Raw LD 11/22 - Cena's out, Beth Phoenix is in, and Cole is still the man.


Two A+ RAWs in a row. And here we were all worried that today would suck. You know what we got? We got STORIES. We got TALENT. We got MATCHES. We got SURPRISES. We got ENTERTAINMENT.

I was telling people this afternoon - Last week and yesterday were perfect examples of why I love wrestling. Unpredictability, stories, not knowing what's going to happen next, and moments like this.


Smackdown's list of KotR guys are up.

Drew McIntyre, MVP, Cody Rhodes, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio & Kofi Kingston.

With that said, I could see..

Big Show v. Big Zeke (fuck yes?)
Sheamus v. Kofi Kingston
Daniel Bryan v. Rey Mysterio (mark out moment waiting to happen)
John Morrison v. Cody Rhodes

I want so much for McIntyre to win, but NOT to be fed to Zeke. With it also being known Show/Del Rio is a KotR Qualifier, it looks like Show is almost a lock to be matched up against Zeke or Sheamus for a possible first-round draw.. which would also be perfect for a guy like Cody Rhodes, or McIntyre to jump from the first round, to the Finals and gloat over it.
I even liked what I watched.

Just when I thought this episode of RAW couldn't be more shocking, I read this post here!

That was an absolutely spectacular episode of RAW. I cannot remember a RAW over the last several years with as much quality, drama, surprise, and interest as this one. Right on the heels of a spectacular Old School RAW last week, and leading up to KOTR next week, that was an absolutely phenomenal show.

Cena's "firing," but interference at the end anyway. Punk on commentary. Mike freakin' Mizanin, the new WWE champion. The same Miz who I (and many others) thought wouldn't last six months on RAW. Sheamus. Big Zeke. DanielBryan (with the Bellas). John Morrison. A vintage mark-out from Cole. Natalya defends her title. Jesus, what more could you want.

Finally, Orlando gets to see how professional wrestling is really done.
Just when I thought this episode of RAW couldn't be more shocking, I read this post here!

That was an absolutely spectacular episode of RAW. I cannot remember a RAW over the last several years with as much quality, drama, surprise, and interest as this one. Right on the heels of a spectacular Old School RAW last week, and leading up to KOTR next week, that was an absolutely phenomenal show.

Cena's "firing," but interference at the end anyway. Punk on commentary. Mike freakin' Mizanin, the new WWE champion. The same Miz who I (and many others) thought wouldn't last six months on RAW. Sheamus. Big Zeke. DanielBryan (with the Bellas). John Morrison. A vintage mark-out from Cole. Natalya defends her title. Jesus, what more could you want.

Finally, Orlando gets to see how professional wrestling is really done.

I thought the show was GREAT to but why is that last part necessary
I thought the show was GREAT to but why is that last part necessary

All in good fun, JGKU, all in good fun. I guess I'm just a little psyched about such a spectacular episode of Monday Night RAW. I cannot remember an episode which was as solid as this from start to finish. I've, much to my surprise, become a big fan of the Miz, so I was thrilled to see him cash in successfully, and on free TV as well as opposed to PPV. I think if we saw more of this sort of thing happen, ratings would go up. People would tune in for the potential of what may happen, rather than not tune in because they know nothing will happen unless it's on Sunday night on PPV.
I hope RAW gets good rating's now because i want this same formula to keep on happening and when WWE gets good rating's they will stick to this forumla. If you're wondering what that forumla is it's a mix of good wrestling, drama, shocks and fun.


Good wrestling: Sheamus vs R-Truth.
Drama: Cena's goodbye speech.
Shock: Miz cashing in.
Fun: CM Punk and Michael Cole on commentary.

If WWE can mix those 4 into 1 you have 5 star show's coming you're way.
I've, much to my surprise, become a big fan of the Miz, so I was thrilled to see him cash in successfully, and on free TV as well as opposed to PPV. I think if we saw more of this sort of thing happen, ratings would go up. People would tune in for the potential of what may happen, rather than not tune in because they know nothing will happen unless it's on Sunday night on PPV.

Weren't people blasting TNA for doing this type of thing on "free" TV after PPVs pretty recently, habs?
Fifth world title change on Raw in the 2000s.
shit, that many? I can only think of the Cash-ins (Punk 1 and Miz), and the Fatal 4-Way a year or so back when Orton was stripped and won it right back. The only other one I can think of is HHH beating Big show in early 2000.

EDIT: Edge beating RVD (and Cena) was #5.
Weren't people blasting TNA for doing this type of thing on "free" TV after PPVs pretty recently, habs?

Not sure if people were blasting TNA for doing so recently. I can assure you that I wasn't. Don't get me wrong, I don't think title changes on free TV should become commonplace, as I feel that as a general rule, free TV, whether it be RAW, Smackdown, iMPACT, whatever, should set up the PPV's and entice people to purchase them. The PPV's should be the skeleton and the weekly shows should be the "meat on the bones." However, having something awesome (no pun intended) happen on free TV would definitely entice people to watch and improve ratings for whichever company is in question. I think that a lot of times people don't want WWE or TNA during the week because they know that in the end, nothing major will happen. Generally speaking, major titles won't change hands, major storylines won't see significant occurrences in them, and so disillusioned fans don't watch. But if people start to feel like they better watch because if they don't they have the potential to miss something vintage, that has to be a good thing and ratings will show it.

I would expect ratings this wek for RAW to be up slightly in anticipation of Cena's situation in the first post-SS RAW, but not too significantly. But I expect RAW's ratings to spike next week after the developments of tonight.
shit, that many? I can only think of the Cash-ins (Punk 1 and Miz), and the Fatal 4-Way a year or so back when Orton was stripped and won it right back. The only other one I can think of is HHH beating Big show in early 2000.

EDIT: Edge beating RVD (and Cena) was #5.

#6 Austin beating Angle in 2001 for the WWE title.

Don't know if these count:

HHH awarded the title on RAW in 2002.
HHH losing the title in 2004 but it was a dodgey finish so the title was vacated.
What's so funny? They had a decent 11 minute match. I didn't say it was match of the fucking year worthy.

It was maybe decent by WWE standards, far cry from good in my book. But I do not sell a lot of copies so I wouldn't worry about it if I were you. Personally, the workrate killed it for me among other things.
#6 Austin beating Angle in 2001 for the WWE title.

Don't know if these count:

HHH awarded the title on RAW in 2002.
HHH losing the title in 2004 but it was a dodgey finish so the title was vacated.

I think what KB was referring to might be WWE Title then, since that title was won 5 times on RAW (HHH in 2000, Austin in 01, Edge in 06, Orton, and Miz).

Awarded =/= won, so that wouldn't count. And since it was vacated, nobody won the belt, so that doesn't count either. Only World Title wins on RAW was the Punk Cash-in and Jericho in 2008 winning a Cage match against Batista.
THAT little girl is scarier than Drew McIntyre could ever be.... you just expect that the whole entrance ramp would just burst into flame because of that look on here face!

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