WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 4/11/2011 - Now with Less Team Bring It

So how many people woke up today and expected to turn on RAW to see:

The Bellas winning the Divas championship
Awesome Kong actually debutting
Edger retiring
R-Truth competing for the WWE championship

I thought R-Truth and John Cena were friends....ala the Nexus/Cena feud of 2010 when R-Truth name dropped Cena every week :lol:
Miz pins R-Truth at Extreme Rules. Makes sense otherwise you have a) John Cena look weak to The Miz or b) R-Truth as champion *shudders*
This is why RTruth SUCKS as a character.

Hes having an intense stare-down with the company - no - the INDUSTRY'S - most profitable and recognizable star, after being named #1 contenders, and beating the #5 guy in the company (Orton, behind Cena, Miz, HHH, Taker) cleanly, and what's he do?


This is why you arent taken seriously as a wrestler, Ron. This is why you're a perennial joke, and any title reign you would have would be the worst since David Arquette's.
We all know Cena or Miz are walking away with it anyway, so I don't see why people are getting upset with Truth being in over anyone else. Just someone there to make it a LITTLE less predictable.
R-TROOF is main eventing a PPV?

Time for another hiatus.

x2 Will probably watch again around summerslam. Being that I haven't watched RAW on a weekly basis since 2009, this episode shocked me in that RAW seriously doesn't have the talent it used too if R-Truth, morrison, and ziggler are the top guys behind Cena, orton, and miz. I suppose the youth movement is in full effect right now
I almost think it'd be better for Del Rio vs Christian (assuming that's the match) to main event. Ladder match with a guaranteed first time world champion seems like a good way to close Extreme Rules

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