WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 4/18/2011 - London, England...WHAT'S UP?!?

In your marketing class, I guess they told you the financial situation of Jim Ross selling Barbeque sauce (and other assorted sauces) on the internet? I'm not saying he's losing money on the venture, but I'd bet he's not raking in the dough with it.

Did you really have to make that stupid statement? I was clearly referring to the fact that I know, because of marketing class, that most business operate at a loss for the first three years or so and most don't even make it that far. Also, like I said, it's more than like not raking in millions or even thousands, but clearly it's raking in enough for him to make a profit and allow him to continue selling his product.

It alone most likely isn't enough to get by at the style of life he wants for himself and his wife/family (which would likely be similar to what they were living on when he was making big money in his prime in WWE, whatever that is). He's only, what, 60, he probably doesn't want to retire yet, either, since he loves what he does.

Dude, do you know who we are debating about here? It's Jim Ross. The same guy that goes out of his way to talk to the younger guys about saving their money and many other things. I'm sure he would have taken his own advice and therefore, he is more than like financially secure for the rest of his life just like other wrestlers have been such as Randy Savage, probably Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, e.t.c.

I'm allowing you to have your opinion. I was just disagreeing with your opinion that JR should be in non-WWE wrestling (which you have said). And I was also stating that JR is in the company he is in because they pay the best, and he's loyal to the company that paid him for the past 20 years, and they're likely more stable then the alternative. Also, you saying you don't want JR in wrestling at all isn't fair to him, as he is entitled to make whatever money he wants, and if that means he has to do something YOU deem embarrassing, then so be it.

Good for him then. Good for him! Quite frankly, MY OPINION is that most of that doesn't matter because he's in a good place now financially speaking and he doesn't really need them. So let me repeat MY OPINION once again, I would rather not watch him at all than watch him be humiliated week in and week out because Vince hates him or something. Also, I don't care what's fair to him, to you, to other WWE fans or anyone else. My opinion will still be the same no matter what because that's what I believe. Good for him for staying and still getting his paycheck, but my opinion is still the same.

So TNA should pay Jim Ross more then most of their wrestlers? No, that's stupid. I'd love to know what Taz and Tenay make, but my best guess would be a hell of a lot less then the upper guys in the ring (guys like AJ, Sting, RVD, Kenderson, etc) and even upper mid-card guys like Joe/Pope make.

Did I say they should earn as much as the wrestlers? Quite frankly we don't know how much they earn but we can assume the lower level wrestlers don't earn much because they still have to get other bookings to survive. But either ways, Dixie would still throw out a lot of money (at least a lot compared to what us regular people make) to bring him in. She did it with Hogan and Flair and I don't see why she wouldn't do with Jim Ross. When it comes to very well known guys, she doesn't care what the lower level wrestlers are making as long as she can get that big name into her company.

And yes, Dixie might respect him. But he'd want to be a character written by Vince Russo, the guy behind Oklahoma? I highly doubt that, and I wouldn't blame him, as that was (as I said) ten times worse then anything McMahon ever did. Russo would likely try to bring back the Oklahoma character, knowing him.

Well the thing is, Jim Ross ISN'T a character. He is himself and has always been himself when announcing. Just like Tazz and Tenay don't really have "characters," I'm sure if he were to come in then he wouldn't have a character because there wouldn't be a need one. Additionally, I doubt JR still has any ill will towards Vince for the whole angle but even JR is smart enough to make sure that it wouldn't happen again. And it would be a lot easier for him to walk out of TNA than it would be to walk out of WWE since, from the last time I read this, TNA pays their talent per appearance.
The first ten minutes were unbearable, one of the worst promo segments I've ever seen. R-Truth is the worst mic guy in the business, and JoMo is no treat. However, R-Truth's heel turn, while a bit long, made me wake up and take notice. Interesting.
Truth is actually not that bad on the mic. He was setting up his heel turn and trying to be irritating.

I enjoyed the show.
Truth is actually not that bad on the mic.

Obviously, we disagree. He has trouble speaking, as in, actually getting the words out of his mouth.

He was setting up his heel turn and trying to be irritating.

That's what you saw? Hmm. I thought he was incoherently babbling and stumbling over his words. From that promo, I saw no indication of a forthcoming heel turn. Actually, I thought Morrison turning heel was more likely, if we're going by the opening promo.
Obviously, we disagree. He has trouble speaking, as in, actually getting the words out of his mouth.

That's what you saw? Hmm. I thought he was incoherently babbling and stumbling over his words. From that promo, I saw no indication of a forthcoming heel turn. Actually, I thought Morrison turning heel was more likely, if we're going by the opening promo.

Well you're a grumpypants.
I'm with Doc. Promo was NOT that bad, at all. It set up the heel turn pretty clearly with the references to the water bottle and his smoking.
I thought that was one of the most epic heel turns in recent memory. I also love the fact that in the PG era the smoking thing was like a monster heel thing to do haha
Truth can barely speak! He is constantly stumbling over his words, always rambles, and I cannot understand a lot of what he's saying. Sorry, hate to be the grinch here, but I thought it was brutal.

EDIT: Keep in mind, I'm talking about the promo, not the heel turn. The heel turn, post-match, actually went over really well. Most interested I've been in Truth in quite some time.
I think R-Truth sucks balls, but his heel turn tonight was brilliant.

The only thing he should have done differently was blow smoke in Morrison's face ONLY. Why did he motion down? It looked like he was about to give Morrison head. It affected what was supposed to be a really cool moment.
The only thing he should have done differently was blow smoke in Morrison's face ONLY. Why did he motion down? It looked like he was about to give Morrison head.

:lmao::lmao::lmao: Thought the same exact thing

Truth can barely speak! He is constantly stumbling over his words, always rambles, and I cannot understand a lot of what he's saying. Sorry, hate to be the grinch here, but I thought it was brutal.

Yeah, but I think that's how he probably speaks naturally when he's trying to cut a promo as in he can't help it. I kind of like it, it feels genuine and it fits his "cheesy, you're a stoned joke who gets cheap pops every week" personna.
Yeah, but I think that's how he probably speaks naturally when he's trying to cut a promo as in he can't help it. I kind of like it, it feels genuine and it fits his "cheesy, you're a stoned joke who gets cheap pops every week" personna.

Interesting. I think it fits his "I can't talk, and I suck" persona. No big deal -- I'm a real stick-in-the-mud when it comes to R-Truth.
Truth's promo to start RAW wasn't that great but he is usually solid on the mic. Morrison is always pretty bad. I loved the Truth heel turn though. Can't wait for his first heel promo next week. Hopefully he brings a pack of Newports and a 40.
So R-Truth comes out sporting a heel gimmick of that of the stereotypical black man from the ghetto.... yep seems like something Vince would do, and with R-truth it just makes sense
So R-Truth comes out sporting a heel gimmick of that of the stereotypical black man from the ghetto.... yep seems like something Vince would do, and with R-truth it just makes sense

Maybe that's what Vince is laughing about. R-Truth is playing along but really thinking, "Well it was only a matter of time."


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