To the WWE: Who doesn't smoke weed?

If I can just emphasize the point that been made a number of times already.................... ITS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!! I smoke occasionally, but I do it where it is legal, Amsterdam. VKM has already been in enough shit with the authorities, and he is trying to now promote a PG image based product, so he can't really send out the message that smoking dope, which, I dont know if I've already mentioned it, is ILLEGAL, is absolutely fine; can he???
Bottom Line: Its an illegal drug...Yes its a plant that produces euphoric and toxic effects, therefore its a psychotropic drug. If you can get arrested for DWAI-marijuana then I can see why the WWE wants it out of their image. And taking drugs and wrestling has always been there...

Read Bret's book and listen to shoot interviews from kiq members. Kevin Nash talked about taking barbiturates before a match in the 90s. Hawk used to get f---ed up on placadyls before matches, HBK always used to be fucked up on something...In that respect I could see them cracking down on everything not just weed because drugs like that REALLY impair your movement and judgement.
jesus christ check out all the anti-pot heads ! he wasnt sayin they shud get pied be4 a match !!! if u had to list all the wrestlers who smoke weed thru the years there wudnt b enuff space to write all those names . wrestling was great 1990 - 2004/2005 then it went to shit , watch sum ufc iv been watchin wrestling 20 years n recently started watchin the ultimate fighter & all the ufc ppv's and its alot more interesting than any raw these days , back in the day raw had at least 80 mins of actual wrestling now ur lucky if u get 20 its the shits ! back to the weed fing ! roll that dogg a bone as road dogg used 2 say ! i bet even HHH stil smokes it !
They should smoke weed. RVD did it and he was WWE and ECW champ. Not that it made him champ, but still. Plus, Marijuana doesn't necessarily cause death, let alone any wrestlers. But, this can't be said for painkillers and alcohol. Take for example, Eddie Guerrero. Eddie had an addiction to painkillers and drank so much that it was integrated into some of his angles. Turns out that he died from heart failure, the result of his addiction. The same is true for Brian Pillman, although he took steroids and didn't drink. It's only cheating if you get caught.

Slight problem with that, EG didn't die because of his addictions, he died because of heart disease, his addictions won't have helped, and indeed probably shortened his life, but, the fact remains he was pencilled in for an early death due to having arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, which is heart dissease combined with high cholesterol, basically. I do happen to know something about this sort of thing.
Are you SERIOUSLY saying painkillers should be banned? How stupid are you?

clearly u mis-read what i said. i said i rather painkillers banned. RATHER! mostly due to the fact marajuna has no recorded death related cases. do your home work before you call me stupid.

You make NO sense, do you know that? What does it matter what a few wrestling fans have done? The point is it's illegal, and a company can't be seen to actively allow something illegal. Especially one which is trying to gain younger viewers.

again you arnt reading. i said the key is consumption. what does it matter what a few wresting fans think? you sound like preechers falling on deaf ears. and are you telling me you have no vices? if you dnt well congratulations. i empathise with wrestlers that use marajuana to ease the pain of injury. does that make me a bad person?

im not saying go and break the law. im pretty much saying who hasnt one way or another?
clearly u mis-read what i said. i said i rather painkillers banned. RATHER! mostly due to the fact marajuna has no recorded death related cases. do your home work before you call me stupid.

again you arnt reading. i said the key is consumption. what does it matter what a few wresting fans think? you sound like preechers falling on deaf ears. and are you telling me you have no vices? if you dnt well congratulations. i empathise with wrestlers that use marajuana to ease the pain of injury. does that make me a bad person?

im not saying go and break the law. im pretty much saying who hasnt one way or another?

I love how you say I'm not listening, while saying that part in bold. It doesn't matter HOW many 'vices' random wrestling fans have, they're not important. You simply cannot allow wrestlers to engage in an illegal activity and do nothing to stop it. What if a picture of Rey Mysterio getting high was published? What if parents saw that and decided WWE wasn't suitable for their children? When you're in a job such as this you're representing the company at all times.
I think that marijuana is the lesser of many evils in the drug world including alcohol. With the exception of CM Punk and maybe a couple others who isn't getting drunk? I think it should remain the way it is. The wrestles should smoke at their own risk. If you get caught so be it. You made your choice you knew it was illegal and could resort in a fine or worse. The one concern I have is the alcohol. Santino Marella, Kurt Angle, Becky Bayless, and numerous others have been charged with DUI's within the last year or so. Who is cracking down on them? Marijuana might be illegal while drinking is not, however drinking and driving is. All in all these wrestlers need to step up and realize they are role models to kids everywhere including my own.
sorry did u realise gandalf is smoking lets say a 'herb' in lord of the rings? im sure many young children have seen that. what im also saying is how can one preach if your no a do gooder youself. well are you? you constantly berate me for these things yet your not exactly saying well iv never broken the law. regardless of weather rey mysterio is doing drugs or not its not been specified as marajuna and i am aware if that is the case its fine and a slap on the wrists for that infringement. so how did he come about a 30 day suspension? marajuna? not likely!

if the fans vices arnt important then how can one process his own opinion on the matter? which is what it is. my opinion.
sorry did u realise gandalf is smoking lets say a 'herb' in lord of the rings? im sure many young children have seen that. what im also saying is how can one preach if your no a do gooder youself. well are you? you constantly berate me for these things yet your not exactly saying well iv never broken the law. regardless of weather rey mysterio is doing drugs or not its not been specified as marajuna and i am aware if that is the case its fine and a slap on the wrists for that infringement. so how did he come about a 30 day suspension? marajuna? not likely!

if the fans vices arnt important then how can one process his own opinion on the matter? which is what it is. my opinion.

Are you purposely not understanding what I'm saying or...? Want me to say it? I've never gone anywhere near any type of illegal drug and I never plan to do so. But what I do doesn't matter, THAT is my point. I don't care if people do drugs in their free time, it's their body and I'm not against that. But these wrestlers aren't just regular people, they're representing the WWE at all times. Why would McMahon allow the chance of his business getting negative press due to a wrestler doing something illegal?
But these wrestlers aren't just regular people, they're representing the WWE at all times. Why would McMahon allow the chance of his business getting negative press due to a wrestler doing something illegal?

How on earth arnt wrestlers regular people? because they are on tv? because they are role models? im sure triple h smashing in to randy ortons house and beating the crap out of him was a great example to set for kids.... oh crap its ok cuz hes not high hes just mad.

iv not once said vince shouldnt punish anyone but i empathise as to why they do it. oh and congratulations on not doing drugs ever. clap clap.
How on earth arnt wrestlers regular people? because they are on tv? because they are role models? im sure triple h smashing in to randy ortons house and beating the crap out of him was a great example to set for kids.... oh crap its ok cuz hes not high hes just mad.

I believe I said they aren't JUST regular people, which is true. The WWE could take a big hit if someone like John Cena was photographed taking marijuana. The fact that they're employed by the company is a big deal and the WWE has to show they're against illegal drugs.

iv not once said vince shouldnt punish anyone

You actually make no sense. You're saying they should do it, but that they should also be punished?

oh and congratulations on not doing drugs ever. clap clap.

You're so condescending it's almost funny. You specifically ask me about it, then when my answer isn't something you can use you decide to resort to this. Great debate skills.
im not really debating to be honest. iv let my feelings be known. why shouldnt wrestlers smoke weed? hell they know there is concequences so let them do it. if vince punishes them thats just tough. who am i to say someone shouldnt do some thing? im just a fan remember.
its pot, why would you want a superstar on it? not to mention being illegal its slows you down, damages your senses and memory, and just puts you out of it. Personally i think wwe should be harsher on pot charges except for a little fine.
Why in the world would he actively allow something ILLEGAL to happen and not do anything to stop it? I'm sure Xfear could come in and explain the effects of the drug etc. a lot more than I could, but I don't think that's what's important. The fact is, it's illegal, and a company such as the WWE needs to have a way to make sure they're not allowing it.

You guys are ALL forgetting a pretty fact here though; marijuana is not a criminal offense in nearly 20 states in the US! It's also a doctor prescribed medicine in many states, for the same ailments that wrestlers use painkillers for. I agree having your employee do something illegal is stupid, but in many US states the worst that will happen to them is a small fine. It's only a matter of time before marijuana is completely decriminalized in this country any way.

All I'm saying, is that I'd MUCH rather have my employees smoking a joint after a show then popping a couple Vicodin or Oxycontin. We've all seen too many completely and utterly ruined people by painkillers. I say if the wrestler, say, resides in California where marijuana is almost completely decriminalized and prescribed by doctors, the WWE shouldn't bother their employees for smoking it. It's no different from, say, a wrestler going to a bar getting really, really drunk and then goes out stumbling about. Public intoxication is a crime as well, but it's such a minor one that the WWE wouldn't (and shouldn't) worry about it.

Also, if I was a wrestler, I wouldn't want to get into the ring with someone I knew had just been taking a drug. There might be no effect on them, there might be a big one. But I'd see them having more of a chance of injuring me if they were high on an illegal substance than if they weren't. When you wrestle you literally put your life, or career, in someone elses hands. Wrestlers have a right to know that the person they're trusting is clean of anything like that.

Becca, trust me, many, many wrestlers have been high while wrestling. RVD has practically been high for the last 15 years. Marijuana (especially for long-time smokers like RVD) really doesn't inhibit your motor functions or sense like most other drugs do. In fact if anything I myself become even more focused on my activities (like this lengthy post I'm writing right now, even though I only intended to write a paragraph or two).
Well…for starters, I don’t smoke weed so I guess the thread starter found someone who doesn’t do it. Anyways, like some people have already said, marijuana is an illegal drug. I am not against or for the use of marijuana; however it still remains illegal for whatever reason so wrestlers should abide by those laws because they could themselves and the WWE in trouble, if they are using marijuana.

Also, you have to remember that the WWE is trying to clean up their public image. I don’t know if marijuana is a good or bad thing to do since I’ve never actually done it, however it’s usually seen as a bad thing from what I’ve seen. Someone please tell me how that helps the WWE’s public image? Simply put, it doesn’t because of the way the use of marijuana is seen as.

Lastly, anyone know who Michael Phelps is? What happened when he was caught apparently using a bong? Kellogg’s decided to not renew his endorsement contract. So…because a picture was taken of him with a bong, they didn’t even know he was using it, he had contracts that weren’t renewed. Could something like this or something similar happen to the WWE if some of their wrestlers are caught with drugs or doing them? Maybe. I am sure they don’t want to take any chance which is why they don’t want their wrestlers doing drugs that are illegal.

Overall, even though some people say it’s better to use marijuana than other stuff wrestlers do, the fact remains that it’s an illegal drug and it doesn’t help the WWE’s public image if wrestlers were to be caught using them and not be punished for it. Also, like I stated, the use of marijuana isn’t seen as a good thing to do from what I have seen, so again it doesn’t help the WWE’s public image. I guess wrestlers should just be happy that all they have to do is pay a $1000 fine and nothing more.
You guys are making good points on why it should be legal ill give you that but heres the thing,

Yes its not as bad as other things,Yes the Law on it is not only questionable about it but also looking as it is being lifted in some states

Point is yes there are many technical facts on the situation. Heres a real fact though.

WWE is a company that is not exclusive to a few states but a company that anwsers to the US Goverment not only their certain state goverments. If they were a company just working in 1 state then yes it could be possibile that they would anwser to that states goverement rather then the entire US goverement but they opperate and represent the entire United States not just 1 state. So the whole it being legal in so many states if used in this way isnt a reason that could be presented in this debate. Until it is legal for possession ether for all or for a weed for pain killer prescription that all wrestlers can use,WWE can not let their talent come near to breaking this law.

Look at what some one else mentioned on the boy wonder micheal phelps. The guy got caught in a picture that was questionable not this extreme bad thing. He lossed alot after that. Endorsements were gone very fast. Most were surprised that he remained as big as a athlete as he did. As far as i have last heard he is can remain the same just loses endorsments which is still bad. Imagine that but on a lager scale with WWE being caught in a scandel remotly close to that. Phelps is not under a large corporation like WWE. If John Cena,Randy Orton,or honestly any WWE superstar even in the FCW was caught in anything like this,it would be a much worse case then what happened to Phelps but not as much for the superstar himself. The company would be in a similar if not worse situation that the benoit incident started. Should it cause that? No but its a sad truth. WWE is supported and endorsed by many Stars,Big buisness owners,Politicians,and even our president has appeared on wwe supporting the product. If a scandal were to breakout again after what happened only a short time ago with Chris and Nancy,It would be a huge blow to their company. I dont care if you agree with weed being bad or not. Its against the law and a wrestler breaking that law becomes a big deal when involved with a big corporation.
I am of the opinion that weed should be legalized. However...Kendrick was caught smoking pot so many times WWE really had no option. To re state the point others have made WWE cannot be seen to endorse the use of illegal drugs end of story. The problem is you tend to find people who don't do drugs lump them all in togother. Therefore if they heard WWE was ok with smoking weed questions would be asked about their drug testing policy again resulting in bad press(particuly for a "family friendly" company). Personally I don't give a shit if WWE superstars smoke weed,but I do understand why WWE needs to punish them if they are caught.

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