But voting for democrats isn't illegal. And don't give me that Jazz crap again.
Here we go again. All I said is that weed shouldn't be illegal if alcohol is because alcohol is far worse for you than pot is. Weed, in and of itself, does not give you cancer. It's the chemicals in papers that do. Tobacco does not give you cancer in and of itself, it's the chemicals they put into it. If I hit a bong, then I don't get cancer. If I use a pipe, or a vaporizer, I get no cancer. And the jazz argument isn't crap just because you can't argue against it. My point is that the reason it is illegal is because of racism in the early 20's, not because of the harmful effects, because there are none. If you think loss of motor skills is so bad, then why did you say, in your first post, that you have a problem with all drugs except alcohol and caffeine. You said that. So all my alcohol arguments apply.
That's funny, so if I drink 10 cans of Coke in one day, will I get high? Point proven. Next. [/quote]
No, but the nice lady from Columbia University says that if you rink ten a day for ten years you will get a toxic neurosis. But hey, she teaches at Columbia, you preach garbage in a wrestling forum. So you're probably right. Except that you're not.
But my question is: Do YOU need to smoke weed?
No, but why shouldn't I if I want to? Because your mom told you it was bad? Stop telling me what to do. You're not your mom.
Have you gone through cancer recently? I never said cancer patients shouldn't smoke it.
You said all people who smoke are weak and cowardly. You said that there are no benefits. That is why i bring those points up. I'm just trying to show you how misguided you are and how nonsensical your arguments are. Time and time again you give me false propaganda. Time and time again you say weed is all bad and no good. Now, when I show you benefits, you say, "I never said that." You're like a three year old that got caught lying, except that the three year old eventually apologizes, whereas you just keep spewing garbage out of your mouth.
That's not what the credible site said.
By the way, what credible site was that? DEA.gov?
Oh, so having distorted vision while driving a car and possibly causing an accident which could kill innocent people isn't a threat to national security?
No. But anyway, you said you have a problem with all drugs except caffeine and alcohol. So, alcohol is ok because you might want to use it, but all the similar dangers of pot are bad because you don't? Don't ever call me a hypocrite, I'm not even sure you know what it means. Hypocrite.
Yes, but there are millions of other things that make people happy which aren't illegal or harmful to the human body.
So? What does that have to do with anything? I like to ski, but I love on the beach. I would love to sky dive, but I'm scared of heights. So I toke a little now and then. But I can replace, because making you look bad makes me happier than weed ever did, and this is the third time that I am going to make you look like a naive, lying momma's boy. This is fun.
And how would the author of this book know exactly how many people have died from smoking weed?
Because he sites government study after government stuy. he uses the freedom of information act to access old documents pertaining to Harry J. Anslinger, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, C. Everett Koop, etc. You quote your high school DARE officer.
Pot can lead to cancer, so I'd call that a long term effect.
No, it doesn't.
And, if pot was so great and harmless to everyone, wouldn't it be legal no matter what happened in this Jazz music industry or whatever crap you said about sexing women?
No, it wouldn't be. You see, the jazz arguments show that weed was outlawed because of racial reasons, not public safety concerns. So, once it was illegal, it would be the government admitting a mistake when they lifted prohibition. They did that when they legalized alcohol, so another instance would have made the government look bad. So, in order to save, face, pot was never legalized again. Now, Colorado, California, Alaska, and other states have decriminalized small amounts because it isn't harmful. The Texas president of NORML is Mark Stepnoski. He is a multiple time pro bowl center for the cowboys and oilers. For some reason, if pot had all those negative health effects, I would think his hall of fame career wouldn't have happened. I have no problem with your not smoking it. You make whaterver decision you want for yourself, but stop calling people stupid and weak and cowardly because you don't like. It makes you look childish.
My Dad cooks a BBQ all the time, yet he doesn't have cancer.
Because he cleans the grill. All I said was that many every day activities can cause cancer. And you completely ignore what I said about power plants, so you obviously agree with my idea, or else you would hae argued against it. And if someone wants to continue a cancer causing activity, what the fuck business of it is yours to tell them to stop? You keep saying that everything is bad unless you want to do it. You know who else does that? Children.
Why don't we all smoke weed then so we can all live happy and false imaginary lives?
Nothing flase or imaginary about my life. But this fantasy world you live in where you're making good arguments amuses me.
And like you said, drug dealers kill people.
Yeah, the ones selling cocaine. Al Capone used to kill over control of his rum running routes. After prohibition ended, guess what? No more alcohol murders. Crazy how that works, right?
Isn't that dangerous to society?
The information and false propagande you were given is far more dangerous. The restriction of the right to smoke a relatively harmless plant is a far greater danger to society than some kids sitting around eating cheetos. Our rights being taken from us over racial ignorance is a danger to society. Weed is not as harmful as legal alcohol, Weed caused zero deaths last year, but several kids who live too close to power lines died from cancer. More people dies from vending machines falling on them last year then dies from pot. These are facts. You should try to use some.
If a dealer comes up to a lady and she rejects weed, she may get killed for doing absolutely nothing wrong. There's your evidence.
You call that evidence? I call that third grade reasoning. I call that terrible. I bet you were proud of yourself when you came up with this gem.
The fact that you need to rely on drugs to be relaxed is fairly lame. Try a back massage.
I don't rely on them. I enjoy them. There is a difference. Your naivete shines through brightly on this point. POT IS NOT ADDICTIVE. Your DARE officer lied to you. There is no evidence of actual physiological addiction to marijuana. It doesn't happen. And don't call me lame. I call you lame because you don't know how to research or use facts or site your fake sources.
Picking on the least harmful side effect isn't going to improve your argument. I suppose loss of motor coordination, increased heart rate, and anxiety were too harmful for you to fault.
1. I said that loss of motor coordination isn't a big deal if I'm on the couch. I said this several times, but I guess lying is your best recourse when you can't debate. Exercise raises your heart rate, so, ummm, who the fuck cares. And I will deal with my anxiety on my own. The fact that I have nothing to be paranoid about eases my anxiety just fine.
Why don't you try smoking weed for 14 days straight if you can't overdose then?
Did it. I graduated cum laude. AND YOU CAN'T OVERDOSE FROM WEED. This information comes from government studies in the sixties. Please, find an example of who has overdosed on weed. Cite your source, make sure it's real. Do you know how to do these things?
And I said alcohol was bad for the human body, so what are you trying to prove by faulting alcohol?
You said on 12-21
Anyone that smokes weed should be ashamed of themselves. I hate drugs, minus caffeine and alcohol
This is why I fault alcohol. Because you said it was ok, and I am showing that weed is less harmful to the body and to society than alcohol. I am using your argument as a running theme to destroy your credibility. But you do that on your own, BY NOT USING FACTS.
Alcohol is used in many products. Shampoo is an example.
Do you drink shampoo? This is terrible.
[/quote]Weed is used in what?[/quote]
Clothing, rope, paper. The ancient Greeks used hemp rope because it was the most durable material they could find.
There's your evidence on why alcohol is legal.
Umm, no. There's my evidence on how you are in way over your head in this debate.
Lol, are you totally ignorant to the fact that you have repeated that Jazz arugment about 5 times now?
I keep repeating it so maybe you one day understand. It is illegal because of racism.
I'd say you are the one who keeps repeating arguments. Your other arguments in this quote had nothing to do with my point. I'm telling you based on MY opinion, not my Mum's or sister's opinion. Lame.
Wow, you're dense. Dude, All I'm saying is that you are wrong. Wrong about everything. Every argument you have given me is propaganda from elementary coloring books, GI Joe PSA's, and a parent's speech to a child going into high school. And my other arguments, that cite Ivy League schools apply to your argument on 12-21. All drugs are bad except alcohol and caffeine. I show you how alcohol kills you from withdraw, I show how caffeine leads to toxic neurosis. I show you that the drugs you say are ok are more harmful than pot. How do you not understand this? Seriously, I want to know how facts are so hard for you to understand. Who told you that ranting and raving and using bad logic were the ways to win a debate. I'm sure you're smarter than this, as you are able to dress yourself in the morning, but now I doubt that.
Flaming me in an arugment about a topic that you started
I didn't start, but thgere's another lie. I would keep count, but the calculator only goes to 10 to the power of 12, so I wouldn't be able to keep track. Time and again, all you do is lie and propagandize a substance you know nothing about. Do you know why I don't argue rugby with Becca or 18th century French royal bloodlines? Because I would look like you do in this thread.
obviously tells me that you aren't a very good debator.
Yet in the Bar Room, you claimed you "owned me".
Actually, I claimed that here. Another lie. Keep going, this is fun.
My life is fine. I live a great life,
Good for you. I am so glad you have learned how to live with that hate inside of you.
which is why I don't need drugs to feel happier.
Me either, just like them.
I deal with things in a sensible way.
By saying things like if someone walks up to a random stranger on the street and offers her drugs and then kills her when she says no? That is hwo you deal with things sensibly? I don't get high and go to work. I get high and play some video games, fuck, and go to bed. How is weed harming me here? It's not? Good, you agree.
You are the biggest hypocrite I've met in a long time.
We've never actually met./ But stop using words when you don't know what they mean.
Your telling me about things
you obviously don't know about, because if you knew a lot about weed, you wouldn't be smoking it.[/quote]
No, I do know about weed, which is why I feel confident smoking it. Like I said, my life is pretty peachy.
And you also told me that you have a better life than me, implying mine is shit.
You are so full of hate. So far you have repeatedly lied, made up sources, called cancer patients cowards, called me and the good lawmakers of Colorado, Alaska, California stupid. Whined and moaned because the cool kids hate you, and made a complete and total fool of yourself. Look, you obviously have to keep arguing, because if you don't respond you look weak, but take the short term hit, because over the long term, you can't hang.
Stop bringing alcohol into this argument, because I never said I was pro alcohol.
Rusty, on 12-21 said:
Anyone that smokes weed should be ashamed of themselves. I hate drugs, minus caffeine and alcohol
Good, but when you cause an accident on the road after smoking some weed, don't come crying to me.
And when your liver shuts down because of your ten cokes a day, don't vomit blood on my shoes.
And you have some criminal record while being a minor, so I'm debating weed with a former criminal here.
I am a danger to society with my two tickets for minor in possession. Don't worry, I did my 8 hours of community service, took my alcohol awareness class, and paid my $300 fine. But way to exaggerate to make another weak, nonsensical point. Your high school should be shut down for allowing you to graduate.
This is hilarious. And you told me that I should smoke weed meaning that you are telling me how to run my life. Hypocrite.
No, see that was sarcasm. But it's cool, you don't know what that is either.
And I obviously know more about this subject than what you do, because I'm not the one who's getting flamey and fired up because I'm losing the arugment with my poor points.
Let's put up a poll and see who is winning. As a matter of fact, let me break this down. I got flamey because I don't respect you. I don't need to talk to yuo like you're an adult because you are a liar. A worthless liar. Time and again you lie. And my poor points are cited, from experts. Your arguments include, a lady will die if she tells a random stranger she doesn't want weed. You said this. My poor points? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
Well, if you're stoned and don't know what you're doing, you could pick up a gun and shoot someone, and in the process you are having a negative effect on society.
Ok, being stoned doesn't turn you into someone else. Does anyone think this is logical? Stop quoting stupid public service announcements. Those things are aimed at 8 year olds to instill them with fear. I guess it hit it's mark this time.
So why don't we all smoke weed so we can eat more junk food and be more obese than what the half of world already is.
Once again, why are you so against freedom? Is freedom so bad? If someone wants to get fat from cheetos, who are you to tell them they can't. You think you're looking out for the public welfare, but you a fear mongering little kid. Give it up Rusty, you make no sense.
That's funny, it's illegal every state here in Australia
Well, your toilets spin backwards and it's hit in the winter time. Everything there must be backwards.
and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Good, then don't smoke.
Thank you for flaming me once again. It's not my fault you started a thread
I didn't start it, stop lying.
about an illegal substance that you smoke because you like it and because it makes you hungry. [/quote]
So doing something that doesn't harm others is bad because.....?
I'd say my argument is better than that nonsense.
Which is the biggest piece of nonsense yet.
I hope you enjoy smoking that crap, just don't persuade others to do it or you will be having a "negative impact on society".
I hope you enjoy raping people of their rights and fear mongering, because you, sir, are the biggest threat to society there is. Just like Anslinger, you use unrelated fears like guns and accidents to demonize pot, which you know absolutely nothing about.