I read it clearly. I'm still baffled by what that has to do with going into business for themselves and breaking rules they knew were in place.
And even done in moderation, one poorly-timed headshot could cause a concussion, or far worse. Why take that chance? I'm fine with blood in moderation as well, especially in Hell In A Cell matches. Chairshots to the head?
The evidence is
overwhelming as to why WWE is correct in banning them.
That sucks. Id have a hard time keeing u with a product I only found one thing enjoyable about.

Now you're just trolling, or worse, you really not very smart. Cena ONLY made it to the top because Lesnar left? He's a
thirteen time champ, and has been the main event on the flagship show since 2005, which has been 8 years. Batista's main event run on Raw lasted for 4 months, and the only other times he was main-eventing were
against John Cena. And those were the best matches of Dave Bautista's career, along with his series of matches against the Undertaker.
Cena, on the other hand, has had good to great matches with almost everyone he's stepped into the ring with.
Further, Lesnar left in 2004. Cena got his first WWE Title shot in 2003 against that very man, a year into his career. Him getting to the top had nothing to do with Lesnar leaving.
You're kidding right? Randy Orton's last break was last summer, for 2 months for violating the Wellness Policy.
Why would you fine them? Because they broke the rules. Which Randy Orton has a habit of doing, hence two Wellness Policy violations, and another suspension for detrimental conduct.
But because he's a talented wrestler, the rules shouldn't apply to him, you're saying? I work hard as well, but if I broke one of the state's laws, I could face fines/loss of my license to practice. But if I'm one of the best therapists in the state and work really, really hard, I should be able to sleep with the occasional client, right?
After all, I'd only be doing it on occasion.
WWE is actually far more mainstream then it was during the Attitude Era, due to Twitter, Facebook, and so on. And Miz and John Cena, for example, are seemingly booked for one late-night show a week.
Their employer noticed, and that's all that matters.
I don't, but I do know what it's like to have a job with rules and regulations I have to follow.....
I'm my own boss, but I've worked for others in the past, and when I've broken rules, I've been punished. That's the way of the world.
And how do you figure the owner of the world's largest wrestling company, who put WCW out of business, knows nothing about business? That makes no sense. Nor does continuing this back-and-forth. You have your opinion, I mine.