WWE RAW LD 2/4/2012 - Hate; To Rise Above, or to Embrace?

God I loved the show tonight. I just got back and I need to say a few things

I knew for a fact the crowd was going to be hot as we began chanting "YES!' when they started to let us in.

Any promo the wrestlers had fell on deaf ears. Simply because we were too busy with chanting for Lesnar and Bryan.

During the Punk/Henry Match. The crowd fell in love with a guy decked in a Macho Man outfit.

I envy you so much right now.
Brock Lesnar huh? Last I remember he was giving a giant "Fuck You" to fans by putting on the biggest piece of dogshit match at WM20. This is the guy we're "jizzing on our screens" for?

Yes, I know he's a big star but I have my doubts about this. What made Lesnar awesome the first time around was the energy and crazy athleticism. He was doing things at like 300 pounds that most 200 pounders can't do. Now he's smaller (they said 266 pounds), chubbier, older, and had an illness that almost ended his career. I'm thinking he can't do nearly what he could do when he left. He also wasn't a great talker so um, other than F-5ing people, what can he do? At least with Rock, he can talk so the Cena/Rock thing had legs for a while. Obviously this is a big moment, but I question if it will pay off.

Remember, Rock grew up in the business. Brock wrote a book about how he never loved wrestling and how he did it for the money and left when it got hard. So I dunno about this. I just don't know.

There is nothing wrong with most of this but what kind of twisted mind is thinking about that right now?
In the end both B/Rock need to put Cena over. Depending how long both stay, Cena has to become the guy.

Okay, think about this. If you've read Brock Lesnar's book you'd be able to answer this more accurately, but do you think Lesnar has came back to the WWE to lose to anybody? Like, even Cena? I don't think he'd allow it, Lesnar has a fucking Hogan sized ego, like massive. He was pissed he was losing to Goldberg when he left.
I couldn't care less about who ends up jobbing to who. Who gives a fuck? My favorite fucking wrestler jobbed to fucking Kane last night. Get that? Fucking Kane. Fuck off with all that noise. It's about stars entertaining us at this point.

One massive fucking star just came back, so no, I don't give a shit about him putting people over. What a buzz kill even thinking about that kind of shit.
I couldn't care less about who ends up jobbing to who. Who gives a fuck? My favorite fucking wrestler jobbed to fucking Kane last night. Get that? Fucking Kane. Fuck off with all that noise. It's about stars entertaining us at this point.

One massive fucking star just came back, so no, I don't give a shit about him putting people over. What a buzz kill even thinking about that kind of shit.

About 80% of the IWC
There is nothing wrong with most of this but what kind of twisted mind is thinking about that right now?

Of all people, you should know me by now. My mind thinks of every possible thing at every given moment. Also, I read Brock's book recently (didn't buy it and it took like an hour to read because it's a very simply written book) and reading that he just didn't give a shit about wrestling kind of annoyed me. I mean I get that he was trying to make a good life for himself and whatever but he gave two fucking years and on the way out he didn't even try to leave on a high note. Having never been a Lesnar fan, it's easy to not get excited about his return.
They laid ground work. Cena was not his usual self tonight. His facial expressions made that clear. And somehow I doubt getting an F-5 to the sound of thunderous applause is going to make him particularly happy.

Lesnar's obviously the face in this feud. What does that make Cena?

I'm more certain than ever that this is all leading to a John Cena heel turn. It has to. There are a number of ways I see this going, and all of them point in that direction to me.

The Rock "sells out" and later return to WWE. Fans love him, and continue to boo Cena. End result? Rock beats Cena clean, fans cheer him and boo Cena.

Now Brock Lesnar returns. The ultimate sell out (if you don't believe me, watch WMXX). Fans cheer Lesnar and boo Cena. Where will this lead, likely to a Lesnar win which will be cheered and Cena will be further booed.

Cena snaps. He busts his ass in the company for a decade, while two sellouts return to great adoration resulting in increasing boos for him, and losses for him. The end result? The unthinkable.
Okay, think about this. If you've read Brock Lesnar's book you'd be able to answer this more accurately, but do you think Lesnar has came back to the WWE to lose to anybody? Like, even Cena? I don't think he'd allow it, Lesnar has a fucking Hogan sized ego, like massive. He was pissed he was losing to Goldberg when he left.

Brock was willing to come back in 2005 for the sole purpose of putting Batista over at Summerslam. Lesnar was originally booked to beat Goldberg, but then Lesnar decided to leave the company, so shit changes. It really all depends on what the plans are, we're about 1 hour into this, and we have no idea how long it's going to go.
Lets see if you come out.

I doubt Ricky Runn would make as much as a splash that Brock motherfucking Lesnar did. And I had some shitty little seats. But the overall crowd interaction was the best shit in years.

I am starting to think Miami is Daniel Bryan town.
I'm more certain than ever that this is all leading to a John Cena heel turn. It has to. There are a number of ways I see this going, and all of them point in that direction to me.

The Rock "sells out" and later return to WWE. Fans love him, and continue to boo Cena. End result? Rock beats Cena clean, fans cheer him and boo Cena.

Now Brock Lesnar returns. The ultimate sell out (if you don't believe me, watch WMXX). Fans cheer Lesnar and boo Cena. Where will this lead, likely to a Lesnar win which will be cheered and Cena will be further booed.

Cena snaps. He busts his ass in the company for a decade, while two sellouts return to great adoration resulting in increasing boos for him, and losses for him. The end result? The unthinkable.

The end result is that Cena lost to two guys he has no business losing to. That's the end result. After that, who gives a shit as that result, especially given the shape Lesnar looks to be in, would be WWE creative taking a massive dump on this generation. No Cena heel turn would be able to save the fact that a fat Lesnar beat Cena. If he can do it, what does that say about everyone else in this generation? And with that, how the fuck does Cena turning heel help that? Plus, outside of Brock and Rock, who the fuck as a face could match up with Cena the heel? MAYBE Orton and MAYBE Punk and that's it. Long term it's about the worst idea ever. Unless you think Zack Ryder can be a main event babyface by then........
Brock was willing to come back in 2005 for the sole purpose of putting Batista over at Summerslam. Lesnar was originally booked to beat Goldberg, but then Lesnar decided to leave the company, so shit changes. It really all depends on what the plans are, we're about 1 hour into this, and we have no idea how long it's going to go.

Indeed, but Lesnar came across very bitter in his book about how WWE had Goldberg beat him at WMXX. And in fact in some ways I'm surprised he is back now after how he said Laurinitas and Vince treated him during their last contract talks. Guess shit changes.
I have watched the Brock return like five times now. Awesome. He didn't do anything particularly special, but he's a whole different kind of monster than Rock - more physical, meaner, etc. He's a scary bastard.

The Rock seems like a cool dude if you don't piss in his Fruity Pebbles. But Brock on the other hand, he looks like the kinda dude who would beat you piss blind because you looked at his chick the wrong way.
The Rock seems like a cool dude if you don't piss in his Fruity Pebbles. But Brock on the other hand, he looks like the kinda dude who would beat you piss blind because you looked at his chick the wrong way.

After one of his UFC losses he shoved a camera man who tired to interview his wife
The end result is that Cena lost to two guys he has no business losing to. That's the end result. After that, who gives a shit as that result, especially given the shape Lesnar looks to be in, would be WWE creative taking a massive dump on this generation. No Cena heel turn would be able to save the fact that a fat Lesnar beat Cena. If he can do it, what does that say about everyone else in this generation? And with that, how the fuck does Cena turning heel help that? Plus, outside of Brock and Rock, who the fuck as a face could match up with Cena the heel? MAYBE Orton and MAYBE Punk and that's it. Long term it's about the worst idea ever. Unless you think Zack Ryder can be a main event babyface by then........

Lesnar was one of the toughest guys on the planet. He beat the holy shit out of professional fighters for years. Him whipping Cena's ass will in no way hurt Cena.

Jesus, this whole you needz to put him over! shit is getting way out of hand.
Brock beating Cena's ass is more credible then Rock beating Cena's ass. The Rock has been filming movies while Brock has been winning heavyweight championship fighting in a cage. Perspective people. Brock is a legit bigger threat then the Rock ever was by simply being Brock Lesnar.

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