Should WWE superstars be allowed to smoke marijuana?

Honestly, this shouldn't even be thought about at all until it is actually legal nationwide. In a nutshell until it is, it is simply a question of should wrestlers be allowed to break the law.
Yes, but they shouldn't be allowed to come to work high. Just like they aren't allowed to come to work drunk.

Weed is significantly less harmful that alcohol, long term, so if they are allowed to hit the club after work and get shitfaced drunk, then they should be able to go home and get high and go to sleep and come to work the next day.

I don't know why that's so hard for the country to understand. People think if weed is legalized, you're gonna have people operating machinery and directing traffic high. No. You should be allowed to come to work under the influence of anything. But if you want to go home and get intoxicated, then that's your business and privilege as an adult.

No smoking weed during the day of an event. But after the event or on days where there are no events, then they should be allowed to.
Just remember Jeff Hardy at TNA Victory Road? It was one of the most embarrasing moments in pri wrestling history. Does WWE really want an entire roster of entoxicated performers?
Just remember Jeff Hardy at TNA Victory Road? It was one of the most embarrasing moments in pri wrestling history. Does WWE really want an entire roster of entoxicated performers?

You're either stupid or you're severely uneducated on drugs and their effects. Jeff Hardy wasn't high on Marijuana that night, he was clearly on something much stronger. I agree that they should definitely be sober when they're working, but that was a stupid analogy.
Matt Sydal/Evan Bourne smoked it all the time on the indies it never affected his solid ring work, with him, he was clean for 4 years in WWE but you are at an after party and you get in the moment, I can see it happening. R Truth was smoking with Matt, they both seem like guys who'd get along.
Jeff was more into hardcore stuff and with good reason, back pain from those TLC matches, he even has restless leg syndrome from his stuff in the ring.
Even RVD and Orton have had done it.

With weed becoming legal, more and more legal though I think if they are partying in california or colorado, wherever weed is legal, do it.
I'm super liberal, I don't see the problem
I say NO it is part of the wellness program, a wrestler can get hurt because of another wrestlers stupidity. I tried different drugs in my past and now looking back on it, it was stupid what is the purpose wow your high for a couple of hours big deal. People do stupid things straight watch them drive, add a joint watch all the problems you will have in Washington and Colorado. If you can't enjoy life straight than you have a problem.
I say NO it is part of the wellness program, a wrestler can get hurt because of another wrestlers stupidity. I tried different drugs in my past and now looking back on it, it was stupid what is the purpose wow your high for a couple of hours big deal. People do stupid things straight watch them drive, add a joint watch all the problems you will have in Washington and Colorado. If you can't enjoy life straight than you have a problem.

Same opinion as you... I've been there done that, then I turned 20. Some people like a Jeff Hardy for instance just never grow up. I mean look at the way he goes on for youtube.

Passing out before a main event match against STING... uuh no, if it was my promotion I wouldn't give them a 2nd look. Maybe if it was just mj but the thing is, it shows how immature a person is getting caught with that. I mean it's 2014 now and It's not even cool to smoke it anymore it makes you look an immature teenager.

It's a no all around for me but especially while in the ring NO!
Weed doesn't play a factor in the wrestlers performance.

:lmao: See that's the problem though... does.

If your argument was for the talents using on their days off maaaybe...
but even if I was pro MJ I still wouldn't want people doing it at their jobs or driving around. It's like getting drunk and going to work.

I've done it and I would not be able to wrestle on it.
Maybe some can but how do you tell them apart as a promoter.

My views on weed in WWE is a big no for obvious reasons...

As far as the world goes if your responsible, which everyone CLAIMS they are, go for it. If your under 21 or an idiot who's all like
"Lets see who can smoke the most weed in 20 seconds and fry are brains out" just doing it to be cool like Jeff Hardy then it should be illegal strictly for you.

As far as everything else goes I think weed should be:

*Age restriction 21
*Need a special license to sell OR USE (NOT MEDICAL!)
*Limit Card (Says how much a week you can buy)
*Driving laws... work laws... all that stuff would be the same as alcohol laws.
Remember Scott Halls WCW run. Would you want to take the Outsiders Edge from a stumbling Scott Hall,

:lol: Just had to say lol ....While Not condoning it because nobody else could do this but Scott Hall still hit every move perfect while intoxicated out of his freakin mind lol

Better example for you to use would have been Hardy in place of Hall...

:worship: Good ol' Bad Guy haha
I think once weed's legalized in every state WWE should allow their wrestlers to smoke weed. One major reason why I see it as a good thing is that weed(especially when it's in a highly concentrated oil) cures every disease you can think of-cancer, lupus, Crohn's Disease, glaucoma, Hep C, etc

It doesn't cure any of those.... it might ease the pain but none will eliminate cancer forever... the closest thing that does is called DCA and we're not allowed using that either
From the age of 5 up until the time i graduated High School I was an athlete. When I was 13 I smoked my first joint and since I turned 14 I think it's safe to say that I have smoked weed at least once every day since then (I'm now 21). I've played baseball, basketball, football, and even have wrestled high.

Now I'll tell you this if you smoke pot enough to consider going out on a field of play high then it probably won't have much of an effect on your performance. I've played football with many d1 athletes who I smoked weed and popped pills with before damn near every game and this was from my tenth to twelfth grade year before every game including the playoffs we were getting fucked up. Two of these seasons we went undefeated in the regular and were crowned conference champions, one of these years we lost in the second round of the playffs and the other we were state runner ups. Now when I see these division 1 athletes to this very day we still go smoke weed and if any of them made it to the NFL I'd probably be getting high with them at their draft party as well as their retirement party.

I've Wrestled in two state tournaments on pot, and really every tournament I've ever wrestled in I was high during every match. Me and a couple teammates would find spots around the school to smoke at between matches, and if we were driving a nice distance away, Coach would let one of the older guys tailgate the bus and we would end up hot boxing their car in between our matches and at the round intermissions. I'm a 4 time regional qualifier and a two time state qualifier and all of it is due to hardwork, weed, and xanax.

I don't get why everyone has this stigma about weed like it's such a bad thing. Wrestling is an art, if you look at any art it goes hand in hand with drugs. Take a look at wrestling in the 80's and tell me which one of those top guys in WWF wasn't on Coke, and you guys are making a big deal about weed?

Hell if they supported Weed Linda may actually win that election
:lmao: See that's the problem though... does.

If your argument was for the talents using on their days off maaaybe...
but even if I was pro MJ I still wouldn't want people doing it at their jobs or driving around. It's like getting drunk and going to work.

I've done it and I would not be able to wrestle on it.
Maybe some can but how do you tell them apart as a promoter.

My views on weed in WWE is a big no for obvious reasons...

As far as the world goes if your responsible, which everyone CLAIMS they are, go for it. If your under 21 or an idiot who's all like
"Lets see who can smoke the most weed in 20 seconds and fry are brains out" just doing it to be cool like Jeff Hardy then it should be illegal strictly for you.

As far as everything else goes I think weed should be:

*Age restriction 21
*Need a special license to sell OR USE (NOT MEDICAL!)
*Limit Card (Says how much a week you can buy)
*Driving laws... work laws... all that stuff would be the same as alcohol laws.

Smoking weed is nothing like drinking alcohol even in the slightest bit. An alcoholic will drive through a stop sign but a pot head will wait on it to turn green. If anything Alcohol should be illegal. Medically i's way worse for you than weed. Not to mention that it destroys families and kills tons of innocent people every year.

And your Weed legalization plan is dumb. Honestly I feel the government should legalize it and leave it the way that it is, don't speak about it don't promote it just let it be their it wont bother anyone.
It doesn't cure any of those.... it might ease the pain but none will eliminate cancer forever... the closest thing that does is called DCA and we're not allowed using that either

It actually has eliminated cancer forever in certain people who've used the highly concentrated oil Rick Simpson Oil. Lung cancer has been eliminated, as well, also along wih skin cancer.
Thread talking about drugs? Check.
Thread talking about the wellness policy? Check

Time for Remix to school some bitches.

I'll start by saying that WWE should not allow their wrestlers to smoke cannabis, regardless of whether they are in a state where it's legal or even if it's made legal throughout the country. Its legality is pretty much irrelevant to its status on the wellness policy. That's because the policy doesn't exist to comply with the law, it barely exists to protect the wrestlers. Bottom line, it exists to protect the company. Removing weed from the policy doesn't serve that aim for two reasons. Firstly there's the initial backlash from conservatives (who generally oppose the legalisation of drugs) and/or overbearing parents (who'll throw a fit if a company are seen/perceived to be promoting drug use). The second is because if someone gets high before wrestling and decides to sue, WWE/the high guy will lose. WWE don't want a lawsuit or the bad press relating to one. For the record, I don't think wrestlers should be taking certain antihistamines before wrestling either since ya know if you shouldn't operate a car while taking them, you probably shouldn't be in the ring. Just common sense, really.

TL;DR If Wrestler A is injured during a match with Wrestler B, after Wrestler B knowingly takes a drug that affects their reaction time and motor control, Wrestler B is fucked in court.

Now onto the schooling. I'm only going to pay attention to people making claims about the medicinal value of cannabis because 1) I give no fucks about anyone's personal history with the drug 2) it's completely irrelevant to the thread 3) knowing shit about medicines is kinda my job and 4) Said claims annoy the piss out of me because they're usually about as well supported as a naked grandma's tits.

One major reason why I see it as a good thing is that weed(especially when it's in a highly concentrated oil) cures every disease you can think of

Addiction to cannabis. Boom. Oh, and before you get back to me with 'Cannabis isn't addictive' know this:

1) Addiction generally lasts a few weeks at most, this is the case for alcohol, opiates, nicotine, cocaine etc. Recovering addicts can remain clean for longer and still end up relapsing, indicating that there is a psychological component to addiction.

2) It may not be physically addictive, but psychologically? Yeah, it's totally addictive. When you have people who A) rely on the drug to calm down after a stressful day and B) have formed a daily habit, the evidence suggests that cannabis addiction is a thing.


According to Cancer research UK and American Cancer Society, there's no evidence for that. And before you say 'no research has been done because the drug companies don't want it on the market because they can't turn a profit' know this:

1) There's actually been quite a bit of research on cannabis in cancer, as those two links demonstrate

2) They would totally turn a profit if any of the chemicals in pot was a cancer cure. You know where Aspirin comes from? Willow bark. Digoxin? Foxgloves. Vincristine? The leaves of the Madagascar Periwinkle. 70% of drugs on the market were derived from plants. A lot of them are cancer drugs.

3) Even if cannabis did contain a miracle cancer cure that the drug companies couldn't turn a profit on, they'd just make a better version of it. Pharmacologically speaking, THC is a shitty drug. It's poorly water soluble, which makes administering it in a medical setting (i.e. a consistent, calculable dose) really damn hard. Addressing a similar problem with morphine is how heroin came about. Speaking of morphine, pharmaceutical companies have made opiates that are literally thousands of times more potent than morphine. Don't pretend that given sufficient motivation (read: the chance to make a ridiculous amount of money) the same thing wouldn't happen for THC, or any other chemical in cannabis.

4) Do you even know how cancer works and how cancer drugs work? Cancers are just your own cells that are rapidly replicating, and refusing to die like they should. Cancer drugs work by killing any cells that grow fast. They are literally poisons. Last time I checked, the side effects of pot didn't include destroying your lungs. Trust me, if pot was a cancer cure you would not be smoking it.

Cannabis has its place in cancer treatment. Its been demonstrated to be very effective to deal with nausea, pain and loss of appetite associated with cancer treatment. That doesn't make it a cure for cancer.

lupus, Crohn's Disease,


A recent metaanalysis concludes that there's no evidence for this. Also: see the cancer list

Research has shown that cannabis does reduce intraoccular pressure, but is so short lived that to be an 'effective' treatment people would need to be smoking it every couple of hours. That's just a pain in the arse. There's a reason that very few drugs are given 12 times a day


The only source I can find says nothing of the sort. The closest we have are studies indicating that smoking cannabis doesn't make Hep C any better or worse. That is not a cure.

etc..Hence, weed(especially highly concentrated oil) would definitely allow a good amount of wrestlers to stop taking so many deadly pain pills, somas, etc

Sure it would. And they'd also never die or get injured. Because pot.

Rick Simpson Oil can also heal concussions

... So this oil that targets and kills fast growing cells also promotes the growth of slow growing cells? Those are literally the exact opposite things. What if someone has a concussion and cancer, which does it do?

and seeing as how a good amount of WWE wrestlers have suffered concussions within the last few years, this is something WWE should look into, as far as research is concerned.

And if you believe that, man have I got a deal for you...

Linda running for Senator.... Nah.

Linda isn't running for senator.

Everyone keeps saying impaired. That's not the typical reaction to marijuana usage. Especially if the issue is a habitual user.

Yeah, it is. Just because you feel fine after smoking a joint doesn't mean it's not reducing your reaction time, among other things.

It has been Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

So has accupuncture. There's little to no evidence that works either.

The smoking of it for depression, nausea, restlessness, nerve damage, eating disorders, sleeping disorders.

See above.

The concentrated oil ( and a big props to whoever linked Run from the Cure) the oil kills cancer. To be more speficic, lab tests have proven that THC oil kills mutating cells while leaving healthy cells to prosper.

Lab tests show a lot of things that may or may not be clinically significant. There's a reason thousands of potential drugs that have an impact on whatever they're testing for in the lab don't end up making it to market. This might sound obvious, but you are not a petri-dish. So a lab squirted concentrated cannabis oil on isolated cell lines and recorded an effect. That's very interesting. Labs did a similar thing with antioxidants. They applied them to cells, recorded that there were lower levels of free radicals, which cause DNA damage (and therefore cancer). There's no evidence that anti-oxidants reduce cancer, and may even increase the risks.

Why is there such a stigma against this wonderful medicine?

Because its detractors made their point by being lying assholes rather than using facts.

If CM Punk can have an Ambien to sleep, and then come to work the next day, why can't RVD have a flower? Because Big Pharma didn't condition the western world to think that Ambient makes blacks and Mexicans rape white women, like they did with RVD's flower.


Smoking weed is nothing like drinking alcohol even in the slightest bit.

Actually, it kinda is. Sure, the effects are different but both will affect your ability to drive. I'm not going to say that one's worse than the other because seriously, if you've taken anything stronger than caffeine you should not be driving.

An alcoholic will drive through a stop sign but a pot head will wait on it to turn green.

1) Alcohol isn't dangerous because it'll cause people to skip red lights and stop signs, it fucks up your motor control (and by extension your ability to keep the car driving in a straight line) and your reaction time (read: your ability to stop before you hit something).

2) Cannabis also reduces motor control and reaction time. Do the math.

3) I can't stress this enough, there are a lot of drugs that you should not drive under the influence of. Some of them can be bought over the counter at your local pharmacy. If it affects your mental state, that is makes you drowzy, or drunk or stoned do not drive while you feel like that.

4) Just because one is worse than the other, doesn't mean that the 'less bad' thing is OK. Stealing is less serious than rape. That doesn't mean stealing should be legal. Extreme example, I realise but it makes my point.

5) Stop signs don't turn green. If things that should not be changing colour appear to do so for you, you should probably lay off the pot.

If anything Alcohol should be illegal.

If it hadn't been a part of humans' diets for thousands of years, it probably would be.

Medically i's way worse for you than weed.

Medically, alcohol is an antidote to certain poisons. You have yet to demonstrate that cannabis is a cure for anything.

Also, please don't argue against this point, I'm being facetious. Though alcohol is totally an antidote to methanol poisoning.

It actually has eliminated cancer forever in certain people who've used the highly concentrated oil Rick Simpson Oil.

Source? Because you'd think that cancer charities, which are not funded by pharmaceutical companies would be all over that if it was true.

Lung cancer has been eliminated,

Last year almost 160,000 people died of this 'eliminated' disease last year in the US alone. This isn't smallpox, lung cancer has not been 'eliminated'.

also along wih skin cancer.

Skin cancer can also be cured with a knife and/or liquid nitrogen. I don't recommend them as cure-alls. Seriously, if this oil is capable of removing tumours contained within a barrier intended to keep shit out, I would not be putting it into my lungs. Think about what you are saying.
You're either stupid or you're severely uneducated on drugs and their effects. Jeff Hardy wasn't high on Marijuana that night, he was clearly on something much stronger. I agree that they should definitely be sober when they're working, but that was a stupid analogy.
And you are either an addict or dumb enough to vote for Barack Obama twice.

No matter how strong the substance was that Hardy was on that night being high on ANY substance will effect your ability to perform. Guys are out there putting their lives on the line and expect you to be sober so that you are able to protect them just like you expect them to do for you.

Hardy did not just decide to start using drugs the night of Victory Road. Small time drug use lead to bigger drug use. No one ever says, "I want to be a junkie." If screwing with their own brains is that important to them then they should move to where it is legal and stay the hell away from professional wrestling or any job that requires you to be mentally and physically able to perform.
And you are either an addict or dumb enough to vote for Barack Obama twice.

No matter how strong the substance was that Hardy was on that night being high on ANY substance will effect your ability to perform. Guys are out there putting their lives on the line and expect you to be sober so that you are able to protect them just like you expect them to do for you.

Hardy did not just decide to start using drugs the night of Victory Road. Small time drug use lead to bigger drug use. No one ever says, "I want to be a junkie." If screwing with their own brains is that important to them then they should move to where it is legal and stay the hell away from professional wrestling or any job that requires you to be mentally and physically able to perform.

What the fuck are you talking about? Where did I say anything that opposed this viewpoint? I said that no one should work while they're impaired.

All I said was that using Jeff Hardy being fucked up on Somas as an example of what would happen if wrestlers were allowed to worked stoned was ******ed, and it was. Accidents could happen if someone was high on weed while working a match. It's not necessarily a given, though. There are people with amazingly high tolerances that you wouldn't even know were high if they didn't tell you who can do their job without incident. Accidents will happen if you allow someone fucked up on Benzos/Opiates/Alcohol (or even someone who isn't a regular Marijuana user) who was just found passed out in a bathroom to work a match.

Again, not saying that anyone should be allowed to work while they're impaired. Apparently you have to repeat yourself several times or the mouth-breathers miss it.
Thread talking about drugs? Check.
Thread talking about the wellness policy? Check

Time for Remix to school some bitches.

I'll start by saying that WWE should not allow their wrestlers to smoke cannabis, regardless of whether they are in a state where it's legal or even if it's made legal throughout the country. Its legality is pretty much irrelevant to its status on the wellness policy. That's because the policy doesn't exist to comply with the law, it barely exists to protect the wrestlers. Bottom line, it exists to protect the company. Removing weed from the policy doesn't serve that aim for two reasons. Firstly there's the initial backlash from conservatives (who generally oppose the legalisation of drugs) and/or overbearing parents (who'll throw a fit if a company are seen/perceived to be promoting drug use). The second is because if someone gets high before wrestling and decides to sue, WWE/the high guy will lose. WWE don't want a lawsuit or the bad press relating to one. For the record, I don't think wrestlers should be taking certain antihistamines before wrestling either since ya know if you shouldn't operate a car while taking them, you probably shouldn't be in the ring. Just common sense, really.

TL;DR If Wrestler A is injured during a match with Wrestler B, after Wrestler B knowingly takes a drug that affects their reaction time and motor control, Wrestler B is fucked in court.

Now onto the schooling. I'm only going to pay attention to people making claims about the medicinal value of cannabis because 1) I give no fucks about anyone's personal history with the drug 2) it's completely irrelevant to the thread 3) knowing shit about medicines is kinda my job and 4) Said claims annoy the piss out of me because they're usually about as well supported as a naked grandma's tits.

Addiction to cannabis. Boom. Oh, and before you get back to me with 'Cannabis isn't addictive' know this:

1) Addiction generally lasts a few weeks at most, this is the case for alcohol, opiates, nicotine, cocaine etc. Recovering addicts can remain clean for longer and still end up relapsing, indicating that there is a psychological component to addiction.

2) It may not be physically addictive, but psychologically? Yeah, it's totally addictive. When you have people who A) rely on the drug to calm down after a stressful day and B) have formed a daily habit, the evidence suggests that cannabis addiction is a thing.


According to Cancer research UK and American Cancer Society, there's no evidence for that. And before you say 'no research has been done because the drug companies don't want it on the market because they can't turn a profit' know this:

1) There's actually been quite a bit of research on cannabis in cancer, as those two links demonstrate

2) They would totally turn a profit if any of the chemicals in pot was a cancer cure. You know where Aspirin comes from? Willow bark. Digoxin? Foxgloves. Vincristine? The leaves of the Madagascar Periwinkle. 70% of drugs on the market were derived from plants. A lot of them are cancer drugs.

3) Even if cannabis did contain a miracle cancer cure that the drug companies couldn't turn a profit on, they'd just make a better version of it. Pharmacologically speaking, THC is a shitty drug. It's poorly water soluble, which makes administering it in a medical setting (i.e. a consistent, calculable dose) really damn hard. Addressing a similar problem with morphine is how heroin came about. Speaking of morphine, pharmaceutical companies have made opiates that are literally thousands of times more potent than morphine. Don't pretend that given sufficient motivation (read: the chance to make a ridiculous amount of money) the same thing wouldn't happen for THC, or any other chemical in cannabis.

4) Do you even know how cancer works and how cancer drugs work? Cancers are just your own cells that are rapidly replicating, and refusing to die like they should. Cancer drugs work by killing any cells that grow fast. They are literally poisons. Last time I checked, the side effects of pot didn't include destroying your lungs. Trust me, if pot was a cancer cure you would not be smoking it.

Cannabis has its place in cancer treatment. Its been demonstrated to be very effective to deal with nausea, pain and loss of appetite associated with cancer treatment. That doesn't make it a cure for cancer.


A recent metaanalysis concludes that there's no evidence for this. Also: see the cancer list

Research has shown that cannabis does reduce intraoccular pressure, but is so short lived that to be an 'effective' treatment people would need to be smoking it every couple of hours. That's just a pain in the arse. There's a reason that very few drugs are given 12 times a day


The only source I can find says nothing of the sort. The closest we have are studies indicating that smoking cannabis doesn't make Hep C any better or worse. That is not a cure.

Sure it would. And they'd also never die or get injured. Because pot.

... So this oil that targets and kills fast growing cells also promotes the growth of slow growing cells? Those are literally the exact opposite things. What if someone has a concussion and cancer, which does it do?

And if you believe that, man have I got a deal for you...

Linda isn't running for senator.

Yeah, it is. Just because you feel fine after smoking a joint doesn't mean it's not reducing your reaction time, among other things.

So has accupuncture. There's little to no evidence that works either.

See above.

Lab tests show a lot of things that may or may not be clinically significant. There's a reason thousands of potential drugs that have an impact on whatever they're testing for in the lab don't end up making it to market. This might sound obvious, but you are not a petri-dish. So a lab squirted concentrated cannabis oil on isolated cell lines and recorded an effect. That's very interesting. Labs did a similar thing with antioxidants. They applied them to cells, recorded that there were lower levels of free radicals, which cause DNA damage (and therefore cancer). There's no evidence that anti-oxidants reduce cancer, and may even increase the risks.

Because its detractors made their point by being lying assholes rather than using facts.


Actually, it kinda is. Sure, the effects are different but both will affect your ability to drive. I'm not going to say that one's worse than the other because seriously, if you've taken anything stronger than caffeine you should not be driving.

1) Alcohol isn't dangerous because it'll cause people to skip red lights and stop signs, it fucks up your motor control (and by extension your ability to keep the car driving in a straight line) and your reaction time (read: your ability to stop before you hit something).

2) Cannabis also reduces motor control and reaction time. Do the math.

3) I can't stress this enough, there are a lot of drugs that you should not drive under the influence of. Some of them can be bought over the counter at your local pharmacy. If it affects your mental state, that is makes you drowzy, or drunk or stoned do not drive while you feel like that.

4) Just because one is worse than the other, doesn't mean that the 'less bad' thing is OK. Stealing is less serious than rape. That doesn't mean stealing should be legal. Extreme example, I realise but it makes my point.

5) Stop signs don't turn green. If things that should not be changing colour appear to do so for you, you should probably lay off the pot.

If it hadn't been a part of humans' diets for thousands of years, it probably would be.

Medically, alcohol is an antidote to certain poisons. You have yet to demonstrate that cannabis is a cure for anything.

Also, please don't argue against this point, I'm being facetious. Though alcohol is totally an antidote to methanol poisoning.

Source? Because you'd think that cancer charities, which are not funded by pharmaceutical companies would be all over that if it was true.

Last year almost 160,000 people died of this 'eliminated' disease last year in the US alone. This isn't smallpox, lung cancer has not been 'eliminated'.

Skin cancer can also be cured with a knife and/or liquid nitrogen. I don't recommend them as cure-alls. Seriously, if this oil is capable of removing tumours contained within a barrier intended to keep shit out, I would not be putting it into my lungs. Think about what you are saying.

I'm glad that you questioned everything I had typed.

Since in particular you claim to not know about this "oil" I keep mentioning, here's a video about the oil's creator, Rick Simpson, along with people from his East Canadian town he's helped out-

Concerning Rick Simpson Oil, the oil isn't smoked, rather it's put into a syringe, usually in increments of 1 gram per syringe. A person then squirts some oil out of the syringe and directly under their tongue, hence allowing the oil to circulate throughout the body quickly.

In the beginning of your post, you stated how your job is to "know medicine".. Since you've stated that, then I highly suggest you try Rick Simpson Oil out for yourself. Just use 1 syringe(1 gram) worth of Rick Simpson Oil and see how you feel after the entire syringe is empty(it might be at least a couple of weeks..You could first start off using a drop just bigger than a single grain of rice under your tongue) and then give yourself a slightly larger dose every couple of days.

Also, I don't know if you're aware of how intricate cannabis is. THC is only 1 part of the plant. Another cannabinoid(there's at least 60 cannabinoids) is called Cannabidiol(CBD). Now, CBD isn't psychoactive, helps tremendously against inflammation(such as Crohn's Disease and glaucoma), it's also anti-psychotic, anti-cancer, anti-emetic, anti-oxidant, anti-convulsant and an anti-depressant.

This is an interesting article on the endocannabinoid system-

While we're on the subject of cannabinoids, every animal(humans included) has cannabinoids within their body. Hence whether it's a platypus, toad, cheetah, crow, halibut, grasshopper, coyote or deep-sea worm, they all have cannabinoids no matter what genus/species, etc. That means that if you were to give any of those species Rick Simpson Oil, as long the dose was applicable to the size/height/weight of said animal, the animal would be healed from said health problem.

If you don't know what the CB1 and CB2 receptors are, here's a diagram for you-

CB1 receptors are in the brain, lungs, kidneys and liver while CB2 receptors are mainly in the immune system and hematopoietic cells

Here's the evidence for cannabis curing Hep C-

This link concerns cannabis and lupus-

This link is about drinking raw cannabis after putting it in a juicer and the health benefits behind it-

Here's evidence saying how cannabis has killed off cancer cells. The link is to an article which has a video where Dr. Christina Sanchez from the Compultense University Of Madrid explains how cannabis kills off cancer cells.

Article on how a geriatric man fought cancer with cannabis-

I don't know if you've ever heard of Raphael Mechoulam, but he's an 83 year old Israeli professor who first isolated THC back in 1964. Since then, he's been heavily involved in finding out just how powerful cannabis is, isolating more compounds such as CBD, etc Also, here's a link which talks about how in Israel there's hospitals which give their patients cannabis as medicine.

Here's a link that goes in depth about Israeli kids using cannabis, along with a video-

This link talks about a study concerning cannabis and how strong it is against Crohn's Disease-

As far as glaucoma goes, that study you cited hasn't taken everything into account, not to mention that it's outdated. Using Rick Simpson Oil, eating edibles(brownies/a meal cooked in cannabis oil), or drinking raw cannabis can lower the IOP level and keep it low in the long run.

The link below is to many different videos concerning cannabis and cancer, among other things. Also on that page, there's an interesting description about laetrile(B17) which is reputed to cure cancer. I'd like to know how you feel about B17 curing cancer.
I'm glad that you questioned everything I had typed.

I'm so glad you decided not to answer any of them.

Since in particular you claim to not know about this "oil" I keep mentioning, here's a video about the oil's creator, Rick Simpson, along with people from his East Canadian town he's helped out-

If I wanted to watch a miracle worker cure people I'd turn on God TV. The production values are better.

Concerning Rick Simpson Oil, the oil isn't smoked, rather it's put into a syringe, usually in increments of 1 gram per syringe. A person then squirts some oil out of the syringe and directly under their tongue, hence allowing the oil to circulate throughout the body quickly.

1) syringes don't measure weights, they measure volumes. I assume by 1g you mean 1 ml

2) That's a pretty shit method of administration, to be quite honest. Yeah, under the tongue (sublingual/SL) is a viable4 route of administration, but there's a very good reason it's rarely used. Firstly the mouth is pretty good at washing shit out of it, which reduces its usability, because the oil is just going to get diluted and swallowed. Secondly, in most cases it doesn't offer any significant advantages over oral (i.e. swallowed) preparations. It's only nische products like GTN where a fast absorption and metabolism are what's needed are when its used.

In the beginning of your post, you stated how your job is to "know medicine"..

By which I mean that I'm a pharmacist. Which means I know more about medicines than the average doctor.

Since you've stated that, then I highly suggest you try Rick Simpson Oil out for yourself.

No. I don't need to take a medicine to know it works. That's what research and product licenses are for.

Just use 1 syringe(1 gram) worth of Rick Simpson Oil and see how you feel after the entire syringe is empty(it might be at least a couple of weeks..You could first start off using a drop just bigger than a single grain of rice under your tongue) and then give yourself a slightly larger dose every couple of days.

No. If your pitch on how great a medicine is revolves around using it non-medicinally, rather than providing evidence of its efficacy you are demonstrating why it's not a licensed medicine.

Also, I don't know if you're aware of how intricate cannabis is. THC is only 1 part of the plant. Another cannabinoid(there's at least 60 cannabinoids) is called Cannabidiol(CBD).

I'm aware. Thanks for quoting wikipedia though.

Now, CBD isn't psychoactive,

[citation needed]

helps tremendously against inflammation(such as Crohn's Disease and glaucoma)

[citation needed]

it's also anti-psychotic

[citation needed]

Also, if it's antipsychotic, it's psychoactive.


[citation needed]


Well accepted.


[citation needed]

Also, irrelevent because antioxidant supplementation is fucking pointless


[citation needed]

Also, probably means it's probably psychoactive because if it affects how neurones act in the brain (which all anticonvulsants do), it's probably going to affect

and an anti-depressant.

[citation needed]

Also, I can't stress this enough, if a chemical is altering your mood, it is having a psychoactive effect.

sidenote: Depression and epilepsy are not similar conditions. There isn't any overlap between their treatment (ya know, except when people with epilepsy also have depression). It is highly unlikely that a drug would effectively treat both.

This is an interesting article on the endocannabinoid system-

Protip, CBD is not an endocannabinoid.

While we're on the subject of cannabinoids, every animal(humans included) has cannabinoids within their body.

False. That's like saying that every animal has opiates within their body because endorphines, and other things that bind to opiate receptors exist.

CBD looks like this:


Anandamid (an endocannabinoid) looks like this:


Those are not similar molecules.

Hence whether it's a platypus, toad, cheetah, crow, halibut, grasshopper, coyote or deep-sea worm, they all have cannabinoids no matter what genus/species, etc. That means that if you were to give any of those species Rick Simpson Oil, as long the dose was applicable to the size/height/weight of said animal, the animal would be healed from said health problem.


Passée I know, but I can't even begin to explain how stupid that paragraph is.

CB1 receptors are in the brain, lungs, kidneys and liver while CB2 receptors are mainly in the immune system and hematopoietic cells

Again, thanks for copy and pasting that.

Here's the evidence for cannabis curing Hep C-

OK, you're trying. That is weaksauce evidence for a several reasons.

1) it's not peer reviewed, it's just a person announcing that he's cured Hep C.
2) there's no actual data provided. We don't know how many people were in the study, we don't know how they defined 'cured' we don't know the demographics
3) There is no evidence that this has been submitted to a peer reviewed paper is suspicious. For evidence to be credible it has to be scrutinised, verifiable and repeatable. No one can scrutinise this article because noone can see the fucking evidence.
4) Jumping from 'oral preparation with a suppository' to 'needle shot vaccine' within a year is fishy. Those things are not similar. Additionally there's a buttload of preparatory work done before a drug can be tested in humans which takes a lot longer than a year.
5) The same guy who wrote that article, also advocates washing your dishes with gasoline. Also, if someone is doing research on both how much petrol to use when gardening and pot, chances are they're not doing much influential or important research.
6) We don't know what else the test subjects were doing to treat their Hep C. Interferon is effective in around 80% of patients with hep C.

This is just a primer of things you should consider when linking to a scientific article to make sure it's worth the time to even look at.

Also worth double checking that the article you're linking isn't a joke site

A youtube video isn't evidence. If Wikipedia won't accept it, nor will I.

This link is about drinking raw cannabis after putting it in a juicer and the health benefits behind it-

Anecdotes are not evidence. I could find an article espousing the benefits of not washing your hair for making it look lucious and silky smooth. Doesn't mean that not washing your hair is a sensible idea.

Here's evidence saying how cannabis has killed off cancer cells. The link is to an article which has a video where Dr. Christina Sanchez from the Compultense University Of Madrid explains how cannabis kills off cancer cells.

Collective-Evolution: the site that also believe there are portals in the earth's magnetic field Truly, the most reputable source you could have found.

For what it's worth, I tracked down the paper she's talking about. There was no evidence that cannabis oil had any impact on patients' survival, not that they were expecting it to. They were more interested on if it's safe to drill a hole in someone's head to administer cannabis oil through.

Article on how a geriatric man fought cancer with cannabis-

See above: anecdotes are not evidence.

I don't know if you've ever heard of Raphael Mechoulam, but he's an 83 year old Israeli professor who first isolated THC back in 1964. Since then, he's been heavily involved in finding out just how powerful cannabis is...

Interesting, but irrelevent. Try to stay on topic.

This link talks about a study concerning cannabis and how strong it is against Crohn's Disease-

The study demonstrates that cannabis is better at reducing inflammation than sugar pills. So are a lot of things. The disease was not cured, it weas not even sent into remission. The only thing demonstrated is that for most patients, the disease was improved compared to doing nothing at all.

Also, please link directly to the study and not the blog reporting on it. It saves me time.

One last thing, this article is uaing high strength THC cannabis. This does not demonstrate the efficacy of CBD.

As far as glaucoma goes, that study you cited hasn't taken everything into account, not to mention that it's outdated. Using Rick Simpson Oil, eating edibles(brownies/a meal cooked in cannabis oil), or drinking raw cannabis can lower the IOP level and keep it low in the long run.

[citation needed]

The link below is to many different videos concerning cannabis and cancer, among other things. Also on that page, there's an interesting description about laetrile(B17) which is reputed to cure cancer. I'd like to know how you feel about B17 curing cancer.

If you take it orally, it produces cyanide. Don't take laetrile. It is not a vitamin, no matter what you call it.

It's not just me that takes that line. Meta-analysis by the Cochrane Collaboration has determined that there's no evidence that it is effective but plenty that it's toxic. The NIH has made the same conclusions, which is why the FDA doesn't approve it and it's illegal to sell.
I'm all for the legalization of marijuana but I'm not willing to pay to see wrestlers work half-ass spots and forget their lines more than they already do. I don't think anyone would be wanting that either unless there were pot vendors on standby. Outside the ring is cool to me but I'm not going to fork over cash to watch performers struggle.
And you are either an addict or dumb enough to vote for Barack Obama twice.

No matter how strong the substance was that Hardy was on that night being high on ANY substance will effect your ability to perform. Guys are out there putting their lives on the line and expect you to be sober so that you are able to protect them just like you expect them to do for you.

Hardy did not just decide to start using drugs the night of Victory Road. Small time drug use lead to bigger drug use. No one ever says, "I want to be a junkie." If screwing with their own brains is that important to them then they should move to where it is legal and stay the hell away from professional wrestling or any job that requires you to be mentally and physically able to perform.
This is probably one of the dumbest post I have ever read on this forum. If you dont understand drugs and how they work than why even post in this thread? You clearly have no understanding of the effects of weed. Weed leads to other drugs is a scare tactic they use on children. I know people that have smoked pot for 20-30 years and never touched anything else. Rolling a plant does not lead to sticking a needle in your freaking arm. People that do hardcore drugs generally also smoke weed because it can help hold them over for cheap while they try to get money for the more expensive stuff. Weed is cheap and easily found which is why younger addicts tend to start off with weed. Its not like something in weed makes you have a huge craving for heroin.

I can summarize your entire post in 3 words....Drugs are bad!
If you can do what you normally do high, without slowing you down or making you useless, I'm all for it.

I've been blasted everyday for 9 years and actually did pretty well in life. I quit for a bit just for the hell of it and jumped back on. I'm no different either way.

Once you master you're high, people can't even tell the difference usually.

Most of you guys are thinking about the few times you've smoked or the few people you've seen high. It ain't always like that. Believe me.

RVD having weed on him when he was pulled over as champ, which led to him losing the titles, sucked. Makes me wonder what would have happened if he wasn't a smoker at the time, but it also doesn't make me wonder because that's WHO HE IS. He wouldn't have made it that far if not for doing what he loves (in the ring and out.)
I'm with the majority here and say no, you shouldn't be able to use while on the job. For my reasoning, we're going to that bastion of wrestling knowledge, Celebrity Championship Wrestling.

On the show, Hulk Hogan taught D list celebrities how to perform wrestling moves. One of the moves he taught them was the body slam. His explanation was something like this (paraphrased):

"As soon as he leans over on me, he's giving me his body and expects me to protect it. He's completely in the air and helpless at this point and it's my job to get him back to the mat completely safe. His safety, his life, and his career are literally in my hands."

That's with a basic move like a body slam. Imagine something like the Curb Stomp, a Pedigree or a DDT where you're dropping someone on their head or face. Those moves have to be done properly or you could see someone get seriously hurt. Look at all the botches and injuries that take place in wrestling when people are totally sober. Do you really want to see someone high and not completely in control of their body when they try to execute this stuff? Imagine someone trying a swanton if they were screwed up. If you can't flip all the way over and land on your head, your career is over. The same is true for dozens of moves.

Law aside, no WWE shouldn't allow their wrestlers to perform while intoxicated. It would be a stupid move, no matter how "in control" they are while high.
Haha, topic title made me laugh.

At the end of the day, I'd say no. It's illegal in most places of the world; therefore if they are caught, it will bring negative publicity upon the promotion. Therefore it would be silly to be like; yeah go ahead.

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