WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 6/6/2011 - With Apologies to Little Jimmy

X have you got a RAW review today?

Nah I wasn't really feeling up to it, getting over a nasty bug. I just haven't had the time/will to do any reviews lately, but that should change once I finish up this PWG review I'm working on.

Liked the show though, it was good. Liked last week's better, but another solid show.
Stone Cold, Vinny Mac, Booker T, Gen. R-Truth, Cole getting his ass whipped again = most entertaining Raw since the draft.

EDIT: R-Truth and Obama was money as well.

I also have to laugh at Big Andy, ol' Silent Rage there, bumbling through every single thing he had to say on Raw tonight. I'm surprised they didn't change course, right there with Vince in the ring, and give it to Luke.
Pretty good show this week, though you could tell it was a "let's keep things moving with nothing over the top" show. That said, I have something exciting to go along with it. FanVsFan has unveiled its new slideshow feature, making us the first blogging network to have one! I have done my Raw piece in slideshow form, I hope you like it!

Raw Review In SlideShow!

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