WWE: No More Chair Shots To The Head

I completely agree with Brahma Bull. Anything the WWE can do to limit the amount of head injuries or concussions is a good thing. You don't really need a chair shot to the head to tell a story in the ring do you? If so, you must be a piece of shit wrestler with very limited ability. They banned the piledriver because of the risk of neck/head injuries too, where was all the bitching about that? Lets be honest, if this hadn't been made public, and the WWE simply stopped doing chair shots to the head, would anyone have ever noticed? People are making way too big a deal out this, those claiming that this is going to ruin wrestling are completely full of shit.
I think it's a great idea.

With everything in relation to injuries and concussions, I think its great. It's just a shame that they implemented it after Mick Foley's lengthy concussion list. It just reminds me of the Royal Rumble in 99 when The Rock delivered 12 unprotected chair shots to Mick's head, they looked terrifying.

TNA, take note, you don't need blood, or chair shot's to put on a good show.
I'm not really a chair shot person. I think I understand the appeal, and I'm sorry for those of you who are disappointed by this decision, but I'm not really bothered by this. Weapons usually don't do much for me in a match. Especially when it's like two midcarders that are in a feud that doesn't really matter. The only time weapons are really acceptable for me is like when two major stars are involved in a really well done, really heated feud, and it's part of the blow off. When they use weapons for no reason, to me it's kind of like when you go into a movie and somebody in the films gets shot for no real reason, without any build. It's kind of anti-climatic and meaningless. I really wish they would tone down the amount of gimmick and weapons matches. Those type of things should be saved for when it makes sense for the individual feud. I didn't like there being a TLC PPV or the Hell in a Cell PPV. It just seems like lazy booking. It puts wrestlers in gimmick matches without their actually being a purpose to them being there. I think you can tell a great story, in fact a better story, without weapons, most of the time. Only the exceptionally heated feuds need to be finished with weapons or blood or gimmicks.

Hopefully discontinuing chair shots to the head will lead to less trauma to the heads of the wrestlers who already sacrifice their bodies enough as it is. I think some of yall are under the impression that chair shots are harmless because these are professionals, but that's not true. Most of the time it hurts, and wrestlers have been given concussions by them.
First of all, for all of you out there who don'T agree with this decision, i've got just one question for you. Have you ever taken a chairshot to the head? Let me tell you even if you protect yourself with your hand, it still hurts. So multiply that by what ever number you want and you'll get why they decided to band them.

Look, WWE is a multi millions dollars company, and these guys are investment that makes this company running, if they get injured or even worst die, it's not good for the company because they will lose money. If the u.s congress go against pro wrestling against, Vince will be in the line of fire and by implementing this, he's not going to be the main target anymore. This rules will help everybody, it will help the wrestlers, it will help the company and it might even help the fans of the wwe which are getting younger every day.

If you want your wrestling to be more violent, got watch and independant show, i'm sure there are still a couple of independant wrestling company doing hardcore wrestling. Or better yet watch TNA, sometimes they have hardcore matches. The WWE is going back to the 80'S style of wrestling which was more about storytelling then violence and i for one am all for it if that means that these wrestlers will live a longer and healthier life.
I think that it's good that WWE is taking precautions to protect its wrestlers whether or not they are really doing it for that. However, the times that I actually watch WWE, I don't really notice the PG thing affecting it much, and this seems to be another aspect in that direction.

However an interesting sidenote, I think that it's interesting that one of the biggest matches billed for WrestleMania this year stemmed from a chairshot to the head. If I'm correct, the Undertaker/Shawn Michaels feud really began at Summerslam in like 1997 I believe when Shawn Michaels accidently hit the Undertaker in the head with the chair and costs him the title. Then the next night on RAW, DX began to form, which lead to their match at Ground Zero, then later Bad Blood, Kane, and all that. While he could have hit him with another object, it's just funny that a chair shot was how that whole thing started.
I'm glad to see WWE finally ban them. Its good to see them taking steps to protect all the talent they have. For all the people who are against this, why don't you get in the ring and take a chair shot. See if you would like to carry on taking them. Sure I love to see someone getting smacked around the head as much as the next guy but its just not worth what could happen in the future. All in all I am glad this has finally happened.
I don't know a chairshot damages your brain if you even put your hands on your face but if it doesn't then banning chairshot to head is one of the most stupid moves that WWE have ever done. Some people maybe don't realise the importance of steel chairs in wrestling. Steel chair is not an object to put some violence in wrestling. It's one of the main elements of stories. Even though it's been used million times in wrestling it never gets stale and always look painful. When a heel wrestler use a steel chair against his opponent it makes you hate him more. Because he looks more vicious than ever. It is also the most common object that's used by heels to cheat in matches. So steel chair is one of the most important objects in wrestling. You may say that wrestlers can use chairshots to skull but it really doesn't look as effective as hitting to face. It takes away some intensity from stories and matches.

I think every wrestler knows how to do a chair spot without getting hurt. If there is a way to use chairshots without getting hurt like putting your hands on your face then I'm all against to this ban. Because in wrestling if you even botch a powerbomb you can break your opponent's neck for forever or make him paralyzed. Then every top rope move should be banned too. So what the fuck should WWE do ? John Cena was injured because he botched a hiptoss. Should WWE also ban hiptoss ? Wrestlers know that they risk their healths and lives because it's their job. If there is a way to do a chairshot spot to head without getting damaged then as a wrestler you must do it because it's your job. It's like saying someone in the circus to not walk on a rope from meters above because he can fall down and die but it's his job to walk on that rope without falling down. If he is not able to do it no one would force him to do it. But just because of some people taking away one of the greatest elements of wrestling is stupid.

I've never taken a chairshot or I don't know how not to get damaged in a chairshot spot. So all of the things I said above are true in one condition. If there is a way to not damaged in a chairshot to head. If it has been done for years and many people have never suffered a confusion from it I think there is.
If you need chair shots to the head to tell a story in the ring, you are a completely incompetent wrestler to begin with. The importance of chair shots to the head? WTF? Heels didn't used to need anything but a manager to screw opponents over. Claiming a steel chair is one of the most important parts of wrestling is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard. If you could wrestle worth a damn, you wouldn't need to use a steel chair to get the crowd into it. Just because Mick Foley made a career out it to compensate for his complete lack of actual wrestling skill doesn't make it "important".
If you need chair shots to the head to tell a story in the ring, you are a completely incompetent wrestler to begin with. The importance of chair shots to the head? WTF? Heels didn't used to need anything but a manager to screw opponents over. Claiming a steel chair is one of the most important parts of wrestling is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever heard. If you could wrestle worth a damn, you wouldn't need to use a steel chair to get the crowd into it. Just because Mick Foley made a career out it to compensate for his complete lack of actual wrestling skill doesn't make it "important".
I think you're missing a point. I've never said you must use steel chair to get the crowd into it what I was saying is steel chair is just a great element to use in stories and if there is no need banning it is bullshit. Steel chair is one of the most painful looking objects in wrestling. The best thing about it is it never gets stale. Whenever heels need to cheat steel chair have always been one of the most common choices. Whenever you need a hardcore match or bloody brawl steel chair is the most common object to use. Yes you can also use steel chair to skull but it does not look as effective as chairshot to face. Like I said in my post above if wrestlers can do chair spots without getting damaged they should. Because even a hiptoss in wrestling can injure you badly if you botch.
Anyone with a shred of common sense knows that if you swing a 5-10 pound piece of metal at someone's head at 20-30 miles per hour, there's always a chance that you're going to suffer some trauma when that piece of metal makes contact. I've never taken a chairshot to the head. I don't need to in order to know that it can do some damage, potentially life altering and life threatening damage at that. As I said in an earlier post, all it takes is the right amount of pressure in just the right spot at just the right angle and you can turn someone into a vegetable. Next time anyone goes to the doctor, ask him or her what a sudden and intense blow straight to the skull with a hard object can lead to. Chairs can still be used effectively in beatdowns. Just look at beatdown of John Cena by Batista on Raw several weeks back.

The only ones that have a problem with this are people that truly have no clue what they're talking about. Or, even worse, are people that either don't know what they're talking about and don't really even want to know or people that just flat out don't give a shit. This is a fantastic move on the part of the WWE to do what they can to curb potentially life threatening injuries to their wrestlers and I hope it's something that other wrestling companies adopt as well.
ive only scanned through this post so i dont know if this has been mentioned, why dont they just replace the material used? they did it with the ladders and trash cans why not chairs.

I also am suprised that vince banned this as he is willing to let people like shelton benjamin and jeff hardy etc risk their lives by doing crazy moves of a ladder, think about it 1 slip and they break their necks, i dont wont to see this banned i was just pointing it out. I can see why Vince has banned them though he just needs to find a way around it. (as i have previously mentioned)

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