Which was a horrible feud. Anything with Khali is hrrible.It was the same length as Cena/Khali.....
He was a last resort, they had no one ready to be champion, or a person that has held the belt before. He was a last resort, and has been a boring title reignOrton was already built up from the Rhodes feud and putting out people with the "punt" and he didn't "shoot down" or he wouldn't be champion.
Boring, doesn't sound like he was into half of his promo's, his facial expressions were terrible, and was not believable while disrespecting Cena and the Papa. It was just a complete bore.Instead of trying to be funny you could actually give your opinions on why you disagree...................
Because litlle orton is living off his Papa's last name. Hmmm. I will find it and quote it.Well then quit bitching about internet rumors when half the time they are probably garbage.
Well some haven't gotten caught yet, i believe it would be ortons last offense, but people like Mercury got caught once and was out the door. What makes Orton so special? Apparently his last name and his daddies little antics.And? Still doesn't take away from the fact that the whole locker room has more than lilely takin' a shot of Riods'.
Even Cena.
I did give my opinion. Hmmm everyone has one of those. Cena is the best worker in the business, and Batista is living off the fact that he is friends with HHHYou failed to give your opinions in this post, You just typed stuff like the above. You said if he was good he would hold it that long...Well Cena and Batista are both shit, and they had long runs with the title and main event scene.
Sorry. Please Try Again.