WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 5/23/2011 - Running Over Little Jimmy for that Parking Spot

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I seriously doubt though that tonight would be the last time WWE honors Savage. We still have many shows and Wrestlemania for them to give more tributes. Savage is a big deal, and I'm sure WWE knows that.
I love PWTorch's review of RAW especially what was sais during R-Truth's "I want my son back!"

Truth is just great. Just great. And they tip-toed to a new storyline reveal that Truth is upset because his son apparently likes Cena more than him.
...and once again I'm reminded why I no longer take part in the LDs :disappointed:

Stormy I like you and all, but bro seriously calm the fuck down man, you sound like a raving psychopath, & as for comparing Macho's death to that of a family dog, is just wow....I mean fucking wow:disappointed:
Where the heck are you getting this 40 minutes number from? I didn't say they had to do a bloody eulogy of the man, just a 5 minute video package with some words from the WWE superstars. If they can spend their time plugging The Rock's completely un-WWE related movie and doing video packages on every single press conference or in-store signing, I don't think five minutes of a two hour plus broadcast is really that much to ask for.
Well, the 40 minutes came from the fact that you wanted them to treat Savage dying like Owen/Eddit/Benoit dying. Those testimonials took up around 40 Minutes of the shows. So now you're changing what you wanted. You wanted a tribute show like Eddie/Owen, now you just want a 5 minute video with superstars telling us how awesome he is. Well, the video WWE did make was fucking outstanding, and having current people say "I loved Randy Savage" or "Randy Savage inspired me" doesn't add shit to it. I'd rather just see a 5 minute highlight package put to music.

And I don't defend The Rocks shit. Anything they do with The Rock that isn't used to further a WWE storyline is shit, since he's not a current WWE Superstar. And they show the clips from signings because those are CURRENT PERFORMERS who benefit from being shown in a positive light, not OLD GUYS that a good portion of the audience are too young to have seen work.

What I'm curious about though, is why the shit you are responding to a few off-hand crticicisms I made about tonight's show like I personally offended your entire existence by making the comment that it would have been nice to hear some words from a few superstars?
Because you tend to fucking hate on everything and act like whatever you say is the only way to do something, and doing it a different way is totally wrong.

Not everyone follows Twitter and the dirtsheets.
Since when is WWE.com a dirtsheet?
I didn't hear shit about Guerrero's death until I turned on RAW that week for the first time in a while.
That was 2005. This is 2011. And again, Guerrero was a current WWE superstar. Savage was inactive for 10 years, and inactive in WWE for over 15. You're acting like the situations are the same. They're not. They are 2 totally different situations.

The large point you're missing here though is all that I said was that it would have been nice to have had some comments. Not that they should have or are somehow to be criticized for not doing so, just that it would have been nice.
Why would it have been nice? Any comments they make are just generic crap that isn't necessary, and might not even be 100% truthful.

Yes, you really just compared Randy Savage's death to someone's pet dog dying. Not even going to point out how absolutely ridiculous of a thing that is to do when we're discussing an episode of RAW, a show that Randy Savage co-hosted from it's start for over a year and helped draw more money for the WWE than 99.9% of it's employees ever have. And your comparing his death's relevancy to someone's dog dying? You sound insane right now.
Admittedly, that was a bad analogy that was used in a bit of anger. It happens. I should have said someone like Koko B Ware or Greg Valentine, people who are long-gone from WWE.

PLEASE tell me how the fuck I am "forcing my opinions on you like the fucking Gospel" Stormtrooper. What have I done in this LD to force my opinions on anyone? I'm begging you to tell me. The truth is I'm doing the same fucking thing you and every single other person in this thread is doing---commenting on a show, live, with our thoughts on what happens. Sorry, am I not allowed to have an opinion? Only you are?

No, you're allowed to have an opinion. My problem with you is when you personally attack me for my opinion, just because it isn't what you like. Like this
Holy fuck Stormtrooper, calm the fuck down with your "MUST DEFEND EVERYTHING THE WWE DOES AT ALL TIMES" attitude. It's becoming unbelievably annoying.

I don't defend everything WWE does. Never have, never will. I mean hell, did you read anything I said about The Rock before Mania? It was a month and a half worth of me attacking what they were doing with him. Sorry if I take offense to personal attacks, much like you did when I retaliated.

Not even going to point out why Randy Savage dying is a bit more fucking important than the vast overwhelming majority of wrestling deaths.
And they treated it like it was more important. Most just get a graphic at the show open, and MAYBE a brief mention in the commentary. He got a graphic, a somewhat lengthy tribute from the commentary, AND a 5 minute tribute video.

I have no idea how me commenting on tonight's RAW while viewing it translated to me "being a stuck up piece of shit" who acts all high and mighty. I never once made any comments or references to your opinion or anyone else's opinion on tonight's show. I simply stated my own. You chose to question my opinion a few times, so I responded. That's all that happened here tonight. I didn't call anyone stupid for disagreeing with me, I didn't tell you that you were wrong, and I didn't make even a slightly big deal out of the Savage tribute. Seriously, show me where I made a big deal out of the Savage tribute video when I made one comment about it in one post. In fact I said pretty clearly in that same post that the tribute video they did was very nice and well done. I said one fucking thing about how it would have been nice for a few comments from the superstars, and you then reacted to this like I had just raped your mother while punching you in the dick.
Again, you didn't just comment on my opinion. You attacked my opinion, saying that my "Must defend everything WWE does at all times attitude" (which isn't even true) was getting annoying. I didn't attack you. All I said was that they did right by Savage, and you disagreed. We should have been done there, but you had to take it too far.

What does me writing reviews have anything to do with this conversation? You're the one bringing it up right now, not me. I simply post a link to my review of the show when it's over, just like several other people here do. I didn't mention anything else about my review of tonight's show at all. Where the fuck are you getting all of this shit from? You're literally acting batshit crazy at this point.
Again, it's the attitude that your opinion is better. Where else would that come from?
Sweet Jesus Stormtrooper, shut the fuck up.

I'm done with this argument, and so are you. I again recommend you seek help for your anger issues.
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