WWE Raw Live Discussion Thread (3/11/13)

VictorySauce23 said:

Originally Posted by The Dragon Saga

Why continually invest in something which gives little back? Don't worry, he'll still get a transitional World Heavyweight Championship run... unless, yano, they have him lose when he attempts to cash in which would be hilarious.

That would be the ultimate troll.

No it would make sense, since they can take "The only guy to lose his cash in" title off of Cena with a guy who no fucks are given about.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android
No it would make sense, since they can take "The only guy to lose his cash in" title off of Cena with a guy who no fucks are given about.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android

I meant that it would be funny because all of the people who want to see Dolph win the title will be pissed off.
Anyone remember Del Rio having weekly squash matches against Sin Cara when he was heel? Kept trying to break his arm! I just had reverse de ja vu!
HOLY SHITBALLS! ADR actually hit the armbar in a situation that makes sense.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android

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