WWE RAW LD 2/27/2012 - We've Heard About Cena Rising Above Hate, But Can Dwayne?

Lol... if it was The Miz the crowd wouldn't have been anywhere close to being as into it as they were.

Dude, how can you say that promo sucked when the fans in attendance ate up every word of it? They fucking loved it. They loved him.

Also, I'm not one of the clowns disrespecting Cena here. I thought he was awesome, as per usual when he's not using kiddy or potty humor.

However, I don't buy the fact that Cena would disrespect the business by calling The Rock out something like that, nor do I think The Rock isn't capable of making a better response to it. It was planned; I'm positive of it.

We can agree to disagree on that but I do know from reading a book written by The Rock that he has always been meticulous about writing his promos. Whether it was planned for Cena to call him out on writing part of his promo on his wrist, I don't know. I still stick with the fact that Rock was legitimately flustered but since that questioned will never be answered, we'll leave it as one of those internet questions. That said, if it WAS scripted, I don't think it was scripted for Rock to basically lose it afterwords and start fumbling words like Mark Sanchez fumbles football (I'm a Jet fan so it's a valid criticism!)

I'm not downing Rock though. What I will do is say that people who are accepting this promo as "good" because the crowd ate it up is ludicrous. The live crowd ate up Rock before he ever said a word simply because he's The Rock and he's a legend. He could have come out and farted and #rockyfarted would have trended. Of course that would have made Natalya's career negligible but I digress....

What I'm saying is that accepting Rock's promo and passing it off as good is an insult to The Rock. We should expect better from him and saying "well the live crowd like it so it was good" is a cop out. We have ears so we can tell if a speech is good. People cheer politicians regardless of how good their speeches are right? Watch a speech that a politician gives in front of his or her partisan crowd. They will eat it up even if it sucks and is the worst speech they've ever given. Why? Because they supported that person before the speech began.

I, however, believe that someone that we KNOW can deliver great promo work has not. We should not accept his mediocrity as success. We should demand more. I want both Cena and Rock firing on all cylinders for this thing and so far I feel like only one guy has really gotten close to that and that's Cena. I expect more from Rock and I'm not ashamed to say so. As of now, he's simply not outperforming Cena and he's not anywhere close to where he should be based on his talent.
Lol... if it was The Miz the crowd wouldn't have been anywhere close to being as into it as they were.

Dude, how can you say that promo sucked when the fans in attendance ate up every word of it? They fucking loved it. They loved him.

Also, I'm not one of the clowns disrespecting Cena here. I thought he was awesome, as per usual when he's not using kiddy or potty humor.

However, I don't buy the fact that Cena would disrespect the business by calling The Rock out something like that, nor do I think The Rock isn't capable of making a better response to it. It was planned; I'm positive of it.

I agree with your post essentially, but did you totally miss what he was trying to say? You have to use your (good) judgement when looking at the Rock's promos nowadays because the crowd will love it regardless based on who is delivering it. For example, scripted or not, Cena didn't get cheers when he called the Rock out on his notes because the people were too busy booing him to realize he was telling the truth.
Cena marks need to feel the need to convince people he's doing well because his critics automatically will say he sucks no matter what he does.

So will The Rock's. You know what's funny about this entire thing? People believing Rock is more popular right now just because he came back. I'm guessing most people have forgotten the way Rock was treated when he left, and when he came back before WM19. The fans hated The Rock. It's not like he retired - he left for a better job, and that pissed off most of the fanbase.

Of course he got a huge pop when he came back last year, no one had seen him in seven years. That's like LeBron James signing with the Cavaliers five years from now - he'd get an amazing reaction.

However, if Rock had gone up against a superstar who was extremely popular with more than 50% of the fanbase, he probably wouldn't be as over as he is right now. Jesus, imagine what would happen if Austin had been in the spot Rock's in right now. They'd probably burn the arena to the ground.

In my opinion Cena has blown Rock away because he has done a better job with the serious promo.

Has he? He has managed to turn exactly zero of the fans against Rock. Jesus, Cena has had the best material to work with, not to mention an opponent fans haven't been exactly crazy about since his departure. I think Cena's done well, but I'm not sure his "serious material" is working as well as they thought it would.

Rock has done fine with his usually hyper comedy schtick and that's fine. I prefer the more serious Cena. I even prefer Cena's insults toward the Rock over Rock's to Cena's. There is always truth to what Cena says. That makes a promo more effective than saying something ridiculous like Kung Pow Bitch or Fruity Pebbles.

There's truth in what Cena's saying, but there's a whole lot more truth in what Rock's saying than he's being given credit for. A lot of the fanbase is sick of Cena, and hate his guts. That's a fact. That's not truth?

Rock's delivery is more comedic than Cena's because he's funnier. End of story. That's what fans want from The Rock. That's what he's good at. Just because he's being funny doesn't mean what he's saying is any less true. People are taking Rock's jokes completely out of context - there is more to what he's saying than Fruity Pebbles. He's mixing the comedy in with real, serious, solid points.
Ok but you still haven't explained how I'm trolling.

Rock is great. I think Cena has been better. I might have laughed at Kung Pow Bitch in 1999. It's not that funny in 2012.


The WWE is different today (and no, not a cue to start AA vs. PG or whatever). It's just a different world we live in and Rock's promos haven't caught up to this day and age yet. They're still good because he's that charismatic and talented, but Cena has simply been better. Glad someone is with me on this.
The only problem with that is that he was legitimately flustered after Cena called him out on it. I really don't think he knew it was going to happen.

Read Rock's book. I say this to everyone. Rock talks about writing his promos in it. He talks about coming up with ideas while out to dinner with his wife, while in bed, etc. He was always coming up with crap and molding promos throughout the week. He's the late 90's Macho Man in the sense that everything had to be planned out beforehand so that it would come off well.

I believe tonight he did that but knowing he'd struggle a bit, he put some notes on his arm. With that giant ass tattoo and dark lighting, maybe it would hide it. It didn't and Cena called him on it. Rock didn't know it was coming as this was two professionals who didn't practice this segment earlier today as, you know, Cena was on a plane to get to the show. Thus, Rock got flustered and the last part of the promo really didn't look good.

Bottom line though is that I have watched wrestling all my life. Heck, Rock is the guy who got me back into wrestling in 1998 when I had taken a hiatus from watching as a kid. He was my guy. I loved him and hated Austin. I used to look forward to his promos each week knowing they'd all be awesome. Unfortunately, that's no longer the case. His promo style worked years ago but it doesn't work now. Yes, the crowd still does what it should for him because he's a part timer and a legend. Roddy Piper comes out these days and he rambles and the crowd pops! You can't use crowd reaction when referring to a legend. Use your judgment.

By using mine, this Rock fan can tell you that this was Rock's worst promo ever. I thought some last year before Mania weren't great, but this was bad. Weak arguments and quick topic changes so people don't focus on the fact that he really had nothing as far as being serious. Cena came out and for the two minutes he was out there, the thing had life. Cena saved the segment and then threw Rock back into the ocean where he proceeded to drown before his "if ya smell".

If Rock was The Miz cutting that promo, you'd say it sucked, it was awful, etc. Because it was the Rock and because his feud is against Cena, people are trying to give him the benefit of the doubt instead of committing the worst sin on the planet......acknowledging Cena's talent. Cena's been the more impressive one in this feud and honestly, it's not even close.
C'mon dude, after all we wrestling fans have seen: HBK's concussion, Flair's heart attack, Hogan's broken ribs, etc. You think Rock was legitimately flustered? It's called ACTING. Vince wants Rock to make that crowd 50/50, but not be too obvious about it.

The funny thing is, despite Vince doing all he can to put cena over, despite Rock himself now chipping in to put cena over... he will still get booed after WM, and the WWE buzz will die down again until Rock's Summerslam feud begins. I know I'll be gone after WM. The cena show sucks.
I'll have to view the segment again at some point to give my opinion on the wrist line but the way Cena delivered the line made me believe it was planned. The fact that people noticed it before Cena came to the ring makes me believe it was intentional.

I'm not hating on Cena btw. The mix of the fan base is what makes this match interesting. I have been a little disappointed in Cena's ability to rally his base but that is about it.
Has he? He has managed to turn exactly zero of the fans against Rock. Jesus, Cena has had the best material to work with, not to mention an opponent fans haven't been exactly crazy about since his departure. I think Cena's done well, but I'm not sure his "serious material" is working as well as they thought it would.
You don't even know how much I agree with this....and I'm a Cena supporter for the most part.
There's truth in what Cena's saying, but there's a whole lot more truth in what Rock's saying than he's being given credit for. A lot of the fanbase is sick of Cena, and hate his guts. That's a fact. That's not truth?

Rock's delivery is more comedic than Cena's because he's funnier. End of story. That's what fans want from The Rock. That's what he's good at. Just because he's being funny doesn't mean what he's saying is any less true. People are taking Rock's jokes completely out of context - there is more to what he's saying than Fruity Pebbles. He's mixing the comedy in with real, serious, solid points.

His comedy is overshadowing his serious points and I don't find him all that funny anymore. It's awesome that he can control the crowd. I just don't find a lady parts chant amusing. When he pauses to let the fans chant something stupid like lady parts or fruty pebbles his serious points are lost. I thought Cena's freestyle on the Rock last year was better than anything Rock has done in this feud. It was a nice mix of comedic insults, which were much more clever than Rock's, and valid points. I'm not saying Rock has been bad all the time. I just think Cena has been better.
C'mon dude, after all we wrestling fans have seen: HBK's concussion, Flair's heart attack, Hogan's broken ribs, etc. You think Rock was legitimately flustered? It's called ACTING. Vince wants Rock to make that crowd 50/50, but not be too obvious about it.

The funny thing is, despite Vince doing all he can to put cena over, despite Rock himself now chipping in to put cena over... he will still get booed after WM, and the WWE buzz will die down again until Rock's Summerslam feud begins. I know I'll be gone after WM. The cena show sucks.

Hard to take you seriously when it seems like Cena stole your girl and fucked the shit out of her in front of you all while pointing and laughing at your penis which your girlfriend told him was small (not assuming, just saying how it went down).

However, ACTING is something I do myself so you don't have to tell me what ACTING is. I've been doing it on stage since I was a kid. Through all the stuff I've done though, I can tell you that at no point is ACTING flubbing lines, repeating yourself, and making yourself out to look like crap, especially in front of a live audience and especially when your whole schtick is that you are awesome no matter what you do. Believe what you want, but that wasn't acting. He may have known the line was coming, that part we can dispute (I still don't think he did), but whether he did or didn't know it was coming, it flustered him. What you saw there was someone flustered, not someone acting flustered. You know how I know that? Acting flustered will never make anyone look good, especially not in that situation. Obviously you hate Cena so you'll grasp at straws that aren't there, but come on dude.
However, ACTING is something I do myself so you don't have to tell me what ACTING is. I've been doing it on stage since I was a kid. Through all the stuff I've done though, I can tell you that at no point is ACTING flubbing lines, repeating yourself, and making yourself out to look like crap, especially in front of a live audience and especially when your whole schtick is that you are awesome no matter what you do. Believe what you want, but that wasn't acting. He may have known the line was coming, that part we can dispute (I still don't think he did), but whether he did or didn't know it was coming, it flustered him. What you saw there was someone flustered, not someone acting flustered. You know how I know that? Acting flustered will never make anyone look good, especially not in that situation. Obviously you hate Cena so you'll grasp at straws that aren't there, but come on dude.

Perhaps he was acting flustered..certainly would've made sense in the scenario.
However, ACTING is something I do myself so you don't have to tell me what ACTING is. I've been doing it on stage since I was a kid. Through all the stuff I've done though, I can tell you that at no point is ACTING flubbing lines, repeating yourself, and making yourself out to look like crap, especially in front of a live audience and especially when your whole schtick is that you are awesome no matter what you do. Believe what you want, but that wasn't acting. He may have known the line was coming, that part we can dispute (I still don't think he did), but whether he did or didn't know it was coming, it flustered him. What you saw there was someone flustered, not someone acting flustered. You know how I know that? Acting flustered will never make anyone look good, especially not in that situation. Obviously you hate Cena so you'll grasp at straws that aren't there, but come on dude.

That's the thing, that is NOT his schtick. Vince won't let it be. Part of this storyline is that Rock is vulnerable. This is all a work, man.

Rock has always been loyal to Vince. In 1999, when he was over more than anyone else, he sat back and watched HHH, Vince and Big Show hold the strap. He even let HHH become the 1st heel to win a WM main event, on a night when the fans were clamoring for a Rocky coronation ala SCSA at WM14 or Hart at Wm10.

In 2000, he let Angle hold the strap for 4 months, till No Way Out. Rock constantly put guys over, and he's doing it again. I don't think he should, but Vince talked him into it again.

If you think a professional actor who has been entertaining audiences since 1996, and in front of crowds his whole life, got legitimately flustered... then I got a bridge to sell you. (maybe the Roody Poo bridge).
That's the thing, that is NOT his schtick. Vince won't let it be. Part of this storyline is that Rock is vulnerable. This is all a work, man.

Rock has always been loyal to Vince. In 1999, when he was over more than anyone else, he sat back and watched HHH, Vince and Big Show hold the strap. He even let HHH become the 1st heel to win a WM main event, on a night when the fans were clamoring for a Rocky coronation ala SCSA at WM14 or Hart at Wm10.

In 2000, he let Angle hold the strap for 4 months, till No Way Out. Rock constantly put guys over, and he's doing it again. I don't think he should, but Vince talked him into it again.

If you think a professional actor who has been entertaining audiences since 1996, and in front of crowds his whole life, got legitimately flustered... then I got a bridge to sell you. (maybe the Roody Poo bridge).


So you think Rock "let" all that happen? It's not that it was written that way and rather than play the Hogan card and politic his way to wins he did what he was told and what was good for business?

Look, I know that Rock laid down for plenty of people. Hell, I respect him for it. As I said before, he was my favorite wrestler in that time period and his humility and willingness to work within the system was something I did adore.

However, that's pretty irrelevant here. Being in front of a live crowd and reacting badly to a line is not a way of "putting over" Cena. Reason? He doesn't need it. He's John Cena, not Yoshi Tatsu. Cena's been one of the premier talkers in the WWE for years, he doesn't need validation for one line in the form of a seasoned performer looking like a jackass to close out one of like 5 promos he'll cut all year. He needed to finish the promo strong because it was the end of the show and he didn't deliver because he was flustered. You don't script a scenario to end your show to suck on purpose.

As far as a seasoned actor being flustered in front of a live audience, look at any actor giving an acceptance speech at an awards ceremony. All more talented than Rock as actors and actresses and yet so many get flustered in front of a live crowd even when they have fully prepared their acceptance speech. Sometimes it just happens to the best of 'em. It happened to Rock and in a week or two, it will be forgotten. He got schooled, we'll move on.
However, that's pretty irrelevant here. Being in front of a live crowd and reacting badly to a line is not a way of "putting over" Cena. Reason? He doesn't need it. He's John Cena, not Yoshi Tatsu. Cena's been one of the premier talkers in the WWE for years, he doesn't need validation for one line in the form of a seasoned performer looking like a jackass to close out one of like 5 promos he'll cut all year. He needed to finish the promo strong because it was the end of the show and he didn't deliver because he was flustered. You don't script a scenario to end your show to suck on purpose.

As far as a seasoned actor being flustered in front of a live audience, look at any actor giving an acceptance speech at an awards ceremony. All more talented than Rock as actors and actresses and yet so many get flustered in front of a live crowd even when they have fully prepared their acceptance speech. Sometimes it just happens to the best of 'em. It happened to Rock and in a week or two, it will be forgotten. He got schooled, we'll move on.
You couldn't be more wrong on the bolded. When Rock agreed to WM28, the very first thought that entered Vince's head was: "This is a golden opportunity to put cena over".

Cena absolutely needs this rub. He's hated, has been since 2005. Vince has manipulated audio, confiscated signs, directed commentators all to put cena over. Because Vince wants Hogan 2.0 come hell or high water. Tonight was another example.

Vince isn't gonna pay Rock all this money for him to bury cena, then leave till SumSlam. No chance in hell. He's gonna use this WM to elevate cena because that will make Vince more money. How can he elevate cena? Hmm, how about make cena be the only guy ever to make Rock flustered. This is all part of the story to make fans like cena and respect him. Don't buy the BS.

As far as actors getting flustered in acceptance speeches. They are not working when that happens. Rock was on the clock during raw. He was doing a job. Playing a role. He's done it 1000s of time. Vince has written these 1000s of times. They all know what they are doing. Rock's flustering was 100% a work.

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And I'm saying this as a Rocky fan, his promo was chronically disappointing last night. Him trying to get different catchphrases to trend worldwide was funny the first time, but three months later, it's old and actually comes across as a little desperate. Cena came in, was on the mic for less than two minutes and then left and in doing so, made everything Rocky had done for the 20 minutes prior to that completely irrelevant. The notes on the wrist thing is actually quite sad in a way.
I'll have to view the segment again at some point to give my opinion on the wrist line but the way Cena delivered the line made me believe it was planned. The fact that people noticed it before Cena came to the ring makes me believe it was intentional.

You're probably right.

Amazing, the route WWE is willing to take, hoping Cena can take the cheers from Rock.
I really enjoyed the ending of raw last night. I honestly think last night's promo with The Rock and Cena was made to give Cena the edge and make Rock look vulnerable. I'm not saying Cena is awful and The Rock is a promo God that can do no wrong. Maybe the notes on the wrist were planned since Cena spoke about them. The Rock looked really shook up like he hasn't done a promo in years. I liked the serious side of The Rock which used catchphrases but wasn't a full blown Rock promo we are used to.

Cena got the edge over The Rock because he had short and better material. Nothing new or amazing but better material to tell in a short span. The crowd was very anti Cena and would obviously cheer for anything The Rock said. I enjoyed Cena's promo last week and I am really interested in this feud if they keep these two on television and not on Twitter.

I seriously wouldn't be surprised to see Cena get the one up on The Rock again when they meet even if he is booed out of the building. The Rock seems more accepting of Cena. It will be cliche and lame but I think we will see Cena beat The Rock in Miami and The Rock will bow out gracefully and shake Cena's hand. I just wonder if the fans will accept the ending or not.
After all the one ups dwayne got physically, i think wwe are giving cena the ups verbally. when you look at the rock's promo after they went off air he could have said more if he wanted to. Also the freaking audience wasn't giving dwayne time to talk without outbursting in chants. Rock always has to gesture his hands to stay quiet. And if the notes thing wasn't a work, why would dwayne have the camera show his hand if he knew there was writing in it?
Cena does well, but all he is doing is breaking 4th wall. That is all fine with dwayne, but what after? If he could also just loose the stupid goofy face everytime he comes out to face the rock. What happen to the badass face "see u moviestar"?
Nick owns, seriously. He's like, the only mod on this forum that isn't hating on The Rock and trying to get everyone to join "CeNation".

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