To the WWE: Who doesn't smoke weed?

Im not putting it next to alcohol. Im just saying high or drunk, whoever gets out there wont know what they're out there in the first place and mess up watever they're out there for. Ima take you for example. What do you do for a living?
Im not putting it next to alcohol. Im just saying high or drunk, whoever gets out there wont know what they're out there in the first place and mess up watever they're out there for. Ima take you for example. What do you do for a living?

See, now I really know that you know absolutely nothing about marijuana. Marijuana intoxication is NOTHING like alcohol, at all. Do you realize how many people are easily capable of driving while smoking marijuana? It's done daily by millions, because marijuana intoxication isn't something as all encompassing as alcohol is. You obviously don't know what you're talking about here.

And me, what do I do for a living? I'm currently a substitute teacher, with a degree in history from Brown University. So explain to me how that weed screwed me up so badly, I'd love to hear that.
I get it. Personally ive never smoked weed, never will. I really dont care about wrestlers on it either but i dont think anyone has mentioned it can cause addiction? Might not be a drug but i'm sure you agree any addiction is bad. Aslong as the ME isn't a botchfest, i dont care you know. Hey what if WWE allowed weed and say Cena got an addiction. Where do you picture him in 10 years?
I get it. Personally ive never smoked weed, never will. I really dont care about wrestlers on it either but i dont think anyone has mentioned it can cause addiction? Might not be a drug but i'm sure you agree any addiction is bad. Aslong as the ME isn't a botchfest, i dont care you know. Hey what if WWE allowed weed and say Cena got an addiction. Where do you picture him in 10 years?

Look, I understand your position of being weary of any drug or substance, but you're simply not educated on the subject of marijuana very well. I don't mean that as a disprespectful thing, but from your comments, it's rather obvious. There is no such thing as marijuana addiction; not physical addiction like you would have to say heroin or cocaine or alcohol. No, the only addiction that can exist with marijuana is a mental addiction. Which is no different from being "addicted" to your Playstation 3 or "addicted" to a certain brand of soda. Marijuana is about as harmless of a substance as you can find. The only downside is that it can sometimes make people lazy or complacent. Such is the nature of any vice though.

But if Cena was "addicted" to marijuana...I'd imagine he'd be just fine. You're acting like people can't wrestle while stoned...they most certainly can. Talk to RVD about that one. Marijuana, especially for long time users, really does not get rid of your inhibitions and motor skills like alcohol does. Trust me on this one.

I for one see no reason why medical marijuana shouldn't be legal in the first place (it is in several states in the US, including my own), so obviously I see no issue with a wrestler smoking marijuana to relax and soothe their pain. It's a much safer alternative to say, something like the opiate Oxycontin, often prescribed for pain, which is literally as physically addictive as heroin. Marijuana is a safe way for these athletes to soothe their pain, especially if they use a vaporizer or ingest the marijuana orally.

I just hope people educate themselves further on marijuana. It really is not the evil boogeymen that DARE and shitty TV ads would have you believe.
Let me start off by saying the reason I enjoy this threads is because I like to hear everyones opinion. Some I agree with, some I don't. I rarely post a reply but this time I have to. Marijuana is a drug, no matter what way you look at it. It is against the law, it is a crime to have a marijuana on you. How does Vince look if lets say for example Randy Orton is arrested for possession of marijuana? It is a drug, and if you are saying that if you do drugs you feel better, that is absurd. Do I consider all people who smoke weed criminals? No. But at the same time in this business when you get in that ring you have the life of somebody else in your hands. I'm going on and on but you understand what im saying. This thread is just dumb and I cant beleive someone thinks that.
Look, we can sit here and argue if weed is an addiction, if weed affects people differently, if weed can actually hinder one's abilities to perform.

What we CAN NOT argue, is that it is illegal. That's the only FACT in this scenario. That if you get caught with it, you go to jail, if its more than a little J or something.

Is it as bad as Alcohol or cocaine or heroin? Of course not. Is it as bad as Pills? Of course not. But all those are GENERAL assumptions. GENERALLY weed, by itself, is not that harmful. But you add the right mixture of personality, addiction, and weed could be a problem. USUALLY thought, the outcome is the addiction just affecting the person. Usually they don't work, do nothing. They won't go kill somebody in the middle of the night, they won't get tweaked out and try to rob people for 10 bucks. Have I met addicts that was hooked to weed that DID do something really stupid? Sure but the odds aren't great.

In the end, my opinion is to NOT let them have a crutch, why give them an out? Can't reason with an addict. Can't say hey, do this, but don't do that. But I could understand a case by case decision also. See below

But it's Vince company. He pays the bills, and he now has a board of directors with stockholders up his ass. This isn't 1990, when it was just mostly him.

I don't think a weed infraction should count as a strike. If Randy Orton tearing up a hotel room wasn't a strike, then weed shouldn't. But, if the person, like Kendrick, refuses to understand the importance of being sober in a sport where one wrong move and you could cripple your friend, then they don't believe in wrestling anways
See, now I really know that you know absolutely nothing about marijuana. Marijuana intoxication is NOTHING like alcohol, at all. Do you realize how many people are easily capable of driving while smoking marijuana? It's done daily by millions, because marijuana intoxication isn't something as all encompassing as alcohol is. You obviously don't know what you're talking about here.

And me, what do I do for a living? I'm currently a substitute teacher, with a degree in history from Brown University. So explain to me how that weed screwed me up so badly, I'd love to hear that.

I'm not trying to be funny or make a personal attack on you, but I think you're in denial here. You obviously like smoking pot and are defending yourself. I hope you don't live in my town because I don't want to be driving the same roads as you. Just because you are a teacher with a degree does not make you right. I'm curious what you would do if you caught one of your students with a joint. Would you recommend smoking pot to your students? It's natural to defend yourself when others say something you enjoy is wrong. I'm sure all of us as wrestling fans can relate to that in some way. I'm not saying you are low class or unintelligent. I simply don't agree with your views on this subject.
I'm not trying to be funny or make a personal attack on you, but I think you're in denial here.

About what? The effects of marijuana? Do tell, what am I in denial about?

You obviously like smoking pot and are defending yourself. I hope you don't live in my town because I don't want to be driving the same roads as you.

Guess what? If you live in any town where people smoke pot, you are driving on the road with people who are stoned. Marijuana does not inhibit your motor functions like alcohol. Again, you really don't know what you're talking about here.

Just because you are a teacher with a degree does not make you right. I'm curious what you would do if you caught one of your students with a joint. Would you recommend smoking pot to your students?

Sub right now actually, I don't have any "students" that I see on a regular basis. If I caught a student with a joint though? I'd take it from him, tell him to be more intelligent about hiding his stash from now on, and send him on his way. Marijuana simply isn't a very big deal. I'd be angrier if I found them with a cigarette than with a joint.

It's natural to defend yourself when others say something you enjoy is wrong. I'm sure all of us as wrestling fans can relate to that in some way. I'm not saying you are low class or unintelligent. I simply don't agree with your views on this subject.

But you aren't giving any reasons for why you disagree with my views. All you're saying is "marijuana is bad", and that's supposed to be enough. Medical and science journals would be on my side in this argument if you'd like to go that route.
I'm with X on most points. Weed is something that is so tame in comparison to what some people/wrestlers use. Weed does not hinder my motor skills, it doesn't hinder my memory or ability to think. It doesn't make me slur my words and it doesn't kill me.

Alcohol, pills etc can kill you or hinder your memory or ability to do something like driving or performing.

Of course WWE needs to take action if it gets out that one of their superstars has been caught smoking weed because otherwise their reputation would drop. But, if a wrestler keeps it to themself and doesnt go out there with a bong in hand then it should be fine for them to smoke.

Again, there is nothing wrong with a wrestler smoking weed, it's just that the WWE doesn't want it's reputation to drop. And the only reason people would look poorly on WWE because of it is because of the media making out that weed is as bad a drug as heroin or crack.

Weed is great :) stoned right now yet I managed to type this out quite quickly and without errors.
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I think that the WWE is going TOO FAR as far as this thing as there "crack down" on weed use among wrestlers in the WWE man! I mean who doesn't smoke weed? Weed isn't even a real drug, it's a f--k'in plant. And if the WWE doesn't want there wrestlers on any REAL drugs, they would understand. It's not like there sniffing cocaine or shooting up or anything.

Vince McMahon just needs to stop being paranoid about the FBI & the other media.

Regardless of your personal beliefs, the fact of the matter is that marijuana is illegal. Possession and use is illegal. WWE cannot just make their own rules.

I really don't think there's anything more to say about this.
Regardless of your personal beliefs, the fact of the matter is that marijuana is illegal. Possession and use is illegal. WWE cannot just make their own rules.

I really don't think there's anything more to say about this.

But there's plenty more to be said. Pot may be illegal on a federal level, but it's legal in several states,as has been stated before. What alot of people don't seem to understand is that state law supercedes federal law. Also, as I pointed out in my last post, I don't see a problem with letting the boys getting smoked out after a show, or even prior to, with something in place saying "Hey, it's an hour before we go live, guys, let's put away the bowls. Yeah, Randy, I'm gonna need you to roach that spliff, you're match is first." It'll ease the nerves. Then after, when everyones aching and sitting in a hotel, let them pull out the octa-bong.
First off, where exactly is this coming from? You do realize that dropping dirty for bud doesn't result in a suspension right? It's a thousand dollar fine and a kick in the ass. Them giving Spanky the boot was more likely due to him being completely useless than him being on pot. At my last job, I wrecked a forklift and dropped dirty so I got fired. I'd say WWE is actually quite leniant on Marijuana.
You guys are off topic honestly. The whole point of this thing was more saying "wwe should let guys smoke weed and why dont they?" was what I got. This topic does not come down to personal opinion so im sorry for all the people who are pro and against that have been having fun with the debate. Before i start i will say im not against weed. I dont do it,I am straightedge and have been before CM Punk came on the indy scene even due to persoanl choice but i totally agree that if weed is bad then why isnt smoking tobacco? but Im gonna anwser this simply with out stateing my opinions

1.It is against the law FACT. Sure I can come up with alot of reasons why it shouldnt be. But it is. Its like a kid telling their parents why they should be allowed to do something but parents say well you cant. Its not something we can argue with. Untill the one day where all the people who are pro weed come to congress and present a presentation that convinces them to make it legal,its gonna be against the law.

2.WWE is the largest wrestling company in the united states. It is now even more so looked at as a branch of its own entertainment like Viacom who runs mtv and vh1 type thing. They are a multi million dollar company. Now whether vince is totally against weed or not,when a employee goes and breaks the law in any way shape or form,it a makes him and his company look bad. Should it? No just like if a kid does something bad his family alot of times gets judged for that. Its a fact of life. Even if its a meer ticket,the company looks bad. If it were not a big deal for wrestlers to do things in their own time,why is it then that i have scene stuff on here about wrestlers that are in the developmental,not even the big stars,get speeding tickets? Everything a employee does reflects their employer and the bigger the company the bigger the effect. At indy shows and such they easily probably do that all the time. But when you have the world watching your show and your biz has been supported and had appearances by some of the big name leaders of industry(Trump,Obama,Hilary Clinton,Many more) your companys appearance becomes very important. Just look at how the media reacted after the benoit thing. It was a sad thing that should of never been blamed on wwe in any way but media all started looking at wwe. This is something that was benoits fault and no one elses but still all media outlets were accusing wwe and trying to point the finger.

3.I see alot of people saying they should be allowed to before the show. Well i may be able to think of a reason why they are not thinking like that. You are proposing to take the line of dont do and put it a bit farther up. Well when you do things like that,the natural thing is for people to go over the line. WWE has the rule up now that you will get fined if you are caught in possession. Well as we all know many have crossed that line. WWE has the rule up that you are to be on no substances that are against the law. Well we all know that every month someone new is announced as suspended for breaking that. More so before eddie but it still happens. You move the line there will always be people that step over that line. Its been proven in schools and buisnesses. There will always be people who want to test the line. Now as the reason stated in 2,wwe is big biz that everyone watchs and judges at any thing. So for them they would probably rather have a stricter line so that even when it is broken,they do not look as bad as if the line were farther up.

Like i said im not against it but here are honest truths that while it may suck because maybe what your suggesting could do good but at the same time vince is a man that is always being looked at and judged on his proformance by his employees.

Also I would like to say one more thing though that is very much my opinion. While i said im not against it at all and agree it probably should be legal if smokeing and drinking are,One person comments did rub me wrong. Buddy that started mocking america after someone said weed wrong because its against the law. Now I understand maybe you didnt mean it in the you made it look so i wont get to ticked but next time go a different route then mocking america for a decision that you dont agree with. Thats not something that belongs here in these forums much less doing that about any country.
Yeah yeah, i may new, BUT...

the topic of weed and work..

Technically speaking, Vince isn't too much to blame for his policies on people smoking pot, if you date back from a few years ago, the person that screwed things up happened to be Chris Benoit.. Thats 1.. Had he not done the double murder-suicide bs, then the media would haven't of slammed WWE as hard as they did, but because of said scenario, they slammed WWE more harder then anything else before with drug related issues.

Number 2. These "performers" are wanting to work for good ol WWE, right? Well, now they have drug testing, they don't go for ANY of it, doesn't matter if its weed, cocaine, heroine, speed, meth, or any of that other crap, its not to be tolerated.. So if these performers want that big fat paycheck they get every night, then why not conform to the rules of the company that employs them? If anything, they're getting off too lucky for these suspensions.. Bottom line is this, if they don't want to be punished for something as simple as smoking weed, then stop smoking the stuff..

But if you want to smoke whatever you want to smoke, then fine employment else where..

Point number 3, is anybody forgetting about the PG rating? Mcmahon is aiming to market to kids, right? A bunch of Hispanic kids look up to Rey, aiming at 5-10 years old, so if Vince were to allow Rey to smoke, that'd be bad for business.. I can see the headlines now..

"Vince of WWE is teaching our kids its ok to smoke/do (insert any kinds of drug you want to here) " and the message to a kid at such a young age is simple..

" If he can do it, then so can I"

personally, I don't have an issue with people that smoke pot or whatever, thats their business.. What my issue is though, is how people gotta bitch about how jobs state a no illegal substance rule within the businesses.. If you want the job bad enough and get it, then what are you going to do to get said job and keep that job?

hell, i work as a merchandiser for corona and I gotta submit to drug tests, which is lame, but in order for me to make the money i make now, I gotta do what i gotta do, and that even involves not doing anything illegal. But thats an entirely different subject due to it not being involved with wrestling..

Anyway, hopefully by everybody reading this, it'll calm the boards down a bit.. Sometimes the only thing you can do when it comes to jobs of any kind is just bend over, and take it in the rear..

And again, I'm NOT against people that smoke or whatever, what they do is what they do, but if they cant become clean for their job, then oh well, they had their chance, let the next guy come in to carry on the work load.
You are all fucking ignorent! why dont u all just stop whining about what other ppl do. The only reason marijuana is illeagal is cuz the government cant tax it. there is nothing wrong with it. im not saying get high and go do ur job (neither do i think the person who made this thread meant either). Cannabis can help wrestlers relax after shows and for whatever they want. most ppl go out and drink alcohol but thats ok isnt it? well guess what, alcohol damages ur liver. cannabis has no toxic harm to ur body whatsoever! If wrestlers or any other professional athlete wants to smoke weed outside of work then let them.
Why in the world would he actively allow something ILLEGAL to happen and not do anything to stop it? I'm sure Xfear could come in and explain the effects of the drug etc. a lot more than I could, but I don't think that's what's important. The fact is, it's illegal, and a company such as the WWE needs to have a way to make sure they're not allowing it.

Also, if I was a wrestler, I wouldn't want to get into the ring with someone I knew had just been taking a drug. There might be no effect on them, there might be a big one. But I'd see them having more of a chance of injuring me if they were high on an illegal substance than if they weren't. When you wrestle you literally put your life, or career, in someone elses hands. Wrestlers have a right to know that the person they're trusting is clean of anything like that.
You are all fucking ignorent! why dont u all just stop whining about what other ppl do.
That's a double whammy. First you call us all ignorant while mispelling the fucking word, then you whine about us whining about what other people do. Seriously, we were doing just fine without you. I guess I'll just restate my position. Name me one person who has been suspended or punished for smoking weed. There's Spanky, who wasn't going anywhere in the first place, and that's about it. I really don't understand where this is coming from. Why does anybody think they have such a strict policy on Marijuana? There is no substance to this argument.
Stupid idea but all i'm gonna say is;
Vince in an interview or whatever: Yes we let our WWE Superstar's smoke weed.
Interviewer: Well thats kid friendly!
Basically with the PG era upon us it will never happen it shouldn't anyway as it is ILLEGAL!!!
i agree but right now with the wwe targeting children and trying to buy parents into their product its not a good idea to let things like this slip
right now wwe superstars are suppossed to be "role models"
I personally toke up once in awhile for my own enjoyment and I know the effects of the stuff. this is a yes and no answer for me. yes smoking weed is illegal and TECHNICALLY no one should be doing it....outside their own homes. if john cena wanted to go home and smoke a blunt after a few bumps and bruises in the ring i dont think thats a big deal. wat i do think is a big deal is cena hittin the bong right before a segment. it depends on the person. some people can handle it, some people cant and giggle the whole time. all in all i am a smoker but wrestlers need not be doing it....while on the job. at home is a different story.
im wondering how many people who keep yelling its illegal and its against the law have been saints all their lives? if u have good for you but everyone has a vice. if you cant expect that then surely you live a wonderful sheltered life in a beautiful bubble.

while i agree weed is a lot less harmless than alcohol and hard drugs that depends on consumption. smoking on joint pretty much does no harm and relaxes you. smoking weed for several hours messes with your ability to use your general motor functions. throw in a couple of beers and your in a mess. the key is moderation and while i dont smoke as much as i once did i can assure u id take a joint over pain killers.

watching people i know take various pills for pain or illness and seeing how over time the pills get stronger and the doses get larger i think id rather see painkillers banned and marajuana legalised. we all saw what happened to benoit and im sure he started at the bottom of the ladder. so the key is consumption. like anything too much of it can be bad for you.

so yes weed shouldnt be smoked backstage at events but if a wrestler wants to do it in their own time whos to say they shouldnt? if you say its against the law take a look in the mirror when you say that and question your own morals too. the law applies to things other than drugs such as speeding or dodging taxes.

if you would like an education in marajuana watch super high me. while rather funny quite educational too
im wondering how many people who keep yelling its illegal and its against the law have been saints all their lives? if u have good for you but everyone has a vice. if you cant expect that then surely you live a wonderful sheltered life in a beautiful bubble.

You make NO sense, do you know that? What does it matter what a few wrestling fans have done? The point is it's illegal, and a company can't be seen to actively allow something illegal. Especially one which is trying to gain younger viewers.

watching people i know take various pills for pain or illness and seeing how over time the pills get stronger and the doses get larger i think id rather see painkillers banned and marajuana legalised. we all saw what happened to benoit and im sure he started at the bottom of the ladder. so the key is consumption. like anything too much of it can be bad for you.

Are you SERIOUSLY saying painkillers should be banned? How stupid are you?

so yes weed shouldnt be smoked backstage at events but if a wrestler wants to do it in their own time whos to say they shouldnt? if you say its against the law take a look in the mirror when you say that and question your own morals too. the law applies to things other than drugs such as speeding or dodging taxes.

And somehow I doubt the WWE is fond of their wrestlers speeding or dodging taxes. See the link? They CAN'T allow something illegal.

You is mah boi in terms of sticking it to the man...but there are plenty of negative effects of smoking marijuana.

A) Smoking w/o a filter. The amounts of carcinogens going into your lungs are staggering. That's why second-hand smoke is such a problem. Smoke is being inhaled that hasn't been filtered.

B) Weed alters your state of mind. Other things do, caffeine. I'm just saying...that can be potentially dangerous.

C) It's illegal. Thus, you could go to jail. In jail...there are huge dudes. Huge dudes could pound you into the ground. That's dangerous.

There are other legal supplements that relax the body (i.e. melatonin, other herbs). So there are legal ways for wrestlers to relax, if they want to do so.

And as for the original post...I'm sure that many wrestlers don't smoke weed. There are other ways of taking off the edge. I'm sure others use different drugs, but not everyone is using weed.
They should smoke weed. RVD did it and he was WWE and ECW champ. Not that it made him champ, but still. Plus, Marijuana doesn't necessarily cause death, let alone any wrestlers. But, this can't be said for painkillers and alcohol. Take for example, Eddie Guerrero. Eddie had an addiction to painkillers and drank so much that it was integrated into some of his angles. Turns out that he died from heart failure, the result of his addiction. The same is true for Brian Pillman, although he took steroids and didn't drink. It's only cheating if you get caught.

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