Cena's in-ring stuff was solid, despite that terrible ghetto accent he insists on bringing back. That promo he cut in the stands was downright laughable. Cheesiest, corniest piece of shit I've seen in a long, long time. Reminds me why I'm not a fan of his. Then again, his in-ring stuff worked.
Rock's taped segments were hilarious, but he was weak in the ring. I believe that's how he's supposed to be playing it (hoping to split the crowd come Mania time), but I can't be positive.
Rock's still better.
I don't know how I feel about this Kane/Orton feud. I don't think it's going to get a decent build, nor do I believe the actual match will go longer than 8 or 9 minutes. Sucks for Orton. I understand there are only so many spots, but... oh, fuck it - he should be in the spot Sheamus currently holds. He's better in every imaginable way. Take that, ya mick bastard.