WWE RAW LD 6/13/2011 -

Sorry guys but I can't help but :lmao: at Ryder not even getting on Raw in his hometown when it's an extra hour long. I guess that says it all about the IWC's influence.
Solid RAW, but just average in the end. The last two were better. But still, three solid RAWS in a row.
So Is Truth going to steal his title much like Christian stole Ortons title 2 weeks ago and Orton magicially appeared with the belt the next one?
Sorry guys but I can't help but :lmao: at Ryder not even getting on Raw in his hometown when it's an extra hour long. I guess that says it all about the IWC's influence.

I think we all know the IWC has NO influence, dude. That's not a surprise.
I actually really enjoyed that Raw - pretty suitable to be my last one for a while. Punk, Austin, Christian, Rey Rey, Truth, Randy Orton's Beard (henceforth known as ROB), the formation of The Aryan Dreamers; Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne, what's not to like?

Always a pleasure, gents.
I actually really enjoyed that Raw - pretty suitable to be my last one for a while. Punk, Austin, Christian, Rey Rey, Truth, Randy Orton's Beard (henceforth known as ROB), the formation of The Aryan Dreamers; Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne, what's not to like?

Always a pleasure, gents.

These LDs are infinitely better with you in them. I'm gonna miss you bro...

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