WWE: No More Chair Shots To The Head

Now the WWE has implemented a Drug Testing Policy, Banned Blood, toned the product down, and banished potentially life threatening, if not flat out life altering chair shots to the head. How in the hell do people have a problem with this?

Because there are a lot of ignorant screwballs on this forum that, surprise surprise, don't have the slightest idea what they're talking about. It's mind boggling how many people that've responded to this have a total lack of common sense as to what kind of damage a chair shot to the skull can cause.

A pretty good example is the Mankind vs. The Rock I Quit match at the 1999 Royal Rumble. Foley had his hands cuffed behind his back and took a dozen, unprotected chair shots to the head from a man that could bench press 500 pounds. It looked spectacular, I'll grant that, but what was the cost? Foley had blood pouring from cuts on his head and lost consciousness and who knows that sort of complications might arise when Foley enters his golden years as a result of those chair shots coupled with the countless others he's taken.
I don't agree with the ban. Of all the wrestlers who died young I'd say about 95% were a result of drug abuse. I can't think of a single wrestler who died as a result of chairshots. I'm sure a few people will say Benoit but even then it was his flying head which was given most of the blame for his concussions. Sure he took the odd chairshot but he did the headbutt in nearly every match. I really think if the wrestlers are happy to do it they should be allowed.

With all the above said I still think we'll see chairshots with wrestlers putting their hands up as it that's not really a chairshot to the head. I don't think we'll hear it mentioned in any of the storylines just as we don't hear about the drug policy.
Im sorry Schizophrenic psycho killers really? Guys who take too many shots to the head dont become psycho killers they end up with dementia at 50 or with parkinsons. Look at ali he took a beating over his career he has parkinsons now and is a complete mess there a re plenty of former pro football players suffer from the same issues their lives after the retire are a complete mess because they end up with the brain compacity of a ten year old. You may not care about these guys and their well being but Im glad to see the wwe does. Its time to step into the 21st century people! concussions and the long term effects of them are a serious issue and I stand up and applaud the wwe for taking these measures to protect their wrestlers. Honestly is the absence of a chair shot to the head that big of a deal? Seriously isnt a shot to the gut and one to the back just as effective while being far less dangerous? Im glad to see the wwe was willing to make this move and its just another reason why the wwe will always be around because they are willing to change and progress as society does
I don't agree with the ban. Of all the wrestlers who died young I'd say about 95% were a result of drug abuse. I can't think of a single wrestler who died as a result of chairshots. I'm sure a few people will say Benoit but even then it was his flying head which was given most of the blame for his concussions. Sure he took the odd chairshot but he did the headbutt in nearly every match. I really think if the wrestlers are happy to do it they should be allowed.

With all the above said I still think we'll see chairshots with wrestlers putting their hands up as it that's not really a chairshot to the head. I don't think we'll hear it mentioned in any of the storylines just as we don't hear about the drug policy.

And you're clearly not grasping that taking a bunch of chairshots to the head can cause some serious long-term effects. Concussions, in case you guys haven't noticed, are bad. It's why the NFL is putting a lot of resources into concussion research, because a lot of guys wind up being punchdrunk after leaving the sport. It seems that so many concussions lead you into having outright dementia, and the WWE wants to limit that as much as possible.

Just another point on Nowinski as well... he left the sport once he found out how badly the effects of post-concussion syndrome could be worsened if he continued to wrestle. He was lucky to have an Ivy League education and be able to do something else with his life. For many guys, that is not an option.

Chairshots were cheapened to a point where they were meaningless back in the 90s. Why are they really that necessary? It doesn't matter if a guy throws his hands up in the air when taking a chairshot to the face. There is still some impact that takes place, and it's an unnecessary risk for them to continue to be prevalent today. If there's potential for a concussion to take place, why even let there be a risk for that to happen? Eliminate it.

Most people with post-concussion syndrome aren't going to murder themselves or their family, but there are still effects that reduce their quality of life. Statistics show that the suicide rate is higher among people with post-concussion syndrome as well.

Something that a lot of people are missing too: The WWE has reduced its schedule over the years. Now they're trying to prevent concussions that are brought on unnecessarily by chairshots. Instead of having these guys broken down by the time they're in their late 30s, they might be able to wrestle a few years longer due to a safer style and get out while they're still in relatively good shape and live longer lives.

EDIT: Here's a really good article by Malcolm Gladwell from The New Yorker that goes to show the impact of post-concussion syndrome in professional athletes that also discusses Nowinski's research in post-concussion syndrome: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/10/19/091019fa_fact_gladwell?currentPage=all
Its the right ruling to make, but I feel like they missed a beat here. It would of been better for them to have chairs made up of a different material, say tin or rubber, giving the guys the protection from head trauma but still the specticle for the fans to see.
I think it's bullshit. I mean as they said it's a buisness and people should do what they choose. Besides, can't they just make the chair outta plastic? And also hit then right at the tip of the folded portion so it looks as if the damage is so severe the chair has beocme upright when the temple didn't hit the metal but simply went through it. I mean banning chairshots is like banning explosions. Yes there are accidents but if you want to make things safe make it fake.
Quite honestly the stupidest post I've ever read on the internet, gratz.

How the hell do you know that? Are you a wrestler? Have you had training on how to take a chairshot? If not, then you don't know.

It's pretty common knowledge. How would you suggest you can fake something like that.

OK, that is just ridiculous. Seeing someone get smacked in the head with a chair is going to make people jump in the ring and do the same? Are you serious?

I was talking about young wrestlers, idiot.

Actually, yeah, it kind of does. If they want to take a chairshot to the head, they should be allowed to. If they don't, then they don't have to. It's not like WWE was forcing them to do so before this.

No. If they are going to work for the WWE then they have to follow the company's philosphies, which are obviously changing. If they are so desperate for that crap they can go work in the indies.

WWE has a responsibility to educate on the dangers of wrestling. What you said could be said for steroid abuse to, and you can't have that in this day and age. It's bad the WWE and bad the idiots who don't mind doing it.

After Benoit, Test, Nowinski, and numerous others' stories concerning concussions, I seriously doubt that.

Are you actually this slow. Why do you think they are implementing this now. You brain can comprehend that the WWE is now taking a responsibility because there is evidence and case studies of headshots being a stupid idea?

So you want chair shots. You also however want to reserve the right to bitch at the WWE for past deaths. You also want to bitch about the WWE making a positive change which probably helped cause the deaths of the wrestlers. Hypocritical bitcher.

How the hell would that even work? To us, that would probably sound incredibly fake, and if we at home find it fake, how would the live crowd view it? That's just a stupid idea.

Lol, you are the one who at the beginning of your post is trying to argue that wrestlers can fake headshots. Get a clue.
Honestly this is a good idea and im shocked this wasn't put into effect before January(when they actually started this rule). Anybody who doesn't think this is the best thing for the business/wrestlers/companies either is to ignorant to think of anything else besides their own feelings on how things should be done, or are just to stupid to see that the E is doing their best to make sure they don't have another Beniot, Test, Nowinski situation on their hands.
Quite honestly the stupidest post I've ever read on the internet, gratz.

Somehow, I doubt that.

It's pretty common knowledge. How would you suggest you can fake something like that.

Put your arms up to block the shot. There.

I was talking about young wrestlers, idiot.

OK, so suppose they go to WWE where they don't do chairshots and don't teach young guys how to take them. Then a young wrestler gets fired, and has to go to another company, where they HAVE to take chairshots to the head, but don't know how. That'll only put them in more danger than at the WWE, where they could at least show them how to do it.

No. If they are going to work for the WWE then they have to follow the company's philosphies, which are obviously changing. If they are so desperate for that crap they can go work in the indies.

WWE has a responsibility to educate on the dangers of wrestling. What you said could be said for steroid abuse to, and you can't have that in this day and age. It's bad the WWE and bad the idiots who don't mind doing it.

The fucking irony there. How is this educating people on wrestling dangers? Eliminating chairshots won't prevent it from happening. If not in WWE, then in another company. And despite what people will say, WWE is not the entirety of wrestling. There are people who watch other companies. What WWE SHOULD be teaching is how to do a chairshot PROPERLY. So as to not injure who's taking it and allow them to keep working. This isn't taking responsibility, it's putting a bandage on the issue.

Are you actually this slow. Why do you think they are implementing this now. You brain can comprehend that the WWE is now taking a responsibility because there is evidence and case studies of headshots being a stupid idea?

So you want chair shots. You also however want to reserve the right to bitch at the WWE for past deaths. You also want to bitch about the WWE making a positive change which probably helped cause the deaths of the wrestlers. Hypocritical bitcher.

When have I ever bitched about WWE causing past deaths? Correct answer is never, and you're really fucking stupid for assuming I have. I understand that the wrestler's need to take responsibility for their own actions. The constant hits to the head that Benoit took were his own choice. Likewise for Test, Nowinski, and anyone else. It's not Vince's fault that people died. It's Vince's fault for not teaching the younger guys to not make the same moves they did. Like I said, this is just putting a bandage over the problem, and won't solve anything.

Lol, you are the one who at the beginning of your post is trying to argue that wrestlers can fake headshots. Get a clue.

What the fuck does that have to do with what I said? The headshot itself can look real, but subbing in sound effects? Chances are, if that happened, the sound wouldn't work properly for the live audience, which would just make the performers look like idiots. That's practically burning money, and if the company runs out of money, then it won't matter if they're safe, because they won't have jobs.
Long time viewer of the boards here, but first time poster in this rather intresting topic.

A few things I just want to say. In an entertainment company such as the WWE, they must do EVERYTHING they possible can to protect their stock. In this case, the wrestlers. I am 100% for protecting them from everything that they can. Without them, there is no product. Simple as. Unprotected chairshots should be banned. 100% without a doubt. Protected chairshots however......

I cannot agree with this desicion from the WWE. There are a number of reasons for this.

Firstly, a match has many factors in it. These include the wrestlers. Wrestlers like HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and the like can put on an entertaining match without the use of an outside object such as a chair. Others like Mick Foley, Abyss, Rhyno, Sabu, Raven and others are not grade A wrestlers and would not be able to put on a 5* wrestling match. Introduce a chair or a table and they can pull off quite a show. If you take away the chairs and tables from the second group, your are missing out on countless great matches.

Secondly, if the competitors can deliver and receive a chairshot DECENTLY while protecting themselves (Which can be done), then what is the problem with chairs being used? As has been said previously by Dr. Eko I think it was, it is the choice of the wrestlers to do the spot and make it dramatic. HHH and HBK have been belting chairs around each others heads and they have all looked rather good while they have protected themselves. Why stop them from doing this?

Thirdly, people have brought up the case of both Benoit and Test. A little fact for you guys. How many times have each guys fallen back or face first onto the mat from clotheslines, bodyslams, suplexes of any varity and top rope moves? Not to mention the constant shots to the head from the fists. Yes the fists may be open but it all builds up. I can tell you now, if you were too look at all the slams they took from regular wrestling manouvers vs the chairshots they took, it wouldn't even be worth comparing. Chair shots may hit harder, but they happen so little compared to regular moves, it's pointless trying to add them up.

While I see what WWE are doing, I cannot agree with it.

(Any feedback on my first post would be great :P)
For the love of god some of you are so damn stupid.

Let me get this straight; your complaining that the WWE is implementing a rule to protect their guys/girls from receiving blows to the head with steel chairs.Simply because some of you like seeing people getting nailed in the fucking head.


I do not give two shits about guys like Mick Foley who are at such a low talent level that they must resort to such garbage tactics to entertain the fans.It is disgusting. LEARN HOW TO WRESTLE. WWE is doing something that puts them at a level above every other company: setting standards.
They do not let their guys maul each other with chairs because it is dangerous and completely unnecessary.

I applaud them for banning chair shots to the head. At least somebody out there gives two shits about their wrestlers well-beings.
For the love of god some of you are so damn stupid.

Let me get this straight; your complaining that the WWE is implementing a rule to protect their guys/girls from receiving blows to the head with steel chairs.Simply because some of you like seeing people getting nailed in the fucking head.


I do not give two shits about guys like Mick Foley who are at such a low talent level that they must resort to such garbage tactics to entertain the fans.It is disgusting. LEARN HOW TO WRESTLE. WWE is doing something that puts them at a level above every other company: setting standards.
They do not let their guys maul each other with chairs because it is dangerous and completely unnecessary.

I applaud them for banning chair shots to the head. At least somebody out there gives two shits about their wrestlers well-beings.

Yes, I am sure Mick Foley is at such a low talent level that his matches against HBK and Undertaker were pure garbage. Each and every one of them -_-

Also, saying "Learn how to wrestle" is a bit of a contradiction. Part of the learning process is taking a chair shot while protecting yourself. If people "LEARN HOW TO WRESTLE" as you put it, then they would protect themselves correctly from chair shots.
Yes, I am sure Mick Foley is at such a low talent level that his matches against HBK and Undertaker were pure garbage. Each and every one of them -_-

Also, saying "Learn how to wrestle" is a bit of a contradiction. Part of the learning process is taking a chair shot while protecting yourself. If people "LEARN HOW TO WRESTLE" as you put it, then they would protect themselves correctly from chair shots.

Holy FUCK, someone who actually gets it! I can't believe my eyes!

There's a way to properly deliver and sell a chairshot so that it does almost no damage. It's called putting your hands up, and it's been protecting people from concussions from chairs for fucking decades now. Take a guy like Triple H, who ALWAYS puts his hands up to protect himself. He's absolutely fine, and as far as I'm aware has NEVER suffered a concussion in his career, and he's been involved in some absolute bloodbaths and hardcore brawls with everything from tables, ladders, and chairs to barbed wire. The guy is fine. And why? Because he's a damn good wrestler who knows how to do his fucking job.

No shit taking a completely unprotected shot to the skull with a piece of steel is going to have long term effects, THAT'S WHY YOU PROTECT YOURSELF WHEN TAKING THE CHAIRSHOT! It's really not very difficult and anyone who's actually attempted to train or wrestle would probably be able to tell you that.

I have no problem with them banning straight chair-shots to the skull. I do have a problem with them banning ANY contact with the head at all with a chair when it's really not very difficult to safely deliver and sell a chairshot. As someone before me said in this thread, EVERY wrestling move has the potential to main, cripple, and KILL YOU. That bodyslam, that powerbomb, that suplex, that hurricanrana, all of these moves if performed incorrectly can SERIOUSLY injure and even KILL YOU. But you don't ban every single fucking wrestling move because it ha the potential to harm the individual, which is what has been happening over the last decade in the WWE with more and more and more moves being banned by the day, week, and year.

At what point do they just cut out top rope moves and german suplexes and DDTs and powerbombs, because they're too dangerous as well? At what point does this stop being professional wrestling and start being an orchestrated dancing contest?

Properly delivered chairshots do not cause concussions. Botched ones do. Learn the difference people.
Exactly my point Mr. Eko. I was reading the thread and seeing your comments. I couldn't quite seem to grasp the fact that people did not seem to understand you. So, I finally cracked, made an account and tried to help get the point across.

Hopefully people will see the message soon.
lets jump right to the point. where would any wrestling company be without the infamous chair shot to the head? most, if not all fans wanna see this n the blood that goes with it in a realistic sense. also wtf is wrong with everyone on here? leave john cena the fukk outta everything n stop pickin on him! wtf u think has kept wwe on tv since stone cold left the business? cena and the taker! thats who! period! cena has been the man who has overcome unbelievable obstacles[remember him n the big show a few yrs ago n cena took beatin of his life then picked up big show and over his shoulders, turned all 4 directions in the ring then slammed him? and won btw lay off cena! hes been our monday nite look at 4 5 years solid now! thx 4 hearin me out! gimme a o helllll yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
As I said before I don't agree with the ban but I don't think we've seen the end of chairs. If the hands are up the intent is for the chair to hit the hands not the head so this may still go on. So if someone doesn't put their hands up when they know it's coming they may be the one getting fined. It's open to interpretation the way it's worded.
I'm on the fence with this issue because I have no problem with banning chair shots to the head, but I DO have a problem with WWE continuing to promote matches such as No Holds Barred and Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. But unlike some of those people who are bashing the rule change already, I'm willing to give the roster a chance to prove that they can be creative enough in the matches where chair shots were commonplace to make me forget that the rule exists.
Lastly, I pissed you off because I'm "taking the easy way out"? How's this: You're pissing me off because you're being such a heartless person with no understanding or sympathy for the men and women that break themselves trying to entertain you 300 days a year. You think that protecting someone's health in ANY way, shape, or form is "taking the easy way out"? You think that taking drastic measures when people's future health and LIVES are on the line is "taking the easy way out"? You need a psychiatrist.

I need a psychiatrist??? Don't even give me that bull. You are taking what I am saying completely out of context. It's lazyness on the part of the company for not making sure the performers are properly trained for a particular move, whether it be a chair shot or a suplex. In no way shape or form should anyone who is not properly trained try any moves that they are not comfortable with. I am starting to think some of you people are mentally slow. A protected chair shot to the head is one where the wrestler takes the impact of the blow... ON HIS HANDS!!! If you were actually a wrestler at any time in your life, you would know that. Wrestling schools take time out to actually teach people how to take a proper head shot with a chair. And a proper head shot does not make contact with the head. PERIOD. Again, no inexpericanced wrestler should even be allowed to attempt this, but if you are telling me that in order to intensify a feud, a Randy Orton wouldn't be able to SIMULATE a chairshot to the head of a John Cena, then the product suffers, because it is harder to generate that level of heat.

What you don't get is a little thing called THE LAW . Which says that if a person works for someone and gets injured the person who hired them can be sued for damages. Now if there is a wellness policy in place AND the person gets injured then the business owner is not responsible unless they contributed to it.

Now before you give that each person responsibility talk understand that Vince is also thinking about the kids that watch his program. And the reality is that people who post in these forums ARE NOT WWE'S Core demographic at all. They are catering to the Mc Donald's crowd so you are the minority. And when wrestlers die, the parents stop buying the magazine, comic book, wristbands, and all the other stuff that bring in the money.

If you want hardcore watch CZW, IWS or IWA. They do unprotected shots all the time. I was at a show this saturday that featured Alex Shelley from TNA. But since you are not Vince's main target, you have to just deal.

And I would rather the wrestlers live to re-live the glory days than see them with injuries that affect them for years to come.

I don't care how much training you get. A chair shot still hurts and causes trauma to the head. Ask your doctor or better yet. Let someone hit you and we'll see how quickly you'll want to take another one.

Again, someone taking what I am saying out of context. I am in no way shape or form supporting UNPROTECTED chairshots. They are dangerous and unnecessary. But there is a proper way to take a chairshot to the head. You take the impact with your hands. So many have done it in the past, from the Austin to Rock, to HBK to Taker, to Triple H and Cena, on and on and on. Make sure your talent is trained to take a proper chairshot and completely ban unprotected headshots. I agree with this. But to ban even a protected one is just stupid. That is my opinion. The WWE has limited their performers enough. From various top rope moves to the piledriver to the german suplex (when is the last time you saw a german suplex on WWE TV?) I just think that banning a move that is not harmful if taken correctly but is able to have a huge impact on a feud or match is very bad business.
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Please. Chair shots aren't killing anyone. Its a combination of things. Maybe if WWE paid more attention to caring for wrestlers after they leave would be a better option. Maybe WWE should look at cutting down on the endless travel. They can survive with 3 TV shows and 1/2 house shows.

How about giving the stars vacations when they complete a major storyline or lose a title? Just give them a week off? The performers need a better recovery and recuperating time then what WWE gives them now. Many stars continue to say that. Thats why some went to other promotions to less grueling schedules.

No more chair shots? Well I can't help but be born and bred into WWE during 1999. Times change but things are just getting to PG13 for me to appreciate it anymore. Its not fun but fun for kids. O well. I'm still a fan but slowly giving up on them. Depends on the matches I guess.

No more hardcore division. No more tag team division. NO, there are no more real tag teams in WWE. No curiserweight division. No more piledrivers because folks can't do them right. Now we have to stop matches to tend to a cut eye with some blood. They can't recapture the 80s era just like the won't recapture the Attitude era. Vince is as much to blame for his performers well being. What about their mental well being? The company shits on anyone who leaves.

I'm on the fence with this issue because I have no problem with banning chair shots to the head, but I DO have a problem with WWE continuing to promote matches such as No Holds Barred and Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. But unlike some of those people who are bashing the rule change already, I'm willing to give the roster a chance to prove that they can be creative enough in the matches where chair shots were commonplace to make me forget that the rule exists.

Therein lies the problem. I can't buy a TLC match with no chair shots to the head. I can't buy into a no holds bard match while they stop to make sure everyone is pretty and no blood. Some will like it some will not. That is why alternative, a popular alternative not this back of the yard shows.

Most of the current stars lack any charisma and style they made stars in the 80s and 90s larger then life without chair shots.
Man, how many CLASSIC moments has chair shots to the head provided to us? Remember the ROYAL RUMBLE where Matt ultimately betrayed Jeff and cost him the heavyweight belt? Or how about where Vickie first betrayed Rey Mysterio and whacked him with the chair during his match with Chavo years ago? How about when Edge attacked Ric Flair after the live sex show? Granted I do think some chair shots are abit over the edge after the person is already down...but, there are some moments where its impactful. I do think there has to be a fine line drawn.
In a way, I really do want there to be some limit to the safety of performers, like making sure people are trained properly in Hardcore specialty. Because you can see people fighting in the ring who don't know what the hell they are doing in a regular wrestling match, how would you expect them to do in a hardcore match? Then you take for example maybe the botched piledrivers people have done? Like when SCSA took that piledriver by O.Hart and his neck was permanently messed up. It was 2 trained people, but just a miscue of time, and various elements. WWE takes away the old bra and panty matches, the blood on tv, the old time hardcore matches. Everything is now "This wrestling match has been edited for TV...." it feels like.. Pretty soon its like watching the Sopranos on Lifetime or something "Hey Big Pooty, what the Frick do you mean with this Bull-Oney?" Is this what its come to?
i think it is a great policy because to many past wrestlers have died or went crazy and killed other people, in part, because of chair shots to the head.

i think we can all live without one move if our guys that we love watching stop dying or killing others.

what i am interested in is vince and bret hart's street fight. i wonder if the boss will ok it for that. lol
i think it is a great policy because to many past wrestlers have died or went crazy and killed other people, in part, because of chair shots to the head.

i think we can all live without one move if our guys that we love watching stop dying or killing others.

what i am interested in is vince and bret hart's street fight. i wonder if the boss will ok it for that. lol

Chair shots lead Chris Beniot to kill his family??

There are a LOT of things that contributed to formers wrestlers bad health and I'm sure steroid use, lack of recuperating time, botched moves, continuous body slams, and other factors lead to some wrestlers losing their lives. Stop pointing to chair shots only as the savior of wrestler's lives.
xratedrko- i wasnt saying that is was the only thing that contributed, and maybe it didnt do much at all. i know he did the flying headbutt which probably screwed up his brain. they said that his brain showed the signs of a person with alztimers (cant spell, lol). i know that chairshots were not the only thing, but even jr said they should be eliminated. its true that if protected its not a big deal, but wwe is trying to protect their guys and probably their image. we dont need chair shots. use belts or other weapons that are easier to cover but look worse. (i.e. hhh's sledgehammer blow looks like it would hurt more than a chairshot, but he covers it with his hand.

am i completely happy they are gone, no. it probably will take away from the product a little bit, but ill be happier if the wrestlers stop getting hurt.

plus, they are now geared towards kids. kids dont know how to take a chair shot, and they do emulate their wrestlers. im not for censorship as i feel it is the parent's responsibility, but i can live without chair shots to the head.

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