WWE RAW LD 26/3/2012 - The Home Straight

Like others have said, this was the first time that I felt that Rock actually cared about winning at Wrestlemania rather than just belittling Cena. All it really took was for him to give a promo that addressed the match and his opponent with a smattering of innuendo rather than buckets full of innuendo and a smattering about the match and his opponent.

As for the abrupt ending, it seemed a little strange like they had completely run out of time. Would have liked to have seen a proper staredown but then again that will likely be left for Wrestlemania.
Quick lesson in wrestling and general business:

The point of buying Wrestlemania is to see Rock vs. Cena. If you see them brawl for free on Raw and don't like what you see or get your fix there, what's the point in paying the money to see it?

Think of it like this. Your friends rant and rave about a dish at a restaurant. You hear about how good it is every day. You see commercials for it and it looks amazing. It's the best thing you've ever heard about. You reach the point where whether it's great or terrible, you MUST taste this stuff, just so you can know what it's like because you've heard about it time after time. FINALLY, you get the chance to go to the restaurant. Now what if three days before, a friend of yours brings some to you? If it sucks, there's no point in going to buy some. If you didn't get the sample, you certainly would have paid to get it. But now you know it's not worth your money.

Really simple idea but no one seems to get it.
Quick lesson in wrestling and general business:

The point of buying Wrestlemania is to see Rock vs. Cena. If you see them brawl for free on Raw and don't like what you see or get your fix there, what's the point in paying the money to see it?

Think of it like this. Your friends rant and rave about a dish at a restaurant. You hear about how good it is every day. You see commercials for it and it looks amazing. It's the best thing you've ever heard about. You reach the point where whether it's great or terrible, you MUST taste this stuff, just so you can know what it's like because you've heard about it time after time. FINALLY, you get the chance to go to the restaurant. Now what if three days before, a friend of yours brings some to you? If it sucks, there's no point in going to buy some. If you didn't get the sample, you certainly would have paid to get it. But now you know it's not worth your money.

Really simple idea but no one seems to get it.

Not sure I see the analogy but you bring up a really good point that I have not seen anyone consider. Rock may suck in the ring after 7 years of hiatus. His stammering on the mic is clearly a sign of rust. Maybe Vince is hiding the fact that Rock can't put on a one on one match worthy of main eventing WM anymore?

And people get the simple idea, they just don't like it.
Not sure I see the analogy but you bring up a really good point that I have not seen anyone consider. Rock may suck in the ring after 7 years of hiatus. His stammering on the mic is clearly a sign of rust. Maybe Vince is hiding the fact that Rock can't put on a one on one match worthy of main eventing WM anymore?

And people get the simple idea, they just don't like it.

He looked great on Survivor Series.
KB, tee-totally agree with the business analogy. In fact, completely applicable in the line of work I actually do, so it made sense. As the General Manager of a casual dining restaurant, we hate giving to go boxes for our newer features. We know it won't have the "WOW" factor to friends or spouses after a trip to the microwave. Lol

My issue with the show, having been there live, was the lack of substance in polishing the angles before the biggest show of the year. Mark and smart fan alike were asking the same questions "So, no confrontation between Undertaker and HHH?" Could've got some good heat on Michaels had he come out and perhaps superkicked them both. Something. Now, for the live crowd, without giving away any spoilers, they did have a very special moment, but it didn't have anything to do with 'Mania.

Like I said before, Curt Hawkins and Brodus Clay shouldn't have been on a go home show. Mark Henry and The Great Kahli was mercifully short, but again, unnecessary. Big Show vs. Primo (or was it Epico) was again, unnecessary. It did nothing within the context of the storyline other than make the tag titles look horrible.

I know it appears as though I am trying to play arm chair booker - fact is, I usually defend the current product. Usually, I am happy with live events. Aside from Rock/Cena (which I am well aware is the selling point of WrestleMania), I thought the go-home show left a lot to be desired. I drove 4 hours, spent almost $400.00 and left thinking "Eh, kinda flat." Even my wife and two older children were scratching their heads as to why there was so much "filler" on one of the most important shows of the year.
Again, there wasn't much that needed to be polished. We know about the End of an Era, we know that Big Show has come up short at WM, and the WHC match has basically no build at all. Rock/Cena is set and we know each other's motives. I think everything was set in stone a week or two ago.
I'm so glad they didn't let Rock/Cena fight. Since they hadn't done so yet, I'm glad they didn't just randomly scuffle right before 'Mania. This will guarantee that their match will feel extremely fresh and unchartered, which is good when you account for Cena's in-ring moveset. Not a knock, just a truth.
Decent show. For some odd reason, it seems as though Rock is either holding back or being told to do so. He isn't coming at Cena as hard as Cena is coming at him. He could, easily, but he's not. Wish he would have.

Yeah, strongly dislike it too. It kind of reminds me of last year's wrestlemania go-home show in Chicago when Rock let Cena control the entire segment when the two were in the ring. It was ludicrous how the Cena fans boasted about how he just owned and destroyed the Rock that night. It was painfully evident the Rock was holding back that day similarly to last night

In some ways, Cena and Rock to me dont have great chemistry together. I guess its because they genuinely dislike eachother or simply they can't have Rock look that much better than Cena because of a less than ideal overwhelming audience favoring to the Rock at this point, despite a small trend in the other direction yesterday
It breaks the illusion. We haven't seen Rock and Cena fight in months, so why break the idea of how awesome it could be?

- could give Cena some level of revenge for WM 27 and SS humiliation
- there's risk in assuming the illusion exists (see estimated SS buyrate)
- it's more entertaining
- it makes the grudge feel more realistic
- it gives the fans a nice surprise
- it gives you video that helps promote your event
- it is likely to be awesome
- it's professional wrestling, not debate or a real sport

Look at this forum, the talk has died in comparison to where it was four weeks ago. We should hear more people saying things like "5 days to go" or "I can't wait any longer".

The buyrate will be fine, but it could be better. Raw's ratings have been fine but they could have been better.
- could give Cena some level of revenge for WM 27 and SS humiliation
- there's risk in assuming the illusion exists (see estimated SS buyrate)
- it's more entertaining
- it makes the grudge feel more realistic
- it gives the fans a nice surprise
- it gives you video that helps promote your event
- it is likely to be awesome
- it's professional wrestling, not debate or a real sport

Look at this forum, the talk has died in comparison to where it was four weeks ago. We should hear more people saying things like "5 days to go" or "I can't wait any longer".

The buyrate will be fine, but it could be better. Raw's ratings have been fine but they could have been better.

-Which he'll get at Mania
-Not really, as that wasn't Cena vs. Rock
-Not really
-It's realistic that people get in fights?
-Giving them what's expected is a surprise?
-They have a year's worth already. How much do they need?
-And if it's not?
-So why make it realistic?

Take if from someone who has been here for a lot of Mania builds: that's very normal.
-Which he'll get at Mania

If someone causes you the title at WM, bad mouths you to the world, Rock Bottoms you out of no where at SS, says he banged your mom and shits on the sanctity of your marriage it is illogical and not human to throw a punch. None of the kids in the audience would lose any respect for Cena if he took a shot.

-Not really, as that wasn't Cena vs. Rock

It had The Rock, the in-ring return of The Rock and if the numbers are true, theyare a big surprise and a huge disappointment.

-Not really
-It's realistic that people get in fights?

Yes, people fight over less all the time. For professional wrestlers to fight is very realistic.

-Giving them what's expected is a surprise?

Good point, it should not be a surprise for two professional wrestlers who supposedly hate each to commit violent acts against the other.

-They have a year's worth already. How much do they need?

They have two Rock Bottoms and one AA. Hardly shows me as a casual fan that these guys are going to rip the shit out of each other and convince me to blow $60 (I don't know the actual price).

-And if it's not?

If your top draw and one of the greatest legends of all time can't put on a convincing short brawl then WWE has bigger problems than I thought. Let me be clear, last night was not the night for violence, it was the night after WM 27. But with each show that ship sailed and Cena looked more and more like a pussy who was more of a company man than someone with self respect.

-So why make it realistic?

Not sure what this means

Take if from someone who has been here for a lot of Mania builds: that's very normal.

Fine, I'll just assume Dagger's doing a shitty job driving discussion.

How many buys do you think would be respectable? I say anything less than WM 27 is a disappointment but they will still make a shitload of money.
If someone causes you the title at WM, bad mouths you to the world, Rock Bottoms you out of no where at SS, says he banged your mom and shits on the sanctity of your marriage it is illogical and not human to throw a punch. None of the kids in the audience would lose any respect for Cena if he took a shot.

As in Cena should hate him, which he rises above no?

It had The Rock, the in-ring return of The Rock and if the numbers are true, theyare a big surprise and a huge disappointment.

A match with a forgone conclusion, no guaranteed contact between the two of them in a match wtih little build against opponents that had no chance or real reason to fight Rock/Cena didn't do good numbers? I wouldn't call that a surprise.
Yes, people fight over less all the time. For professional wrestlers to fight is very realistic.

You mean like in a match, like in Miami, like on Sunday?

Good point, it should not be a surprise for two professional wrestlers who supposedly hate each to commit violent acts against the other.

You mean like in a match, like in Miami, like on Sunday?

They have two Rock Bottoms and one AA. Hardly shows me as a casual fan that these guys are going to rip the shit out of each other and convince me to blow $60 (I don't know the actual price).

Well considering this has been mainly about talking, which there's more than enough of and that's made people interested in the match, I think there's been enough violence.

If your top draw and one of the greatest legends of all time can't put on a convincing short brawl then WWE has bigger problems than I thought. Let me be clear, last night was not the night for violence, it was the night after WM 27. But with each show that ship sailed and Cena looked more and more like a pussy who was more of a company man than someone with self respect.

Or he looks like someone wanting to let out all of his aggression at once and not give into hate whcih he says he rises above.

Not sure what this means

You said it's not a real sport. Then why make it realistic? If it's fake, which it is, make it seem fake.

Fine, I'll just assume Dagger's doing a shitty job driving discussion.

How many buys do you think would be respectable? I say anything less than WM 27 is a disappointment but they will still make a shitload of money.

He's done fine.

If it's anything under 1,000,000, the show should be seen as a failure.
Quick lesson in wrestling and general business:

The point of buying Wrestlemania is to see Rock vs. Cena. If you see them brawl for free on Raw and don't like what you see or get your fix there, what's the point in paying the money to see it?

Think of it like this. Your friends rant and rave about a dish at a restaurant. You hear about how good it is every day. You see commercials for it and it looks amazing. It's the best thing you've ever heard about. You reach the point where whether it's great or terrible, you MUST taste this stuff, just so you can know what it's like because you've heard about it time after time. FINALLY, you get the chance to go to the restaurant. Now what if three days before, a friend of yours brings some to you? If it sucks, there's no point in going to buy some. If you didn't get the sample, you certainly would have paid to get it. But now you know it's not worth your money.

Really simple idea but no one seems to get it.

I like this analogy.

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