bit. Santino got the crowd on Seamus, so when he destroyed Santino he got a reaction.

DX-Jerishow was okay, nothing special. At least it wasn't a 20-minute dopey skit.

No sign of Hornswoggle yet. I'll be watching for crowd reax to Hornswoggle.

By the way, I was at my aunt's house last night for a family gathering, and my 10 or so year old second cousin was there, looking at wrestling clips on youtube for about 2-3 hours. Plenty of Cena, ORton, Kane, Brothers of Destruction, a little Austin. He did say "DX vs Brothers of Destruction--that should be a good match."

Oooh, Mark Henry falling on Jillian--that broke the streak. That was pointless and dumb, although MVP should go back to a club-based look.
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I've been loving this main event booking as of late. They're going back to the basics and it's working like a charm.
Seriously, of all the things possible in wrestling tonight, Carlito cutting an in ring promo on Cena ranks somewhere between Evan Bourne winning the world championship and HHH losing to Santino in terms of liklihood.

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