Raw LD Thread (6-24-13)

Were the fuck did the time go?? No Axel (really) No Shield? Nothing (like for realzies nothing) for Miz, Barret, et all? Jeezeee.
Axel saved Punk from a 2 on 1 by the PTPers and set up his match for next week (Punk/Axel vs. PTPers) which will lead to a potential mini-feud with Punk when Lesnar isn't on TV. Shield came out after the Uso's won the tag #1 Contendership.

Miz sucks right now and doesn't need weekly TV time. Barrett the same.
The lack of Barrett and Miz totally added to my enjoyment of the show. Just keep Del Rio off of Raw for a while and we'll be set.
Were the fuck did the time go?? No Axel (really) No Shield? Nothing (like for realzies nothing) for Miz, Barret, et all? Jeezeee.

The Miz should never appear on Raw again. We should praise the WWE for sparing us the Really? routine. Barrett and his music are awful.
You all along with the WWE should be ashamed of yourselves. Nobody acknowledging how Punk/Young was a dream match 3 years in the making........

It was the rookie/pro match up we've been waiting for!

Cake eaters.
You all along with the WWE should be ashamed of yourselves. Nobody acknowledging how Punk/Young was a dream match 3 years in the making........

It was the rookie/pro match up we've been waiting for!

Cake eaters.

Is it bad that I thought of this during the match?
WOW! Orton tapped! I am shocked, shocked I tell you




Daniel Bryan just made Randy Orton tap out clean on TV. Why isn't the internet exploding?

Randy Orton tapped to a heel ADR late last year before his face turn in a #1 contender's match. It's not unheard of. Frankly, tapping to a face is a much less big deal than tapping to a heel.
Bryan making Orton tap and that great Punk/Heyman promo saved this show.

Also why are we wasting time on a Ryback/Jericho feud? Ryback has consistently lost title shots while Jericho seems to have the WHC's number and has some unresolved things with Dolph. Wouldn't it make more sense to have Jericho/ADR/Ziggler at MITB that way Ziggler doesn't take the fall? I say this because he's not getting the belt back until Summerslam.

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