WWE RAW LD 6/13/2011 -

I thought this Raw was pretty weak, especially for the go home show. Three hour Raws often are pretty lame.
OMFG am I the only who pissed off right now?? Raw tonight took place in Zack's hometown and he didn't even have a match? I mean come on, don't get me wrong guys. In the middle of Riley and Miz segment, I heard they were chanting " We want Ryder, we want Ryder ". THIS IS TOTALLY UNFAIR!!! Zack deserves more better!!!

Just got back from the show. Fun stuff but the in ring action was like premature ejaculation. Always ending as soon as it got started. Other than that, can't complain too much. Miz went toe to toe verbally with Piper and Austin and held his own. Can't complain a damn bit about that. And Punk did Savage's elbow again but this time to the outside. Not sure if that was on TV but it was pretty sweet.

Probably a more fun show to see live but I hope ya'll enjoyed it too.
To add to the live experience factor, my regular Raw column is slightly different. It takes into account the fact that I was there, so I hope it's still enjoyable. Here it is:

HOT or NOT Raw

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