WWE Raw Live Discussion Thread (3/11/13)

I'm really disappointed that we aren't going to get Jericho vs Ziggler at mania. What does Ziggler have to do to get a 1 on 1 match at mania. I want him to get a chance to steal the show. Now he's probably getting thrown into a tag match and will get 1 minute to shine.
Also, what's everyone's predictions for the main event? Think Punk will go over clean on Kane then taker will come out?
That segment started out funny, but ended up being pretty bad. I had pretty high hopes for this angle bringing some edge back to the WWE, but they're doing their damndest to water it down to the same mediocrity we see with every feud.
HBK/RKO said:
I'm really disappointed that we aren't going to get Jericho vs Ziggler at mania. What does Ziggler have to do to get a 1 on 1 match at mania. I want him to get a chance to steal the show. Now he's probably getting thrown into a tag match and will get 1 minute to shine.

Ziggler sucks so much ass he has incessant shit breath. That's why.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android
I'm really disappointed that we aren't going to get Jericho vs Ziggler at mania. What does Ziggler have to do to get a 1 on 1 match at mania. I want him to get a chance to steal the show. Now he's probably getting thrown into a tag match and will get 1 minute to shine.

Why continually invest in something which gives little back? Don't worry, he'll still get a transitional World Heavyweight Championship run... unless, yano, they have him lose when he attempts to cash in which would be hilarious.
Also, what's everyone's predictions for the main event? Think Punk will go over clean on Kane then taker will come out?

If it were closer to 'Mania I'd say 'Taker comes through the ring and "pulls CM Punk to Hell."

When 'Taker did that to Diesel back before WM12 I marked out pretty hard.

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