WWE Raw Live Discussion Thread (3/11/13)

Hopefully Punk comes out with the urn next week and does everything he can to keep it away from Taker until Wrestlemania.
The brothers of destruction dropping to a knee for a Bearer tribute was perfect and gave me chills.

Meanwhile the Punk-Undertaker feud just got personal.
What if this is a scam in paul bearer comes out at mania?

honestly i can't see it being true they would do something like that but i'm completely wondering what angle they would have gone with if he didn't die...it almost makes sense for it to be a work.
Hate to sound like an asshole...and don't take this the wrong way...but Paul Bearer's death couldn't have come at a better time.

This storyline doesn't get any more personal than this. Finally...it's not just about the streak anymore..
When's KB putting the review up?

That's some quick service right there.

Hate to sound like an asshole...and don't take this the wrong way...but Paul Bearer's death couldn't have come at a better time.

This storyline doesn't get any more personal than this. Finally...it's not just about the streak anymore..

I agree, and you know what, I don't think Paul would have had it any other way. That's showmanship.

R.I.P. and thanks for one last ride, Mr. Moody.
Hate to sound like an asshole...and don't take this the wrong way...but Paul Bearer's death couldn't have come at a better time.

This storyline doesn't get any more personal than this. Finally...it's not just about the streak anymore..
You are actually right.
People talk about all the great matches Taker has had at Mania and if Punk can top it...

SO what's he do? He pisses the fans off for real....and gets personal.

This is CM Punk....fits him perfectly.

Way to stand out from HHH and HBK.
Great Raw, glad I stayed up to watch it instead of staying up to watch cats do funny shit! RIP Bearer, I hope you possess punk through the Urn and he goes crazy.
I didn't care for this episode, but WrestleMania is starting to shape up a bit.

-Looking forward to Cena/Rock II, have been since last year.

-Lesnar/HHH has more potential than I've been giving it credit for. If they go all out, beat the holy shit out of one another, it could be a classic.

-Punk/Taker now seems to belong. It's personal, something Taker's last couple of matches haven't been.

I'm looking forward to Ryback vs. Mark Henry more so than any other match. Yep. Two monstrous men smashing one another. Sounds fantastic.
I thought things were handled sensibly and tastefully done. They obviously couldn't ignore it, storylinewise. They incorporated it without being disrespectful or offensive. I think if he were in the position to weigh in on the matter, he would have approved. Well done, WWE.
Just finished watching. Wrestlemania is shaping up to be awesome, every week I look more and more forward to the big one. Another great show delivered tonight.
Very solid Raw. Quite refreshing with no Rock or Cena on the show. Did we really need 20 minutes of those two saying and doing nothing again?
Very solid Raw. Quite refreshing with no Rock or Cena on the show. Did we really need 20 minutes of those two saying and doing nothing again?

Why is everyone so hard on Cena and the Rock? Their last promo was worlds better than anything they did for an entire year leading up to their first match.
Everything they've done this year is the same as last, but this year they've added the word "Redemption."

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