Who is/was the biggest stoner in wrestling?

CM Steel

A REAL American
With today being 4/20 (as well as easter to those who celebrate it) the day gave me an idea for this thread.

Over the years in wrestling wrestler's just like anybody use to get high off of marijuana days at a time. Like back in 1987 when wrestling legends "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan and the Iron Shiek made media headlines when they got pulled over by the police and got caught with a large bag of marijuana. And since those days, not much has changed. Wrestling superstar Rob Van Dam has publicly stated to the wrestling that he indeed does enjoy smoking marijuana in his spare time. RVD was even on the cover of "High Times" magazine back in the mid to late 1990's.

Wrestler Sean "X-Pac" Waltman is another well known pothead in wrestling. Like back during the attitude era where during a promo on the mic he would say things like "Shane McMahon when I get my hands on you your ass is grass and I'm going to smoke it!". And in a interview back in 2002-3 Waltman said that Rob Van Dam was once his on the road smoking buddy. And before the wellness policy was inforced in the WWE Randy Orton admitted to smoking a joint after a show. Til this very day there are many wrestlers who smoke weed on a day basis but somehow pass a drug test. Unlike guys like R-Truth & Evan Bourne who got suspended for 30 days each back in late 2011 for failing a screen test after smoking that fake weed K2 with spice in it.

But in your opinion. Who is/was the biggest stoner in wrestling? My vote would have to go to RVD just for the High Times magazine cover.
Has to be RVD. His entire gimmick is being a laid back stoner.

"Hey Fonzy you know what RVD 4:20 means? I just smoked your ass."

Honorable mention goes to Godfather I loved all the weed references in his promos during the Attitude Era.
Steve Austin recently said in a podcast that Rick Rude was a gigantic pothead: I found that funny. But yes, RVD would be the easiest answer: Its not only his entire gimmick, but his real life point of view, he's been an open advocate for marijuana use for ages.
Hacksaw without a doubt. Dude has been wrestling longer than a lot of us have been alive and he still has to live check to check. They say cocaine is a hell of a drug but Mary Jane has that tight hold on your wallet HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I know Val Venis is a pretty big stoner. He's somewhat of an advocate now for weed legalization as well as other Libertarian causes. I think Orton got suspended once or twice for it as well. Any others I'm not familiar with.
RVD is definitely the correct answer here guys. It's practically been his entire gimmick since the mid 90s. It also cost him the WWE championship.
Honorable mentions should go to Xpac and Brian Kendrick.
RVD is so burnt out from his past, he literally looks and talks stoned now. No one even comes close. Yeah guys do it here and there, but RVD seems like he grows the stuff.
I'm going to take a different route and say Shelly Martinez. She had injured her back while wrestling and as is the case with pro wrestlers her doctor gave her a prescription for pain relievers. When her body built up a tolerance, her doctor told her to take a couple more, then a couple more.... until she was taking about 20 or so of the little bastards a day. Off to the hospital cos she eventually overdosed... Martinez says that while there, her skin turned grey at one point and she's lucky to be alive today. She continues to use marijuana for pain relief (possibly a few other ailments, I don't know). Check out "How Weed Won the West" on Netflix to see it yourself.

Because it would take an impossible amount of marijuana for a person to OD and it's proven to be an effective pain reliever it brings up a much more important question... Should wrestlers be allowed to try toking as opposed to taking prescription pills?

We get closer to legalizing it in my state every year. Right now it's decriminalized, which is horseshit, but it's also used for medicinal purposes... LEGIT medicinal purposes. Meanwhile, Governor BigNose is ranting about our states opiate problems. He's not entirely wrong, but, come on...........

Take care, WrestleStoners
honky tonk man, just watch his 2007 shoot or roddy piper, piper would roll up joints while smokin em nonstop in hotel rooms. never ran out
Close between X Pac and RVD imo. Both guys gimmicks screamed pothead... Probably RVD because he actually implies it multiple times on air.
Rude may have taken weed for pain later in his life, but if he was also a regular user then fair play... you never knew it.

As for Orton, his issue was that he was caught using the synthetic stuff, which WWE took far more seriously than real weed... He was bloody lucky not to be fired when he refused rehab on his 2nd violation.
I would think it would be some of the people who come up with the gimmicks.

Papa Shango, had to be high to come up with that idea.

Bushwackers Idea seems like you had to be stoned.

"Alright guys what we want you to do is put a crazy look on your face, swing your arms up and down wildly as if you need to use them to walk in a straight line, Then we want you to lick each others bald head".

The idea of the Viking, "We want to you hold your hand out and walk to the ring Licking your hand and saying "HUSK".

Spirit Squad......Seriously "You want us to go out and be male cheerleaders?".....Yes....Exactly what we want.

The ideas in the 80's had to be created in a smoke filled room.

happy 4:20
RVD is obviously the easy answer. He's the one that most of us have seen regularly over the years. Therefore it's not a stretch to say it's him.

Paul London has to be up there as well. Watch some of his promos and stuff he has done away from WWE.


How could he not be stoned during this?

What about Daizee Haze. Such a subtle name. I wonder what it alludes to. She's like the female stoner gimmick.

So yeah RVD may be the most notorious but I'm sure there are wrestler who smoke just as much as he does.
I remember Brian Kendrick had that fine, then another fine, then the "wellness violation" got him out from weed again.

I smoked some weed with Corporal Robinson before an IWA-MS show a few years ago. Turns out we sparked that blunt before his match (he was the opener.) Brandon Thomaselli was the opponent. The signiificance of this is Corp going for an outside dive to Thomaselli and not jumping high enough. His foot caught the top rope and dude missed the dive and fell on his head and arm. I immediately jumped up and screamed SORRY! It's on a dvd somewhere. True story. Also smoked a blunt with Ruckus from BLK OUT buring an IWA-MS intermission. That was dope. Dude comes out with a black and mild for his entrance. I wish I had a list of all his weed related intros. Someone help me out. All I remember is "The Vince McMahon of smoking gan" and "The AJ Styles of Black and Milds."
What about Too Cold Scorpio? I thought he enjoyed a puff or two. I think back in the late 80's/early 90's a lot of guys did as it wasn't taken seriously at first so you could get away with it but I do seem to remember an interview Scott Hall did where he mentioned that while he was Razor, guys were getting busted for weed but not for other things so it seemed to taper off and pills took over. Obviously RVD is the main guy today which I find funny because isn't that a wellness violation? How do you bring back a guy who everyone knows smokes yet he doesn't get busted for it?
Its gotta be RVD for the simple fact he often made references to pot during his career, got busted for pot (and other stuff) ruining his WWE title reign and once had the nickname "Mr. 420", the only thing he didn't do was smoke a bong on air.

You could make a case for someone like Brian Kendrick as his pot usage has been well documented but RVD's gimmick is based around him being a laid back stoner, I just don't see anyone really touching him in the pot department. There may have been wrestlers who smoked more pot than RVD but he's no question wrestlings #1 stoner.
I'm sure that weed in low on the totem pole of drugs pro wrestlers have used. Therefore, I'm sure many guys enjoy a puff or two.

As for who are the potheads of wrestling, I have always imagined HBK, HHH, and Road Dogg to be big potheads. I just think their humor is derived from it.
I would have to say Rob Van Dam, as many others have. The whole "RVD 4:20" thing, the fact he got caught with the stuff while WWE Champion, costing him the title, the whole laid back stoner image he has, and most of all the fact he was on the cover of "High Times"- he openly admits to using marujuana and advocating it's use.

There will be plenty of others, Shelly Martinez is one definitely. I've seen pictures of her topless with a joint going, surrounded by cannabis plants. Necro Butcher has a weed leaf tattooed on his arm if I remember rightly. X-Pac, Brian Kendrick, Paul London are all confirmed pot heads, and loads of guys from back in the 1980s smoked a load of weed too.
RVD is the obvious answer. The WWE probably would have made more money by embracing that aspect of his personality a bit more. People who smoke herb are up there as some of the most stereotyped people there are. Van Dam's WWE character unfortunately kind of lived up to those stereotypes. Believe it or not there are folks that work productive lives and smoke every day, and they don't walk around wearing dragon shirts and saying "Whoa... dude" all the time. :lol:

Maybe one day when society realizes that the stereotypes aren't always true we will see the day when people can turn to herb instead of the more dangerous/addictive pain pills/alcohol. I've never really gotten pain relief effects from smoking herb though, it's more of a mental thing than a physical one.

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