Orton & Bryan Fined by WWE

A lot of accidents happen in wrestling.. its like saying a spear should be banned for giving bret hart a stroke. accidents happen and its not the move's fault. its usually the wrestlers fault

Bret Hart got severe concussions (which led to post concussion syndrome) from a botched mule kick by Goldbotch and then Goldbotch not taking a figure four on the ring post correctly, not a spear.

Bret Hart got a stroke from a bicycle accident.

You are a moron. Not so much for getting the background of Bret's injury wrong, but moreso for your body of work in this thread. :D
Well it depends on how we view wrestlers. If we believe that we are the Roman Emperors and these superstars should go out an danger their livelihood for our entertainment than chair shots should be encouraged.

I am not of that opinion. While I love wrestling and want the most entertaining product imaginable, I DO NOT want someone to endanger his career and well-being. These superstars have families that they barely see as it is: don't make them sacrifice their well-being as well.

Obviously it wasn't just chair shots but look at Benoit, his son, his wife and all who were close to them. Chair shots would have undoubtedly be detrimental to his health. I understand that chair shots can be executed carefully but it is still very risky. There is no need to take the risk.

If you support chair-shots than you may as well support the use of setroids and other drugs to make these guys super-human and be able to perform at abnormal levels. Who cares about the long-term damage.
I find all of this sad how sensitive wrestling fans have gotten. Chairshots has been in wrestling forever and half of the wrestlers that end up dead or severely injured usually due to extreme drug use or wrestling moves performed incorrectly. Whoever blamed Bret Harts stroke on a chair shot is an idiot. We all know Goldberg fucked up. Thats like if Bryan or Del Rio kicked another wrestler and used all their momentum by accident causing the wrestler to have a stroke or concussion. Would you blame it on chair shots then? There are so many more things more lethal than a chairshot. Moves delivered incorrectly, a wrestler not stretching right prior to the match, 'steel steps' table moves, Submissions applied incorrectly the list goes on and on. Benoit did so much with his head the chair shots would have minimal contribution. The guy was headbutting left and right, german suplexing sometimes landing on his head amongst other things. I mean I wont say it isnt dangerous but like most things when executing it right would make it just as harmless as Sweet Chin Music. Because Michaels could miss at any moment and BAM! concussion. Wrestling fans really need to man up
One thing I have seen in this thread is that some people say they didn't even notice the chair shot to the head. Which I find strange because there actually were 2 head shots.

The first one was on the suicide dive and Orton put the chair up and Bryan appeared to block it.

Later in the match Orton did the Sabu chair throw spot that caught Bryan in the face again.

Also to those who said "Bryan gets hit and he gets fined", obviously he had to agree to the spot during the match so he is just as responsible.
i love how u nitpick and u tell me to stop watching if i hate it.

Because you nitpick the product you claim to have passion for, thus creating a paradigm where you find nothing redeeming in it whatsoever. You want the blood, guts, and gore that lead to premature deaths, retirements, and strokes.

But as long as it's entertainment, that's ok, right?

i watch wrestling because i have passion for it, so i am not going to stop watching.

That's your choice, but it still makes you seem like an ass for complaining as much as you do. Is there anything you like about the product other then blood, guts, and T&A? Serious question.

but i still am going to have to put up with the fucking bad product.

You HAVE to? Or you're choosing to?

If I disliked something so much, I'd stop watching. I'd walk away from it, like your man-crush Dave Bautista.

even though product is bad, i will continue on watching wwe because i like wrestling.
You realize how much you contradict yourself, do you not?

and why the fuck would they fine orton and bryan for entertaining the fans?
Because they put themselves in danger for doing so, broke rules in place that ban headshots, and went into business for themselves.

It's like asking "Why would they suspend Randy Orton for taking steroids?" Because its against the rules. Are you really that ignorant? Appears so.

bryan wasnt even injured, what the fuck was the fine for?
I'll explain it, nice and slow.


bryan continued the match and finished. i doubt anybody noticed the headshot anyways, its not that big of a fucking deal!
If nobody noticed the headshot, how were they fined for it? :rolleyes:
I noticed it, for one. Bryan was on the ropes, Orton cracked him with a chair.

They broke the rules the company has in place. Why shouldn't they be punished for it?
Because you nitpick the product you claim to have passion for, thus creating a paradigm where you find nothing redeeming in it whatsoever. You want the blood, guts, and gore that lead to premature deaths, retirements, and strokes.

But as long as it's entertainment, that's ok, right?
i clearly stated that headshots and blood should be used in moderation, not on a weekly basis. do you know how to read?

That's your choice, but it still makes you seem like an ass for complaining as much as you do. Is there anything you like about the product other then blood, guts, and T&A? Serious question.
of course.. i really enjoy randy orton's matches and i enjoyed batista's wwe title run, but thats about it. mostly due to the crappy creative team and they dont know how to handle things properly

You HAVE to? Or you're choosing to?

If I disliked something so much, I'd stop watching. I'd walk away from it, like your man-crush Dave Bautista.

i have to because i really like to see matches, but i just ccant handle the creative team's stupid booking.. and i really like how u make fun of batista when ur fav superstar is john cena. batista is miles bigger draw and miles more talented than john cena. face it, john cena just got to the top because brock lesnar left in 2003.

You realize how much you contradict yourself, do you not?

no i am not. i like the matches, i just dont like the booking and storylines.

Because they put themselves in danger for doing so, broke rules in place that ban headshots, and went into business for themselves.

It's like asking "Why would they suspend Randy Orton for taking steroids?" Because its against the rules. Are you really that ignorant? Appears so.

then its a stupidass rule.. daniel bryan and randy orton work their fucking asses to entertain fans. i cant even remember the last time they took an extended break like cm punk did. why would u punish ur hard working, 2 of the best wrestling stars money?

I'll explain it, nice and slow.

i wonder why they didnt have it in place in the attitude era, and it just happens that the attitude era was wayyy mroe mainstream than right now. coincidence? not really.

If nobody noticed the headshot, how were they fined for it? :rolleyes:
I noticed it, for one. Bryan was on the ropes, Orton cracked him with a chair.
how many casual fans actually noticed it? its not even that big of a deal to notice it..

They broke the rules the company has in place. Why shouldn't they be punished for it?

they deserved at least a warning, not a fucking punishment. do u know how it feels like to be wrestling every week of the year? u try being in randy orton or daniel bryan's position and see how it is like. see how it is like when ur asshole boss (vince mcmahon, who knows notihng about business) punishes you.
i clearly stated that headshots and blood should be used in moderation, not on a weekly basis. do you know how to read?

I read it clearly. I'm still baffled by what that has to do with going into business for themselves and breaking rules they knew were in place.

And even done in moderation, one poorly-timed headshot could cause a concussion, or far worse. Why take that chance? I'm fine with blood in moderation as well, especially in Hell In A Cell matches. Chairshots to the head?

The evidence is overwhelming as to why WWE is correct in banning them.

of course.. i really enjoy randy orton's matches and i enjoyed batista's wwe title run, but thats about it. mostly due to the crappy creative team and they dont know how to handle things properly

That sucks. Id have a hard time keeing u with a product I only found one thing enjoyable about.

and i really like how u make fun of batista when ur fav superstar is john cena. batista is miles bigger draw and miles more talented than john cena. face it, john cena just got to the top because brock lesnar left in 2003.

Now you're just trolling, or worse, you really not very smart. Cena ONLY made it to the top because Lesnar left? He's a thirteen time champ, and has been the main event on the flagship show since 2005, which has been 8 years. Batista's main event run on Raw lasted for 4 months, and the only other times he was main-eventing were against John Cena. And those were the best matches of Dave Bautista's career, along with his series of matches against the Undertaker.

Cena, on the other hand, has had good to great matches with almost everyone he's stepped into the ring with.

Further, Lesnar left in 2004. Cena got his first WWE Title shot in 2003 against that very man, a year into his career. Him getting to the top had nothing to do with Lesnar leaving.

then its a stupidass rule.. daniel bryan and randy orton work their fucking asses to entertain fans. i cant even remember the last time they took an extended break like cm punk did. why would u punish ur hard working, 2 of the best wrestling stars money?

You're kidding right? Randy Orton's last break was last summer, for 2 months for violating the Wellness Policy.

Why would you fine them? Because they broke the rules. Which Randy Orton has a habit of doing, hence two Wellness Policy violations, and another suspension for detrimental conduct.

But because he's a talented wrestler, the rules shouldn't apply to him, you're saying? I work hard as well, but if I broke one of the state's laws, I could face fines/loss of my license to practice. But if I'm one of the best therapists in the state and work really, really hard, I should be able to sleep with the occasional client, right?

After all, I'd only be doing it on occasion.

i wonder why they didnt have it in place in the attitude era, and it just happens that the attitude era was wayyy mroe mainstream than right now. coincidence? not really.
WWE is actually far more mainstream then it was during the Attitude Era, due to Twitter, Facebook, and so on. And Miz and John Cena, for example, are seemingly booked for one late-night show a week.

how many casual fans actually noticed it? its not even that big of a deal to notice it..
Their employer noticed, and that's all that matters.

they deserved at least a warning, not a fucking punishment. do u know how it feels like to be wrestling every week of the year?
I don't, but I do know what it's like to have a job with rules and regulations I have to follow.....

u try being in randy orton or daniel bryan's position and see how it is like. see how it is like when ur asshole boss (vince mcmahon, who knows notihng about business) punishes you.
I'm my own boss, but I've worked for others in the past, and when I've broken rules, I've been punished. That's the way of the world.

And how do you figure the owner of the world's largest wrestling company, who put WCW out of business, knows nothing about business? That makes no sense. Nor does continuing this back-and-forth. You have your opinion, I mine.
I read it clearly. I'm still baffled by what that has to do with going into business for themselves and breaking rules they knew were in place.

And even done in moderation, one poorly-timed headshot could cause a concussion, or far worse. Why take that chance? I'm fine with blood in moderation as well, especially in Hell In A Cell matches. Chairshots to the head?

The evidence is overwhelming as to why WWE is correct in banning them.

That sucks. Id have a hard time keeing u with a product I only found one thing enjoyable about.

Now you're just trolling, or worse, you really not very smart. Cena ONLY made it to the top because Lesnar left? He's a thirteen time champ, and has been the main event on the flagship show since 2005, which has been 8 years. Batista's main event run on Raw lasted for 4 months, and the only other times he was main-eventing were against John Cena. And those were the best matches of Dave Bautista's career, along with his series of matches against the Undertaker.

Cena, on the other hand, has had good to great matches with almost everyone he's stepped into the ring with.

Further, Lesnar left in 2004. Cena got his first WWE Title shot in 2003 against that very man, a year into his career. Him getting to the top had nothing to do with Lesnar leaving.

You're kidding right? Randy Orton's last break was last summer, for 2 months for violating the Wellness Policy.

Why would you fine them? Because they broke the rules. Which Randy Orton has a habit of doing, hence two Wellness Policy violations, and another suspension for detrimental conduct.

But because he's a talented wrestler, the rules shouldn't apply to him, you're saying? I work hard as well, but if I broke one of the state's laws, I could face fines/loss of my license to practice. But if I'm one of the best therapists in the state and work really, really hard, I should be able to sleep with the occasional client, right?

After all, I'd only be doing it on occasion.

WWE is actually far more mainstream then it was during the Attitude Era, due to Twitter, Facebook, and so on. And Miz and John Cena, for example, are seemingly booked for one late-night show a week.

Their employer noticed, and that's all that matters.

I don't, but I do know what it's like to have a job with rules and regulations I have to follow.....

I'm my own boss, but I've worked for others in the past, and when I've broken rules, I've been punished. That's the way of the world.

And how do you figure the owner of the world's largest wrestling company, who put WCW out of business, knows nothing about business? That makes no sense. Nor does continuing this back-and-forth. You have your opinion, I mine.

you're right. this argument is just going to keep on going. we both have different opinions. its very clear that you like PG storylines, john cena overcoming the odds, and cheesy smiles from various faces (sheamus, kofi kingston, bo dallas).

and my opinion is that i like hardcore stuff and intense stuff, like the attitude era, randy orton, batista, stone cold steve austin, all those good stuff that we left behind to go PG. wrestling and PG don't go well together. wrestlign NEEDS to have blood and needs to have headshots to get ratings. from a business perspective, headshots and blood increase ratings and buyrates, its as simple as i can put it.. its not rocket science man. it outweighs any risk of concussion or injury (which is a very llow chance anyways).

see the match between jeff hardy and brock lesnar? how else would jeff hardy stand a chance, he obviously needs headshots with chairs. in my opinion a chairshot to the gut and then to the back looks stupid as fuck and so fake. i know wwe is fake, but they need to make an attempt to make it look as real as it can. u can obviously see the chairshot being blocked by the person's hand and chairshots to the back dont look as painful as headshots.

and no, i dont think wwe is more mainstream right now. its actually declining in ratings and buyrates. it has a "lolfake" tag from the mainstream audience and in general it just has really bad reviews, so no its not even close to mainstream. back then, it was pulling 5.0 ratings and was more mainstream than ever. doesnt matter if wwe utilizes social media because people dont caer anyways.

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