Raw LD 11/22 - Cena's out, Beth Phoenix is in, and Cole is still the man.

Let this be a lesson to you: NEVER write off a guy that comes in looking like a joke. You never know what could happen.

I admit, I did it with Cena when he debuted to challenge Kurt Angle pre-rap gimmick. And I did it with Miz several years ago.

Never again.
Let this be a lesson to you: NEVER write off a guy that comes in looking like a joke. You never know what could happen.

EXACTLY. This is a man who looked like he was going to be unemployed a few years ago. And to see Miz's evolution from curtain jerker feuding with the Boogeyman to tag team champion to United States Champion to Money in the Bank to World Champion is nothing short of amazing and inspiring in a way (not to get too sentimental). 2010 has been the year of The Miz, and we are all living in it.

Again, I can't say this enough, good job WWE. Tonight was truly epic.
Miz has everything, great mic skills, charisma and good in ring ability, fuck anyone who disputes that, and lucky aint working when next week's RAW is on.
this week just made that look like an episode of impact.


Two A+ RAWs in a row. And here we were all worried that today would suck. You know what we got? We got STORIES. We got TALENT. We got MATCHES. We got SURPRISES. We got ENTERTAINMENT.

I was telling people this afternoon - Last week and yesterday were perfect examples of why I love wrestling. Unpredictability, stories, not knowing what's going to happen next, and moments like this.

This is the first full episode of Raw I've watched in months.

Between Punk on commentary and Miz winning the title, I picked a good episode.
I know I was standing the whole time during the main event and yelled "HOLY SHIT HE'S CASHING IT IN" followed by "HOLY SHIT MIZ IS CHAMPION." Now I need to cool down. So much for going to bed early tonight.
I can't remember the last time I was so excited for the future of a superstar or the WWE in general. In a weeks time most of the people on these forums will be bitching about something or other in the WWE (I'll most likely be one of these), but tonight reminded be why I love wrestling and why I still watch. Best Raw of the year.
Just look at how WWE pushed Miz and how TNA pushed Morgan and we can tell the difference in the quality of the booking.
So glad i watched this live tn, I normally go out for MNF but my friends had work if I wouldve read this tomorrow before watching DVR i wouldve been pissed
This is the first time i've ever jumped out of my seat since Austin beat taker on raw back in 99. The Miz wins the gold before JMo :worship:. So glad I gave Miz a chance back when he was pimping expose in the wwecw. The guy loves the business and worked his butt off to get here. Thank god my teacher got sick (jk) and dismissed class in time for me to witness my 2nd favorite wwe star (Punk is #1) win the belt.
Miz has done something no other heel MITB winner has done. He won an actual match, against an opponent that was at least capable of beating him. That puts him above the Championship cash-ins of Edge, Swagger & Punk.

Yes, Orton was hurt (ish) and yeah he just finished a match, albeit not half as bad as the likes of Taker, Cena or Jeff Hardy. Miz's win wasn't just a typical cash-in, it was a statement that he's for real as a Champion! Great ending, now they can't shit on him as Champion with DQ/Countout endings to keep the belt. Let him keep winning.

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